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Text File  |  2009-12-11  |  4KB  |  81 lines

  1.  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2.  //    Default policy file. Created by MIB Editor
  3.  //    Nov 4, 2009 1:23:33 PM
  4.  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. 8:version1
  7. 1
  9. {
  10.    {2213 // F-Secure
  11.       {53 // F-Secure DeepGuard
  12.          {1 // Settings
  13.             {2:DisplayString = 3:ENG (read_only)} // Language
  14.             {5:Integer = 1 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // DeepGuard Enabled
  15.             {10:Integer = 2 (choice:1:2:3,read_only)} // Action on System Modification Attempt
  16.             {20:Integer = 0 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Local Administrator Control
  17.             {30:Integer = 1 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Show Notification on Deny Events
  18.             {40:Integer = 0 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Prevent All ActiveX from Running
  19.             {100:Integer = 1 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Use Real-time Protection Network
  20.             {105:Timeticks = 500 (range:0:6000,read_only)} // Network Timeout for New Application
  21.             {110:Timeticks = 200 (range:0:6000,read_only)} // Network Timeout for Existing Application
  22.             {115:Integer = 1 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Real-time Protection Network Upstream Enabled
  23.             {160:Integer = 0 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Enhanced Process Monitoring Enabled
  24.             {200:Table(iDisplayString,String,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) =  // Applications
  25.             }
  26.             {300 // Security Levels
  27.                {700 // Performance
  28.                   {5:Integer = 1 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // DeepGuard Enabled
  29.                   {160:Integer = 0 (choice:0:1,read_only)} // Enhanced Process Monitoring Enabled
  30.                }
  31.             }
  32.          }
  33.          {2 // Statistics
  34.             {1:String =  (read_only)} // Version
  35.             {2 // License
  36.                {1:String =  (read_write)} // Owner
  37.                {2:String =  (read_write)} // Organization
  38.                {3:DisplayString =  (read_only)} // License Number
  39.                {4:Integer = 0 (choice:0:1:2,read_only)} // Product Type
  40.             }
  41.             {3:Integer =  (read_only)} // Previous Reset of Statistics
  42.             {4:Integer = 6 (read_only)} // MIB Version
  43.             {5:String =  (read_only)} // Installation Directory
  44.             {7:String =  (read_only)} // Build
  45.             {9 // Common
  46.                {1:String = 18:F-Secure DeepGuard (read_only)} // Product Name
  47.                {10:Table(iInteger,DisplayString,String,Integer,DisplayString,DisplayString,Integer) =  // Hotfixes
  48.                }
  49.             }
  50.             {22 // Configuration Updates
  51.                {120:Integer =  (read_only)} // Updating Time
  52.                {125:DisplayString =  (read_only)} // Update Serial Number
  53.             }
  54.          }
  55.          {3 // Operations
  56.             {4 // Reset Statistics
  57.                {1 // Reset
  58.                   {1:DisplayString = 1:0 (final,read_only)} // Start
  59.                   {2:DisplayString =  (read_only)} // Ack
  60.                   {3:DisplayString = 1:0 (read_write)} // ExtStart
  61.                   {4:DisplayString =  (read_only)} // ExtAck
  62.                }
  63.                {2 // Variables to Reset
  64.                   {1:OID = (final,choice:1:,read_write)} // Product Statistics Example
  65.                }
  66.                {3:Integer = 0 (final,choice:0:1,read_only)} // External Resetting
  67.             }
  68.          }
  69.          {4 // Private
  70.             {10:Table(DisplayString,iDisplayString,DisplayString,Integer,Integer,Integer) =  // old_ApplicationsTable
  71.             }
  72.             {11:Table(DisplayString,iDisplayString,DisplayString,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,DisplayString) =  // ApplicationsTable
  73.             }
  74.          }
  75.       }
  76.    }
  77. }
  79.  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  80.  //    End of default policy file