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Bitmap Image  |  1996-08-06  |  72KB  |  548x386  |  8-bit (206 colors)
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OCR: Bastard feudalism Wau kniahts began to pau the the 14th century baron for the land they used when this castle was at instead of fighting in the its peak, feudalism was baron' armu his modified in decline nstead of the form of feudalism was called services and duties at the heart bastard feudalism of the feudal sustem people beaan to pay moneu Villeins exe hange for the land theu tthe veru bottom farmed Freemen for instance feudal societu were 110 tonger owed the knights a peasant farmers called certain number 0 days labour a villeins Villeins had few rights: uear Instead they paid money they could not marry or even for the use of the land theu move to anot ther estate without farmed moderm words we permission and possibly pau would say that they rented or ment and on some manors leased the ...