Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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Assembly Source File
232 lines
page ,132
; This routine tests DISP_TEXT which prints a string
; on the screen without using BIOS interupts.
; Author: Malcolm McCorquodale III.
; Date : July 1983.
; BIOS data areas.
intdata segment at 40h
org 10h
equip_flag dw ? ;installed hardware
; video display data area
org 49h
crt_mode db ? ; Current crt mode
crt_cols dw ? ; Number of columns on screen
crt_len dw ? ; Length of regen in bytes
crt_start dw ? ; Startimg address in regen buffer
cursor_posn dw 8 dup(?) ; Cursor for each of up to 8 pages
cursor_mode dw ? ; Current cursor mode setting
active_page db ? ; Current page being displayed
addr_6845 dw ? ; Base address for active display card
crt_mode_set db ? ; Current setting of the 3x8 register
crt_pallette db ? ; Current pallette setting color card
intdata ends
; myprog's data area.
data segment 'data'
string1 db 100 dup (31h) ; The number 1
string2 db 100 dup (32h) ; The number 2
data ends
; Stack segment
stack segment stack 'stack'
stk db 24 dup (?)
stack ends
; This routine prints a character to the screen
; without using BIOS interupts.
code segment 'code'
assume CS:code,DS:data,SS:stack
myprog proc far
; DOS linkage.
push ds ; Save return segment address on stack.
xor ax,ax ; Zero out ax reg,
push ax ; and place on stack.
mov ax,data ;
mov ds,ax ; Establish addressibility,
; for DATA segment.
; Set up for and simulate a INT 10h with ah = 10
mov ah,0 ; Write on row 6
mov al,0 ; column 10
mov bh,0 ; on page 0
mov cx,length string1 ; 1000 characters
mov si,offset string1
call disp_text
mov ah,0 ; Write on row 6
mov al,0 ; column 10
mov bh,0 ; on page 0
mov cx,length string2 ; 1000 characters
mov si,offset string2
call disp_text
myprog endp
; This routine will print N characters on the screen.
; (ah) = Row to start printing data on.
; (al) = Column to start printing data on.
; (bh) = Number of page to use.
; (cx) = Number of characters to write.
; (ds:si) = Address of message to print on screen.
; None.
DISP_TEXT proc near
assume ds:intdata ; Use intdata as data segment.
sti ; Restore interupts.
cld ; Set direction forward.
push es ; Save registers on stack.
push dx
push cx
push bx
push si
push di
push ds
push ax ; save row, column value.
mov ax,intdata ; Establish addressibility for
mov ds,ax ; DISP_TEXT procs.
mov ax,0b800h ; Color card segment
mov di,equip_flag ; Get equipment setting
and di,30h ; Isolate CRT switches
cmp di,30h ; Is setting for B&W card?
jne skip_bw
mov ax,0b000h ; If B&W reset address.
mov es,ax ; Set up ES to point at video ram areas.
mov ah,crt_mode ; Move the CRT mode into ah.
jmp write_character ; Jump over Write_Character's subroutines.
; These routines convert the row and column contained in AX
; to the offset required for screen memory. (The regen buffer).
; This routine works for alphanumeric modes.
; ax = row, column position for characters.
; ax = offset of char position in regen buffer.
Find_position proc near
push cx
mov cl,bh ; display page to cx
xor ch,ch
xor bx,bx ; Assume screen 0.
jcxz no_page
page_loop: ; If we are not on screen 0 then
add bx,crt_len ; adjust bx for the page we're on.
loop page_loop
push bx ; Save work register
mov bx,ax
mov al,ah ; Move rows to al.
mul byte ptr crt_cols ; Determine # of bytes to row.
xor bh,bh
add ax,bx ; Add in column value.
sal ax,1 ; Times 2 for attribute bytes.
pop bx ; Restore work register
add bx,ax ; Add to start of screen buffer.
pop cx
find_position endp
; This routine writes the characters at
; the calculated cursor position, with attribute unchanged.
; This procedure could be changed to write the attribute
; byte also. This would require changing the MOVSB instruction
; to a MOVSW instruction as well as deleting the INC DI
; instruction that follows it.
write_character proc near
cmp ah,4 ; Is this graphics ?
jc begin
cmp ah,7 ; Is this the b&w card ?
je begin
pop ax ; Throw away ax,
ret ; and abort.
pop ax ; Restore row and column.
call find_position ; Calculate address at which to
mov di,bx ; put text, and put it in di.
;------Wait for horizontal retrace.
mov dx,addr_6845 ; Get base address of 6845 screen controller,.
add dx,6 ; and point at 6845 status port.
pop ds ; Restore users Data segment so we can
assume ds:data ; find and print his data.
in al,dx ; Get status.
test al,1 ; Is it low ?
jnz wait_low ; Wait until it is.
cli ; Mask out interupts.
in al,dx ; Get status.
test al,1 ; Is it high ?
jz wait_high ; Wait until it is.
movsb ; Put the the char/attr
inc di ; Bump pointer past attribute byte.
loop wait_low ; as many times as requested.
; Return to caller.
sti ; reallow interupts
pop di ; recover registers and segments
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop es
write_character endp
code ends