Labels:monitor | road | web site OCR: CREDITS Dr Jeremy Burgess Hair shaft, Sweat pore CNRI Alveol lus, Angiogram of the brain, Angiogram of the kidneys, Angi iogram of the lung Bronchogram lungs. Cell body of an interneuron, CT scan of the brain Enamel. Ins ide muscle. Inside the stomach, Lym] phocytes, MRI of the brain (top view) Muscle tissue Nervous tissue, Neutrophil. Sperm -ray of the large intestine of the abdomen A B Dowsett Activated platelets. Bacteria In activated platelets, Platelets John Durham Hair root Ralph Eagle Ciliary muscles Dr John M azziotta Pet scan of the brain Etal Dr Don Fawcett Cell nucleus, Nerve -muscle iunction Sheath CONTENTS Alveolus uscle Lymph ocytes