Labels:banana | book | broccoli | bulletin board | carrot | case | food | tribute album | vegetarianism OCR: HEALTHY EATING HEALTHY DIET consists of a wide and fibre; as well as water to fuel and variety of foods to help your body maintain your body' vital functions. grow and stay in good condition and Ideally, you should eat three to four to give you energy must include meals day and avoid snac ks enough of these nutrients: prote ins; eaten, snacks should be low T simple fats; carbohydrates; vitamins: minerals: sugars and high in carbohydrates. CARBOHYDRATES FATS Carbohydrates are your Fats provide energy and body's major source of also form layer of fatty energ for growth, body tissue beneath the skin to maintenance, and activity. conserve your body's heat. FIBRE PROTEINS Fibre keeps your faeces Proteins help to build your soft and bulky, preventing body cells and tissues and constipation and s ...