Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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Assembly Source File
178 lines
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title SETERROR-sets the ERRORLEVEL for DOS batch file processing
subttl by Tony Alan Rhea 10/24/83
comment *
This program accepts one command line argument and sets the
DOS ERRORLEVEL to that argument. Currently, this program has
a limit of 9 for the errorlevel, but apparently DOS has a a
much higher limit (FFh -- the code is returned in a half-reg).
An invalid or missing argument gives an error message and an
errorlevel 0. This program requires DOS 2.0.
where n is between 0 and 9.
Copyright (C) 1983 Tony Alan Rhea
This program may be copied and distributed for personal use
but not for profit provided this notice is included. Author makes
no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the correct nature and
operation of this software.
You may make and distribute as many copies of this program as you wish
for your PERSONAL use only ( NOT for business purposes, please! ).
Feel free to modify, mutilate, or adulterate this program. If you come
up with an bug or improvement, please let me know by writing me at this
Tony A. Rhea
1030 Ivy Lane
Cary, NC 27511
If you do modify it, please give me credit in the program. This helps
to preserve my ego and increase my fame (but, unfortunately, NOT my
financial status). Also, I would appreciate a copy of the modified
version, preferably on disk (I'll be happy to return your diskette).
If you like this program ( or HATE it ), please let me know. Drop me
a line at the address given above.
This program has been submitted for publication in PC-WORLD magazine.
Revision history:
rev 1.0 10/24/83 { original release }
; Equates
space equ ' '
zero equ '0'
nine equ '9'
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
dollar equ '$'
; Program entry point
cseg segment para 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, ss:nothing, es:cseg
org 100h ;for .COM file
entry proc near
mov ah,30h ;set function code -- get DOS version number
int 21h ;and request DOS service
cmp al,0 ;is it pre-DOS 2.0?
jne entry10 ;if not, continue
jmp dosexit ;else tell user & quit
; At this point we have DOS 2.0 or better. Check the length of
; the command line parameter. The number of characters on the command
; line is at PSP+80h and the parms themselves start at PSP+81h.
entry10 label near
mov si,80h ;set up address of parm length in PSP
mov cl,[si] ;and get length into CX
cmp cl,2 ;look for two chars (space+digit)
je entry20 ;if not, continue
jmp errorexit ;else bad parms -- exit
; At this point, we have two characters - make sure the
; first one is a space and the second is a digit.
entry20 label near
inc si ;get address of parm in PSP
mov bl,[si] ;and get the first char in BL
cmp bl,space ;is it a space?
je entry30 ;if so, continue
jmp errorexit ;else bad parm -- exit
entry30 label near
inc si ;point to next (second) parm char
mov bl,[si] ;and get second char into BL
cmp bl,zero ;is it greater than or equal to a zero?
jae entry40 ;if so, continue
jmp errorexit ;else not digit -- exit
entry40 label near
cmp bl,nine ;is it less than or equal to a nine?
jbe entry50 ;if so, continue
jmp errorexit ;else not digit -- exit
; At this point we have a valid digit as a parameter in BL.
; Convert the digit to binary and exit, setting the DOS ERRORLEVEL.
entry50 label near
sub bl,zero ;convert '0' to 0, '1' to 1, etc...
mov al,bl ;and put requested errorlevel in AL
mov ah,4ch ;set DOS function code -- terminate with errorlevel
int 21h ;and request DOS service (requested errorlevel returned)
; If we get here we don't have DOS 2.0. Tell user about it and terminate via
; function 0 (which works for all DOS versions).
dosexit label near
lea dx,errmsg1 ;point DX to DOS error msg
mov ah,9 ;set function code -- print string
int 21h ;and request DOS service
xor ax,ax ;set function code to zero -- program terminate
int 21h ;and request DOS service (no errorlevel returned)
; If we get here the user entered an invalid command line parameter. Show him
; the syntax and exit, returning errorlevel 0.
errorexit label near
lea dx,errmsg2 ;point DX to syntax error msg
mov ah,9 ;set function code -- print string
int 21h ;and request DOS service
mov ax,4c00h ;set DOS function code -- terminate with errorlevel
int 21h ;and request DOS service (errorlevel 0 returned)
entry endp
; Error messages
errmsg1 db 'SETERROR requires DOS 2.0 or greater.', cr, lf, dollar
errmsg2 equ $
db 'SETERROR -- sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL for batch file processing', cr, lf
db 'Usage:', cr, lf
db ' SETERROR n', cr,lf
db 'where n is between 0 and 9.', cr, lf, dollar
copyright db 'SETERROR -- Copyright (C) 1983 Tony Alan Rhea'
cseg ends
end entry
Press <ENTER> Directory # 11 -- Time left 33 minute(s) Enter File #, <L>ist, <Q>uit or <C>hg Dir. SAM :
This disk copy was originally provided by "The Public Library",
the software library of the Houston Area League of PC Users.
Disks in the Public Libray are updated monthly. Check with us
for the latest versions of all programs.
Programs are available from the Public Library at $2 per disk
on user-provided disks. To get a listing of the disks in the
Public Library, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
Nelson Ford, P.O.Box 61565, Houston, TX 77208.