Galaxy of Games: Win95 Games
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Update notes for 'Big2 and Friends for 95' Alpha Versions.
> Fixed the "Four of a Kind + One" problem, at long last.
> You are now able to play a straight after gaining control with a full house (or anything
larger than a straight).
> Added the Hall of Fame and Player Profile features. Currently the Hall of Fame shows all
players entered with stats, but in no particular order. Also the HOF isn't too great...
> I'm back!!! And I've finally gotten around to fixing up the bugs reported to me. Unfortunately
all of the mail received during my holiday was lost when my hard disk crashed.
> Fixed error reporting when you don't play your highest card when the next player is on last
> Fixed "pass" checking.
> Added the "chor di dee" logo in 3D and in red. <G>
> Added better error messages when you do some illegal move.
> Added a "Capture the Bug" function. This reveals all the cards, captures the screen, then,
if you're playing against hidden hands, it'll hide them up again. It's so quick (on my computer
at least) that you don't notice the "revealing"
> Added some copyright info.
> Fixed bug which refused to display the right number of "out" cards. Say if someone played
a flush it might only display one or two cards.
> Added some output to help with debugging. Just a simple line which tells you what "play" we're
> Added a button to restart the hand. Just in case a bug screws up on hand you don't have to
close the program down (after reporting it, of course) and start it up again.
> Reduced EXE size from 347K to 243K by removing unused units (standard Delphi ones)
> Re-aligned "Player 1" etc labels
> Fixed bug where you couldn't pass if the next player was on last card but his card was larger
than yours.
> Fixed bug where the computer refused to play it's two/s as a single, even if it was its last
card. This fix may also fix the bug where the computer starts playing with junk card/s.
> Menu bar (and items) added
> Other player's hands are hidden from view, but can be turned back on for bug checking.
> Temporary title added
> Version info added
> Minor cosmetic changes to the button groupings
> Major changes to the "reporting" system, ie. how the program displays who's playing, and what
they're playing. You won't notice many changes, but it is less buggy (if not completely bug-less),
more efficient, etc. Mind you there was quite a bit to rewrite.
> Ah finally you can stop playing with yourself, and start playing with the computer (!)
> The AI is firmly stuck in the Pleistoscene era but the code has been trimmed to a third of
its original size, no thanks to somebody's obsession with enumerated types
> Some glitches in the display, with respect to who's playing when the computer is thinking (!)
> Fixed the less-than-random dealing bug. After making up random number grapher I found out that
there wasn't a problem with Delphi's random number generation scheme. So I fiddled around with
my shuffling routine, to optimize randomness of the shuffling. Basically the split the shuffling
process up a bit more!!! Phew.
> Quicker graphics routines, but the flicker (apparent on some machines) still hasn't be smitted
into oblivion, yet.
> Source switched from VB to Delphi because Delphi compiles programs to a binary format not
an interpreted p-code like VB.
> No real improvements over 0.18 except it runs quicker
> One quirk is with Delphi's graphics engine resulting a flickering of the cards, this will be
fixed later. My first objective is port the AI and improve it.
> Right mouse button thing is gone, for the moment.
> Current player's name highlighted in red
> Pass counter added
> Fixed ugly dealing routine
> Sped up loading and dealing times
> Checks whether next player is on last card, and if you're playing singles forces you to play
your highest card ("last card rule"). Also doesn't allow you to pass if next player is on last
card you're playing singles.
> Added a proper icon. Available in 256 and 16 colours for both 32x32 and 16x16 sizes! <G>
> No longer necessary to restart program after a victory. Yay!
> Matched "di-dee" pic background colour with window colour for people using 256 colour displays.
> Fixed problem with detecting a victory
> Fixed bug which wouldn't let you smash a five card play with a larger play of a different type,
eg. four of a kind beating a flush
> Added a quick way to deselect a whole hand: right mouse click on any card in that player's hand
> 4 human controlled players