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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1995-10-25  |  171KB  |  3,438 lines

  1. System
  2.  Sans Serif
  3. Times New Roman
  4. Times New Roman
  5. IDCcheck
  6. Times New Roman
  7. iuSjoNqyA
  8. Times New Roman
  9. IDC Compiler Handlers
  10. filescripts
  11. utility
  12. rightbuttondoubleClick
  13. rightbuttondoubleClick
  14. 4utility
  15. B"filescripts"
  16. This is a System Book used by the IDC.  It has no useful independent functionality.
  17. Resolution
  18. Screen resolution is 800 x 600 [96 96]E
  19. 25 October 1995 09:01:38 (9))1)a)
  20. BookName
  22. IDCversion
  23. Interactive Document Compiler Version 3.1 beta
  24.  1993-1995, The University of Leeds
  25. Computer Based Learning Unit
  26. Tel: +44 113 233 4628  Fax: +44 113 233 4635
  27. Email: ken@cbl.leeds.ac.uk
  28. buttonUp
  29. sysSuspendMessages 
  30. CLOSE
  31. Toolbook
  32. Asymetrix Toolbook [ 3.0a United States ]a United States ]
  33. filescripts
  34. filescripts
  35. buttonUp
  36. ~(".sbk",n)
  37. n & ".scr"
  38. filescripts 
  41. CDBSE&File
  42. &Open...    Ctrl+O
  43. &Save    Ctrl+S
  44. Save &As...
  45. saveas
  46. &Import...
  47. import
  48. &Export...
  49. export
  50. Print Set&up...
  51. printsetup
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  53. printpages
  54. Prin&t Report...
  55. printreport
  56. Send &Mail...
  57. sendmail
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  59. E&xit    Alt+F4
  60. &Edit
  61. &Undo    Ctrl+Z
  62. Cu&t    Ctrl+X
  63. &Copy    Ctrl+C
  64. &Paste    Ctrl+V
  65. paste
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  69. selectall
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  77. Aut&hor    F3
  78. author
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  80. &Character...    F6
  81. character
  82. &Paragraph...    F7
  83. paragraph
  84. &Regular    Ctrl+Space
  85. regular
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  87. &Italic    Ctrl+I
  88. italic
  89. &Underline    Ctrl+U
  90. underline
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  92. strikeout
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  94. superscriptSubscript
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  96. normalscript
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  100. superscript
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  108. first
  109. &Last    Alt+Down
  110. &Back    Shift+F2
  111. &History...    Ctrl+F2
  112. history
  113. N&ew Page    Ctrl+N
  114. newpage
  115. &Help
  116. &Contents    F1
  117. contents
  118. Status &Bar    F12
  119. statusbar
  120. `vznznz
  121. ;z-- Standard handlers 
  122. the Interactive Document Compiler
  123. IDCcheck
  124. -- Handlers used 
  125. independently.
  126. enterApplication
  127. standAlone 
  128. saveDate 
  129. saveAs
  130. path 
  131. ~("\",f) 
  132. filename 
  133. ~("\",f) 
  134. Vi+1 
  135. -- It may be possible 
  136. nsome more 
  137. these 
  138. -- Initialization
  139. setupIDC
  140. 4logical protected,owner,tracing,compiling
  141. autosize 
  142. ID 0 
  143. IDCmenus 
  144. determineScreen 
  145. centreWindow
  146. IDCconstants 
  147. IDCFormats
  148. loadOptions
  149. :" && 
  150. && "/" && shell 
  151. "Created" 
  152. SGML tags
  153. textstring -- reads up 
  154. beginning 
  155. tagnext
  156. inputFile,IDCtago
  157. errorMessage "*TE"
  158. CR & LF & TAB & FORMFEED 
  159. CR & LF & 
  160. readFileTo(
  161. o > 0 
  162. substituteEntities(
  163. IDCero,IDCrefc
  164. l,r,v
  165. b > 1 
  166. -- b=1
  167. Vb+1 
  168. entityValue(
  169. l & v & 
  170. 4stack IDCentities
  171. e)>0 
  172.     -- could we use a standard dictionary 
  173. routine here?
  174. textlineCount(
  175. "$Dictionaries$") 
  176. UE",e
  177. tagstring -- 
  178. ,uselasttag
  179. ,IDCtagc,
  180. ,IDCremark
  181. traceLevel
  182. formats
  183. K holds most recently 
  184. Freturns 
  185. done 
  186. (t)>15 
  187. t & "..."
  188. IDCformats) 
  189.         -- The readings 
  190. (markked ** below) mean that comments 
  191.         -- 
  192.  declarations can only occur immediately 
  193. 4another tag 
  194.         -- between them 
  195. ignored.
  196. This 
  197. xbe valid 
  198. checkEmpty 
  199. () -- **
  200. "!--"
  201. x"--" 
  202. () -- **
  203. "!ENTITY"
  204. () -- **
  205. removeComments(
  206. IDCtage 
  207. ) > 0 
  208. warning "EWA",
  209. "NULL"
  210. backtag
  211. ErrorMessage "URT",
  212. process 
  213. t -- 
  214. a comma-separated list
  215. converttoitems(t)
  216. taglist
  217. "--" 
  218. butFirst(w) 
  219. "--" 
  220. butfirst(w))
  221. n)>0 
  222.     ISN",n,
  223. MQ","
  224.     -- should a 
  225. e & CRLF 
  226. attribute 
  227. pt -- 
  228. value 
  229. processed 
  230. assignment(
  231. varname(
  232. varvalue(
  233. checkAttributes 
  234. z    pt,
  235.     req,
  236.     opt,
  237.     named
  238. oneof(
  239. pt,IDCnamed) 
  240. checkAllAttributes pt,
  241. umerge(
  242. gcount,i
  243. >-- don't bother 
  244. Xendtag : see 
  245. NAV",n
  246. ~("=",v) > 0 
  247. MQ","
  248. itemNumber(n,req)
  249. n,opt) 
  250. n,ign)) 
  251. Warning "RA",
  252. n,one) 
  253. JAWE",
  254. MBS",
  255. tagClose 
  256. skip 
  257. textToEndOf 
  258. -- Compiling
  259. IDCscan
  260. IDCcompile
  261. working
  262. -- Utilities
  263. resetFile 
  264. IDCeof
  265. TBerror
  266. sysErrorNumber 
  267. F-- EOF
  268.  during compilation
  269. anchorAdjective
  270. anchorstyle()
  271. " && anchorColour() 
  272. xshown"
  273. c && "
  274. " && 
  275. & "d"
  276. c && "
  277. " && 
  278. permanentAnchors
  279. c,d,e 
  280. c,d,e 
  281. traceFile
  282. traceFileName
  283. ,)> 1 
  284. ~(".",f)
  285. f & ".LST"
  286. ) & f
  287. "dd-MMM-yy hh24:
  288. j:sec"
  289. traceFilename
  290. "Trace" 
  291. "$Control$")
  292. > 21000 
  293. "Too many 
  294.  turned off." & 
  295. closeTraceFile
  296. tracefileName 
  297. isNN(x)
  298. "0123456789" 
  299. itemnumber(i,l)
  300. l ( 0 
  301. xfound)
  302. itemize(s)
  303. ,f) > 0 
  304. quoted(s)
  305. f & "," & 
  306. st,i1,i2,i3
  307. Vq+1 
  308. MQ",st
  309. Vq+1 
  310. s & "," 
  311. i1 & enquote(i2) & i3 & 
  312. fillscript 
  313. ~("%",s) 
  314. Rp+1 
  315. checkobject 
  316. xverifyobject(n,t,l) 
  317. NO",t,n
  318. " && l && "
  319. sizeToText 
  320. gh -- 
  321. p, w:h 
  322. width:height 
  323. Zpoint sb
  324. sysPageUnitsPerPixel
  325. f > 0
  326. h+w=0 
  327. objCentre 
  328. b)/2 
  329. b)/2 
  330. nulltext
  331. expectedendtag 
  332. matchingEnd 
  333. expectedEndTag(
  334. invalidTag 
  335. NVH",t
  336. () -- soak up
  337. processing
  338. options
  339. textOption 
  340. "$TextOptions$"
  341. textOptionItem 
  342. n & i 
  343. inheader
  344. mainelement,IDCheader
  345. separator 
  346. "blank 
  347. "indent"
  348. & TAB
  349. paraStyle
  350. "$Scripts$"
  351. pNoEndTag
  352. anchorStyle
  353. emphasisStyle
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  355. headingBefore 
  356. headingCase 
  357. headingcase 
  358. headingStyle 
  359. headingAfter 
  360. listBullets 
  361. listStart 
  362. listBefore 
  363. listBetween 
  364. listAfter 
  365. makeList 
  366. params,
  367. terminators
  368. IDCitem
  369. lists
  370. gicount
  371. processText 
  372. backTag
  373. nextbullet(
  374. ,b,n) & 
  375. n & "."
  376. [(letter(n)) & "."
  377. "(" & 
  378. " & ")"
  379. "large Roman"
  380. (n)) & "."
  381. "small 
  382. "(" & 
  383. 1(n) &")"
  384. n>26 
  385. 5$TMI","letters"
  386. ("a")+n-1)
  387. "i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,vii,viii,ix,x"
  388. n < 11
  389. n < 21
  390. "x" & 
  391. n-10 
  392. n < 31
  393. "xx" & 
  394. n-20 
  395. n < 41
  396. "xxx" & 
  397. n-30 
  398.  numerals"
  399. makeAnchor 
  400. destination,
  401. -- There 
  402. duplication 
  403. activeText?
  404. phrase 
  405. stored 
  406. e -> 
  407.     -- fld -> 
  408. which 
  409. appended 
  410. IDCrogue,
  411. j&NTF" "
  412.     -- Note 
  413. created 
  414. Jfew 
  415.     -- subsequently further 
  416. Tare 
  417.     -- extended 
  418. include those 
  419. Trepeatedly.
  420. To avoid 
  421. added 
  422. Fdeleted later.
  423. q    () 
  424. Vs+1 
  425. " && 
  426. "hidden" 
  427. F-- links 
  428. (potentially) 
  429. IDChiddenlinks 
  430. IDClinks 
  431. createHotWord
  432. findName(
  433. Q NF",
  434. "anything"
  435. B"Popup" 
  436. 9!*NS",
  437. addText 
  438. charStyle,
  439. charColour,\
  440. charFont,
  441. charSize
  442. checkForNullText(t,"
  443. Vb+1 
  444. " && 
  445. Vb+1 
  446. Vb+1 
  447. Vb+1 
  448. atName,
  449. atScript,
  450. ") & 
  451. rf)-1 
  452. Vb+1 
  453. ,NNN","
  454. "$$$" -- 
  455. prevent 
  456. f0$" 
  457.     --    *** 
  458. ttwo (three) lines 
  459. a workaround 
  460. MM TB 3.0
  461. Vb+1 
  462. " && 
  463.  -- Only works 
  464. TB3.0a 
  465. xMM TB 3.0
  466. hotwordStyle 
  467. structuredText 
  468. a+ptag
  469. tidyText fld
  470. Hypertext 
  471. hypertextUpto 
  472. +upto
  473. textcase
  474. i/phrases
  475. c"H" => 
  476. (terminate 
  477. IDCanchor,
  478. ,IDCpara,IDCemphasis
  479. ,headings,IDClists
  480. tname,a,
  481. gi,b,e
  482.     - so its 
  483. z)be selected 
  484. necessary
  485. setcase(
  486. #'() 
  487. W0NA","
  488. ,pt) 
  489.  1(),"
  490. 0NTA","
  491. IDCheadings)
  492. (fld) -- obsolete? 
  493. $tidytext
  494. checkForNullTextAdded b,"
  495. will be removed 
  496. contentsEntry 
  497. Vb+1 
  498. Vb+1 
  499. --            
  500. --            
  501. " && 
  502. --            
  503. ed b,"
  504. ",fld
  505. Vb+1 
  506. --            
  507. " && 
  508. --            
  509. formatText pt,
  510. 2t -- 
  511. xhandled 
  512. "$$$" -- 
  513. "$$$" 
  514. rf -- 
  515. "title 
  516. "sentence 
  517. tidystring 
  518. " " & CR & LF
  519. (t)) 
  520. ".,;:!""'?-%/)]}"
  521. checkText 
  522. H5slist,
  523. Q5clist
  524. scrollbarneeded(
  525. IDCscroll 
  526. IDCborder 
  527. *TTL",
  528. - ensure 
  529. frame
  530. -- Dictionary routines
  531. findEntry(n,"Names")
  532. FindMediaLine 
  533. findEntryLine(n,"
  534. updateEntry 
  535. findMediaLine(n)
  536. resourceExists 
  537. -- imports Toolbook 
  538. nec. & marks 
  539. resourceCode(t) 
  540. (n,c)
  541. ;NSR",n,t
  542. F-- code + 
  543. ximported, just 
  544. icon 
  545. bitmap 
  546.         -- executables
  547. "idc"
  548. "app"
  549.         -- 
  550. "image"
  551. "photo"
  552. "graphic"
  553.         -- 
  554. Ibased
  555. "seq"
  556. "video"
  557. "audio"
  558. "anim"
  559. "$C" -- i.e cartoon
  560. "$$" 
  561. D5NF",p,"
  562. "$R" & trim(p)
  563. checkRemark 
  564. x"$R" 
  565. >>WD","
  566. S:",d
  567. (n)>32 
  568. destinations 
  569. -- Contents 
  570. "IDC$" 
  571. X    (t)
  572. "Pages" 
  573. " > 0 
  574. isFormat
  575. formatPage(
  576. -- Image 
  577. getImage 
  578. -- alignment: "tl"=
  579. S"tr"=
  580. " bl"=
  581. S"br"=
  582. "cd"=centred "ct"=
  583. L"cb"=
  584. <"cl"=
  585. -> already a 
  586. (containing 
  587. same 
  588. i,mu,s
  589. checkObject f,"
  590. (n,"$I") 
  591. ?9NF",n,"
  592. (i) > 1 
  593. i -- 
  594.     importGraphic i
  595. 9AF",i,"
  596. picture
  597. iBIF"
  598. regions 
  599. readregions(mu)
  600. relativepos(p,f,a)
  601. -- i.e. 
  602. drawdirect 
  603. images 
  604. -- Some 
  605. Erefer directly 
  606. paintObjects: there 
  607. be a change
  608. pictures 
  609. -Fkeepeof,
  610. glcount
  611. l,lp,a
  612. 4(f) 
  613. DUAF",f,"
  614.  markup"
  615. readLine(f)
  616. ~("=",l)
  617. 4parameter
  618. "$lp$" 
  619. EIMU"
  620. "96,96"
  621. lp & 
  622. objlist 
  623. convertToObject 
  624. DDds,
  625. -- ds -> description, po -> 
  626. ', lp -> logPixX,logPixY
  627. gox,oy,i
  628. nGUOT",
  629. scale(ds,lp)
  630. ~" && t && "
  631. (d)-1 
  632. d) + ox) & "," & ((
  633. d) + oy) 
  634. screen
  635. lp) / (
  636. lp) / (
  637. (d)-1 
  638. ConvertToObjects 
  639. l,lp,s,n
  640. "SensitiveScript" 
  641. :M$" 
  642. (b,po,lp)
  643. gx1,y1,x2,y2,depth,
  644. bp - 
  645. bp - 
  646. (y2+y1)/2-
  647. (y2+y1)/2-
  648. (x2+x1)/2-
  649. V2/2 
  650. (x2+x1)/2-
  651. (y2+y1)/2-
  652. (x2+x1)/2-
  653. -- Sequence 
  654. getSeq 
  655. sequence
  656. S"tr"=
  657. " bl"=
  658. S"br"=
  659. gf1,fl,fn
  660. k3pos
  661. (n,"$S") 
  662. DNF",n,"
  663. i -- 
  664. f1 && fl
  665. H-1 -- 
  666. )outset
  667. objcount
  668. framefile(i,fn)
  669. EAF",
  670. MNIF"
  671. f & fn
  672. ~("*",f)
  673. -- External 
  674. makeVideoClip 
  675. IDCvideo[][]
  676. makeClip(n,
  677. ,"$V") 
  678. makeAudioClip 
  679. IDCaudio[][]
  680. ,"$A") 
  681. makeAnimClip 
  682. IDCanim[][]
  683. ,"$C") 
  684. makePhotoClip 
  685. IDCphoto[][]
  686. ,"$P") 
  687. makeGraphicClip 
  688. IDCgraphic[][]
  689. ,"$G") 
  690. l[][],
  691. (n,t)
  692. PMNF",n,t
  693. `T(n,l) 
  694. dimensions(l) + 1) 
  695. l[2][c]
  696. l[1][c]
  697. mediaDescription(n) 
  698. l[3][c]
  699. l[][]
  700. l[1][i] 
  701. "Descriptions" 
  702. esizing
  703. IDCview
  704. fixpage
  705. styleItem 
  706. checkStyleItem 
  707. checkStyleItems
  708. i"Menu Bar",mbar 
  709. "Status 
  710. sbar 
  711. "Caption 
  712. 1cbar 
  713. "Border",
  714. IDCcopyStyle
  715. ("Give 
  716. "No such 
  717. %" && 
  718. IDCmenuBar
  719. IDCstatusBar
  720. IDCBorder
  721. IDCCaptionBar
  722. IDCVGA
  723. fixPage
  724. setupViewer 640,480
  725. sizetoviewer
  726. IDCSVGA
  727. 4800,600
  728. thickFrame
  729. readerStatusbar 
  730. topleft(
  731. topLeftWindow
  732. unfixPage
  733. statusbar
  734. toolbar
  735. gsh,sv
  736. h,v,sh,sv)
  737. multiply h 
  738. Hlpx/96 
  739. lpy/96 repectively
  740. (sh-h)/2
  741. (sv-v)/2
  742. IDCsetPageSize
  743. sizeToViewer
  744. IDCrestorePageSize
  745. -- Author mode
  746. IY$" 
  747. "Select 
  748. "Top 
  749. unfixpage
  750. -- Establish 
  751. available 
  752. "UserPages" 
  753.     -- Determine 
  754. userPage(p)
  755. = > 0 
  756.     -- Set up 
  757. "Shell"
  758. checkFormats -- 
  759. has been a 
  760. optionError t && "
  761. -- Setting 
  762. compiler 
  763. optionsFile
  764.     -- Construct 
  765. ~(".",f)
  766. "\" & f & ".OPT" 
  767.     -- Load 
  768. getOptions 
  769. k^rnf
  770. ~("=",s) > 0
  771. -- assumes = 
  772. present
  773. ~("=",s)
  774. 5]NSA"
  775. ~("=",s)
  776. saveOptions 
  777. version,
  778. "Unable 
  779. b`:" && f
  780. "[IDC" && 
  781. W && "
  782. n]" & 
  783. writeOptions f,"DefaultFile,ResourcesIndex,DestinationPath,
  784. writeFormats f
  785. T f,"
  786. a f,"
  787. n f,"
  788. { f,"
  789. writeOptionsList f,"
  790. V@",5
  791. g?",5
  792. U<",3
  793. Y>",3
  794. writeAssign f,n,
  795. n & j 
  796. N,resourcesindex,defaultfile,destinationpath
  797. ) > 1 
  798. " && v
  799. jn & "=" & v & 
  800. -- Creating compiled 
  801. saveNewBook
  802. makeNewBook
  803. gerrorcount
  804.  > 0 
  805. "Compilername" 
  806. dateStamp
  807. "d M y"
  808. "CompilerDate" 
  809. -- DDE 
  810. x"?" 
  811. P"OK"
  812. remoteSet 
  813. f -- optionsfile,inputfile
  814. x"*" 
  815. getoptions o,
  816. buttonClick 
  817. B"Detach"
  818. P"OK"
  819. exitnow
  820. P"Failed: Denied"
  821. B"Quit"
  822. editing 
  823. eitself
  824. makeNewIDC 
  825. createShell 
  826. enewdate -- removes 
  827. "NEW"
  828. saveFilename("
  829. & "SHELL.TBK","
  830. sysLockscreen 
  831. H-1 -- must 
  832. backwards 
  833. >automatically renumbered
  834. xIDCpage(i) 
  835. deletepage i
  836. "d M y 
  837. :" && 
  838. saveNewIDC
  839. selectPage
  840. extractFormats 
  841. fbs -- creates a 
  842. b [* means 
  843. keepFormats 
  844.     -- deletes 
  845. |b except 
  846. Fretains 
  847. be assigned 
  848. f,c,t
  849. 1 -- Pretend 
  850. 4awe have 
  851. "Minimized 
  852. "FORMATS"
  853. "FBK"
  854. 8),f & "." & t,t)
  855. H-1 -- 
  856. x"*" 
  857. compilerPage(
  858. minimize
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  860.  classification
  861. p -- 
  862. "USER$"
  863. p -- 
  864. p -- 
  865. -- Passwords
  866. newPassword 
  867. k information display
  868. IDCdocumentation
  869. b,fd,n
  870. ~("$",b)>0 
  871. ,Ref.No:" 
  872. "2,3,4,5,6" 
  873. TX:" & 
  874. 9&& b 
  875. 9&& formatDoc(
  876. Bi+1 
  877. xspecified>"
  878. IDCdate
  879. setFormatDoc 2,
  880. IDCauthor
  881. ("Specify 
  882. IDCaffiliation
  883. IDCcopyRight
  884. ]copyright" 
  885. IDCreference
  886. IDCcopyData
  887. gn,i,d
  888. %" && 
  889. activateIDCMenus
  890. kdataMenu,IDCstyleMenu
  891. activateMenu "
  892. ",IDCdataMenu
  893. deactivateIDCMenus
  894. deactivateMenu "
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  896.     disable 
  897. IDCcontrolPage
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  899. ("Please give 
  900. & s & 
  901. sysSuspendMessages 
  902. _=565 
  903. checkToolBookError
  904. : -- 
  905. )`-> 0 
  906. 4action 
  907. question
  908. O`<> 0 
  909. 6reports:" && 
  910. "Invalid 
  911. t" && 
  912. +g& s & "."
  913. :" && s
  914. syschangesDB 
  915. sysSuspenMessages 
  916. detaching
  917. -- Protection
  918. -- Dialogues
  919.     linkDLL "TB30DLG.
  920.         STRING saveAsDlg(
  921. ,INT)
  922. v,filterList(t),1)
  923.     unLinkDLL "
  924. specifyFile 
  925. openFileDlg(
  926. "*." & t
  927. "All files,*.*"
  928. directoryPath 
  929. chooseDirectoryDlg(
  930. -- Traps
  931. -- catches 
  932. :" && 
  933. "Label" 
  934. )6() 
  935. initialize -- initializes 
  936. EvNC",
  937. xS-- Handlers only required 
  938. znothing 
  939. prevent handler 
  940. being invoked
  941. -- IDC 
  942. IDCmenus
  943. 4stack IDCdataMenu,IDCstyleMenu
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  946. "Date,Author,Affiliation,Copyright,Reference,Documentation,
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  948. dStyle,
  949.  Bar,Status 
  950. Border,Caption 
  951.  Size,Restore 
  952. View"
  953. M",IDCStyleMenu
  954. alias "
  955. F" & squash(
  956. -- Saving
  957. saveDate
  958. 4logical 
  959. IDCcheck
  960. "d M y hh24:
  961. j:sec"
  962. p&& "(" & 
  963. 8& ")" 
  964. -- Setting 
  965. constants
  966. IDCconstants
  967. -- Special Characters
  968. IDCtago,IDCtagc,IDCtage,IDCero,IDCrefc,IDCrogue
  969. -- This 
  970. a value that should/can never occur 
  971. o(27)
  972. entities
  973. IDCentities 
  974. "amp &,lt <,gt >"
  975. -- Tags
  976. IDCheader,IDCbody
  977. headerTags,IDCtextTags,IDChypertextTags
  978. formats,IDCheadings,IDClists
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  980. fwhich names are associated
  981. IDCanchor,IDClink,IDCremark,IDCpara
  982. IDCemphasis,IDCitem
  983.         -- Header
  984. IDCheaderTags 
  985. "title,
  986. ,,credits,
  987. r,doc,copyright,help,
  988.         -- Body
  989. IDCformats 
  990. "f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9"
  991. IDCnamed 
  992.         -- Text
  993. "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5"
  994. "l1,l2,l3"
  995. "emp"
  996. merge(
  997.         -- Hypertext
  998. -- Compiling
  999. compile
  1000. compiling,tagnext,uselasttag,tracing,monitor,warnings
  1001. inputFile
  1002. gerrorcount,created
  1003.  > 0 
  1004. F > 0 
  1005. prepare
  1006. "Entities" 
  1007. "$Dictionaries$"
  1008. autosize 
  1009. resetFile(
  1010. trace "Source:" && 
  1011. textstring() -- 
  1012. Zduring 
  1013. taglist()
  1014. compileheader 
  1015. nullText
  1016. compilebody 
  1017. errors
  1018. default
  1019. ,mainelement,
  1020. IDCeof
  1021. jon d M y"
  1022. datafield "
  1023. " && 
  1024.  && "
  1025. )" && 
  1026. "Version" 
  1027. "$First$" && "/" && 
  1028. "Created" 
  1029. attribute("
  1030. ",pt)
  1031. destination(
  1032. IDCstart 
  1033. done 
  1034. nulltext
  1035. textfield 
  1036. ,"Title"
  1037. matchingEnd p
  1038. (c)>32 
  1039. F-- exceeds 
  1040. allowed 
  1041. HToolbook
  1042. Warning "CTL"
  1043. trim(c)
  1044. compilecredits p
  1045. ","Content 
  1046. "doc"
  1047. compiledoc p
  1048. compilehelp p
  1049. compileLibrary p
  1050. tagClose(e)
  1051. ErrorMessage "NAH",
  1052. 0WT",e,
  1053. document f & ":" && 
  1054. expectedEndTag t
  1055. s & CRLF 
  1056. "$Shared$"
  1057. structuredText "
  1058. p",pt) 
  1059. MBS","
  1060. Destination(n)
  1061. "IDC$Help"
  1062. -- Is 
  1063. used?
  1064. p",pt) 
  1065. errorMessage "
  1066. D",pt) 
  1067. addName n,"$L",
  1068. textString() -- ignore
  1069. inputfile,
  1070. makePopup p
  1071. oneof(
  1072. findformat(
  1073. skip 
  1074. p",p)) 
  1075. compileformat p,
  1076. WT",e,
  1077. findFormat 
  1078. gtraceLevel
  1079. f & "
  1080. "$Options$"
  1081. NFS",f
  1082.             -- pt -> processed tag (including 
  1083.  values)
  1084.             -- m -> 
  1085. glevels
  1086. 3 -- i.e. f0,f1,f2,f3 considered 
  1087. be hierachical
  1088. p",pt) 
  1089. i -- 
  1090. (i) > 32 
  1091. IPN",i
  1092. initializeFormat m
  1093. createPage
  1094. ,i)>0 
  1095. ISN",i,
  1096. ",pt) 
  1097. addPageList l,i
  1098. y,i -- 
  1099. IDC's 
  1100.  [0] 
  1101. %well
  1102. IDCpageLists 
  1103. IDClistNumbers(l)
  1104. IDClevel 
  1105. mx,mn
  1106. IDnumber 
  1107. IDCmax 
  1108. IDCmin 
  1109. initialized 
  1110. drawdirect 
  1111. checkobject "Label","
  1112. /" && enquote(m)
  1113. ,Comment","
  1114. /" && 
  1115. "yes"
  1116. ,defaultFile,traceFileName
  1117. ,tagstack
  1118. ,remote
  1119. buttonClick 
  1120. B"Tidyup" 
  1121. :" && 
  1122. f"Confirm" 
  1123. "Change" 
  1124. "Cancel"
  1125. "confirm"
  1126. defaultfile
  1127. "change"
  1128. specifyFile("
  1129. "IDC")
  1130. "I:" && 
  1131. "Names" 
  1132. "UserPages" 
  1133. ,"user"
  1134. "Media" 
  1135. checkFormats
  1136. resourcesfile
  1137.  > 0 
  1138.  > 1 
  1139.  && "option/
  1140. "& s &"." 
  1141. B"FindError"
  1142. OURCE:" && 
  1143. checkTag 
  1144. ScanBlock 
  1145. & "," & 
  1146. UAF",
  1147. scanBlock 
  1148. validTags,
  1149. stackatstart,
  1150. blocks,
  1151. higher
  1152. tagstring()
  1153. scanning
  1154. blockname(
  1155. ),blocktags(
  1156. OBC",
  1157. subBlocks n
  1158. texttags,
  1159. IDCtexttags
  1160. formatname(n)
  1161. localtags() 
  1162. checkRepeat 
  1163. *LTE",n
  1164. blockName 
  1165. /footnote"
  1166. "UNDEFINED"
  1167. n & "
  1168. FND",n
  1169. tagname
  1170. unwind 
  1171. NVI",
  1172. x"p" 
  1173. xpNoEndTag() 
  1174. p",pt)
  1175. n -- just 
  1176. NMS",
  1177. itemnumber(n,
  1178. NME",e
  1179.      -- 
  1180. state
  1181. isNumber(n) 
  1182. NIN",n
  1183. more 
  1184.  > 0) 
  1185.  > 1    
  1186.  && "
  1187.  && "
  1188. " & p & "."
  1189. Mthere has been a 
  1190. found
  1191. textlineCount(
  1192. NF",t,"
  1193. resourcesFile
  1194. ,resourcesindex
  1195. keepfile
  1196. keepFile
  1197. RESOURCE:" && 
  1198. "idc"
  1199. nameEntry pt,
  1200. ,"$I"
  1201. "app"
  1202. P,"$A"
  1203. "image"
  1204. imageEntry pt
  1205. "icon,bitmap,photo,graphic"
  1206. mediaEntry pt
  1207. "seq"
  1208. clipEntry pt,"
  1209. J","$S"
  1210. "audio"
  1211. ","finish","$A"
  1212. "video"
  1213. "anim"
  1214. f$pt,
  1215. "arg,
  1216. p",pt) 
  1217. ",pt) 
  1218. f -- filename
  1219. checkEntry n,f
  1220. \",pt)
  1221. f && 
  1222.  description
  1223. p",pt) 
  1224. ",pt) 
  1225. f -- 
  1226. markup",pt) -- 
  1227. f && 
  1228. addMediaObject n,f,
  1229. addMediaDescription 
  1230. %pt -- attributes 
  1231. p",pt) 
  1232. ",pt) 
  1233. f -- 
  1234. findEntry(n,"
  1235. RN",n,"
  1236. " && mediaItem(
  1237. ) && "
  1238. addEntry n,resourceCode(t),"
  1239. f,n,ff,fl,u
  1240. p",pt) 
  1241. ",pt) 
  1242. f -- 
  1243. af,pt) 
  1244. ff -- 
  1245. f$ be 
  1246. al,pt) 
  1247. fl -- 
  1248. $ be 
  1249. units",pt) 
  1250. "0" -- 
  1251. the beginning
  1252. xnn(ff) 
  1253. NN",af
  1254. "*" -- meaning 
  1255. xnn(fl) 
  1256. NN",al
  1257. addClip n,f,ff,fl,u,c
  1258. "CompilerName" 
  1259. "CompilerDate" 
  1260. n -- returns 
  1261. Zreal num
  1262.     sysErrorNumber = 0
  1263. $ = n
  1264.     -- Note: It 
  1265. & be possible 
  1266. Hmerely testing 
  1267. but sometimes 
  1268. 8144 
  1269. still 0 
  1270. message "
  1271. z:...".
  1272. "Trace"
  1273. -- Popups
  1274. K*ptag
  1275. (n)>32 
  1276. createPopup n
  1277. &" > 0 
  1278.  TTL","
  1279. -- Dictionary updating
  1280. n & "," & 
  1281. ' & e & 
  1282. findName(n)
  1283. ~("$",n)>0 
  1284. n,"$"
  1285. RN",n,"
  1286. ftag" && 
  1287. RN",n,"
  1288. " && 
  1289. deleteMediaEntry 
  1290. findMediaLine(n)
  1291.     -- i -> 
  1292.     -- e -> 
  1293.     -- f -> 
  1294.     -- l -> 
  1295.     -- u -> 
  1296.     -- c -> $ code 
  1297. FindMedia(i,c)
  1298. e && f && l
  1299. i,c,"
  1300. "RN",i,"
  1301. " && 
  1302. animation"
  1303. "a library"
  1304. "Descriptions" 
  1305. addpagelist 
  1306. n -- adds 
  1307. i [i may be a 
  1308. HIDC)
  1309. ,(0) 
  1310. numberList(l)
  1311. IDClistnames 
  1312. -- Editing
  1313. copyStyle 
  1314. mbar 
  1315. sbar 
  1316. cbar 
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  1323. VerticalDisplayRes()
  1324. 3DisplayLogPixelsX()
  1325. KDisplayLogPixelsY()
  1326. bes() 
  1327.     unlinkDLL "
  1328. h && v && 
  1329. ' && 
  1330. resolution 
  1331. " && h && "x" && v && "[" & 
  1332. m && 
  1333. h & "]" 
  1334. "Resolution"
  1335. -- Errors 
  1336. "AWE"
  1337. warningTrace "
  1338. *" && d && "seems 
  1339. have 
  1340. ('=' missing"
  1341. "EWA"
  1342. d && "
  1343. "CEF"
  1344. cannot be sufficiently enlarged 
  1345. accommodate 
  1346. than 32 
  1347. truncated"
  1348. p" && 
  1349. & d & 
  1350. $+" && d && "
  1351. " && d
  1352. \.tracelevel
  1353. IDCError "
  1354. . trying 
  1355. obtain 
  1356. " && d && "(possibly v1.36 
  1357. " && d
  1358. no" && d && "called" && 
  1359. .' was appropriate"
  1360. "CID"
  1361. errorTrace "incorrectly 
  1362. vcomment"
  1363. "EOF"
  1364. ' encountered 
  1365. '" && d
  1366. "ERU"
  1367. `entity reference 
  1368. xterminated 
  1369. d && "
  1370. "IAV"
  1371. d && "
  1372. illegal 
  1373. . '" & e & "'"
  1374. failed 
  1375. p'" & d & "' 
  1376. bsymbol '" & e & "'."
  1377. ." && d && "must be specified"
  1378. =5 && "
  1379. extra" && 
  1380. "MNF"
  1381. There 
  1382. no" && 
  1383. e) && "
  1384. " && d
  1385. d && "
  1386. "NAV"
  1387. c/" && d && "
  1388. " && d && "
  1389. 5 be a natural 
  1390. d && "
  1391. "NER"
  1392. d && "
  1393. )" && e && "
  1394. " && d
  1395. p'" & d & "' 
  1396. tag(s) 
  1397. " && d && "
  1398. occurred 
  1399. point"
  1400. " && d
  1401. "NNN"
  1402. " && d && "
  1403. "NSA"
  1404. no spaces 
  1405. 0around ="
  1406. "NSR"
  1407. no" && e && "
  1408. "NTA"
  1409. " && d
  1410. "NTF"
  1411. " && d
  1412. "NVH"
  1413. d && "
  1414. d && "
  1415. " && e
  1416. d && "opened 
  1417. 4preceding 
  1418. L" closed"
  1419. exacty 
  1420. " && d
  1421. d && "
  1422. already 
  1423. -" && e
  1424. d && "
  1425. two ways 
  1426. same 
  1427. "SBA"
  1428. between 
  1429. "TMI"
  1430. many 
  1431. " && d
  1432. "TNE"
  1433. '" & d & "' omitted"
  1434. access" && e && "
  1435. U.:" && d
  1436. '" & d & "' 
  1437. declared"
  1438. "UOT"
  1439. unrecognised 
  1440. {type 
  1441.  (" & d & ")"
  1442. "URT"
  1443. d && "
  1444. & e & 
  1445. : be 
  1446. a" && d
  1447. '" & d & "' 
  1448. '" & e & "' might be 
  1449. 7 > 30 
  1450. errortrace "aborted because 
  1451. Y: lot 
  1452. "TOO MANY ERRORS!" 
  1453. messageTrace "WARNING",e
  1454. IDCerror 
  1455. >OR FORMAT 
  1456. ===" & 
  1457. 2& "=" && p & 
  1458. 2& "=" && m & 
  1459. 2& "==="
  1460. -- Creating Interactive 
  1461. saveNewBook
  1462. IDCvideo[][],IDCaudio[][],IDCanim[][],IDCphoto[][],IDCgraphic[][]
  1463. ?backgrounds
  1464. newBook,
  1465. 9,destinationpath
  1466. ~(".",f)
  1467. f & "tbk" 
  1468.  & "\" & 
  1469. "New 
  1470. 8:" && 
  1471. saveFileName("
  1472. ),"TBK")
  1473. 8:" && 
  1474.     -- Setup 
  1475. /scripts
  1476. detaching
  1477. /A$" 
  1478. better?
  1479. anywhere 
  1480. IDCanchorStyle 
  1481. "$TextOptions$"
  1482. IDCanchorColour 
  1483. IDCpages 
  1484. IDCvideoClips 
  1485. IDCaudioClips 
  1486. IDCphotoClips 
  1487. IDCgraphicClips 
  1488. IDCanimClips 
  1489. deleteCompile
  1490. fixBookScript
  1491. CdeletePages
  1492. sysSuspendMessages 
  1493. selectPage
  1494. " & IDCtbv 
  1495. "$Scripts$" 
  1496.     Cup 
  1497. exitnow
  1498. -- Stand alone mode
  1499. standalone
  1500. Butility,
  1501. ,protected
  1502. p,b,sb
  1503. B"filescripts"
  1504. "bookName"
  1505. "Asymetrix 
  1506. ; [" && sysVersion && "]" 
  1507. "MM" 
  1508. fMultimedia 
  1509. "UTILITY.
  1510. p & b 
  1511. fileExists(STRING)
  1512.     unLinkDLL "tb30dos.
  1513. centreWindow
  1514. WFoptions
  1515. getOptions 
  1516. version
  1517. <> 0 
  1518. load 
  1519. :" && f
  1520. setDefaultOptions
  1521. 4loading 
  1522. qones
  1523. readLine(f) -- 
  1524. Hdifferent 
  1525. assignment(
  1526. varname(
  1527. varvalue(
  1528. +9n,"
  1529. 3resourcesIndex,destinationPath,
  1530. Q8") 
  1531. setOption n,v
  1532. setFormat n,v
  1533. ,emphasisCase,emphasisStyle,paraStyle") 
  1534. setTextOption n,v
  1535. 9n,"headingStyle,headingCase,headingBefore,headingAfter,listBullets,
  1536. ,listStart,listBefore,listBetween,listAfter") 
  1537. setListTextOptions n,v
  1538. optionError "
  1539. "Not 
  1540. M,sentence 
  1541. M,unchanged"
  1542. checkOption "
  1543. xshown"
  1544. U,blank 
  1545. U,indent"
  1546. checkOptionsList "
  1547. ",5,s
  1548. ",5,c
  1549. ",5,"
  1550. ",5,"
  1551. ",3,"+,*,-,other,
  1552. ],small Roman,
  1553. ",3,"
  1554. ",3,"
  1555. ",3,"
  1556. "0123" 
  1557. ?< && "
  1558. "parastyle","
  1559. ","-,-,-"
  1560. ","0149,0149,0149"
  1561. P2","
  1562.     i = 0
  1563. n & i 
  1564. "12345" 
  1565. " && n
  1566. n & j 
  1567. vname,
  1568. Ntracefile
  1569. " && 
  1570. : && "
  1571. " && 
  1572. i & "
  1573. -- Passwords
  1574. newPassword 
  1575. IDCpassword 
  1576. ExitPassword 
  1577. "full"
  1578. FullPassword 
  1579. "supervisor"
  1580. SuperPassword 
  1581. "Old 
  1582. >-- wrong 
  1583. >-- verification 
  1584. <z_+=3
  1585. ljQ\m
  1586. q[x_U
  1587. CIDCcheck
  1588. IDCcheck
  1589. standAlone
  1590. enterApplication
  1591. ^saveDate
  1592. ^saveDate
  1593. saveAs
  1594. .&,    "
  1595. .&,    "
  1596. filename
  1597. w,    #?
  1598. tracing
  1599. shell
  1600. determineScreen
  1601. IDCFormats
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  1609. "IDCconstants
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  1615. #errorMessage
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  1620. .&,    "
  1621. .&,    "
  1622. .&,    "
  1623. IDCrefc
  1624. entityValue
  1625. #errorMessage
  1626. IDCero
  1627. DZsubstituteEntities
  1628. substituteEntities
  1629. -$+#?
  1630. +#,H4
  1631. +#,%H.%+#?
  1632. IDCentities
  1633. Entities
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  1636. $Dictionaries$
  1637. entityValue
  1638. .&,    "
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  1640. .&,    "
  1641. .&,    "
  1642. +    ,    /
  1643. +    ,    "c
  1644. +    ,    /
  1645. +    ,    /
  1646. !ENTITY
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  1648. tagnext
  1649. lasttag
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  1651. IDCformats
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  1654. #errorMessage
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  1656. traceLevel
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  1662. Awarning
  1663. IDCtago
  1664. $entity
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  1668. uselasttag
  1669. backtag
  1670. #ErrorMessage
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  1672. checkEmpty
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  1674. process
  1675. ZIprocess
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  1677. taglist
  1678. #errorMessage
  1679. @~butfirst
  1680. @~butFirst
  1681. removeComments
  1682. removeComments
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  1686. #ErrorMessage
  1687. $Dictionaries$
  1688. entity declaration
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  1694. 18varname
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  1699. merge
  1700. "checkAllAttributes
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  1703. .&,    "
  1704. oneof
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  1706. IDCtage
  1707. assignment
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  1710. attribute value
  1711. #ErrorMessage
  1712. svarvalue
  1713. AWarning
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  1715. IDCtage
  1716. tagClose
  1717. textstring
  1718. tagstring
  1719. textstring
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  1722. Ctaglist
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  1725. M6compile
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  1727. .&,    "
  1728. .&+    +E
  1729. .&+    +E
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  1733. ZJTBerror
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  1751. errorMessage
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  1756. +    ,    !;
  1757. +    ,    !;
  1758. traceFileName
  1759. tracing
  1760. Trace
  1761. $Control$
  1762. fSfilename
  1763. Too many characters in trace - tracing turned off.
  1764. traceFile
  1765. dd-MMM-yy hh24:min:sec
  1766. trace
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  1768. traceFileName
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  1772. 0123456789
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  1780. @~butFirst
  1781. Bitemize
  1782. quoted
  1783. itemize
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  1785. w,    #>
  1786. #errorMessage
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  1788. Bitemize
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  1790. quoted
  1791. butFirst
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  1919. Rinheader
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  1932. listAfter
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  1936. Ctaglist
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  1938. listBetween
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  1942. w,    #b
  1943. w,    #>
  1944. w,    #b
  1945. w,    #>
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  1947. textOptionItem
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  1952. uppercase
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  1954. other
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  1956. nextbullet
  1957. #errorMessage
  1958. letters
  1959. letter
  1960. ,!J)"
  1961. #errorMessage
  1962. Roman numerals
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  1964. Roman
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  1966. +    ,    "
  1967. fillscript
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  1981. anything
  1982. Popup
  1983. makeAnchor
  1984. +    ,    8
  1985. italic
  1986. added text
  1987. IDCrogue
  1988. checkForNullText
  1989. addText
  1990. +    ,    #>
  1991. .&,    "
  1992. active text
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  1996. checkForNullText
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  2001. structuredText
  2002. tidyText
  2003. ?btagClose
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  2010. +    ,    "
  2011. +    ,    "
  2012. +    ,    8
  2013. +    ,    "
  2014. +    ,    #>
  2015. checkAttributes
  2016. heading
  2017. headingStyle
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  2019. IDCemphasis
  2020. textstring
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  2037. z_emphasisStyle
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  2059. 1,    #b
  2060. 1,    #b
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  2065. setcase
  2066. .&,    "
  2067. IDCrogue
  2068. tidystring
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  2070. .&,    "
  2071. IDCrogue
  2072. .,;:!"'?-%/)]}
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  2092. .&,    "
  2093. $Dictionaries$
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  2096. jQfindEntryLine
  2097. $Dictionaries$
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  2099. Media
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  2111. audio
  2112. photo
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  2116. w,    #>
  2117. #ErrorMessage
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  2121. destination
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  2183. -#,    #?
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  2187. graphic
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  2190. #ErrorMessage
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  2195. ZJTBerror
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  2342. Unable to create options file:
  2343. pNoEndTag
  2344. _EwriteOptions
  2345. anchorStyle
  2346. Options]
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  2395. Failed: Denied
  2396. Compile
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  2506. enquote
  2507. merge
  2508. pVexitnow
  2509. bcloseTraceFile
  2510. exitnow
  2511. IDCeof
  2512. 0checkToolBookError
  2513. readLine
  2514. ZJTBerror
  2515. checkToolBookError
  2516. #errorMessage
  2517. Toolbook reports:
  2518. TBerror
  2519. +    ,    #?
  2520. Invalid IDC options file
  2521.     optionsfile
  2522. optionError
  2523. sysSuspenMessages
  2524. IDC Error:
  2525. Error
  2526. .&,    "
  2527. .&+    +E
  2528. .&+    +E
  2529. detaching
  2530. protected
  2531. author
  2532. protected
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  2535. saveAsDlg
  2536. filterList
  2537. TB30DLG.DLL
  2538. saveAsDlg
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  2540. fSfilename
  2541. openFileDlg
  2542. filterList
  2543. TB30DLG.DLL
  2544. openFileDlg
  2545. specifyFile
  2546. All files,*.*
  2547. filterList
  2548. .chooseDirectoryDlg
  2549. chooseDirectoryDlg
  2550. ,    Upathg    
  2551. TB30DLG.DLL
  2552. directoryPath
  2553. Label
  2554. FORMAT:
  2555. owner
  2556. compiling
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  2564. compiling
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  2572. B@D?D
  2573. enterPage
  2574. leavePage
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  2586. .&,    "
  2587. squash
  2588. w,    #>
  2589. d M y hh24:min:sec
  2590. CIDCcheck
  2591. CIDCcheck
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  2593. IDCentities
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  2596. IDCheader
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  2608. IDChypertextTags
  2609. title,caption,author,credits,date,doc,copyright,help,for
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  2616. IDCtextTags
  2617. IDCremark
  2618. IDCitem
  2619. merge
  2620. IDCtago
  2621. header
  2622. IDCconstants
  2623. +#,!"
  2624. +#,!"
  2625. +    ,    #?
  2626. +    ,    !
  2627. errorcount
  2628. nullText
  2629. created
  2630. textstring
  2631. monitor
  2632. .compileheader
  2633. Entities
  2634. ;prepare
  2635. trace
  2636. compiling
  2637. inputFile
  2638. $Dictionaries$
  2639. warnings
  2640. Ctaglist
  2641. default
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  2643. Source:
  2644. #errors
  2645. compilebody
  2646. compile
  2647. .&,    "
  2648. .&+    +E
  2649. .&+    +E
  2650. compiling
  2651. +    ,    "
  2652. +    ,    #?
  2653. w,    #?
  2654. nulltext
  2655. Copyright
  2656. caption
  2657. attribute
  2658. AWarning
  2659. compiledoc
  2660. credits
  2661. Version
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  2665. IDCheader
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  2667. Content 
  2668. textstring
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  2675. false
  2676. Pudatafield
  2677. title
  2678. #ErrorMessage
  2679. "IDCname
  2680. qcompilecredits
  2681. lIDCstart
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  2683. ?btagClose
  2684. compiling
  2685. wcompileLibrary
  2686. Ctaglist
  2687. Created
  2688. start
  2689. hh24:min on d M y
  2690. compileheader
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  2710. cexpectedEndTag
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  2714. #ErrorMessage
  2715. IDC$Help
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  2721. textString
  2722. attribute
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  2727. findformat
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  2729. lIDCstart
  2730. mainelement
  2731. IDCformats
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  2737. Icompileformat
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  2741. textstring
  2742. compiling
  2743. Ctaglist
  2744. destination
  2745. IDCremark
  2746. compilebody
  2747. #errorMessage
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  2749. $Options$
  2750. format
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  2753. +#,!Y
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  2772. w,    #?
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  2779. Kenquote
  2780. Comment
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  2785. ,%H.%
  2786. +#,!"
  2787. +#,!"
  2788. +    ,    #?
  2789. +    ,    !
  2790. cancel
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  2792. source
  2793. Change
  2794. Media
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  2796. #errorMessage
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  2799. nullText
  2800. Error
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  2811. FindError
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  2820. Names
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  2824. &NcheckTag
  2825. Source File
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  2829. $Dictionaries$
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  2848. IDCeof
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  2851. IDCtago
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  2855. oneof
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  2858. IDCtexttags
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  2872. #errorMessage
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  2882. IDCnamed
  2883. #errorMessage
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  2888. #errorMessage
  2889. tagstack
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  2891. addName
  2892. risNumber
  2893. #errorMessage
  2894. named
  2895. oneof
  2896. #errorMessage
  2897. checkRepeat
  2898. checkRepeat
  2899. +#,!"
  2900. +#,!"
  2901. .&,    "
  2902. .&,    "
  2903. .&,    "
  2904. errorcount
  2905. created
  2906. errors
  2907. 1 error
  2908. Error
  2909. trace
  2910. FindError
  2911. warnings
  2912.  and one or more warnings.
  2913. No errors
  2914. errors
  2915. IDCformats
  2916. #errorMessage
  2917. $Options$
  2918. format
  2919. Formats
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  2921. .&,    "
  2922. .&+    +E
  2923. .&+    +E
  2924. scanning
  2925. +    ,    #?
  2926. +    ,    !
  2927. first
  2928. image
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  2931. mediaEntry
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  2937. ZIprocess
  2938. audio
  2939. #errorMessage
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  2942. trace
  2943. IDCeof
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  2945. inputFile
  2946. RESOURCE:
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  2952. tagstring
  2953. resourcesFile
  2954. addName
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  2973. checkEntry
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  2975. w,    #?
  2976. findEntry
  2977. mediaItem
  2978. Media
  2979. #ErrorMessage
  2980. jaddEntry
  2981. resourceCode
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  2983. textstring
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  2986. 6addMediaDescription
  2987. #errorMessage
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  2990. units
  2991. clipEntry
  2992. #errorMessage
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  2994. CompilerDate
  2995. CompilerName
  2996. $First$
  2997. IDCname
  2998. not a number
  2999. isNumber
  3000. tagnext
  3001. tracing
  3002. Trace
  3003. uselasttag
  3004. prepare
  3005. attribute
  3006. #ErrorMessage
  3007. of the remark
  3008. structuredText
  3009. AWarning
  3010. createPopup
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  3012. IDC$Popup
  3013. createPopup
  3014. $Dictionaries$
  3015. addEntry
  3016. +    ,    "
  3017. IDCformats
  3018. Names
  3019. with tag
  3020. #errorMessage
  3021. jaddEntry
  3022. QTfindName
  3023. IDCremark
  3024. addName
  3025. .&,    "
  3026. Media
  3027. &findMediaLine
  3028. $Dictionaries$
  3029. deleteMediaEntry
  3030. w,    #?
  3031. mediaItem
  3032. Media
  3033. .wFindMedia
  3034. #ErrorMessage
  3035. jaddEntry
  3036. addClip
  3037. a icon
  3038. a bitmap
  3039. a seq
  3040. a photo
  3041. a video
  3042. a library
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  3044. an image
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  3046. an audio
  3047. mediaItem
  3048. Media
  3049. $Dictionaries$
  3050. Descriptions
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  3052. E9IDClist
  3053. numberList
  3054. F9IDClist
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  3059. IDClistnames
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  3061. numberList
  3062. IDClistNumbers
  3063. border
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  3066. Screen resolution is
  3067. tb30win.dll
  3068. Resolution
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  3070. 9VerticalDisplayRes
  3071.  DisplayLogPixelsY
  3072. HorizontalDisplayRes
  3073. HorizontalDisplayRes
  3074. VerticalDisplayRes
  3075. <g@-"
  3076. DisplayLogPixelsX
  3077. T pho-"
  3078. DisplayLogPixelsY
  3079. Tphot-"
  3080. screen
  3081. determineScreen
  3082. seems to have its '=' missing
  3083. should not have attributes
  3084. end tag
  3085. Text is too long for the field
  3086. warningTrace
  3087. is not used by this format
  3088. the name
  3089. field cannot be sufficiently enlarged to accommodate text
  3090. caption is more than 32 characters and has been truncated
  3091. has been truncated to 32 characters
  3092. warnings
  3093. the attribute
  3094. Warning
  3095. +#,!Y
  3096. w,    #?
  3097. +    ,    #?
  3098. +    ,    #?
  3099. 1,    #?
  3100. w,    #?
  3101. +#,!"
  3102. +    ,    !
  3103. (possibly v1.36 format)
  3104. not allowed in this text
  3105. text not expected/required here
  3106. errorTrace
  3107. null entity reference
  3108. has already been used
  3109. or extra
  3110. Error
  3111. Kenquote
  3112. should have occurred before this point
  3113. to many items in list for
  3114. missing space between attributes or extra =
  3115. ' has not been declared
  3116. FindError
  3117. inputFile
  3118. is illegal in
  3119. no spaces allowed around =
  3120. no text for
  3121. IDCtago
  3122. the attribute
  3123. called
  3124. There is no
  3125. errortrace
  3126. failed to copy image
  3127. no handler for compile in format
  3128. default
  3129. opened before preceding block closed
  3130. ' omitted
  3131. null tag
  3132. the name '
  3133. missing quote in
  3134. failed to access
  3135. should be the name of a
  3136. there must be exacty one of the attributes
  3137. the tag
  3138. end tag(s) for
  3139. hIDCError
  3140. is not allowed here
  3141. file:
  3142. the value for
  3143. is not associated with a format
  3144. end of file encountered in file
  3145. text before first tag (Source file is not plain text?)
  3146. is an illegal value for attribute '
  3147. mediaItem
  3148. no matching start tag for
  3150. error trying to obtain local tags
  3151. script used 'textstring' when 'tagstring' was appropriate
  3152. IDCtagc
  3153. is not a recognised tag
  3154. tracelevel
  3155. cannot be null
  3156. entity '
  3157. ' might be correct
  3158. has no value
  3159. script used 'tagstring' when 'textstring' was appropriate
  3160. entity reference not terminated by ;
  3161. not valid at this point
  3162. the name of
  3163. must be specified
  3164. no script for
  3165. missing
  3166. errorcount
  3167. ' found when '
  3168. incorrectly delimited comment
  3169. attribute
  3170. no format specified for
  3171. is used in two ways in the same format
  3172. cannot find
  3173. tags not allowed in
  3174. aborted because there are a lot of errors
  3175. This format has no
  3176. unrecognised object type in image markup (
  3177. ' contains the illegal symbol '
  3178. should be a natural number
  3179. $Control$
  3180. ' is a number
  3181. ErrorMessage
  3182. messageTrace
  3183. WARNING
  3184. warningTrace
  3185. messageTrace
  3186. ERROR
  3187. errorTrace
  3188. messageTrace
  3190. IDCerror
  3191. trace
  3192. messageTrace
  3193. 1,    #>
  3194. +    ,    #?
  3195. +    ,    #?
  3196. Cancel
  3197. cancel
  3198. confirm
  3199. IDCgraphicClips
  3200. Change
  3201. destinationpath
  3202. Label
  3203. Confirm
  3204. [fixBookScript
  3205. anchorColour
  3206. anchorStyle
  3207. remote
  3208. backgrounds
  3209. ~    IDCanimClips
  3210.  SIDCpages
  3211. 7deleteCompile
  3212. New Book
  3213. $Format$
  3214. {8IDCaudioClips
  3215. created
  3216. fSfilename
  3217. IDCanchorColour
  3218. trace
  3219. New book:
  3220. IDCphoto
  3221. IDCaudio
  3222. inputFile
  3223. $TextOptions$
  3224. ~<IDCvideoClips
  3225. IDCvideo
  3226. change
  3227. newBook
  3228. IDCanim
  3229. LIDCphotoClips
  3230. vIDCanchorStyle
  3231. IDCgraphic
  3232. |detaching
  3233. saveFileName
  3234. saveNewBook
  3235. deletePages
  3236. |detaching
  3237. deleteCompile
  3238. w,    #>
  3239. IDCtbv
  3240. remote
  3241. BookScript
  3242. newBook
  3243. pVexitnow
  3244. $Scripts$
  3245. fixBookScript
  3246. .&,    "
  3247. filescripts
  3248. fileExists
  3249. utility
  3250. determineScreen
  3251. Toolbook
  3252. CIDCcheck
  3254. Asymetrix Toolbook [
  3255. ,centreWindow
  3256. fileExists
  3257. xLg-"
  3258. tb30dos.dll
  3259. protected
  3260. Warning: This is a Toolbook Version of IDC which has been opened with Multimedia Toolbook.
  3261. bookName
  3262. standalone
  3263. +    ,    "
  3264. +#,    "Q
  3265. .&,    "
  3266. defaultFile,resourcesIndex,destinationPath,traceLevel
  3267. optionError
  3268. version
  3269. trace
  3270. listBullets
  3271. headingAfter
  3272. traceFile
  3273. rysetTextOption
  3274. is not a valid value for tracelevel
  3275. headingStyle,headingCase,headingBefore,headingAfter,listBullets,Bullet,listStart,listBefore,listBetween,listAfter
  3276. assignment
  3277. checkOptionsList
  3278. level
  3279. anchorColour
  3280. traceLevel
  3281. setOption
  3282. new line,blank line,indent
  3283. 18varname
  3284. setFormat
  3285. headingBefore
  3286. headingStyle
  3287. It is not possible to load the options file called:
  3288. underline,bold,italic
  3289. Not an IDC options file
  3290. +,*,-,other,uppercase,number,lowercase,small Roman,large Roman
  3291. svarvalue
  3292. new line,blank line
  3293. msetListTextOptions
  3294. setDefaultOptions
  3295. oneof
  3296. $Options$
  3297. checkOption
  3298. IDCformats
  3299. checkFormats
  3300. listStart
  3301. traceFile must be true/false
  3302. true,false
  3303. uppercase,lowercase,title case,sentence case,unchanged
  3304. -VreadLine
  3305. Options file created by different version.
  3306. emphasisCase
  3307. IDCeof
  3308. listBefore
  3309. underline,bold,italic,unchanged,not shown
  3310. anchorStyle,anchorColour,emphasisCase,emphasisStyle,paraStyle
  3311. listBetween
  3312. Error
  3313. headingCase
  3314. none,red,blue,black,white,yellow,cyan,magenta,green,gray,lightgray
  3315. pNoEndTag
  3316. emphasisStyle
  3317. new line,blank line,space,indent
  3318. new line,blank line,space
  3319. anchorStyle
  3320. paraStyle
  3321. listAfter
  3322. getOptions
  3323. unchanged
  3324. IDCformats
  3325. blank line,new line,space
  3326. traceFile
  3327. blank line
  3328. bold,bold,bold,underline,underline
  3329. listBullets
  3330. blank line,blank line,new line
  3331. headingAfter
  3332. rysetTextOption
  3333. blank line,blank line,blank line,blank line,new line
  3334. listBetween
  3335. resourcesindex
  3336. msetListTextOptions
  3337. -,-,-
  3338. uppercase,title case,sentence case,sentence case,sentence case
  3339. format
  3340. listBefore
  3341. anchorColour
  3342. emphasisCase
  3343. 0149,0149,0149
  3344. blank line,new line,space,space,space
  3345. destinationpath
  3346. headingBefore
  3347. headingStyle
  3348. headingCase
  3349. defaultfile
  3350. listStart
  3351. $Options$
  3352. pNoEndTag
  3353. Bullet
  3354. emphasisStyle
  3355. traceLevel
  3356. italic
  3357. anchorStyle
  3358. parastyle
  3359. listAfter
  3360. setDefaultOptions
  3361. $TextOptions$
  3362. setTextOption
  3363. -#,    #>
  3364. rysetTextOption
  3365. setListTextOptions
  3366. oneof
  3367. optionError
  3368. is not a valid value for
  3369. 12345
  3370. $TextOptions$
  3371. checkOption
  3372. -#,    #>
  3373. checkOption
  3374. checkOptionsList
  3375. w,    #?
  3376. vname
  3377. destinationpath
  3378. tracefile
  3379. tracelevel
  3380. defaultfile
  3381. resourcesindex
  3382. value
  3383. Kenquote
  3384. setOption
  3385. $Options$
  3386. format
  3387. setFormat
  3388. cancel
  3389. 7FullPassword
  3390. supervisor
  3391. >ExitPassword
  3392. Repeat Password
  3393. New Password
  3394. Old Password
  3395. IDCpassword
  3396. sSuperPassword
  3397. >ExitPassword
  3398. IDCpassword
  3399. 7FullPassword
  3400. sSuperPassword
  3401. newPassword
  3402. +    ,    "
  3403. rf)-1 
  3404. Vb+1 
  3405. ,NNN","
  3406. "$$$" -- 
  3407. prevent 
  3408. f0$" 
  3409.     --    *** 
  3410. ttwo (three) lines 
  3411. a workaround 
  3412. MM TB 3.0
  3413. Vb+1 
  3414. " && 
  3415.  -- Only works 
  3416. TB3.0a 
  3417. xMM TB 3.0
  3418. hotwordStyle 
  3419. structuredText 
  3420. a+ptag
  3421. tidyText fld
  3422. Hypertext 
  3423. hypertextUpto 
  3424. +upto
  3425. textcase
  3426. i/phrases
  3427. c"H" => 
  3428. (terminate 
  3429. IDCanchor,
  3430. ,IDCpara,IDCemphasis
  3431. ,headings,IDClists
  3432. tname,a,
  3433. gi,b,e
  3434.     - so its 
  3435. z)be selected 
  3436. necessary
  3437. setcase(