1 RunSetup [options] [commands]\nOptions:\n /CHECKADMIN - Check for administrative rights\n /CHECKFSMA - Make sure that FSMA is not installed\n /TIMEOUT:<seconds> - Timeout interval waiting for commands\n /NOCHECKDISKSPACE - Skip checking for free space on the system drive\n /COMMANDPAUSE:<seconds> - Pause inserting between commands\nCommands:\n /INSTALLSHIELD [<program file name> [<arguments>] ] - Perform installation\n /UNINSTALLSHIELD <product name> - Perform uninstallation
2 RunSetup command line syntax
100 Invalid command line passed to RunSetup
101 RunSetup was unable to launch Setup
102 RunSetup was unable to get the result code from setup.log file
103 RunSetup overflow
104 Registry uninstallation string for the product can't be read
105 RunSetup was unable to launch uninstallation
106 FSMA installation is detected (/CHECKFSMA specified)
107 RunSetup process hasn't administrative rights (/CHECKADMIN specified)
108 System drive hasn't enough free disk space for Setup temporary files