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/ The Ultimate Human Body 2.0 / DKMMBODY.ISO / SMBM / PHGR / PHGR004M.PNG < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-09-30  |  27KB  |  508x440  |  8-bit (188 colors)
Offensive: Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Likely
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OCR: PHYSICAL GROWTH OUR BODY GROWS. changing in size and shape until you reach the female age of about 18 or the male age of 22 There are two main periods Secondary particularly rapid grow th: one in the sexua characteristics first year. the next in about year 12 in appear girls and year 14 in boys. Different parts of the body grow at uneven rates. By year six. for example, the brain 1 90 per cent of adult size W hile the legs have only reached half their full length. FOURTEEN YEARS This is the age of puberty when sudden growth increases, or spurts, 11 take or place. years in into Body adult changes form Puberty begins T around girls, and boys so girl may be tem porarily taller 4 boys are about 2.5 cm (1 inch) taller than girls The advancing 1YEAR 3 YEARS G YEARS YEARS 20YEARS stages growth se ...