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Text File  |  2002-01-28  |  166KB  |  5,626 lines

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  778.           Hint = 'When you start AutoQuake it will show you cool start image'
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  854.           Hint = 'AutoQuake uses it own cursors'
  855.           Caption = 'Use AutoQuake 2000 cursors'
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  857.           Font.Color = clWindowText
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  875.             'Cursors1'
  876.             'Cursors2')
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  879.           Left = 8
  880.           Top = 117
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  882.           Height = 17
  883.           Hint = 
  884.             'AutoQuake 2000 will use colorful window captions. Colors go by t' +
  885.             'he skin colors.'
  886.           Caption = 'Use colorful window captions'
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  1467.           'cor entertainment'
  1468.           'corckscrew'
  1469.           'corkscrew'
  1470.           'countdown'
  1471.           'counter'
  1472.           'counterlife'
  1473.           'counter-life'
  1474.           'counterstrike'
  1475.           'counter-strike'
  1476.           'cow'
  1477.           'cow&chicken'
  1478.           'cowchicken'
  1479.           'cqa'
  1480.           'crate'
  1481.           'cratedm'
  1482.           'cratedm3'
  1483.           'crbot'
  1484.           'creeper'
  1485.           'creeperctf'
  1486.           'crime'
  1487.           'criminal'
  1488.           'crimson'
  1489.           'crisis51'
  1490.           'cronobot'
  1491.           'cronosbots'
  1492.           'crowbar'
  1493.           'crowbarfootball'
  1494.           'crusade'
  1495.           'crush'
  1496.           'crushdepth'
  1497.           'crushdepthlandassault'
  1498.           'cry'
  1499.           'cry havoc'
  1500.           'cryhavoc'
  1501.           'cs'
  1502.           'cstrike'
  1503.           'ctc'
  1504.           'ctf'
  1505.           'ctf3'
  1506.           'ctfbot'
  1507.           'ctfbot+'
  1508.           'ctfbot11'
  1509.           'ctg'
  1510.           'cujo14'
  1511.           'custents'
  1512.           'custlith'
  1513.           'customdm'
  1514.           'cw'
  1515.           'cyber'
  1516.           'cyberworld'
  1517.           'cyborgs'
  1518.           'cycorps'
  1519.           'cydonia'
  1520.           'da_qdm23'
  1521.           'damage'
  1522.           'dapak'
  1523.           'dark'
  1524.           'dark operations'
  1525.           'darkcity'
  1526.           'darkexperience'
  1527.           'darkhour'
  1528.           'darkmatch'
  1529.           'darkness'
  1530.           'darkops'
  1531.           'darkstar'
  1532.           'das schwarze auge'
  1533.           'dav'
  1534.           'dawn of darkness'
  1535.           'dawn raid'
  1536.           'dawnofdarkness'
  1537.           'dawnofthedead'
  1538.           'dawnraid'
  1539.           'dayofdefeat'
  1540.           'daytona'
  1541.           'dbts'
  1542.           'dctf'
  1543.           'dday'
  1544.           'd-day'
  1545.           'deadhorse'
  1546.           'deadlode2'
  1547.           'deadly'
  1548.           'deadlyhalf-life'
  1549.           'deadlyhl'
  1550.           'deathmatch'
  1551.           'deathmatch plus'
  1552.           'deathmatchclassic'
  1553.           'deathstorm'
  1554.           'decay'
  1555.           'decembre'
  1556.           'decimal'
  1557.           'deegee'
  1558.           'deegee fortress'
  1559.           'deegeefortress'
  1560.           'deegee-strike'
  1561.           'deep'
  1562.           'def_111'
  1563.           'def_ents2'
  1564.           'deliverance'
  1565.           'deluted'
  1566.           'dementia'
  1567.           'demon'
  1568.           'demonic ctf'
  1569.           'demontag'
  1570.           'desert'
  1571.           'desertstorm'
  1572.           'destiny'
  1573.           'destinymod'
  1574.           'detonation'
  1575.           'devastation'
  1576.           'devgroup'
  1577.           'dev-group'
  1578.           'devil'
  1579.           'devil2'
  1580.           'devilwithin'
  1581.           'devq2'
  1582.           'df'
  1583.           'dfinal'
  1584.           'dg'
  1585.           'diamondcutter'
  1586.           'die by the saber'
  1587.           'diebythesaber'
  1588.           'dieh'
  1589.           'diehard'
  1590.           'digitalpaint'
  1591.           'digitalsplatter'
  1592.           'dimensia'
  1593.           'dirty'
  1594.           'djetc'
  1595.           'dkmjk20'
  1596.           'dm'
  1597.           'dm lithium'
  1598.           'dm+'
  1599.           'dm3rules'
  1600.           'dm4-qw20'
  1601.           'dmachine'
  1602.           'dmages'
  1603.           'dmbaseqc'
  1604.           'dmbest'
  1605.           'dmbot1'
  1606.           'dmc'
  1607.           'dmcoliseum'
  1608.           'dmf94'
  1609.           'dmmde321'
  1610.           'dmplus'
  1611.           'dm-plus'
  1612.           'dmq-reap'
  1613.           'dmx'
  1614.           'dnl'
  1615.           'do'
  1616.           'doa'
  1617.           'dod'
  1618.           'dodge-ball'
  1619.           'dogs of war'
  1620.           'dogsofwar'
  1621.           'dom'
  1622.           'domination'
  1623.           'doom'
  1624.           'doom2'
  1625.           'doom21'
  1626.           'doomgun'
  1627.           'doomguns'
  1628.           'doomtc'
  1629.           'dope_dm'
  1630.           'dotf'
  1631.           'doujinshi'
  1632.           'dow'
  1633.           'downtown mages'
  1634.           'downtownmages'
  1635.           'dp'
  1636.           'dr'
  1637.           'dragon'
  1638.           'dragonball'
  1639.           'dragonballz'
  1640.           'dragonctf'
  1641.           'dragonmodz'
  1642.           'dreaper'
  1643.           'dronebot'
  1644.           'dropdead106a'
  1645.           'drug'
  1646.           'drugfinal'
  1647.           'dsa'
  1648.           'dstrike'
  1649.           'dualaction'
  1650.           'duel'
  1651.           'duke17'
  1652.           'dukenuke'
  1653.           'dukepc21'
  1654.           'eagle-force'
  1655.           'earnaweapon'
  1656.           'earth'
  1657.           'earths'
  1658.           'eaw'
  1659.           'echelon'
  1660.           'echelon level event'
  1661.           'eclipse'
  1662.           'ed'
  1663.           'edeathmatch'
  1664.           'edm11'
  1665.           'edm-v099'
  1666.           'efx'
  1667.           'egypt'
  1668.           'ejeckt'
  1669.           'eject'
  1670.           'ele'
  1671.           'elim'
  1672.           'elim141'
  1673.           'elim20'
  1674.           'eliminator'
  1675.           'elite'
  1676.           'elite squad arena'
  1677.           'elitehud'
  1678.           'elitesquadarena'
  1679.           'empires'
  1680.           'encumbrance'
  1681.           'endofdays'
  1682.           'enemygates'
  1683.           'enhance'
  1684.           'enlisted'
  1685.           'entropy'
  1686.           'eot'
  1687.           'equals'
  1688.           'equilibium'
  1689.           'equilibrium'
  1690.           'eraser'
  1691.           'ertai'
  1692.           'ertaideathmatch'
  1693.           'esa'
  1694.           'escape'
  1695.           'esforces'
  1696.           'espace'
  1697.           'espionage'
  1698.           'et'
  1699.           'etc'
  1700.           'europe'
  1701.           'eventhorizon'
  1702.           'ever'
  1703.           'everq'
  1704.           'everquake'
  1705.           'evil'
  1706.           'evil wf'
  1707.           'evil within'
  1708.           'evilctf'
  1709.           'evildead'
  1710.           'evilw'
  1711.           'evilwithin'
  1712.           'ewp'
  1713.           'excessive'
  1714.           'excessive overkill'
  1715.           'existence'
  1716.           'experience'
  1717.           'expermnt'
  1718.           'expert'
  1719.           'expert quake'
  1720.           'expert10'
  1721.           'expert11'
  1722.           'expertctf'
  1723.           'expertquake'
  1724.           'expertquake2'
  1725.           'extra-terestrial'
  1726.           'extreme'
  1727.           'eyeball'
  1728.           'eyes104c'
  1729.           'fa'
  1730.           'fa1'
  1731.           'fair'
  1732.           'faith'
  1733.           'faith0'
  1734.           'famkebot'
  1735.           'fantasy'
  1736.           'farms'
  1737.           'fastfrag'
  1738.           'fastmod'
  1739.           'fatal'
  1740.           'fb10b1'
  1741.           'fbattle'
  1742.           'fbi'
  1743.           'fear'
  1744.           'fear20'
  1745.           'feartech'
  1746.           'felony'
  1747.           'ff_ctf'
  1748.           'fff'
  1749.           'ffos'
  1750.           'ffs'
  1751.           'ffx'
  1752.           'fieldview'
  1753.           'final quake real'
  1754.           'finalassassin'
  1755.           'finalbattle'
  1756.           'final-net'
  1757.           'finalq'
  1758.           'finaltournament'
  1759.           'finmod'
  1760.           'fire'
  1761.           'firea'
  1762.           'firearms'
  1763.           'firehouse'
  1764.           'firepower'
  1765.           'firesquad'
  1766.           'firstmod'
  1767.           'fishdm'
  1768.           'fist full of steel'
  1769.           'fists'
  1770.           'fists of fury'
  1771.           'fistsoffury'
  1772.           'fithelement'
  1773.           'fixxxer'
  1774.           'fkac'
  1775.           'fkc'
  1776.           'flag'
  1777.           'flagmatch'
  1778.           'flagwars'
  1779.           'flamethrower'
  1780.           'flametwr'
  1781.           'flatearth'
  1782.           'flf'
  1783.           'fly'
  1784.           'flyhead'
  1785.           'flyheads'
  1786.           'fof'
  1787.           'football'
  1788.           'foothills'
  1789.           'fooz1'
  1790.           'forcec'
  1791.           'forever'
  1792.           'forge'
  1793.           'forgottenwar'
  1794.           'forkingandcountry'
  1795.           'fortress'
  1796.           'fq'
  1797.           'fqr'
  1798.           'fqreal'
  1799.           'fragbot'
  1800.           'fraggin'
  1801.           'freakball'
  1802.           'freakball arena'
  1803.           'freakballarena'
  1804.           'free fall x'
  1805.           'freefall'
  1806.           'freeze'
  1807.           'freeze tag'
  1808.           'freezetag'
  1809.           'friday'
  1810.           'frik'
  1811.           'frikbt'
  1812.           'frikbt09'
  1813.           'friktf'
  1814.           'frogbot'
  1815.           'frontline'
  1816.           'frontlineforce'
  1817.           'fstier1'
  1818.           'fugitive'
  1819.           'full life'
  1820.           'fulllife'
  1821.           'full-life-akai'
  1822.           'fullmetaljacket'
  1823.           'fun'
  1824.           'funkymixture'
  1825.           'future'
  1826.           'futurewars'
  1827.           'futurscape'
  1828.           'fw'
  1829.           'fwars'
  1830.           'fvf'
  1831.           'fvf4'
  1832.           'gallery'
  1833.           'gang'
  1834.           'gang repulsive'
  1835.           'gangr'
  1836.           'gangrepulsive'
  1837.           'gangsta wars'
  1838.           'gangstawars'
  1839.           'gangsters'
  1840.           'garden'
  1841.           'gathering'
  1842.           'gatling'
  1843.           'gauntlet'
  1844.           'gearbox'
  1845.           'gen'
  1846.           'genclfix'
  1847.           'generations'
  1848.           'genesis'
  1849.           'genetique'
  1850.           'genocide'
  1851.           'gettysburg'
  1852.           'geye'
  1853.           'gf2'
  1854.           'ghost'
  1855.           'ghost tc'
  1856.           'girls'
  1857.           'gladiator'
  1858.           'glmario'
  1859.           'global terrorist prevention'
  1860.           'globalcrisis'
  1861.           'globalterroristprevention'
  1862.           'globalwarfare'
  1863.           'gloom'
  1864.           'gman'
  1865.           'gnougnou'
  1866.           'goblincity'
  1867.           'god fathers 2'
  1868.           'godfather'
  1869.           'godfather 2'
  1870.           'godfather2'
  1871.           'godfathers'
  1872.           'godwar'
  1873.           'goldcup'
  1874.           'goldeneye'
  1875.           'goldeneyemod'
  1876.           'goodbot'
  1877.           'gore'
  1878.           'gore69'
  1879.           'gorefeast'
  1880.           'gr'
  1881.           'granades09'
  1882.           'grenade'
  1883.           'grenades'
  1884.           'greyfox'
  1885.           'grinspq2'
  1886.           'grinspq3'
  1887.           'groundzero'
  1888.           'groundzero2'
  1889.           'grq'
  1890.           'grunts'
  1891.           'gruntsvstechs'
  1892.           'gslog'
  1893.           'gtp'
  1894.           'gun'
  1895.           'gundam'
  1896.           'gunman'
  1897.           'gunslinger'
  1898.           'gunslinger quake 2'
  1899.           'gunslingerq2'
  1900.           'gunslingerquake2'
  1901.           'gutreaction'
  1902.           'gw'
  1903.           'gxmod'
  1904.           'g∩┐╜tterd∩┐╜mmerung'
  1905.           'half-chance'
  1906.           'half-lifability'
  1907.           'half-life2000'
  1908.           'half-life5000'
  1909.           'half-quake'
  1910.           'halfsqd'
  1911.           'haliflife pro'
  1912.           'haliflifepro'
  1913.           'hanger16'
  1914.           'happy fun hook'
  1915.           'happy12'
  1916.           'happyfunhook'
  1917.           'hard'
  1918.           'hassault'
  1919.           'hate'
  1920.           'haunted'
  1921.           'havoc'
  1922.           'hbdemo'
  1923.           'hdr'
  1924.           'head hunters'
  1925.           'headhunt'
  1926.           'headhunters'
  1927.           'heads'
  1928.           'heart'
  1929.           'heat'
  1930.           'heavyrisk'
  1931.           'helen'
  1932.           'hellblaze'
  1933.           'hellfire'
  1934.           'hellraiserv1'
  1935.           'heroes'
  1936.           'hf'
  1937.           'hfh'
  1938.           'hh'
  1939.           'hh250full'
  1940.           'hh254'
  1941.           'hh295'
  1942.           'hh2cl20'
  1943.           'hhctf'
  1944.           'highlander'
  1945.           'highscore'
  1946.           'hill'
  1947.           'hip'
  1948.           'hipnotic'
  1949.           'hipqw-201'
  1950.           'hit'
  1951.           'hivefleet'
  1952.           'hl matrix'
  1953.           'hl2000'
  1954.           'hl2k'
  1955.           'hl5000'
  1956.           'hl5k'
  1957.           'hlaction'
  1958.           'hlcomando'
  1959.           'hlf'
  1960.           'hlmatrix'
  1961.           'hlpro'
  1962.           'hlq'
  1963.           'hlrally'
  1964.           'hl-rally'
  1965.           'hl-rd'
  1966.           'hls'
  1967.           'hltdm'
  1968.           'hlwf'
  1969.           'hlworld'
  1970.           'hmctf'
  1971.           'hockey'
  1972.           'hohh'
  1973.           'holoqdude'
  1974.           'holy'
  1975.           'holy wars'
  1976.           'holy wars 3'
  1977.           'holy141'
  1978.           'holycow'
  1979.           'holywars'
  1980.           'hoodlum'
  1981.           'hook'
  1982.           'horror'
  1983.           'horse'
  1984.           'hostile'
  1985.           'hostile territory'
  1986.           'hostile terrory'
  1987.           'hostileassault'
  1988.           'hostileintent'
  1989.           'hostilet'
  1990.           'hostileterritory'
  1991.           'hotpotato'
  1992.           'hotpotatoctf'
  1993.           'house'
  1994.           'house of hard havoc'
  1995.           'houseofhardhavoc'
  1996.           'hover2'
  1997.           'howitzer'
  1998.           'hpctf'
  1999.           'hq'
  2000.           'hqvideo'
  2001.           'ht'
  2002.           'hulk'
  2003.           'human'
  2004.           'human decision required'
  2005.           'humandecisionrequired'
  2006.           'humanfuture'
  2007.           'hunger'
  2008.           'hunger2'
  2009.           'hunt'
  2010.           'hunted'
  2011.           'hunter'
  2012.           'hunterhunted'
  2013.           'hunters'
  2014.           'hw'
  2015.           'hw_frogbot'
  2016.           'hwalpha2'
  2017.           'iamod'
  2018.           'ice'
  2019.           'ice_10'
  2020.           'impact'
  2021.           'imperial'
  2022.           'imperialbattles'
  2023.           'imperium'
  2024.           'indiscriminate'
  2025.           'inferno'
  2026.           'infestation'
  2027.           'infested'
  2028.           'infinity'
  2029.           'innovations'
  2030.           'insane'
  2031.           'instagib'
  2032.           'instagib+'
  2033.           'instagibplus'
  2034.           'intensity'
  2035.           'intro'
  2036.           'invade'
  2037.           'invasion'
  2038.           'invasion 1955'
  2039.           'invasion1955'
  2040.           'ironcurtain'
  2041.           'ironfist'
  2042.           'island'
  2043.           'iwbot21'
  2044.           'jacknife'
  2045.           'jail'
  2046.           'jailbreak'
  2047.           'jailbreakhl'
  2048.           'jb'
  2049.           'jbond'
  2050.           'jctf2b'
  2051.           'jedi'
  2052.           'jjxp'
  2053.           'joe'
  2054.           'journeyhome'
  2055.           'journeyman'
  2056.           'jsqcmod1'
  2057.           'jteam093'
  2058.           'judgement'
  2059.           'jumbot'
  2060.           'jumpbot'
  2061.           'jungle'
  2062.           'jurassica'
  2063.           'justice'
  2064.           'k&a'
  2065.           'kaa'
  2066.           'kal_qk-s'
  2067.           'kanonbal'
  2068.           'kanonball'
  2069.           'kanonballers'
  2070.           'karma'
  2071.           'katmod'
  2072.           'kc'
  2073.           'kd'
  2074.           'kdeath'
  2075.           'kdeath20'
  2076.           'kdeath21'
  2077.           'keep'
  2078.           'keys2'
  2079.           'kick'
  2080.           'kickflip'
  2081.           'killer'
  2082.           'killers'
  2083.           'killthemanwiththetoad'
  2084.           'kinddeath'
  2085.           'king'
  2086.           'king of the server'
  2087.           'kingofthehill'
  2088.           'kingpin'
  2089.           'kings'
  2090.           'kings & assholes'
  2091.           'kings&assholes'
  2092.           'kingsandassholes'
  2093.           'kipu'
  2094.           'knifebot'
  2095.           'knights'
  2096.           'kombat'
  2097.           'kosovo'
  2098.           'koth'
  2099.           'kots'
  2100.           'koukku'
  2101.           'kquake'
  2102.           'kranut'
  2103.           'kranutb1'
  2104.           'kryn03'
  2105.           'kteams'
  2106.           'ktimpakt'
  2107.           'ktk'
  2108.           'ktlcli22'
  2109.           'ktmwtr'
  2110.           'kuaqe'
  2111.           'kunani'
  2112.           'la'
  2113.           'la rancor'
  2114.           'lambda'
  2115.           'lambda arena'
  2116.           'lambdaa'
  2117.           'lambdaarena'
  2118.           'lambdarun'
  2119.           'lambdasquad'
  2120.           'laracroft'
  2121.           'larena'
  2122.           'laser'
  2123.           'lasermine'
  2124.           'lasermod'
  2125.           'lasertag'
  2126.           'last man standing'
  2127.           'lastman'
  2128.           'lastmanstanding'
  2129.           'lavaball'
  2130.           'lavacam'
  2131.           'lazer tag'
  2132.           'lbu'
  2133.           'lee'
  2134.           'lee'#39's'
  2135.           'leon'
  2136.           'l∩┐╜on'
  2137.           'leper'
  2138.           'leper quake2'
  2139.           'l-fire'
  2140.           'lfiredm'
  2141.           'li2'
  2142.           'lisland'
  2143.           'lith'
  2144.           'lithctf'
  2145.           'lithium'
  2146.           'lithium ii'
  2147.           'lithium_hpb'
  2148.           'lithium_lpb'
  2149.           'lithium110'
  2150.           'lithium123'
  2151.           'lithium2'
  2152.           'littleskyscraperofhorrors'
  2153.           'lmctf'
  2154.           'lms0921'
  2155.           'loaded'
  2156.           'loadedq3a'
  2157.           'lockheed'
  2158.           'lockheedtombs'
  2159.           'locutus'
  2160.           'loki'
  2161.           'lokis'
  2162.           'loki'#39's minions'
  2163.           'loki'#39'sescape'
  2164.           'lollo'
  2165.           'lonegunmen'
  2166.           'lones'
  2167.           'lonewolf'
  2168.           'long'
  2169.           'longnight'
  2170.           'lost'
  2171.           'lostbreak'
  2172.           'lrkrz_01'
  2173.           'lrp'
  2174.           'lsoh'
  2175.           'luc'
  2176.           'lunchlady'
  2177.           'luokka'
  2178.           'lurkerz'
  2179.           'lvoimat'
  2180.           'machina'
  2181.           'macross'
  2182.           'mad'
  2183.           'madctf'
  2184.           'mademo'
  2185.           'madness'
  2186.           'madness!'
  2187.           'mafia'
  2188.           'majestic'
  2189.           'majestic-12conspiracy'
  2190.           'maldavria'
  2191.           'manga'
  2192.           'manhunt'
  2193.           'maniac'
  2194.           'mars'
  2195.           'massacre'
  2196.           'massdest'
  2197.           'mastersword'
  2198.           'matador'
  2199.           'match'
  2200.           'matchmod'
  2201.           'matchmod 2000'
  2202.           'matchmod2'
  2203.           'matchmod2000'
  2204.           'matrix'
  2205.           'matrix hl'
  2206.           'matrix quake 2'
  2207.           'matrixhl'
  2208.           'matrixmod'
  2209.           'matrixq2'
  2210.           'matrixquake2'
  2211.           'mayday'
  2212.           'mcam'
  2213.           'mcbeth'
  2214.           'mechfix'
  2215.           'mechwar'
  2216.           'mechwar2'
  2217.           'medieval'
  2218.           'medieval2'
  2219.           'medievalworld'
  2220.           'megahack'
  2221.           'megaman'
  2222.           'menace'
  2223.           'mercenaries'
  2224.           'mercenary'
  2225.           'mercenaryforces'
  2226.           'merctm'
  2227.           'message'
  2228.           'messageoftheday'
  2229.           'meta4'
  2230.           'metalgearxen'
  2231.           'metroid'
  2232.           'metroidtc'
  2233.           'metropolis'
  2234.           'mflag201'
  2235.           'mgib'
  2236.           'midnight'
  2237.           'midnight ctf'
  2238.           'midnightctf'
  2239.           'military'
  2240.           'militaryassault'
  2241.           'millenium'
  2242.           'minako'
  2243.           'minakoquake'
  2244.           'mindless'
  2245.           'mindless violence'
  2246.           'mindlessviolencetc'
  2247.           'minix'
  2248.           'mission'
  2249.           'missionpack'
  2250.           'missionpack1'
  2251.           'missionpack2'
  2252.           'missionpack3'
  2253.           'missionpack4'
  2254.           'missionpack5'
  2255.           'mixed'
  2256.           'mixeddm'
  2257.           'mlv'
  2258.           'mmatch12'
  2259.           'mmx'
  2260.           'mobilesuithalf-life'
  2261.           'mod'
  2262.           'mod on demand'
  2263.           'modern warfare'
  2264.           'modernwarfare'
  2265.           'modondemand'
  2266.           'mohaa'
  2267.           'mojave'
  2268.           'mom'
  2269.           'momqb17'
  2270.           'money'
  2271.           'money21'
  2272.           'money23'
  2273.           'monsoon'
  2274.           'monstermatch'
  2275.           'mor'
  2276.           'morbid'
  2277.           'morbidinclination'
  2278.           'motd'
  2279.           'motddllv2'
  2280.           'mp'
  2281.           'mp1'
  2282.           'mp2'
  2283.           'mp3'
  2284.           'mpeo'
  2285.           'mpythonq'
  2286.           'mr. pants'#39' excessive overkill'
  2287.           'mrpantsexcessiveoverkill'
  2288.           'mshl'
  2289.           'mts'
  2290.           'multiskin'
  2291.           'munypak1'
  2292.           'mutually'
  2293.           'mutuallyassureddestruction'
  2294.           'my'
  2295.           'my027'
  2296.           'myq07'
  2297.           'myth'
  2298.           'myth2'
  2299.           'nakatomi'
  2300.           'nakatomi plaza'
  2301.           'nakatomip'
  2302.           'nam'
  2303.           'napalm'
  2304.           'napalm2'
  2305.           'natas'
  2306.           'navy'
  2307.           'navy fortress'
  2308.           'navy seals'
  2309.           'navy seals quake 3'
  2310.           'navy171'
  2311.           'navy1711'
  2312.           'navy181'
  2313.           'navy1811'
  2314.           'navys'
  2315.           'navyseal'
  2316.           'navyseals'
  2317.           'navysealsq3'
  2318.           'navysealsquake3'
  2319.           'navywars'
  2320.           'necromany'
  2321.           'necromunda'
  2322.           'neo'
  2323.           'neotfc'
  2324.           'neo-tfc'
  2325.           'nerfq'
  2326.           'netpar-server'
  2327.           'newmod'
  2328.           'nhl3d'
  2329.           'nhunters'
  2330.           'night'
  2331.           'night hunters'
  2332.           'nighthunters'
  2333.           'nike'
  2334.           'ninja'
  2335.           'ninjactf'
  2336.           'ninjadm'
  2337.           'ninjaq2'
  2338.           'ninjitsu'
  2339.           'niq'
  2340.           'niq193'
  2341.           'niqctf100'
  2342.           'nivenn'
  2343.           'nomad'
  2344.           'nosferatu'
  2345.           'notlh'
  2346.           'ns2'
  2347.           'ns3'
  2348.           'nuclear'
  2349.           'nuke'
  2350.           'nvs'
  2351.           'oak'
  2352.           'obsid'
  2353.           'ocrana'
  2354.           'ocrteam'
  2355.           'odanan'
  2356.           'ohk'
  2357.           'oldstyle'
  2358.           'omega'
  2359.           'omen'
  2360.           'omen2'
  2361.           'omen2_10'
  2362.           'omicron'
  2363.           'one man army'
  2364.           'onehitkilla'
  2365.           'onemanarmy'
  2366.           'oneshotonekill'
  2367.           'ontheway'
  2368.           'opctf'
  2369.           'opera'
  2370.           'operation'
  2371.           'operationredfalcon'
  2372.           'opfor'
  2373.           'opredfalcon'
  2374.           'opressor'
  2375.           'orange'
  2376.           'orange 2'
  2377.           'orange smoothie'
  2378.           'orange2'
  2379.           'orchard'
  2380.           'orio'
  2381.           'osok'
  2382.           'osp'
  2383.           'osp tourney dm'
  2384.           'osptourneydm'
  2385.           'otage'
  2386.           'outrun'
  2387.           'oxymoron'
  2388.           'oxymoron 5'
  2389.           'oxymoron5'
  2390.           'oz'
  2391.           'oz deathmatch'
  2392.           'oz dm'
  2393.           'ozdm'
  2394.           'p.u.f.f'
  2395.           'paddybot'
  2396.           'pain'
  2397.           'painkeep'
  2398.           'painrift'
  2399.           'paintball'
  2400.           'painx166'
  2401.           'painx200'
  2402.           'pal'
  2403.           'pam'
  2404.           'parallax'
  2405.           'paranoid'
  2406.           'particletotalcontrol'
  2407.           'pb10'
  2408.           'pb10b1'
  2409.           'pb2'
  2410.           'pball'
  2411.           'pdm'
  2412.           'pf'
  2413.           'pfiction'
  2414.           'pfrag'
  2415.           'pg'
  2416.           'phantasmal'
  2417.           'phantasmalgarrison'
  2418.           'phantom'
  2419.           'phatsplat'
  2420.           'phineas'
  2421.           'phineas bots'
  2422.           'phineasbot'
  2423.           'pictf'
  2424.           'pig2k'
  2425.           'pirates_viking and knights'
  2426.           'pkbot'
  2427.           'plague'
  2428.           'plaguetc'
  2429.           'plasmic'
  2430.           'player'
  2431.           'plunder'
  2432.           'poke'
  2433.           'poke646'
  2434.           'pokemod'
  2435.           'politicalarena'
  2436.           'potato'
  2437.           'pow'
  2438.           'power'
  2439.           'power forcec'
  2440.           'powerball'
  2441.           'powerforces'
  2442.           'powerpillz'
  2443.           'powerq'
  2444.           'powerup'
  2445.           'ppa'
  2446.           'prangq'
  2447.           'predator'
  2448.           'prison1'
  2449.           'prisoners of war'
  2450.           'pro'
  2451.           'professional'
  2452.           'professionalkillers'
  2453.           'project'
  2454.           'project phaaxy'
  2455.           'projecthl'
  2456.           'projectphaaxy'
  2457.           'projectphallaxy'
  2458.           'projectx'
  2459.           'pro-lithium'
  2460.           'prometheus'
  2461.           'promod'
  2462.           'pro-rocket'
  2463.           'prototype'
  2464.           'provincial'
  2465.           'ps07'
  2466.           'puff'
  2467.           'puffy'
  2468.           'pun'
  2469.           'pure'
  2470.           'purectf'
  2471.           'puredm'
  2472.           'pv&k'
  2473.           'pvk'
  2474.           'q2000'
  2475.           'q2comp'
  2476.           'q2flog'
  2477.           'q2frag'
  2478.           'q2rock'
  2479.           'q3 manga'
  2480.           'q3a++'
  2481.           'q3comp'
  2482.           'q3f'
  2483.           'q3manga'
  2484.           'q3paintball'
  2485.           'q3q_100'
  2486.           'q3q2rail'
  2487.           'q3radio'
  2488.           'q3rally'
  2489.           'q3terminator'
  2490.           'q3tf'
  2491.           'q3woh'
  2492.           'q3world of hate'
  2493.           'q3zoo'
  2494.           'qarena'
  2495.           'q-ball'
  2496.           'qbc'
  2497.           'qbdsv91'
  2498.           'qcarnage'
  2499.           'qdm-002a'
  2500.           'qdq'
  2501.           'qduke'
  2502.           'qf_bt34'
  2503.           'qfl'
  2504.           'qforever'
  2505.           'qh'
  2506.           'qintro'
  2507.           'qmarines'
  2508.           'qmteam'
  2509.           'qplus20'
  2510.           'qpong'
  2511.           'qr10full'
  2512.           'qracing'
  2513.           'qrally'
  2514.           'qsp'
  2515.           'qteam'
  2516.           'qteam20'
  2517.           'quad_hunt_v10'
  2518.           'quadhunt'
  2519.           'quadquak'
  2520.           'quake 3 rally'
  2521.           'quake 3 world of hate'
  2522.           'quake iii alchemy'
  2523.           'quake iii arena requiem'
  2524.           'quake iii avalanche'
  2525.           'quake_wars'
  2526.           'quake2000'
  2527.           'quake3 fortress'
  2528.           'quake3fortress'
  2529.           'quake3rally'
  2530.           'quake3worldofhate'
  2531.           'quake-ball'
  2532.           'quakefootball'
  2533.           'quakeinnovations'
  2534.           'quakeplus'
  2535.           'quakesystem'
  2536.           'quaketc'
  2537.           'quaketv'
  2538.           'quest'
  2539.           'quizard3'
  2540.           'qw'
  2541.           'qwar'
  2542.           'qwar2'
  2543.           'qwclan'
  2544.           'qwcomp'
  2545.           'qwduel20'
  2546.           'qwfix'
  2547.           'qwplayer'
  2548.           'qwring'
  2549.           'qwteam10'
  2550.           'qxmas97'
  2551.           'ra'
  2552.           'ra2'
  2553.           'raction'
  2554.           'radio'
  2555.           'rage'
  2556.           'ragebr'
  2557.           'ragoon'
  2558.           'rail'
  2559.           'rail arena'
  2560.           'railarena'
  2561.           'railfest'
  2562.           'railgun'
  2563.           'railwars'
  2564.           'rally'
  2565.           'rambot'
  2566.           'rampage'
  2567.           'rancor'
  2568.           'rancor092a'
  2569.           'randomnine'
  2570.           'rang'
  2571.           'rangers'
  2572.           'ransom'
  2573.           'rarena2'
  2574.           'rat'
  2575.           'rav'
  2576.           'raw'
  2577.           'raven'
  2578.           'rawforce'
  2579.           'rbg_q3a_mod'
  2580.           'rcb'
  2581.           'rcbm'
  2582.           'rd'
  2583.           'real'
  2584.           'realaction'
  2585.           'realbot'
  2586.           'realdm'
  2587.           'real-life'
  2588.           'realms'
  2589.           'realv1'
  2590.           'realv12'
  2591.           'reaper'
  2592.           'reaper81'
  2593.           'rebellion'
  2594.           're-birth'
  2595.           'reciprocity'
  2596.           'recon'
  2597.           'recon6'
  2598.           'reconsix'
  2599.           'rectify'
  2600.           'red rover'
  2601.           'red_crosshair'
  2602.           'redemption'
  2603.           'redevil'
  2604.           'redjustice'
  2605.           'redrover'
  2606.           'redubot'
  2607.           'redwinter'
  2608.           'repulse'
  2609.           'requiem'
  2610.           'requiem quake'
  2611.           'requiemquake'
  2612.           'res'
  2613.           'res_v10'
  2614.           'resevil'
  2615.           'resident evil'
  2616.           'residentevil'
  2617.           'resistance'
  2618.           'resistance2'
  2619.           'resistance3'
  2620.           'resume'
  2621.           'resurgence'
  2622.           'resurrection'
  2623.           'revelation'
  2624.           'revenge'
  2625.           'revengeofthestroggos'
  2626.           'revolution'
  2627.           'revolver'
  2628.           'rho'
  2629.           'rhobot'
  2630.           'rho-bot'
  2631.           'ricochet'
  2632.           'riot'
  2633.           'riotsoft'
  2634.           'rip'
  2635.           'rip ii'
  2636.           'rip2'
  2637.           'ripii'
  2638.           'ripsounds'
  2639.           'rlnd2083'
  2640.           'rlnd2091'
  2641.           'rlq105'
  2642.           'rnbt42'
  2643.           'roboctf'
  2644.           'robotech'
  2645.           'rocket'
  2646.           'rocket arena'
  2647.           'rocket arena 3'
  2648.           'rocket arena q3a'
  2649.           'rocket vs. rail'
  2650.           'rocket2'
  2651.           'rocketa2'
  2652.           'rocketarena'
  2653.           'rocketarena2'
  2654.           'rocketarena3'
  2655.           'rocketcrowbar'
  2656.           'rocketcrowbarmod'
  2657.           'rocketland'
  2658.           'rocketrail'
  2659.           'rocketvsrail'
  2660.           'rocketz'
  2661.           'rockpaperscissor'
  2662.           'rod'
  2663.           'rogue'
  2664.           'ros'
  2665.           'roseville'
  2666.           'rosevillecomputers'
  2667.           'roswell'
  2668.           'rover'
  2669.           'rpg'
  2670.           'rps'
  2671.           'rr'
  2672.           'rs'
  2673.           'rts'
  2674.           'ruin'
  2675.           'run'
  2676.           'runaway'
  2677.           'runaway trai'
  2678.           'runawaytrain'
  2679.           'rune'
  2680.           'runeqw'
  2681.           'runes'
  2682.           'runfest'
  2683.           'runner'
  2684.           'runner2ce'
  2685.           'runner'#39'sdelight'
  2686.           'runningman'
  2687.           'russianfront'
  2688.           'rvgsquake'
  2689.           'rvsr'
  2690.           'ryan'
  2691.           'ryssa'
  2692.           's.h.u.d'
  2693.           's.h.u.d.'
  2694.           'sabaneta'
  2695.           'sabaneta2050'
  2696.           'saf'
  2697.           'sand'
  2698.           'savingprivateryan'
  2699.           'scanner'
  2700.           'scavengers'
  2701.           'schoolofterror'
  2702.           'schwarzeauge'
  2703.           'science & industry'
  2704.           'scientist hunt'
  2705.           'scihunt'
  2706.           'sconfig22'
  2707.           'sconfig25'
  2708.           'sconfig26'
  2709.           'sconfig30'
  2710.           'scool'
  2711.           'sco-op'
  2712.           'scrubland'
  2713.           'sctf711'
  2714.           'sd'
  2715.           'sdaq'
  2716.           'sdmq'
  2717.           'sds'
  2718.           'seals'
  2719.           'secondworldwar'
  2720.           'secrets'
  2721.           'serialkillers'
  2722.           'servobit'
  2723.           'severed'
  2724.           'sexbot12'
  2725.           'sexes'
  2726.           'sf2'
  2727.           'sfa2q01b'
  2728.           'sfq203'
  2729.           'sfquake'
  2730.           'sfquakeb'
  2731.           'sg'
  2732.           'sg-1'
  2733.           'sge10'
  2734.           'sgqcver3'
  2735.           'shadowlife'
  2736.           'shadowsofdarkness'
  2737.           'sheitmod'
  2738.           'sherman'
  2739.           'sherman project'
  2740.           'shermanproject'
  2741.           'sheroes'
  2742.           'shine'
  2743.           'shining'
  2744.           'shipquak'
  2745.           'shotgun_arena'
  2746.           'shud'
  2747.           'si'
  2748.           'siege'
  2749.           'simpson'
  2750.           'simv1b1'
  2751.           'six'
  2752.           'sk8-life'
  2753.           'skarmod'
  2754.           'skarmod4'
  2755.           'skc'
  2756.           'skirmish'
  2757.           'skirmish arena'
  2758.           'skullhunter'
  2759.           'skulmds9'
  2760.           'skynetproject'
  2761.           'skyscraper'
  2762.           'slowmo'
  2763.           'smquake_beta2'
  2764.           'snark'
  2765.           'snark wars'
  2766.           'snarkwars'
  2767.           'sniper'
  2768.           'snipers'
  2769.           'sniperwars'
  2770.           'snow'
  2771.           'snowball'
  2772.           'snowwar'
  2773.           'snow-war'
  2774.           'soc'
  2775.           'sod'
  2776.           'soe'
  2777.           'sof'
  2778.           'sofsp1'
  2779.           'sog'
  2780.           'sogalpha'
  2781.           'sogmod'
  2782.           'solid ground'
  2783.           'solidground'
  2784.           'soon'
  2785.           'sooper'
  2786.           'sooper_1_0'
  2787.           'sooperb'
  2788.           'sooperpak'
  2789.           'soperations'
  2790.           'sorcery'
  2791.           'sot'
  2792.           'soul'
  2793.           'soul reaper'
  2794.           'soulr'
  2795.           'soulreaper'
  2796.           'soundless'
  2797.           'southpark'
  2798.           'specialforces'
  2799.           'specialist'
  2800.           'speed quake'
  2801.           'speeddemon'
  2802.           'speedquake'
  2803.           'spine'
  2804.           'splatter'
  2805.           'spooge05'
  2806.           'sproutch'
  2807.           'spudgun'
  2808.           'spy'
  2809.           'spyspy'
  2810.           'spyvspy'
  2811.           'sq'
  2812.           'sq02'
  2813.           'squadron'
  2814.           'squadronghost'
  2815.           'squads'
  2816.           'squirt11'
  2817.           'srama'
  2818.           'st'
  2819.           'stand'
  2820.           'standard'
  2821.           'standthemergeofpowers'
  2822.           'star troopers'
  2823.           'star wars'
  2824.           'starcraft'
  2825.           'stargate'
  2826.           'stargatehl'
  2827.           'stargatesg2'
  2828.           'starg∩┐╜te'
  2829.           'starg∩┐╜∩┐╜tte'
  2830.           'stars'
  2831.           'starshiptroopers'
  2832.           'starshp2'
  2833.           'startroopers'
  2834.           'starwars'
  2835.           'starwep'
  2836.           'starwq'
  2837.           'stealth forces'
  2838.           'stealthassassinforce'
  2839.           'stealthforces'
  2840.           'sticky02'
  2841.           'stmop'
  2842.           'stoolbot'
  2843.           'streets of crime'
  2844.           'streetsofcrime'
  2845.           'strikeforce'
  2846.           'strikeforcedelta'
  2847.           'stripper'
  2848.           'stroggctf'
  2849.           'studios'
  2850.           'suburban'
  2851.           'suburbancommando'
  2852.           'suckmods'
  2853.           'suicide'
  2854.           'super'
  2855.           'superh'
  2856.           'superheroes'
  2857.           'superheroes ii'
  2858.           'superheroes quake'
  2859.           'superheroes2'
  2860.           'superheroesii'
  2861.           'superheroesquake'
  2862.           'supreme'
  2863.           'surreality'
  2864.           'swar'
  2865.           'swarm'
  2866.           'swars'
  2867.           'swat'
  2868.           'swatteam'
  2869.           'sweetrevenge'
  2870.           'sven co-op'
  2871.           'svencoop'
  2872.           'sven-coop'
  2873.           'sverige'
  2874.           'swhl'
  2875.           'swindle'
  2876.           'svinstagib'
  2877.           'sword'
  2878.           'svsg'
  2879.           'syntech'
  2880.           'syntechctf'
  2881.           't.e.c. arena'
  2882.           't.e.c.arena'
  2883.           't4d'
  2884.           't4thd'
  2885.           'tad'
  2886.           'tagballarena'
  2887.           'tagyerit'
  2888.           'tangential'
  2889.           'tangentialforquake2'
  2890.           'tao'
  2891.           'tao_e'
  2892.           'target'
  2893.           'tarman'
  2894.           'tc13'
  2895.           'td'
  2896.           'td2063en'
  2897.           'td263eqw'
  2898.           'td2k'
  2899.           'tdc'
  2900.           'tdk11'
  2901.           'tdragon'
  2902.           'team'
  2903.           'teamarena'
  2904.           'teamdeathmatch'
  2905.           'teamfortress'
  2906.           'teamplay'
  2907.           'teamwarfare'
  2908.           'tec'
  2909.           'teca'
  2910.           'tecarena'
  2911.           'technica'
  2912.           'technica studios'
  2913.           'tech-war'
  2914.           'termination'
  2915.           'terminator'
  2916.           'terran reclamation'
  2917.           'territorial advantage'
  2918.           'territory'
  2919.           'terror'
  2920.           'tf2'
  2921.           'tfbot'
  2922.           'tfbot080'
  2923.           'tfbot80'
  2924.           'tfc'
  2925.           'tfq'
  2926.           'thchg'
  2927.           'the 4th dimention'
  2928.           'the 5th element'
  2929.           'the assingment'
  2930.           'the awakening'
  2931.           'the coliseum'
  2932.           'the fugitive'
  2933.           'the gathering'
  2934.           'the jumbot'
  2935.           'the opera'
  2936.           'the russian front'
  2937.           'the_yard'
  2938.           'thebeginning'
  2939.           'thebuzz'
  2940.           'thedarkconjuction'
  2941.           'thedemonking'
  2942.           'thehill'
  2943.           'thenehahraproject'
  2944.           'theopera'
  2945.           'therock'
  2946.           'thestroggwar'
  2947.           'they hunger'
  2948.           'theyard'
  2949.           'thirdpp'
  2950.           'threewave'
  2951.           'threewavectf'
  2952.           'throwaxe'
  2953.           'thteam'
  2954.           'thunder'
  2955.           'thunderwalker'
  2956.           'thunderwalker ii'
  2957.           'thunderwalker2'
  2958.           'thunderwalkerii'
  2959.           'thunger'
  2960.           'thunger2'
  2961.           'tiberiansun'
  2962.           'tiberium'
  2963.           'time warp'
  2964.           'timeline'
  2965.           'timestroubles'
  2966.           'timewarp'
  2967.           'timmywar'
  2968.           'ting_05b_maps'
  2969.           'ting_05b_nomaps'
  2970.           'titan'
  2971.           'titanic'
  2972.           'tmbot11'
  2973.           'tmstart'
  2974.           'tnt'
  2975.           'todesangst'
  2976.           'tombstone'
  2977.           'toni'
  2978.           'toni2'
  2979.           'toni3'
  2980.           'toni4'
  2981.           'toni5'
  2982.           'toprung'
  2983.           'tot'
  2984.           'total'
  2985.           'totalimpact'
  2986.           'tourney'
  2987.           'tq'
  2988.           'tq3'
  2989.           'trai'
  2990.           'trenchwarfare'
  2991.           'trinity'
  2992.           'trinityhill'
  2993.           'tripod'
  2994.           'tripod3'
  2995.           'troopers'
  2996.           'truecombat'
  2997.           'trust'
  2998.           'tsm'
  2999.           'tsunami'
  3000.           'tsunami003'
  3001.           'ttxe06'
  3002.           'tubbyhunt'
  3003.           'turbo'
  3004.           'turok'
  3005.           'tw'
  3006.           'tw2'
  3007.           'twc'
  3008.           'twcreeper'
  3009.           'twistedmdls'
  3010.           'uac'
  3011.           'uc'
  3012.           'ucote'
  3013.           'udm15b'
  3014.           'ufc'
  3015.           'uiarena'
  3016.           'ultimate'
  3017.           'ultra'
  3018.           'um'
  3019.           'uncrossable'
  3020.           'und'
  3021.           'unitedconflict'
  3022.           'unlimited'
  3023.           'unrealarena'
  3024.           'upgrade'
  3025.           'uplink'
  3026.           'uqdoc'
  3027.           'urban'
  3028.           'urban ctf'
  3029.           'urban dm'
  3030.           'urban terror'
  3031.           'urban warfare'
  3032.           'urbanassault'
  3033.           'urbanctf'
  3034.           'urbandm'
  3035.           'urbanterror'
  3036.           'urbanwarfare'
  3037.           'urqwsvp-s'
  3038.           'ursp100'
  3039.           'usarmyrangers'
  3040.           'uscm'
  3041.           'uscrevenant'
  3042.           'uss darkstar'
  3043.           'ut'
  3044.           'w_destruction'
  3045.           'wa'
  3046.           'waehammer'
  3047.           'wagewars'
  3048.           'wake'
  3049.           'wakectf'
  3050.           'vampire'
  3051.           'vampires'
  3052.           'vampireslayer'
  3053.           'vanctf'
  3054.           'vanguards'
  3055.           'wanted'
  3056.           'war'
  3057.           'war in europe'
  3058.           'warbirdproductions'
  3059.           'warcrimes'
  3060.           'warfare'
  3061.           'warground'
  3062.           'warhammer'
  3063.           'warhammer40k'
  3064.           'warineurope'
  3065.           'warrior'
  3066.           'wars'
  3067.           'wars america'
  3068.           'warzo'
  3069.           'warzone'
  3070.           'waste'
  3071.           'wastel'
  3072.           'wasteland'
  3073.           'wastelands'
  3074.           'vbot'
  3075.           'vbots'
  3076.           'weapmod'
  3077.           'weapons'
  3078.           'weapons factory arena'
  3079.           'weaponsfactory'
  3080.           'weaponsofdestruction'
  3081.           'velocity'
  3082.           'velocity q3a'
  3083.           'velocityq3a'
  3084.           'vengeance'
  3085.           'vertigo'
  3086.           'westernq3'
  3087.           'wf'
  3088.           'wfa'
  3089.           'whentimescollide'
  3090.           'who dares wins'
  3091.           'whodareswins'
  3092.           'wicked3z'
  3093.           'wickedquake'
  3094.           'victim'
  3095.           'wie'
  3096.           'vietnam'
  3097.           'viking'
  3098.           'viking mod'
  3099.           'vindicate'
  3100.           'winter'
  3101.           'violence'
  3102.           'violent'
  3103.           'wiseindeath'
  3104.           'visweap'
  3105.           'vits'
  3106.           'viz'
  3107.           'wizard'
  3108.           'wizard wars'
  3109.           'wizardwars'
  3110.           'wland'
  3111.           'wod'
  3112.           'woh'
  3113.           'void'
  3114.           'woody'
  3115.           'voosh'
  3116.           'world'
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  5089.               'The name of the mod'
  5090.               'The mod'#39's informational web site'
  5091.               'The ftp site from where the mod can be downloaded'
  5092.               'The mod'#39's version number'
  5093.               'The size, in bytes, of the mod'
  5095.                 '"1" if the mod is a server only mod ( no client side content or ' +
  5096.                 'code ), "0" otherwise'
  5097.               '1 if the mod requires a matching client.dll (0 otherwise)'
  5099.                 'If this mod is "multiplayer_only", then the single player button' +
  5100.                 's ( New Game/Hazard Course/Load game etc.) are disabled in the H' +
  5101.                 'alf-Life launcher'
  5103.                 'The version of Half-Life for which the mod was generated.  Revis' +
  5104.                 'ions to Half-Life will require updates by mod authors.'
  5106.                 'Set to "1" if model bitmaps should not be shown in the Multiplay' +
  5107.                 'er | Customize menu of the Half-Life launcher'
  5109.                 'When a user chooses to create a listen server from the interface' +
  5110.                 ', each BSP file in the maps\ folder for the mod is searched.  Th' +
  5111.                 'e entity data for the BSP is scanned for the presence of the str' +
  5112.                 'ing identified by mpentity.  For insance, in Half-Life, the stri' +
  5113.                 'ng is "info_player_deathmatch" ( which is also the default if no' +
  5114.                 ' string is specified )'
  5115.               'The game DLL to load for running a server for this mod.'
  5116.               'The game DLL to load for running a linux server for this mod.'
  5118.                 'When a user chooses "New Game" for a single player mod, this is ' +
  5119.                 'the map that is loaded.'
  5121.                 'When a user chooses "Hazard Course" for a single player mod, thi' +
  5122.                 's is the map that is loaded.')
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  5168.               'mpentity '
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  5170.               'gamedll_linux '
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  5172.               'trainingmap ')
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  5330.       object DirectoryListBoxEx1: TDirectoryListBoxEx
  5331.         Left = 8
  5332.         Top = 72
  5333.         Width = 161
  5334.         Height = 225
  5335.         FileList = FileListBoxEx1
  5336.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5340.         Font.Style = []
  5341.         ItemHeight = 16
  5342.         ParentFont = False
  5343.         TabOrder = 1
  5344.       end
  5345.       object DriveComboBoxEx1: TDriveComboBoxEx
  5346.         Left = 8
  5347.         Top = 320
  5348.         Width = 161
  5349.         Height = 22
  5350.         DirList = DirectoryListBoxEx1
  5351.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5352.         Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5354.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5355.         Font.Style = []
  5356.         ParentFont = False
  5357.         TabOrder = 2
  5358.       end
  5359.       object FileListBoxEx1: TFileListBoxEx
  5360.         Left = 184
  5361.         Top = 136
  5362.         Width = 217
  5363.         Height = 161
  5364.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5365.         Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5367.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5368.         Font.Style = []
  5369.         ItemHeight = 13
  5370.         Mask = '*.bmp;*.tga;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.pcx'
  5371.         MultiSelect = True
  5372.         ParentFont = False
  5373.         TabOrder = 4
  5374.         OnClick = FileListBoxEx1Click
  5375.       end
  5376.       object FilterComboBox1: TFilterComboBox
  5377.         Left = 184
  5378.         Top = 320
  5379.         Width = 217
  5380.         Height = 21
  5381.         FileList = FileListBoxEx1
  5382.         Filter = 
  5383.           '*.bmp;*.tga;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.pcx|*.bmp;*.tga;*.' +
  5384.           'tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.pcx|*.bmp|*.bmp|*.tga|*.tga|*.ti' +
  5385.           'f;*.tiff|*.tif;*.tiff|*.gif|*.gif|*.jpeg;*.jpg|*.jpeg;*.jpg|*.pc' +
  5386.           'x|*.pcx'
  5387.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5388.         Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5390.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5391.         Font.Style = []
  5392.         ParentFont = False
  5393.         TabOrder = 5
  5394.       end
  5395.       object ScrollBox2: TScrollBox
  5396.         Left = 184
  5397.         Top = 24
  5398.         Width = 129
  5399.         Height = 89
  5400.         TabOrder = 3
  5401.         object Image3: TImage
  5402.           Left = 0
  5403.           Top = 0
  5404.           Width = 81
  5405.           Height = 65
  5406.           AutoSize = True
  5407.         end
  5408.       end
  5409.       object BitBtn7: TBitBtn
  5410.         Left = 320
  5411.         Top = 24
  5412.         Width = 81
  5413.         Height = 25
  5414.         Caption = 'Convert'
  5415.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5416.         Font.Color = clWindowText
  5417.         Font.Height = -11
  5418.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5419.         Font.Style = []
  5420.         ParentFont = False
  5421.         TabOrder = 6
  5422.         OnClick = BitBtn7Click
  5423.       end
  5424.       object FileListBoxEx2: TFileListBoxEx
  5425.         Left = 432
  5426.         Top = 136
  5427.         Width = 169
  5428.         Height = 201
  5429.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5430.         Font.Color = clWindowText
  5431.         Font.Height = -11
  5432.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5433.         Font.Style = []
  5434.         ItemHeight = 13
  5435.         Mask = '*.bmp'
  5436.         ParentFont = False
  5437.         TabOrder = 10
  5438.         OnClick = FileListBoxEx2Click
  5439.         OnKeyDown = FileListBoxEx2KeyDown
  5440.       end
  5441.       object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
  5442.         Left = 320
  5443.         Top = 56
  5444.         Width = 81
  5445.         Height = 17
  5446.         Caption = 'Invert colors'
  5447.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5448.         Font.Color = clWindowText
  5449.         Font.Height = -11
  5450.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5451.         Font.Style = []
  5452.         ParentFont = False
  5453.         TabOrder = 7
  5454.       end
  5455.       object BitBtn8: TBitBtn
  5456.         Left = 528
  5457.         Top = 104
  5458.         Width = 73
  5459.         Height = 25
  5460.         Caption = 'Delete logo'
  5461.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5462.         Font.Color = clWindowText
  5463.         Font.Height = -11
  5464.         Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  5465.         Font.Style = []
  5466.         ParentFont = False
  5467.         TabOrder = 11
  5468.         OnClick = BitBtn8Click
  5469.       end
  5470.       object CheckBox2: TCheckBox
  5471.         Left = 320
  5472.         Top = 72
  5473.         Width = 81
  5474.         Height = 17
  5475.         Caption = 'mirror image'
  5476.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5477.         Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5480.         Font.Style = []
  5481.         ParentFont = False
  5482.         TabOrder = 8
  5483.       end
  5484.       object CheckBox3: TCheckBox
  5485.         Left = 320
  5486.         Top = 88
  5487.         Width = 81
  5488.         Height = 17
  5489.         Caption = 'Flip image'
  5490.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5494.         Font.Style = []
  5495.         ParentFont = False
  5496.         TabOrder = 9
  5497.       end
  5498.     end
  5499.   end
  5500.   object BitBtn6: TBitBtn
  5501.     Left = 552
  5502.     Top = 424
  5503.     Width = 73
  5504.     Height = 25
  5505.     Caption = 'Apply'
  5506.     Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5510.     Font.Style = []
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  5514.   end
  5515.   object OpenDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog
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  5518.       '*.bmp;*.ico;*.exe|*.bmp;*.ico;*.exe|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Icons (' +
  5519.       '*.ico)|*.ico|*.exe|*.exe'
  5520.     Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
  5521.     Left = 8
  5522.     Top = 424
  5523.   end
  5524.   object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
  5525.     OnPopup = PopupMenu1Popup
  5526.     Left = 8
  5527.     Top = 424
  5528.     object Lis1: TMenuItem
  5529.       Caption = 'Add'
  5530.       OnClick = Lis1Click
  5531.     end
  5532.     object Poista1: TMenuItem
  5533.       Caption = 'Remove'
  5534.       OnClick = Poista1Click
  5535.     end
  5536.   end
  5537.   object List1: TDXImageList
  5538.     Items = <>
  5539.     Left = 8
  5540.     Top = 424
  5541.   end
  5542.   object OpenDialog2: TOpenDialog
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  5544.     Filter = '*.wav|*.wav'
  5545.     Left = 8
  5546.     Top = 424
  5547.   end
  5548.   object Cap1: TMSOfficeCaption
  5549.     AppNameText.FontKind = fkSystemB
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  5555.     CompanyText.Visible = True
  5556.     Enabled = geAlways
  5557.     Left = 8
  5558.     Top = 424
  5559.   end
  5560.   object PopupMenu2: TPopupMenu
  5561.     OnPopup = PopupMenu2Popup
  5562.     Left = 9
  5563.     Top = 423
  5564.     object Addmodificationdirectories1: TMenuItem
  5565.       Caption = 'Add modification directories'
  5566.       OnClick = SpeedButton14Click
  5567.     end
  5568.     object Addmodificationdirectory1: TMenuItem
  5569.       Caption = 'Add modification directory'
  5570.       OnClick = SpeedButton12Click
  5571.     end
  5572.     object Modifymodificationdirectory1: TMenuItem
  5573.       Caption = 'Modify modification directory'
  5574.       OnClick = SpeedButton15Click
  5575.     end
  5576.     object Removemodificationdirectory1: TMenuItem
  5577.       Caption = 'Remove modification directory'
  5578.       OnClick = SpeedButton13Click
  5579.     end
  5580.   end
  5581.   object S2: TShellLink
  5582.     Arguments = '-tray'
  5583.     Description = 'AutoQuake 2000'
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  5589.   end
  5590.   object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
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  5592.     Filter = '*.txt|*.txt'
  5593.     Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing]
  5594.     Left = 8
  5595.     Top = 424
  5596.   end
  5597.   object PopupMenu3: TPopupMenu
  5598.     Left = 9
  5599.     Top = 424
  5600.     object Clear1: TMenuItem
  5601.       Caption = 'Clear'
  5602.       OnClick = Clear1Click
  5603.     end
  5604.   end
  5605.   object CAB1: TCABFile
  5606.     CABFileContents = <>
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  5608.     LZXMemory = lzxLowest
  5609.     Left = 48
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  5611.   end
  5612.   object OpenskinDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog
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  5614.       'All skins(*.bmp;*.tga;*.pcx;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.aqs)|*.bmp;*.tg' +
  5615.       'a;*.pcx;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.aqs|New skins|*.aqs|Old skins|*.bmp' +
  5616.       ';*.tga;*.pcx;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif'
  5617.     Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
  5618.     Left = 84
  5619.     Top = 424
  5620.   end
  5621.   object D10: TDXDIB
  5622.     Left = 168
  5623.     Top = 424
  5624.   end
  5625. end