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GNU Info File  |  1996-10-12  |  10KB  |  209 lines

  1. This is Info file m4.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input
  2. file m4.texinfo.
  4. * m4: (m4).            A powerful macro processor.
  6.    This file documents the GNU `m4' utility.
  7.    Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software
  8. Foundation, Inc.
  9.    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
  10. manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
  11. preserved on all copies.
  12.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
  13. this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
  14. the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
  15. permission notice identical to this one.
  16.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
  17. manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
  18. versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
  19. translation approved by the Foundation.
  20. File: m4.info,  Node: Concept index,  Next: Macro index,  Prev: Compatibility,  Up: Top
  21. Concept index
  22. *************
  23. * Menu:
  24. * Arguments to macros:                  Arguments.
  25. * arguments to macros:                  Macro Arguments.
  26. * arguments to macros, special:         Pseudo Arguments.
  27. * arguments, quoted macro:              Quoting Arguments.
  28. * arithmetic:                           Arithmetic.
  29. * builtins, indirect call of:           Builtin.
  30. * call of builtins, indirect:           Builtin.
  31. * call of macros, indirect:             Indir.
  32. * changing comment delimiters:          Changecom.
  33. * changing the quote delimiters:        Changequote.
  34. * characters, translating:              Translit.
  35. * command line, filenames on the:       Invoking m4.
  36. * command line, macro definitions on the: Invoking m4.
  37. * command line, options:                Invoking m4.
  38. * commands, exit code from UNIX:        Sysval.
  39. * commands, running UNIX:               UNIX commands.
  40. * comment delimiters, changing:         Changecom.
  41. * comments:                             Comments.
  42. * comments, copied to output:           Changecom.
  43. * comparing strings:                    Ifelse.
  44. * compatibility:                        Compatibility.
  45. * conditionals:                         Ifdef.
  46. * controlling debugging output:         Debug Levels.
  47. * counting loops:                       Loops.
  48. * debugging output, controlling:        Debug Levels.
  49. * debugging output, saving:             Debug Output.
  50. * decrement operator:                   Incr.
  51. * defining new macros:                  Definitions.
  52. * definitions, displaying macro:        Dumpdef.
  53. * deleting macros:                      Undefine.
  54. * deleting whitespace in input:         Dnl.
  55. * discarding diverted text:             Cleardiv.
  56. * displaying macro definitions:         Dumpdef.
  57. * diversion numbers:                    Divnum.
  58. * diverted text, discarding:            Cleardiv.
  59. * diverting output to files:            Divert.
  60. * dumping into frozen file:             Frozen files.
  61. * error messages, printing:             Errprint.
  62. * evaluation, of integer expressions:   Eval.
  63. * executing UNIX commands:              UNIX commands.
  64. * exit code from UNIX commands:         Sysval.
  65. * exiting from m4:                      M4exit.
  66. * expansion of macros:                  Macro expansion.
  67. * expansion, tracing macro:             Trace.
  68. * expressions, evaluation of integer:   Eval.
  69. * extracting substrings:                Substr.
  70. * fast loading of frozen files:         Frozen files.
  71. * file inclusion <1>:                   Undivert.
  72. * file inclusion:                       File Inclusion.
  73. * filenames, on the command line:       Invoking m4.
  74. * files, diverting output to:           Divert.
  75. * files, names of temporary:            Maketemp.
  76. * forloops:                             Loops.
  77. * formatted output:                     Format.
  78. * frozen files for fast loading:        Frozen files.
  79. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Indir.
  80. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Search Path.
  81. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Undivert.
  82. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Esyscmd.
  83. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Regexp.
  84. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Builtin.
  85. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Arguments.
  86. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Extensions.
  87. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Patsubst.
  88. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Frozen files.
  89. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Format.
  90. * GNU extensions <1>:                   Debug Output.
  91. * GNU extensions:                       Debug Levels.
  92. * included files, search path for:      Search Path.
  93. * inclusion, of files <1>:              File Inclusion.
  94. * inclusion, of files:                  Undivert.
  95. * increment operator:                   Incr.
  96. * indirect call of builtins:            Builtin.
  97. * indirect call of macros:              Indir.
  98. * initialization, frozen states:        Frozen files.
  99. * input tokens:                         Syntax.
  100. * input, saving:                        M4wrap.
  101. * integer arithmetic:                   Arithmetic.
  102. * integer expression evaluation:        Eval.
  103. * length of strings:                    Len.
  104. * lexical structure of words:           Changeword.
  105. * loops:                                Loops.
  106. * loops, counting:                      Loops.
  107. * macro definitions, on the command line: Invoking m4.
  108. * macro expansion, tracing:             Trace.
  109. * macro invocation:                     Invocation.
  110. * macros, arguments to <1>:             Arguments.
  111. * macros, arguments to:                 Macro Arguments.
  112. * macros, displaying definitions:       Dumpdef.
  113. * macros, expansion of:                 Macro expansion.
  114. * macros, how to define new:            Definitions.
  115. * macros, how to delete:                Undefine.
  116. * macros, how to rename:                Defn.
  117. * macros, indirect call of:             Indir.
  118. * macros, quoted arguments to:          Quoting Arguments.
  119. * macros, recursive:                    Loops.
  120. * macros, special arguments to:         Pseudo Arguments.
  121. * macros, temporary redefinition of:    Pushdef.
  122. * messages, printing error:             Errprint.
  123. * multibranches:                        Ifelse.
  124. * names:                                Names.
  125. * options, command line:                Invoking m4.
  126. * output, diverting to files:           Divert.
  127. * output, formatted:                    Format.
  128. * output, saving debugging:             Debug Output.
  129. * pattern substitution:                 Patsubst.
  130. * printing error messages:              Errprint.
  131. * quote delimiters, changing the:       Changequote.
  132. * quoted macro arguments:               Quoting Arguments.
  133. * quoted string:                        Quoted strings.
  134. * recursive macros:                     Loops.
  135. * redefinition of macros, temporary:    Pushdef.
  136. * regular expressions <1>:              Patsubst.
  137. * regular expressions:                  Regexp.
  138. * reloading a frozen file:              Frozen files.
  139. * renaming macros:                      Defn.
  140. * running UNIX commands:                UNIX commands.
  141. * saving debugging output:              Debug Output.
  142. * saving input:                         M4wrap.
  143. * search path for included files:       Search Path.
  144. * special arguments to macros:          Pseudo Arguments.
  145. * strings, length of:                   Len.
  146. * substitution by regular expression:   Patsubst.
  147. * substrings, extracting:               Substr.
  148. * temporary filenames:                  Maketemp.
  149. * temporary redefinition of macros:     Pushdef.
  150. * tokens:                               Syntax.
  151. * tracing macro expansion:              Trace.
  152. * translating characters:               Translit.
  153. * undefining macros:                    Undefine.
  154. * UNIX commands, exit code from:        Sysval.
  155. * UNIX commands, running:               UNIX commands.
  156. * words, lexical structure of:          Changeword.
  157. File: m4.info,  Node: Macro index,  Prev: Concept index,  Up: Top
  158. Macro index
  159. ***********
  160.    References are exclusively to the places where a builtin is
  161. introduced the first time.  Names starting and ending with `__' have
  162. these characters removed in the index.
  163. * Menu:
  164. * builtin:                              Builtin.
  165. * changecom:                            Changecom.
  166. * changequote:                          Changequote.
  167. * changeword:                           Changeword.
  168. * debugfile:                            Debug Output.
  169. * debugmode:                            Debug Levels.
  170. * decr:                                 Incr.
  171. * define:                               Define.
  172. * defn:                                 Defn.
  173. * divert:                               Divert.
  174. * divnum:                               Divnum.
  175. * dnl:                                  Dnl.
  176. * dumpdef:                              Dumpdef.
  177. * errprint:                             Errprint.
  178. * esyscmd:                              Esyscmd.
  179. * eval:                                 Eval.
  180. * file:                                 Errprint.
  181. * format:                               Format.
  182. * gnu:                                  Other Incompat.
  183. * ifdef:                                Ifdef.
  184. * ifelse:                               Ifelse.
  185. * include:                              Include.
  186. * incr:                                 Incr.
  187. * index:                                Index.
  188. * indir:                                Indir.
  189. * len:                                  Len.
  190. * line:                                 Errprint.
  191. * m4exit:                               M4exit.
  192. * m4wrap:                               M4wrap.
  193. * maketemp:                             Maketemp.
  194. * patsubst:                             Patsubst.
  195. * popdef:                               Pushdef.
  196. * pushdef:                              Pushdef.
  197. * regexp:                               Regexp.
  198. * shift:                                Loops.
  199. * sinclude:                             Include.
  200. * substr:                               Substr.
  201. * syscmd:                               Syscmd.
  202. * sysval:                               Sysval.
  203. * traceoff:                             Trace.
  204. * traceon:                              Trace.
  205. * translit:                             Translit.
  206. * undefine:                             Undefine.
  207. * undivert:                             Undivert.
  208. * unix:                                 Other Incompat.