< prev
Text File
476 lines
App Name Visual Studio Installer
App Version (1033)
Frame Caption Visual Studio Installer Setup
Frame Bitmap VSIWeb.DLL,110
Dialog Caption Base Visual Studio Installer
About Box String Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Setup\n\nCopyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
MSAPPS Mode local
Inf File Name VSIWeb.INF
Maximum Object ID 520
Suppress Serial Number Dialog
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 3:1 2
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 4:1 2
Batch Mode Root Object ID 3:1 2
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us
1 CustomAction """COMMON98.DLL"", ""SetDefaultDir"", ""Common;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup,VSCommonDir"" " %d
2 Microsoft Visual Studio Installer AppSearch "%1,,,128,yes,no"
=== Visual Studio Installer Install Modes (mainstf.etf) ===
3 yes &Install Installs the toolkit for adding Windows Installer based setup to your application. Group 31 11 5 221 161 no %2
4 yes Maintenance Install Group 31 11 5 161 no
5 Group 6 7 8
6 CustomAction """COMMON98.DLL"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup,VSCommonDir"" " %p\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common
7 CustomAction """COMMON98.DLL"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,CommonFilesDir"" " %p\Common<%p\Common Files>
8 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,""9""" %d
9 AddRegData "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup,VSCommonDir,%s" %6
=== Main CAH/Detection (MainCah.etf) ===
11 Group 12 14 15 13
12 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,Reg60Cln,Microsoft Visual Studio Installer"
13 Group 24 17 18 19 20 22 23
=== EULA (MainCah.etf) ===
14 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,LicenseDlg,Setup;eula_txt"
=== IE4 Check (MainCah.etf) ===
15 CustomAction """VSIWeb.DLL"", ""QIE4Check"" "
16 CustomAction """VSIWeb.DLL"", ""DetVS6Prod"" "
=== Set DestDir to Program Items (MainCah.etf) ===
17 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,GetWindowsPathFromReg,""Programs, True"""
=== Check Operating System (MainCah.etf) ===
18 IsWin95 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,DetectOS,Win95 "
19 IsWinnt3x CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, DetectOS, winnt3x"
20 IsWinNT40 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, DetectOS, winnt40"
21 Is40Shell CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, DetectOS, 40shell"
22 IsWinNT50 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, DetectOS, winnt50"
23 IsWin98 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, DetectOS, win98"
=== Check Admin Privileges (MainCah.etf) ===
24 Check Adminstrator CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,DetectAdminPrivileges"
=== Sys Always (system.etf) ===
31 Group 491 201 81 121 131 41 51 231 111 91 101 141 71 151 %d
=== Tahoma Font Component (fptahoma.etf) ===
41 Group 43
42 DetectOlderFile """tahoma.ttf""" %w\fonts
43 Depend "42 ? 44 : 47"
44 Depend "20 ? 45 46 : 47"
45 CopyFile "Font Files,tahoma_ttf" %W
46 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,ReplaceFont,tahoma.ttf" %w\fonts
47 InstallTTFFile "Font Files, tahoma_ttf, Tahoma (True Type)" %M
=== Shell MSAddIndr component === <addindsr.etf>
51 Group 52 56 %d
52 Group 53 54 55 %d
53 msaddndr.dll InstallShared "AddIn Designer,msaddndr_dll,msaddndr.dll,,493" %7\designer
54 msaddndr.dep InstallShared "AddIn Designer,msaddndr_dep,msaddndr.dep,,493" %7\designer
55 msaddndr.tlb InstallShared "AddIn Designer,msaddndr_tlb,msaddndr.tlb,,493" %7\designer
56 Group 57 59 %d
57 Depend "53 ? 58 496"
58 msaddndr.dll CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SelfReg,""AddIn Designer,msaddndr_dll""" %53
59 Depend "55 ? 60"
60 msaddndr.tlb CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterTypeLibrary,""AddIn Designer;msaddndr_tlb""" %55
=== VC CRT OS Retail (IO) (crtdllio.etf) ===
71 Group 72
72 msvcirt.dll InstallSysFile "Sys Files - CRT (IO) Dlls,msvcirt_dll" %m
=== VB Runtime (vbruntm.etf)===
81 Group 82 83
82 InstallSysFile "VB Runtime,msvbvm50_dll" Vital %M
83 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,""84"""
84 msvbvm60.dll CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterFile,""VB Runtime,msvbvm50_dll,2""" %82
=== RegSvr32 Component ( RegSvr32.etf ) ===
91 Group 92
92 regsvr32.exe InstallSysFile "Sys Files - Regsrv32, regsvr32_exe_3" %m
=== Scriptoids - scrobj (scrobj.etf) ===
101 Group 102 104 %d
102 Group 103 %d
103 scrobj.dll InstallSysFile "VID - Scriptoids,scrobj_dll" %m
104 Group 105 %d
105 Depend "103 ? 106"
106 scrobj.dll SelfReg """VID - Scriptoids"",""scrobj_dll"","""","""",""""" %103
====Debugger NT4 psapi(dbgpsapi.etf)======
111 Group 112 %D
112 Depend "20? 113"
113 InstallShared "Debugger NT4 psapi,psapi2_dll,psapi.dll,,493" %M
=== Active Scripting Files Component === <fn: script.etf>
121 Group 122 126 %d
...copying files
122 Group 123 124 125 %d
123 dispex.dll InstallSysFile "Script Engine files,dispex_dll" %m
124 jscript.dll InstallSysFile "Script Engine files,jscript_dll" %m
125 vbscript.dll InstallSysFile "Script Engine files,vbscript_dll" %m
...registering files
126 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,""127 128 129""" %d
127 dispex.dll SelfReg """Script Engine files"",""dispex_dll"","""","""",""""" %123
128 jscript.dll SelfReg """Script Engine files"",""jscript_dll"","""","""",""""" %124
129 vbscript.dll SelfReg """Script Engine files"",""vbscript_dll"","""","""",""""" %125
=== Active Scripting SCRRUN Component (scrrun.etf) ===
131 Group 132 133 %d
132 scrrun.dll InstallSysFile "Active Scripting SCRRUN,scrrun_dll" %m
133 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,""134""" %d
134 scrrun.dll SelfReg """Active Scripting SCRRUN"",""scrrun_dll"","""","""",""""" %132
=== VC MSVC[I]RT.DLL Sys (crtdll.etf) ===
141 Group 142
142 msvcrt.dll InstallSysFile "Sys Files - CRT Dlls,msvcrt_dll" %m
====HTML HELP Component (hhelp.etf) ======
151 Group 152 153 %6\Tools\VSInst
152 CopyFile "VSShared,vsinstal_chm_enu" %D
153 CopyFile "VSShared,vsinstal_chi_enu" %D
=== VS Enterprise Edition Component (vsee.etf) ===
161 yes Visual Studio Installer Installs the toolkit for adding Windows Installer based setup to your application. Group 171 321 %d
=== Vegas Shell Core Files (vegas.etf) ===
171 Group 261 281 251 331 181 191 431 241 301 291 311 %6\IDE\IDE98
=== Office Button Face Editor ===
181 Group 182
182 InstallSysFile "MS Office Button DLL,commtb32_dll" %M
=== MS Office Runtime DLLs ===
191 Group 192 193 194
192 mso97rt InstallShared "MS Office Runtime DLL,mso97rt_dll,mso97rt,,493" %H\VBA
193 mrt7enu InstallShared "MS Office Runtime DLL,mrt7enu_dll,mrt7enu,,493" %192
194 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegMso,""1033, 192"""
=== MSInfo (vbmsinfo.etf)===
201 yes Ms Info Tool used to gather system configuration information Group 202 203 204 205 206 207 %H\MSInfo
202 InstallShared "MSInfo,msinfo32_exe,MsInfo,,493"
203 CompanionFile "202: MSInfo,imgwalk_dll"
204 CompanionFile "202: MSInfo,msinf16h_exe"
205 CompanionFile "202: MSInfo,msinfo32_hlp"
206 CompanionFile "202: MSInfo,msinfo32_cnt"
207 Depend "202?208 209 210"
208 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, MSInfo;msinfo32_ftg"
209 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, MSInfo;msinfo32_fts"
210 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, MSInfo;msinfo32_gid"
=== ATL Component (atl.etf) ===
221 Group 222 %d
...copying files (atl.etf)
222 Group 223 %d
223 Depend "18 ? 224 226:225 228"
224 atl.dll InstallShared "ATL,atl_dll_1,atl.dll,,493 " %m
225 atl.dll InstallShared "ATL,atl_dll_2,atl.dll,,493 " %m
226 Depend 224 ? 227
227 atl.dll SelfReg "ATL,""atl_dll_1"","""","""",""""" %224
228 Depend 225 ? 229
229 atl.dll SelfReg "ATL,""atl_dll_2"","""","""",""""" %225
=== VI/VJ Common Shell Help Component === <fn=shellhlp.etf>
231 Group 232 233 235 %d
232 InstallShared "Shell Help, vshelp_dll, vshelp.dll,,493" %H\VS98
233 Depend "232 ? 234"
234 vshelp.dll SelfReg "Shell Help,vshelp_dll,,,," %232
235 Group 236 %232\resources\1033
236 vshelpui.dll InstallShared "Loc Shell Help,vshelpui_dll_enu,vshelpui.dll(enu),,493" %d
=== vb wizards tlbinf32 (tlbinf32.etf) ===
241 Group 242 243
242 InstallShared "VB TLBINF32,tlbinf32_dll,tlbinf32.dll,,493" %M
243 Depend "242?244"
244 tlbinf32.dll CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterFile,""VB TLBINF32,tlbinf32_dll,3""" %242
=== shared shell file - sdm.dll === <fn: shellsdm.etf>
251 Group 252 254 %m
252 Group 253 %d
253 mssdm.dll InstallSysFile "Shell SDM,sdm_dll" %m
254 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,""255"""
255 mssdm.dll SelfReg """Shell SDM"",""sdm_dll"","""","""",""""" %253
=== Environment - Vegas Shell === <fn: shellenv.etf>
261 Group 262 %d
262 Group 263 270 %m
263 Group 264 265 266 267 268 269 %m
264 mdm.exe InstallSysFile "environment,mdm_exe" %m
265 msdbg.dll InstallSysFile "environment,msdbg_dll" %m
266 msdbgen.dll InstallSysFile "environment,msdbg_dll_enu" %m
267 pdm.dll InstallSysFile "environment,pdm_dll" %m
268 javale.dll InstallSysFile "environment,javale_dll" %m
269 scriptle.dll InstallSysFile "environment,scriptle_dll" %m
270 Group 271 272 275
271 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SyncEXECalloutCAH,""""""%s\mdm.exe"""" -regserver""" %264
272 Depend 23 ? 273 274
273 AddRegData "LOCAL,""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"",""Machine Debug Manager"",""%s\mdm.exe""" %264
274 RemoveRegEntry "LOCAL,""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices"",""Machine Debug Manager"""
275 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,NeverRemoveGroup,"" 276 277 278 279 """
276 msdbg.dll SelfReg """environment"",""msdbg_dll"","""","""",""""" %265
277 pdm.dll SelfReg """environment"",""pdm_dll"","""","""",""""" %267
278 javale.dll SelfReg """environment"",""javale_dll"","""","""",""""" %268
279 scriptle.dll SelfReg """environment"",""scriptle_dll"","""","""",""""" %269
=== Vegas Shell - Localized components === <fn: locshell.etf>
281 Group 282 %d\resources\1033
282 Group 283 284 285 286 287 288 %d
283 genprjui.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,genprjui_dll_enu,genprjui.dll(enu),,493" %d
284 VSide.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,vside_dll_enu,VSide.dll(enu),,493" %d
285 vspkgui.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,vspkgui_dll_enu,vspkgui.dll(enu),,493" %d
286 vssccui.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,vssccui_dll_enu,vssccui.dll(enu),,493" %d
287 vsslnui.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,vsslnui_dll_enu,vsslnui.dll(enu),,493" %d
288 htmedui.dll InstallShared "Loc Vegas Shell,htmedui_dll_enu,htmedui.dll(enu),,493" %d
=== (vsee) Solution Build Component === <fn: solutbld.etf>
291 Group 292 294 %d
292 Group 293 %d
293 vssln.dll InstallShared "(vsee) Solution Build,vssln_dll,vssln.dll,,493" %d
294 Group 295 %d
295 Depend "293 ? 296"
296 vssln.dll SelfReg """(vsee) Solution Build"",""vssln_dll"","""","""",""""" %293
=== (vsee) SCC Component (scc.etf) ===
301 Group 302 304 %d
302 Group 303 %d
303 vsscc.dll InstallShared "(vsee) SCC,vsscc_dll,vsscc.dll,,493" %d
304 Group 305 %d
305 Depend "303 ? 306"
306 vsscc.dll SelfReg """(vsee) SCC"",""vsscc_dll"","""","""",""""" %303
=== Vegas Template Component (vegastmp.etf) ===
311 vjprojMain Group 312 %d
312 vjprojCopy Group 313 314 315 %d\NewFileItems
313 TextFile.txt InstallShared "Vegas Templates, textfile_txt, TextFile.txt,,493" %d
314 NewHTML.htm InstallShared "Vegas Templates, newhtml_htm_1, NewHTML.htm,,493" %d
315 newitems.vsd InstallShared "Vegas Templates, newitems_vsd_1, newitems.vsd,,493" %d
=== Vegas Shell Keyboard schemes (kydbtmp.etf) ===
321 Group 322 323 324 %d
322 InstallShared "Shell Keyboard schemes,ds6_vsk,ds6.vsk,,493" %d
323 InstallShared "Shell Keyboard schemes,vb6_vsk,vb6.vsk,,493" %d
324 InstallShared "Shell Keyboard schemes,ds2_vsk,ds2.vsk,,493" %d
=== msenv component - Vegas Shell === <fn: msenv.etf>
331 Group 332 342 357 %d
332 Group 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 %d
333 dte.tlb InstallShared "msenv,dte_tlb,dte.tlb,,493" %d
334 msenv.dll InstallShared "msenv,msenv_dll,msenv.dll,,493" %d
335 msenvp.dll InstallShared "msenv,msenvp_dll,msenvp.dll,,493" %d
336 devenv.exe InstallShared "msenv,vj6_exe,devenv.exe,,493" %d
337 VSext.olb InstallShared "msenv,vj6ext_olb,VSext.olb,,493" %d
338 vjext.tlb InstallShared "msenv,vjext_tlb,vjext.tlb,,493" %d
339 views.prf InstallShared "msenv,views_prf,views.prf,,493" %d
340 jautoexp.ini InstallShared "msenv sys,jautoexp_dat,jautoexp.ini,,493" %w
341 textext.tlb InstallShared "msenv,textext_tlb,textext.tlb,,493" %d
342 Group 343 345 347 348 350 352 354 %d
343 Depend "333 ? 344"
344 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterTypeLibrary,""msenv;dte_tlb""" %333
345 Depend "337 ? 346"
346 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterTypeLibrary,""msenv;vj6ext_olb""" %337
347 Depend "334 ? 356 371"
348 Depend "334 ? 349"
349 msenv.dll SelfReg """msenv"",""msenv_dll"","""","""",""""" %334
350 Depend "335 ? 351"
351 msenvp.dll SelfReg """msenv"",""msenvp_dll"","""","""",""""" %335
352 Depend "341 ? 353"
353 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterTypeLibrary,""msenv;textext_tlb""" %341
354 Depend "338 ? 355"
355 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,RegisterTypeLibrary,""msenv;vjext_tlb""" %338
356 StampCDInfo "334, 106, 196"
357 Group 358 359 %d
358 CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, msenv;vsmenu_ctm" %284
359 Group 360 361
360 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SyncEXECalloutCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
361 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,LaunchExeCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
362 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SyncEXECalloutCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
363 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,LaunchExeCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
364 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SyncEXECalloutCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
365 devenv.exe CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,LaunchExeCAH,""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" /setup""" %336
366 AddRegData "CLASSES,""Licenses\1FB639E1-771F-11d1-8FD4-00A0C91E29D5"",,""ldaskjeinankjgbnkcejnkrgnkvntkhzkhbtnkste"""
=== Vegas Shell DDEEXEC Associations === <fn: vegasfta.etf>
371 Group 372 378 384 391 397 403 409 415 %334
372 Group 373 374 375 376 377 %d
373 AddRegData """"",""HTML.Layout\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
374 AddRegData """"",""HTML.Layout\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
375 AddRegData """"",""HTML.Layout\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
376 AddRegData """"",""HTML.Layout\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
377 AddRegData """"",""HTML.Layout\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
378 Group 379 380 381 382 383 %d
379 AddRegData """"",""batfile\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
380 AddRegData """"",""batfile\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
381 AddRegData """"",""batfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
382 AddRegData """"",""batfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
383 AddRegData """"",""batfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
384 Depend "20 ? 385"
385 Group 386 387 388 389 390 %d
386 AddRegData """"",""cmdfile\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
387 AddRegData """"",""cmdfile\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
388 AddRegData """"",""cmdfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
389 AddRegData """"",""cmdfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
390 AddRegData """"",""cmdfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
391 Group 392 393 394 395 396 %d
392 AddRegData """"",""cssfile\shell\open"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
393 AddRegData """"",""cssfile\shell\open\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
394 AddRegData """"",""cssfile\shell\open\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
395 AddRegData """"",""cssfile\shell\open\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
396 AddRegData """"",""cssfile\shell\open\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
397 Group 398 399 400 401 402 %d
398 AddRegData """"",""htmlfile\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
399 AddRegData """"",""htmlfile\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
400 AddRegData """"",""htmlfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
401 AddRegData """"",""htmlfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
402 AddRegData """"",""htmlfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
403 Group 404 405 406 407 408 %d
404 AddRegData """"",""inifile\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
405 AddRegData """"",""inifile\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
406 AddRegData """"",""inifile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
407 AddRegData """"",""inifile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
408 AddRegData """"",""inifile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
409 Group 410 411 412 413 414 %d
410 AddRegData """"",""Visual.FoxPro.Form\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
411 AddRegData """"",""Visual.FoxPro.Form\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
412 AddRegData """"",""Visual.FoxPro.Form\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
413 AddRegData """"",""Visual.FoxPro.Form\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
414 AddRegData """"",""Visual.FoxPro.Form\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
415 Group 416 417 418 419 420 %d
416 AddRegData """"",""txtfile\shell\EditWithVS"","""",""&Edit with Visual Studio"","""""
417 AddRegData """"",""txtfile\shell\EditWithVS\command"","""",""""""%s\devenv.exe"""" """"%%1"""""",""""" %d
418 AddRegData """"",""txtfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec"","""",""Open(""""%%1"""")"","""""
419 AddRegData """"",""txtfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\application"","""",""vstudio"","""""
420 AddRegData """"",""txtfile\shell\EditWithVS\ddeexec\topic"","""",""system"","""""
=== VBA Files (vbvba.etf)===
431 Group 432 433
432 InstallSysFile "VBA Files,riched20_dll" %M
433 InstallShared "VBA Files,scp32_dll,scp32.dll,,493" %M
=== Setup files (setup.etf) ===
491 Group 511 492 499 493 494 495 %6\Tools\VSInst\Setup\1033
492 CopySection "Common Setup" %d
493 vsiweb_dll CopyFile "SetupProdCah,vsiweb_dll" %d
494 WriteTableFile "setup.stf" %d
495 selfreg.dll InstallShared "SetupProdCah,selfreg_dll,selfreg.dll,,493 " %m
496 msaddndr.dll CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL,SelfUnReg,""AddIn Designer,msaddndr_dll""" %53
499 Group 500 %492
500 Depend 492 ? 501 502 503
501 acmsetup.fts CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, Remove ACME Help Files;acmsetup_fts"
502 acmsetup.ftg CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, Remove ACME Help Files;acmsetup_ftg"
503 acmsetup.gid CustomAction "COMMON98.DLL, RemoveAuxFile, Remove ACME Help Files;acmsetup_gid"
=== Product Specific Setup files (pssetup.etf) ===
511 Group 512
512 CopySection "Setup" %d