Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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TEXT CHECKER Program -- A WordStar Utility
Copyright (C) 1985 by Arnold M. Kuzmack
3912 Montrose Dr.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301⌐ 986-027┤ evening≤ anΣ weekends
Thi≤ prograφ ma∙ bσ freel∙ copied¼ distributed¼ anΣ used« ì
However¼ thσ autho≥ retain≤ al∞ copyright≤ t∩ it« Specifically¼ i⌠ ì
MA┘ NO╘ B┼ SOL─ unles≤ authorizeΣ iε writinτ b∙ thσ autho≥ iε ì
advance, nor may it be included in any other package for sale.
Thi≤ prograφ wil∞ takσ ß WordSta≥ tex⌠ filσ anΣ checδ i⌠ fo≥ ì
certaiε annoyinτ error≤ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ harΣ t∩ catcΦ b∙ eye« I⌠ wil∞ ì
catcΦ tw∩ kind≤ oµ error≤ --
áááááI⌠ wil∞ makσ surσ tha⌠ character≤ tha⌠ shoulΣ occu≥ iε pairs¼ ì
ááááálikσ certaiε contro∞ characters¼ quotes¼ parentheses¼ anΣ ì
ááááábrackets¼ actuall∙ do.
áááááI⌠ wil∞ flaτ incorrec⌠ usσ oµ space≤ iε text¼ sucΦ a≤ extrß ì
áááááspace≤ betweeε word≤ anΣ inconsisten⌠ number≤ oµ space≤ ì
ááááábetween sentences.
Error≤ caε bσ markeΣ iε thσ filσ o≥ listeΣ oε thσ screeε o≥ ì
the printer.
Thσ tex⌠ filσ shoulΣ bσ prepareΣ witΦ WordSta≥ iε thσ norma∞ ì
way« Duσ t∩ peculiaritie≤ iε thσ wa∙ BASI├ read≤ disδ files¼ ì
paragraph≤ shoulΣ bσ separateΣ b∙ blanδ lines« Iµ thi≤ i≤ no⌠ ì
done¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ sometime≤ mis≤ thσ enΣ oµ ß paragrapΦ (abou⌠ ì
oncσ ever∙ 25░ paragraphs⌐ anΣ ruε tw∩ paragraph≤ together« A≤ ì
always¼ fo≥ safety¼ ß backu≡ shoulΣ bσ madσ oε ß separatσ disk.
LoaΣ thσ prograφ b∙ typinτ TC« Afte≥ thσ copyrigh⌠ notice¼ ì
thσ prograφ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ fo≥ thσ namσ oµ thσ filσ t∩ bσ checked« ì
Thσ filσ namσ caε bσ entereΣ iε uppe≥ o≥ lowe≥ casσ anΣ caε includσ ì
ß disk-drivσ designation« Iµ thσ filσ can'⌠ bσ found¼ aε erro≥ ì
messagσ wil∞ appea≥ anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ agaiε fo≥ thσ filσ name« ì
Iµ yo⌡ havσ t∩ changσ diskette≤ becausσ thσ filσ wa≤ oε ß differen⌠ ì
diskette¼ d∩ s∩ BEFOR┼ enterinτ thσ filσ name« Iµ yo⌡ decidσ t∩ ì
forge⌠ thσ wholσ thing¼ jus⌠ pres≤ ^├ t∩ abort.
Thσ prograφ wil∞ theε asδ "Ho≈ d∩ yo⌡ wan⌠ potentia∞ error≤ ì
displayed?" and give you the following choices:
Marked in the file (Y/N)?è Shown on the screen (Y/N)?
Listed on the printer (Y/N)?
Yo⌡ caε picδ an∙ o≥ al∞ oµ thesσ (o≥ none¼ iε whicΦ casσ thσ ì
prograφ wil∞ tel∞ yo⌡ ho≈ man∙ error≤ i⌠ founΣ bu⌠ no⌠ wha⌠ the∙ ì
were!)« Iµ yo⌡ selecteΣ displa∙ oε thσ screeε o≥ thσ printer¼ yo⌡ ì
will be asked
Display context of the error (Y/N)?
Iµ yo⌡ answe≥ "N"¼ theε eacΦ potentia∞ erro≥ wil∞ bσ identifieΣ ì
witΦ aε erro≥ messagσ anΣ thσ location« Iµ yo⌡ answe≥ "Y"¼ therσ ì
wil∞ als∩ bσ ß piecσ oµ you≥ tex⌠ shown¼ witΦ thσ erro≥ flaggeΣ b∙ ì
ß "#ó characte≥ (o≥ anothe≥ characte≥ iµ yo⌡ changσ thσ default)« ì
Thus, the display might look like this:
Unmatched ^S at character no. 12845
He auditioned for the lead role in ^S#Hamlet, but he
Thσ "characte≥ no.ó i≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ character≤ int∩ thσ filσ tha⌠ ì
thσ erro≥ occurreΣ anΣ correspond≤ t∩ thσ "F├ ╜ ó displa∙ oε thσ ì
to≡ linσ iε WordSta≥ (iµ yo⌡ havσ "PAGEó anΣ "LINEó displayed¼ typσ ì
Iµ yo⌡ answe≥ "Yó t∩ thσ "MarkeΣ iε thσ filσ (Y/N)?ó question¼ ì
theε "#ó character≤ wil∞ bσ inserteΣ iε thσ filσ a⌠ thσ place≤ ì
wherσ potentia∞ error≤ arσ detected« Thσ markeΣ filσ wil∞ havσ thσ ì
samσ filσ namσ anΣ extensioε a≤ thσ origina∞ file¼ anΣ thσ origina∞ ì
filσ wil∞ bσ renameΣ witΦ extensioε "BAK"« An∙ existinτ "BAKó filσ ì
wil∞ bσ deleted« Yo⌡ shoulΣ makσ surσ beforσ startinτ tha⌠ therσ ì
i≤ enougΦ spacσ oε thσ disδ fo≥ thσ origina∞ anΣ ne≈ files╗ otherì
wise¼ therσ wil∞ bσ ß "disδ fulló erro≥ anΣ thσ prograφ wil∞ end.
Thσ prograφ wil∞ theε displa∙ thσ value≤ iε effec⌠ tha⌠ werσ ì
reaΣ iε froφ thσ ABBREV╙ filσ (seσ below⌐ o≥ thσ defaul⌠ value≤ iµ ì
ABBREV╙ i≤ no⌠ found« Thσ displa∙ wil∞ looδ likσ this:
Other options now in effect:
Errors will be marked by [whatever character is selected].
1 space [or 2 spaces] between sentences.
FOOTNOTE mode [not] in effect.
Press ESC to change options, any other key to proceed.
Iµ yo⌡ pres≤ an∙ ke∙ othe≥ thaε ESC¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ star⌠ ì
checkinτ you≥ file« Iµ yo⌡ pres≤ ESC¼ i⌠ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ ß serie≤ oµ ì
questions« Thσ firs⌠ i≤ wha⌠ characte≥ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ usσ t∩ marδ ì
errors« Yo⌡ mus⌠ ente≥ ß singlσ character¼ anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ ge⌠ ß ì
warninτ iµ yo⌡ ente≥ ß lette≥ o≥ ß digit« Second¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ ì
askeΣ whethe≥ yo⌡ wan⌠ ▒ o≥ ▓ space≤ betweeε sentences╗ thosσ arσ ì
thσ onl∙ response≤ allowed« Somσ peoplσ prefe≥ t∩ havσ tw∩ space≤ ì
betweeε sentence≤ (likσ thi≤ text)¼ whilσ other≤ likσ t∩ havσ jus⌠ ì
one« Whicheve≥ yo⌡ prefer¼ thi≤ prograφ wil∞ kee≡ yo⌡ consistentí ìèFinally¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ whethe≥ yo⌡ wan⌠ FOOTNOT┼ mode« Afte≥ ì
thσ question≤ arσ answered¼ thσ abovσ displa∙ wil∞ appea≥ again¼ ì
anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ ablσ t∩ confirφ theφ o≥ changσ theφ again.
Oncσ yo⌡ arσ donσ answerinτ thσ questions¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ ì
start checking your file and will display the following messages:
Error≤ wil∞ bσ markeΣ witΦ '#º [o≥ somσ othe≥ characte≥ ì
áááááááááááááááiµ yo⌡ havσ changeΣ thσ default]
Press ESC to abort, any other key to pause.
Characters read and checked: nnnnn
Thσ las⌠ messagσ wil∞ sho≈ thσ numbe≥ oµ character≤ reaΣ beinτ ì
constantl∙ updated« Thi≤ i≤ includeΣ t∩ entertaiε yo⌡ whilσ thσ ì
filσ i≤ beinτ checked¼ whicΦ caε takσ ß whilσ fo≥ ß lonτ file« I⌠ ì
wil∞ als∩ givσ yo⌡ somσ confidencσ tha⌠ thσ prograφ i≤ actuall∙ ì
doing something and hasn't fallen into an endless loop.
A≤ yo⌡ migh⌠ gathe≥ froφ thσ seconΣ message¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ ì
sto≡ iµ yo⌡ pres≤ ESC« Pressinτ an∙ othe≥ ke∙ (includinτ ^C⌐ wil∞ ì
makσ thσ prograφ pausσ anΣ prin⌠ thσ messagσ "Pres≤ RETUR╬ t∩ ì
resume"« Makinτ thσ prograφ pausσ i≤ particularl∙ usefu∞ iµ yo⌡ ì
arσ havinτ error≤ displayeΣ oε thσ screeε anΣ therσ arσ to∩ man∙ t∩ ì
read before they scroll up off the screen.
Wheε thσ prograφ ends¼ i⌠ display≤ thσ messagσ "Checking ì
complete" and the number of potential errors found.
Thσ prograφ caε enΣ fo≥ ß numbe≥ oµ reason≤ beforσ finishinτ ì
thσ joΓ oµ checkinτ thσ file« Fo≥ example¼ yo⌡ caε abor⌠ i⌠ a⌠ an∙ ì
time¼ o≥ ß "disδ fulló o≥ somσ hardwarσ erro≥ likσ ß baΣ disδ ì
secto≥ coulΣ occur« Iµ thi≤ happen≤ anΣ yo⌡ werσ havinτ error≤ ì
marked iε thσ file¼ yo⌡ wil∞ finΣ thσ followinτ ha≤ happeneΣ oε thσ ì
disk║ you≥ origina∞ filσ witΦ it≤ origina∞ namσ wil∞ stil∞ bσ oε ì
thσ disk¼ an∙ "BAKó filσ wil∞ havσ beeε deleted¼ anΣ ß filσ witΦ ì
extensioε "$$$ó wil∞ havσ beeε created« Thσ "$$$ó filσ wil∞ ì
contaiε a≤ mucΦ oµ thσ file¼ markeΣ witΦ errors¼ a≤ wa≤ donσ beforσ ì
thσ prograφ ended« Thσ prograφ i≤ "fai∞ safeó iε thσ sensσ tha⌠ ì
thσ origina∞ filσ i≤ no⌠ modifieΣ iε an∙ wa∙ anΣ i≤ no⌠ renameΣ a≤ ì
ß "BAKó filσ unti∞ thσ processinτ i≤ completed« Iµ thσ prograφ ì
end≤ abnormall∙ fo≥ an∙ reason¼ thσ bes⌠ thinτ t∩ d∩ i≤ t∩ erasσ ì
thσ "$$$ó filσ anΣ star⌠ over.
Havinτ error≤ markeΣ iε thσ filσ i≤ thσ bes⌠ wa∙ t∩ proceeΣ iµ ì
yo⌡ havσ ß largσ filσ o≥ expec⌠ ß largσ numbe≥ oµ errors« Yo⌡ caε ì
theε usσ thσ "FinΣ anΣ replaceó commanΣ (^QA⌐ t∩ finΣ thσ "#ó ì
character≤ anΣ replacσ theφ witΦ nothing¼ theε correc⌠ thσ errors« ì
Afte≥ thσ firs⌠ ^QA¼ yo⌡ caε jus⌠ usσ ^╠ t∩ repea⌠ i⌠ withou⌠ ì
havinτ t∩ ente≥ i⌠ again« Thi≤ way¼ yo⌡ avoiΣ accidentall∙ leavinτ ì
the "#" characters in the file.
A≤ noteΣ above¼ thσ TEX╘ CHECKE╥ prograφ scan≤ thσ filσ fo≥ ì
tw∩ kind≤ oµ potentia∞ errors║
áááááI⌠ wil∞ makσ surσ tha⌠ character≤ tha⌠ shoulΣ occu≥ iε pairs¼ ì
ááááálikσ certaiε contro∞ characters¼ quotes¼ parentheses¼ anΣ ì
ááááábrackets¼ actuall∙ do.
áááááI⌠ wil∞ flaτ incorrec⌠ usσ oµ space≤ iε text¼ sucΦ a≤ extrß ì
áááááspace≤ betweeε word≤ anΣ inconsisten⌠ number≤ oµ space≤ ì
ááááábetween sentences.
Thσ prograφ assume≤ tha⌠ thσ followinτ character≤ shoulΣ occu≥ ì
in pairs:
^S for underlining.
^D for double-strike.
^B for bold-face.
^X for strike-out.
^V for subscripts.
^T for superscripts.
" (double quote).
() parentheses.
[] brackets.
I⌠ assume≤ als∩ tha⌠ thσ matchinτ characte≥ shoulΣ occu≥ iε thσ ì
samσ paragraph« Thus¼ iµ i⌠ find≤ aε odΣ numbe≥ oµ ^╙ character≤ ì
iε ß paragraph¼ fo≥ example¼ i⌠ wil∞ flaτ aε error« Similarly¼ iµ ì
i⌠ find≤ ß "(ó withou⌠ ß ")ó o≥ ß "[ó withou⌠ ß "]ó iε ß paragraph¼ ì
i⌠ wil∞ flaτ aε error« Thi≤ wil∞ catcΦ situation≤ wherσ yo⌡ forge⌠ ì
t∩ inser⌠ thσ seconΣ ^╙ fo≥ aε underlineΣ phrase¼ fo≥ example¼ anΣ ì
finΣ thσ res⌠ oµ you≥ text underlined.
Therσ will¼ oµ course¼ bσ occasiona∞ situation≤ wherσ thσ ì
matchinτ characte≥ reall∙ doe≤ no⌠ belonτ iε thσ samσ paragraph¼ ì
fo≥ example¼ ß ^─ a⌠ thσ beginninτ oµ ß filσ s∩ thσ wholσ filσ i≤ ì
printeΣ iε double-strikσ mode« Bu⌠ mos⌠ oµ thσ time¼ i⌠ i≤ aε ì
appropriatσ assumption« Thσ alternativσ i≤ jus⌠ t∩ requirσ aε eveε ì
numbe≥ oµ ^╙ characters¼ say¼ iε thσ wholσ filσ -- bu⌠ theε n∩ ì
error≤ woulΣ bσ flaggeΣ iµ aε eveε numbe≥ oµ error≤ werσ made¼ ì
whicΦ seem≤ t∩ bσ worse« A≤ witΦ an∙ potentia∞ erro≥ flaggeΣ b∙ ì
thσ program¼ iµ tha⌠ i≤ reall∙ wha⌠ yo⌡ wanteΣ t∩ do¼ g∩ aheaΣ anΣ ì
d∩ it.
Thσ prograφ als∩ look≤ fo≥ thσ followinτ type≤ oµ error≤ iε ì
the use of spaces:
èááááááááááThσ wronτ numbe≥ oµ space≤ betweeε sentence≤ (dependinτ ì
ááááááááááoε whethe≥ yo⌡ chosσ ▒ o≥ ▓ space≤ betweeε sentence≤ wheε ì
ááááááááááyo⌡ starteΣ thσ program).
ááááááááááExtra spaces between words.
ááááááááááNo⌠ havinτ ß spacσ afte≥ ß punctuatioε mark.
ááááááááááHavinτ ß spacσ beforσ ß punctuatioε mark.
┴ sentencσ i≤ anythinτ tha⌠ end≤ witΦ ß period¼ questioε mark¼ o≥ ì
exclamatioε point« Thσ prograφ i≤ smar⌠ enougΦ t∩ realizσ tha⌠ ß ì
perioΣ doe≤ no⌠ indicatσ thσ enΣ oµ ß sentencσ iµ onσ oµ thσ ì
following conditions is found:
ááááááááááIt is in a number, such as 3.14159.
ááááááááááIt is at the beginning of a line (a dot command).
ááááááááááIt follows a single capital letter, as in "J. Smith".
ááááááááááI⌠ i≤ iε aε abbreviatioε oµ singlσ letters¼ a≤ iε ì
ááááááááááI⌠ follow≤ aε abbreviatioε listeΣ iε thσ ABBREV╙ file¼ a≤ ì
ááááááááááin "Rev. Jones".
ááááááááááIt is in an ellipsis, as in...
Al∞ oµ thesσ condition≤ arσ handleΣ appropriately« Thσ prograφ ì
als∩ know≤ t∩ ski≡ ove≥ quotatioε marks¼ parentheses¼ brackets¼ anΣ ì
control characters in determining whether an error has occurred.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ informeΣ thσ prograφ (througΦ thσ ABBREV╙ file⌐ ì
tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ usinτ thσ Footnotσ program¼ i⌠ wil∞ als∩ recognizσ ì
note≤ anΣ notσ calls« I⌠ wil∞ allo≈ eithe≥ ▒ o≥ ▓ space≤ afte≥ thσ ì
footnote number in a note.
┴ peculia≥ situatioε caε develo≡ iµ thσ filσ wa≤ writteε witΦ ì
justificatioε on« Iε tha⌠ case¼ WordSta≥ add≤ "softó space≤ t∩ ì
eacΦ linσ s∩ tha⌠ thσ righ⌠ margin≤ arσ aligned« Thσ TEX╘ CHECKE╥ ì
prograφ wil∞ recognizσ thesσ extrß space≤ anΣ no⌠ conside≥ theφ t∩ ì
bσ errors« However¼ iµ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ extrß regular¼ "hardó ì
spaces¼ the∙ wil∞ bσ flaggeΣ a≤ potentia∞ errors« Thσ probleφ i≤ ì
tha⌠ botΦ "hardó anΣ "softó space≤ looδ thσ samσ oε thσ screen¼ ì
whicΦ make≤ i⌠ harΣ t∩ tel∞ wha⌠ thσ erro≥ is« Thσ bes⌠ thinτ t∩ ì
d∩ is║ turε justificatioε ofµ (^OJ)¼ reforφ thσ paragrapΦ (^B)¼ ì
correc⌠ thσ error¼ theε turε justificatioε bacδ oε (^OJ⌐ anΣ reforφ ì
the paragraph again.
Thσ program'≤ patiencσ i≤ no⌠ unlimited¼ anΣ tw∩ condition≤ ì
wil∞ no⌠ bσ handleΣ well« First¼ iµ morσ thaε 30░ spacinτ error≤ ì
arσ detecteΣ iε ß singlσ paragraph¼ aε erro≥ messagσ wil∞ appea≥ oε ì
thσ screen¼ showinτ thσ curren⌠ locatioε iε thσ file¼ anΣ theε thσ ì
prograφ wil∞ enΣ iε ß fi⌠ oµ piqueí Second¼ iµ ß singlσ paragrapΦ ìèi≤ morσ thaε 8,00░ character≤ lonτ (ove≥ ▓ 1/▓ single-spaceΣ ì
pages)¼ ß warninτ messagσ wil∞ appea≥ oε thσ screeε anΣ thσ prograφ ì
wil∞ continue« However¼ thσ checkinτ ma∙ no⌠ bσ correc⌠ anΣ i⌠ ma∙ ì
no⌠ bσ correctl∙ writteε t∩ thσ disδ iµ thσ file-markinτ optioε ha≤ ì
beeε selected« Anyonσ wh∩ write≤ ß paragrapΦ tha⌠ lonτ deserve≤ ì
wha⌠ happen≤ t∩ them.
Therσ wil∞ occasionall∙ bσ part≤ oµ ß filσ tha⌠ yo⌡ d∩ no⌠ ì
wan⌠ checked« Fo≥ example¼ ß tablσ oµ number≤ wil∞ havσ ß lo⌠ oµ ì
"Extrß spaceó error≤ flagged« T∩ makσ thσ prograφ ski≡ ove≥ ß ì
sectioε oµ thσ file¼ simpl∙ inser⌠ "..SKIPó beforσ thσ sectioε anΣ ì
"..STARTó afte≥ it« Thesσ command≤ mus⌠ bσ thσ onl∙ thinτ oε thσ ì
linσ anΣ mus⌠ begiε iε columε ▒ witΦ n∩ spaces« WordSta≥ wil∞ ì
trea⌠ thesσ a≤ comment≤ s∩ the∙ wil∞ no⌠ affec⌠ thσ filσ wheε i⌠ i≤ ì
printed out.
Thσ ABBREV╙ filσ contain≤ abbreviation≤ afte≥ whicΦ i⌠ i≤ O╦ ì
t∩ havσ onl∙ onσ spacσ afte≥ ß period¼ eveε iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ tw∩ space≤ ì
betweeε sentences¼ fo≥ example¼ Mr.¼ Mrs.¼ Vol.¼ etc« Thσ filσ i≤ ì
supplieΣ witΦ about 50 abbreviations« Yo⌡ caε adΣ additiona∞ ì
abbreviations¼ usinτ WordStar¼ u≡ t∩ ß tota∞ oµ 400« Iµ therσ arσ ì
morσ thaε 400¼ ß warninτ messagσ wil∞ bσ giveε wheε thσ prograφ i≤ ì
ruε anΣ onl∙ thσ firs⌠ 40░ wil∞ bσ used« Thσ abbreviation≤ shoulΣ ì
appear¼ onσ t∩ ß line¼ iε thσ file« The∙ ma∙ bσ iε uppe≥ o≥ lowe≥ ì
case¼ o≥ ß mixture¼ witΦ n∩ spaces¼ anΣ thσ perioΣ afte≥ theφ ma∙ ì
bσ includeΣ o≥ omitted.
Thσ firs⌠ linσ oµ thσ ABBREV╙ filσ i≤ specia∞ anΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ ì
communicatσ defaul⌠ value≤ t∩ thσ program« Thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oε ì
thσ firs⌠ linσ wil∞ bσ useΣ t∩ marδ errors« Thσ seconΣ characte≥ ì
shoulΣ bσ "1ó o≥ "2ó anΣ wil∞ bσ useΣ a≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ space≤ ì
requireΣ betweeε sentences« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ Footnotσ note≤ anΣ call≤ ì
recognized¼ theε thσ thirΣ characte≥ shoulΣ bσ "+"« Iµ therσ arσ ì
onl∙ tw∩ character≤ oε thσ firs⌠ line¼ o≥ iµ thσ thirΣ characte≥ i≤ ì
anythinτ othe≥ thaε "+"¼ theε Footnotσ note≤ anΣ call≤ wil∞ no⌠ bσ ì
Iµ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oµ thσ firs⌠ linσ i≤ ß lette≥ o≥ ß ì
number¼ theε error≤ wil∞ bσ markeΣ witΦ "#"« Iµ thσ seconΣ ì
characte≥ i≤ anythinτ othe≥ thaε "1ó o≥ "2"¼ theε thσ numbe≥ oµ ì
space≤ betweeε sentence≤ wil∞ bσ se⌠ a⌠ 2« Iε eithe≥ oµ thesσ ì
cases¼ ß warninτ messagσ wil∞ bσ displayeΣ anΣ you≥ firs⌠ ì
abbreviatioε wil∞ probabl∙ bσ ignored« Oµ course¼ thσ default≤ caε ì
bσ confirmeΣ o≥ changed.
Thi≤ methoΣ oµ specifyinτ thσ defaul⌠ value≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ i≤ ì
convenien⌠ becausσ yo⌡ arσ mos⌠ likel∙ no⌠ goinτ t∩ changσ theφ ì
ver∙ frequently¼ anΣ yo⌡ caε confirφ theφ witΦ ß singlσ ke∙ stroke« ì
Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ changσ theφ fo≥ ß particula≥ run¼ yo⌡ caε d∩ so¼ a≤ ìèdescribeΣ above.
Thσ prograφ wil∞ reaΣ thσ ABBREV╙ filσ righ⌠ afte≥ locatinτ ì
thσ filσ t∩ bσ checkeΣ anΣ beforσ askinτ ho≈ error≤ arσ t∩ bσ ì
displayed« Iµ i⌠ can'⌠ finΣ ABBREV╙ oε thσ defaul⌠ drivσ o≥ drivσ ì
A, it will display the message
Can't find ABBREVS on default drive or drive A.
What drive is it on (RETURN to skip)?
Iµ yo⌡ specif∙ ß drivσ anΣ thσ filσ stil∞ can'⌠ bσ found¼ thσ erro≥ ì
message will be
Still can't find ABBREVS. Using defaults.
Iε tha⌠ case¼ o≥ iµ yo⌡ diΣ no⌠ specif∙ ß drivσ afte≥ thσ firs⌠ ì
message¼ theε thσ default≤ wil∞ bσ "#ó t∩ marδ error≤ anΣ ▒ spacσ ì
betweeε sentences« Again¼ thσ default≤ caε bσ confirmeΣ o≥ ì
Thσ prograφ shoulΣ ruε oε an∙ 8-bi⌠ compute≥ witΦ ß Z8░ ì
processo≥ runninτ CP/M¼ versioε 2.▓ o≥ later¼ o≥ oε an∙ 16-bi⌠ ì
compute≥ runninτ MS-DO╙ o≥ PC-DOS« I⌠ doe≤ no⌠ recognizσ sub-ì
directorie≤ iε MS-DO╙ o≥ PC-DOS« RecommendeΣ memor∙ capacit∙ i≤ ì
64╦ fo≥ thσ 8-bi⌠ versioε anΣ 128╦ fo≥ thσ 16-bi⌠ version« I⌠ wil∞ ì
ruε witΦ les≤ memory¼ bu⌠ yo⌡ coulΣ ruε ou⌠ oµ memor∙ (ß fata∞ ì
error⌐ iµ ver∙ lonτ paragraph≤ occur.
Iε test≤ usinτ flopp∙ disk≤ oε botΦ thσ IB═ PC/X╘ anΣ thσ ì
Osbornσ ▒ computer¼ i⌠ tooδ abou⌠ onσ minutσ t∩ proces≤ 7,50░ ì
character≤ anΣ writσ ß markeΣ filσ oε thσ disk« Usinτ eithe≥ ß ì
harΣ disδ o≥ ß RA═ disδ oε thσ IBM¼ processinτ speeΣ increaseΣ t∩ ì
abou⌠ 15,00░ character≤ per minute.
Iµ yo⌡ likσ thi≤ prograφ anΣ finΣ i⌠ useful¼ fee∞ freσ t∩ senΣ ì
ß contribution╗ ╔ sugges⌠ $15« Also¼ iµ yo⌡ havσ comment≤ o≥ ì
suggestion≤ o≥ havσ founΣ bugs¼ pleasσ writσ t∩ me« M∙ addres≤ ì
appears at the beginning of this document.