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You can start up the Compiler Support from DOS with the command:
The Compiler Support starts up with a large menu on the right half of
the screen. Displayed near the top are the current Compiler, Linker,
Debugger and Make commands. The initial commands are set by the
editable COMPILE.CNF file.
NOTES: You can override the commands in COMPILE.CNF by creating the
local directory you use for programming. These files consist
of a single command line. This way the correct Compiler/
Assembler is always ready to run. COMPILE.VCO files also let
you set the Compiler options needed for each of your programs.
For example, one program may need to be compiled with the
"medium model" option while another needs the "large model"
option. The Compiler Support will adjust automatically.
The prompt for whether you have a color display can be turned
off by editing COMPILE.CNF and changing "COLORDISPLAY=" from
a value of "?" to "Y" or "N".
Also displayed are the current "Project File" and "Edit File"; most
likely they are now the same, e.g. "ADDER.C". The Project File is the
name of the file to be compiler, linked and debugged. The "-proj.ext"
and "-proj" you see in the Compiler, Linker and Debugger commands are
place holders for the Project File name, with and without extension.
The "Edit File" is the file you are editing at the moment. It could,
for example, be an "Include" file needed by the main program.
Compiling ADDER
Assuming the current Project File is ADDER.C, you can compile it by
selecting "C" from the main menu. Your C compiler should run and
report errors. The Compiler Support should automatically load ADDER.C
and position the cursor on the first line containing an error. The
reported error will also be displayed on the screen. Correct the
first error by changing "num0" to "num1". Press <ESC> for the "Error
(N)ext (P)revious (F)irst (B)rowse (R)ecompile (E)xit to Menu
Press "N" to advance to the next error. ("Browse" lets you see all
errors and select a desired error.) Correct the error as described in
the comment. Press <ESC> and "N" again. "No more errors" is
displayed. Press "R" to recompile. The compilation should now be
successful. If indicated, press <ESC> to return to the main menu.
Linking ADDER
The program ADDER is now ready for linking. Select "L" from the main
The linker's output is displayed on the screen for you; press <ESC> to
return to the main menu.
NOTE: The Microsoft and Borland C Compilers also let you compile and
link in one step, but we have purposely broken it into
distinct compile and link steps. One advantage is that the
Microsoft "/codeview" option is only available with the LINK
Running / Debugging ADDER
You can now run ADDER by selecting "G" from the main menu and at the
prompt typing "ADDER".
In practice, you can run your debugger by selecting "D" from the main
Assembling EGA43
Change the current Compiler by selecting "S" from the main menu. At
the filename prompt simply press <Enter> for Point & Shoot file
selection. Select either "MASM" or "TASM".
NOTES: When you select a new compiler, the Compiler Support loads the
associated ".VCS" file, e.g. "MASM.VCS" or "TASM.VCS". Each
supported compiler has an associated ".VCS" file. VEDIT
supports numerous other compilers. Users can also create
their own ".VCS" files for custom compilers.
The Compiler Support also loads the associated ".VCO" file,
e.g. "MASM.VCO" or "TASM.VCO". The ".VCO" file contains the
new Compiler command you see displayed in the menu. It can
also set new Linker, Debugger and Make commands. In this
demo, it only sets the Compiler and Linker commands.
To assemble EGA43.ASM select "P" from the main menu. At the filename
prompt simply press <Enter>. Select EGA43.ASM.
To assemble EGA43.ASM select "C" from the main menu. EGA43.ASM also
contains several obvious syntactic errors which need correction.
Using the same procedure as with ADDER.C, correct the errors and
re-assemble the program until no further errors are reported.
Linking EGA43
When you selected a new compiler (assembler) above, it changed both
the Compiler and Linker commands. The Linker command should now be
set to "LINK /codeview -proj.obj;" or "TLINK -proj.obj" for the
Microsoft or Borland linkers, respectively.
If you want to experiment with changing the Linker command, follow
these steps:
Select "O" from the main menu. Select "L" from the "Change
Options" sub-menu to change the Link command. Select "E" to edit
the command. Edit the command as needed. Press <Esc>. Select
"X" twice to return to the main menu.
Select "L" from the main menu to run the linker.
Running EGA43
You can now run EGA43 by selecting "G" from the main menu and at the
prompt entering "EGA43".
You may want to restore the screen back to 25 lines by selecting "G"
from the main menu and at the prompt entering "MODE CO80".
Running Make
This discussion assumes you are familiar with Make programs and
The Microsoft NMAKE and Borland MAKE programs are supported. Using a
"makefile" simplifies not only general program development, but also
use of the Compiler Support. The supplied makefile "MAKEFILE" will
compile/assemble and link both ADDER.C and EGA43.ASM. The Compiler
Support automatically handles any errors reported by different
compilers/assemblers used during the Make process.
The displayed Make command is "NMAKE /n" for Microsoft and "MAKE -n"
for Borland. The default makefile for each is "MAKEFILE".
To try the Make process first delete the files ADDER.OBJ, ADDER.EXE,
EGA43.OBJ and EGA43.COM created by compiling and linking above. You
may want to reintroduce some errors in ADDER.C and EGA43.ASM.
Start the Make process by selecting "M" from the main menu. The
Compiler Support will display any errors reported by the compiler or
assembler as before. After correcting an error and pressing <ESC>, a
different "Error menu" is displayed:
(N)ext (P)rev (F)irst (B)rowse (M)ake (R)etry (S)kip (E)xit to Menu
Press "R" to retry the current compilation. "(M)ake" restarts the
entire Make process. "(S)kip" skips the current compilation and
continues with the rest of the Make process.
When running Make, it is irrelevant what the current Compiler and
Linker commands displayed in the Compiler Support's menu are. The
Make process is completely controlled by the makefile. The Compiler
Support automatically loads the appropriate ".VCS" files to handle any
errors reported by a compiler or assembler.
In practice, its simple
In practice, you would set up COMPILE.VCO, LINK.VCO, DEBUG.VCO and
"makefile" files for each of your major programs. It would then no
longer be necessary to switch compilers and change Compiler and Link
commands from within the Compiler Support. You would simply start up
the Compiler Support in the program's directory and the Compile/Link
commands would adjust automatically.
The Compiler Support is normally used in conjunction with our V-SWAP
program. When V-SWAP is loaded, you can start up the Compiler Support
at any time from within VEDIT by pressing <ALT-I>. The current file
you are editing becomes the Project and Edit File, ready for
compilation. V-SWAP will completely swap VEDIT out of memory in order
to run the most memory demanding compilers and debuggers.
We hope that you have enjoyed the Compiler Support portion of the
VEDIT PLUS demo/tutorial.