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  72.       What's the site about?</td>
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  74.         <tr>
  75.           <td class="maintext"><p>Afterglow.ie is the website of Icon/Interface
  76.               Designer and Illustrator, Cian Walsh. The site was set up with
  77.               the purpose of showcasing my past work in a simple and clear fashion.<br>
  78.                         <br>
  79.         You can:</p>
  80.               <ul>
  81.                 <li>Browse software and website <a href="design_interface.html">Interface
  82.                     Examples</a></li>
  83.                 <li> Download free <a href="icons.html">Icons</a> for Mac OS
  84.                   X or Windows XP </li>
  85.                 <li>Read some of my design and interface <a href="articles.html">Articles</a></li>
  86.                 <li>View some <a href="design.html">Design Work</a></li>
  87.                 <li>Peruse some <a href="photograph.html">Travel Photography</a></li>
  88.                 <li>Simply while the time away viewing some <a href="signatures.html">Signature
  89.                     graphics</a><br>
  90.                   <br>
  91.                       <br>
  92.               </li>
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  96.           <td class="maintext"><div align="left">
  97.               <p><span class="sidebartext">Design Philosophy<br>
  98.                 </span><strong>Don't bore us, get to the Chorus</strong>.It might
  99.                 be a cheesy Roxette album title but the challenge of doing something
  100.                 in a direct and transparent fashion is just too tempting to resist.<br>
  101.                             <br>
  102.           Designing for the impatient is a great tool to strip out all the unnecessary
  103.           information that the user/viewer cannot easily digest.I used the same
  104.           reasoning when building my own site.</p>
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  106.               <p> </p></td>
  107.         </tr>
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  109.           <td class="sidebartext">Signature of the Day</td>
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  112.           <td class="sidebartext"><a href="signatures.html"><img src="http://www.afterglow.ie/images/soitbegins/rotate.php"></a></td>
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  114.         <tr>
  115.           <td class="maintext">Not sure what the signature is about. Find out
  116.             more in the <a href="signatures.html">Signature</a> page.<br></td>
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  140.                       <span class="IconListing">Articles and Tutorials covering
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  149.                       <span class="IconListing">View samples of corporate <br>
  150.                       icon
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