Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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Disk No 80
Program Title: DOS UTILITIES No. 3
PC-SIG version 2
Here's a little bit of everything for anyone looking to add some
functionality to their system. DOS UTILITIES No. 3 has some great routines;
including two improved directory utilities, SD20 and XDIR, which let you
alter file attributes EASILY! (Keep someone from erasing those important
files!) Also of interest is MOVE, which can combine the functions of COPY
and ERASE (much quicker, too). There are also color-setting routines, an
expanded ANSI.SYS driver, modification to let you use the ALT, CTRL, and
SHIFT keys as toggles (on/off). Toggle on/off functions can help people who
have problems depressing multiple keys to more safely use their PC
functions. There's much more--explore and enjoy!
Usage: System Enhancement and Customization.
System Requirements: 128K memroy, one disk drive, monochrome monitor.
Some programs require color graphics. Programs with a "+" symbol after the
name mean that they require color.
How to Start: To run an EXE or COM program, simply type its name and
press <ENTER>. For instructions on running BASIC programs, please refer to
the GETTING STARTED section in this catalog. For instructions on ASM
listings, refer to your Assembler manual. To read DOC files, simply enter
TYPE filename.ext and press <ENTER>.
User Comments: "I like the compact, but full information display it
presents." "Odd mix of utilities and BASIC games/word processors." "Some
utilities (Alter, Ask, Move) were useful; rest were either too specialized
or outdated." "Super utilities."
File Descriptions:
ALTER COM Utility to change file attributes (DOS 2.0).
ALTER DOC Documentation file for ALTER.COM.
ASK COM Allows interactive input to a batch file (DOS 2.0).
ASK DOC Documentation file for ASK.COM.
BIGANSI SYS Enlarged ANSI.SYS, allows for redefinition of 40 keys.
CISEXE COM Communications program that supports CompuServe protocol.
CISEXE DOC Documentation file for CISEXE.COM.
CL ASM+ Source for CL.COM.
CL COM+ Sets blue background.
CL DOC Documentation file for CL.COM.
COLOR COM+ Machine language equivalent of BASIC's COLOR statement.
COLOR DOC Documentation file for COLOR.COM.
EDITNO BAS Formats numeric output in ways that PRINT USING cannot.
EDITNO DOC Documentation file for EDITNO.BAS.
ET4 BAS BASIC text file line editor - an alternative to EDLIN.
ET4 EXE Compiled BASIC version.
FCBCRT BAS Creates loadable program for reading directories from BASIC.
FCBEXM BAS Demonstrates use of BLOADable file.
FCBREAD BSV BLOADable file created by FCBCRT.BAS.
FKREST COM Companion to FKSET.COM - resets keys to original functions.
FKSET COM Upgrade of function key definition routine for DOS 2.0.
FLIGHT NEW How to modify Flight Simulator for color on a RGB monitor.
HIQUE BAS+ Board game that supports light pen input.
KEYLK DOC Documentation for KEYLK and KEYLK3.
KEYLK3 ASM Source code for KeyLock progra. for latest BIOS ROM
KEYLK3 EXE KeyLock program for BIOS ROM..
MEM640 DOC Documentation file for MEM640.ZAP.
MEM640 ZAP Modifies BIOS to handle memory greater than 544KB.
MOVE COM Utility to move files across dir.ctories without copying
MOVE DOC Documentation file for MOVE.COM.
OKIMOD DOC Documentation on how to modify MODE.COM for different printers.
SD20 COM Sorted directory for DOS 2.0. Includes several run options.
SD20 DOC Documentation file for SD20.COM.
SOLFE BAS Plays "Solfeggietto" by Carl Phillip Emanual Bach.
WMTELL BAS Plays William Tell Overture.
XDIR COM Extended directory - shows file attributes.
XDIR DOC Documentation file for XDIR.COM.
LOAD-US COM Enables you to use Lotus and Symphony on hard disk.
LOAD-US DOC Documentation for LOAD-US.
NUMZAP EXE Removes line numbers from BASIC programs.
NUMZAP DOC Documentation for NUMZAP.
NUMZAP BAS BASIC source code for NUMZAP.
RENUM EXE Renumbers a file that has been through NUMZAP.
RENUM BAS BASIC source code for RENUM.
1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG Inc.