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<div class="left_inner_box_heading"><h1>Q & A ABOUT THE MP3CONCEPT TROJAN HORSE</h1></div>
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<p>9 April 2004 - Intego, the Macintosh security specialist, yesterday<br />
announced that it had updated its virus definitions for Intego VirusBarrier<br />
to protect Mac users against the first Trojan horse that affects Mac OS X.<br />
This document contains questions and answers and provides more information<br />
about this Trojan horse and detailed technical information as to how it<br />
<p>Why did Intego decide to make an announcement about a Trojan horse affecting<br />
Mac OS X?</p>
<p>While the first versions of this Trojan horse that Intego has isolated are<br />
benign, this technique opens the door to more serious risks. The exploit<br />
that it uses is both insidious and dangerous and it is our duty as a vendor<br />
of Macintosh security solutions to protect our users. We don't believe in<br />
waiting until the damage occurs, unlike some of our competitors. The Intego<br />
Virus Security Laboratory quickly discovered how to block this Trojan horse<br />
and prevent it from running its code and as part of our commitment to our<br />
users, it was only natural that we release this in our latest virus<br />
definitions for Intego VirusBarrier.</p>
<p>We initially hesitated about releasing this information, but finally decided<br />
that it was our responsibility to alert users to this security risk.</p>
<p>It should be noted that while Intego was the first to publish information<br />
about this Trojan horse, both Symantec and McAfee released updates to their<br />
antivirus software after the publication of our press release. However,<br />
these companies do not specify whether their updates protect against this<br />
Trojan horse.</p>
<p>Is this simply a hoax?</p>
<p>Absolutely not. As we explain below, this is a major security risk, and<br />
should be taken very seriously. A hoax is something that is not true, that<br />
is created just to make people think there is a risk and to make them worry<br />
and doubt. This Trojan horse exists. We have samples of it, and it is<br />
potentially dangerous.</p>
<p>But you say this Trojan horse, or at least the examples that you have<br />
obtained, is benign. So why worry?</p>
<p>As far as we know, this Trojan horse is benign today, but nothing prevents a<br />
malicious hacker from using this same technique to create a dangerous Trojan<br />
horse. We have examined the code contained in this Trojan horse and it doesn<br />
=92t delete any files or change anything in Mac OS X, but we cannot be sure<br />
exactly what this Trojan horse is doing now, or whether it will have other<br />
effects in the future. In any case, protecting users now is better than<br />
responding too late, especially when we are aware of the threat.</p>
<p>How did you first find out about this Trojan horse?</p>
<p>Intego first heard about this from a Mac user who sent an e-mail message to<br />
our customer support department on April 6, 2004 at 11:16 am. This user<br />
provided us with information regarding this Trojan horse. This user also<br />
sent this message to Apple, Symantec and McAfee.</p>
<p>It has been known for some time that you could "hide" an application on Mac<br />
OS X as another type of file, simply by changing its name. Why is this<br />
Trojan horse different from any application whose name has been changed to,<br />
say, Song.mp3?</p>
<p>First of all, Mac OS X runs two types of applications: Cocoa and Carbon.<br />
Cocoa applications are native OS X applications, and have an .app extension.<br />
Cocoa applications are, in fact, folders containing all the bits and pieces<br />
of a program-code, resources, graphics, etc. The .app extension tells Mac OS<br />
X that an application is going to run natively.</p>
<p>Carbon applications are different. Most Carbon programs can run under either<br />
Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X, and, for this reason, have no .app extension. The Mac<br />
OS knows they are executable programs because of two resources, carb and<br />
cfrg. The carb resource indicates that it is a Carbon application and the<br />
cfrg resource indicates the location of executable code in a file's data<br />
<p>This Trojan horse is, in reality, an MP3 file, to which the two resources<br />
mentioned above (carb and cfrg) have been added. In addition, the ID3 tag of<br />
the MP3 file contains the actual code of the Trojan horse and the cfrg<br />
resource contains a pointer to that location in the file's data fork.</p>
<p>(ID3 tags are an integral part of MP3 files: they are designed to contain<br />
information such as song titles, artist and album names, etc. These tags<br />
also exist in AAC files.)</p>
<p>How exactly does this Trojan horse work?</p>
<p>When a user double-clicks the file, Mac OS X sees the carb and cfrg<br />
resources, assumes that the file is an application and launches it. The cfrg<br />
resource, which points to the actual code contained in the ID3 tag, allows<br />
this code to be executed. The application then opens, launches iTunes via an<br />
AppleEvent and plays the sound contained in the MP3 file.</p>
<p>Next, the code contained in the file's ID3 tag continues executing. In the<br />
current Trojan horse, an alert is displayed, saying that it is indeed an<br />
<p>This type of Trojan horse could launch any application that runs under Mac<br />
OS X.</p>
<p>There seems to be some confusion regarding the actual way the code is hidden<br />
in the file. Can you be more specific about this?</p>
<p>As we said in our first press release, the actual code, which can be<br />
dangerous, is stored in the ID3 tag of the MP3 file. This tag usually<br />
contains comments about a song, but in this Trojan horse, executable code is<br />
stored in this tag. As mentioned above, the cfrg resource indicates where in<br />
the file the code is stored.</p>
<p>What sort of damage can a Trojan horse like this do on Mac OS X?</p>
<p>Fortunately, unless a user is logged in as root, this type of Trojan horse<br />
cannot damage any system files as the permissions applied to these files<br />
protect them. However, it could conceivably delete any or all of a user's<br />
personal files. If a user is logged in as root, then a Trojan horse of this<br />
type could delete system files as well.</p>
<p>A Trojan horse like this could also easily delete files on external hard<br />
disks, where users generally turn off ownership and permissions, authorizing<br />
anyone to act on the files they contain.</p>
<p>How can this Trojan horse propagate?</p>
<p>This Trojan horse can propagate in several ways: if a user downloads the<br />
file from the Internet, a server or a web site, it must be compressed in one<br />
way or another. This could be zip compression, if created from the Mac OS X<br />
10.3 Finder, or Stuffit compression. This compression is necessary because<br />
the Trojan horse contains resources, which are stripped if it is downloaded<br />
without being compressed. This Trojan horse could also be encoded using<br />
binhex encoding, which maintains the resource fork as well. If the file is<br />
not compressed or encoded, it can be transferred across a local network<br />
between Macs, or even downloaded from a user's iDisk.</p>
<p>If a user sends this file to someone else by e-mail, unaware that it<br />
contains a Trojan horse, there are possibilities that it will be received<br />
intact. Apple's Mail, and Microsoft's Entourage, for example, encode this<br />
file using binhex by default, which transmits the resources that are<br />
required for this Trojan horse to function.</p>
<p>Does this Trojan horse exploit a weakness in Apple's iTunes?</p>
<p>No, iTunes is not involved in this at all. iTunes plays the audio content of<br />
the MP3 file containing the Trojan horse, but does nothing else.</p>
<p>You say that this same technique could work in other types of files, such as<br />
JPEG and GIF files. Why is this the case?</p>
<p>Files such as JPEG or GIF files have tags similar to those in MP3 files. A=<br />
s<br />
long as the code can be hidden in tags like this, it is simple to add carb<br />
and cfrg resources that point to the code's location in the files.</p>
<p>About Intego<br />
Intego develops and sells desktop Internet security and privacy software for<br />
<p>Intego provides the widest range of software to protect users and their Macs<br />
from the dangers of the Internet. Intego's multilingual software and support<br />
repeatedly receives awards from Mac magazines, and protects more than one<br />
million users in over 60 countries. Intego also offers Windows and Palm OS<br />
versions of some of its software. Intego has headquarters in the USA, France<br />
and Japan. For further information, please visit <a href="http://www.intego.com" title="www.intego.com">www.intego.com</a>.</p>
<p>As the dangers of the Internet grow, Intego is hard at work, developing new<br />
software to protect users and their Macs from the latest security and<br />
privacy threats. We protect your world.</p>
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