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798 lines
* (SRCH18).QM
*┌──────────────────(INDEX) Search/Replace Macros ─────────────────────────────┐
*│@(0) - Srch/rplc from command line, loads file w/SR.BAT, no prompt <-chg
*│@(7) - Srch ONLY from command line, load files w/SRL.BAT, no replace
*│@(1) - Makes FileList of files containing search text while editing
*│@(2) - Loads FileList of files containing search text while editing
*│@(5) - Srch/rplc while editing, finds/loads files, prompts <-new
*│@(8) - Srch/rplc while editing loaded files only, prompts,
*│ saves ONLY & keeps loaded ONLY files w/replacements
*│@(9) - Srch ONLY loaded files, keep loaded ONLY files w/found text <-chg
*│@(h) - Finds first word on cursor line in Index in document below <-new
*│(F4) - RepeatFind
*│(F6) - NextFile
*│(Index) Use - How to locate macro or item below from Index using @h
*│(Description) - Search/Replace Macros
*│(Startup) - What's required
*│(Macros) - Search/Repace Macros
*│(Other) Macros - not included
*│(Version) history
*└────────[ be sure to leave at least one blank line at end of Index ]────────┘
* Confirms Saves Must Be
* Replace- Loaded First Byte
* Run While ment? Files? Macro? Comments Size
* ── ───────── ──────── ────── ────── ─────────────────── ────
* @0 cmnd line no yes yes s/r w/SR.bat 192 <-chg
* @7 cmnd line n/a n/a yes load only w/SRL.bat 37
* @1 editing n/a n/a no makes FileList only 99
* @2 editing n/a n/a no loads files only 19
* @5 editing yes rpl only no s/r finds files 260 <-new
* @8 editing yes rpl only no s/r loaded files 62
* @9 editing srch only no no s/o loaded files 62 <-chg
* @h editing - - - Help locate macros 47
* (Index) Use;
* To locate a macro or item in this file, place the cursor line on the
* desired item in the Index above and press @h.
* See BOOK15.ZIP for more details.
* (Description):
* (SRCH18) are QEdit macros to search/replace only files containing
* search text from a FileList of file search patterns. Only files
* containing the search text are loaded automatically, and then the
* desired search/replace is performed. Search/replace may also be run
* from the command line and while editing files.
* To BEGIN, just type START-SR. All pertinent files will be loaded
* for viewing. SRCH18.MAC is also read. Read the instructions below.
* (Startup):
* In order for these macros to run, first make a FileList,
* SRCH-FG.LST, of the file patterns to be searched. Here's mine in:
* *.qm
* *.ql
* *.inf
* *.bat
* *.lst
* *.me
* *.doc
* *.syn
* e:\syn\sa.syn
* The last entry is my PCED synonym file.
* You may want to consider putting only one single file name in the list
* to try these macros, eg TEST.QM.
* To perform a search/replace from the command line, type SR, and
* answer the prompts for search and replace text. To perform a SEARCH
* ONLY from the command line, type SRL, and answer the prompts for
* search text. All searches with these macros and batch files are
* non-case sensitive. To perform a case sensitive search, change "IGN"
* to "GN"in the macros below and "-f" to "-fc" in the batch files.
* Chris Dunford's excellent FGREP and William Parke's INPUT.COM must be
* located in the path. These programs are NOT included with SRCH18.ZIP.
* FGREP can be found on CompuServe IBMAPP Lib 1 as FGREP.ARC, v1.71,
* and on Exec-PC as FGREP172.ZIP. INPUT can be found on Exec-PC as
* INPUT.ZIP. They are probably on many other BBS's also.
* Search text may be single or multiple words.
* Replacing C: with your ram disk will make the macros run faster.
* QEdit MUST be configured with the second General option as follows:
* Should PQuit, Exit and File return to the edit file prompt (Y/N)? [Y]
* Alt_0/7 set and use the Dos environment variables FGS and FGR. The
* letters "FGS" and "FGR" must NOT occur in any other Dos environment
* variable name or value. You must have enough environment space to
* store both the search and replacement text.
* Any file containing the text ('asterisk'Fi) will stop loading with
* SR and SRL. If you have a problem, check for this.
* QEdit must be named Q.EXE.
* Insert should be ON.
* For (other) macros, see ALLMACRO.INF.
* (Macros):--------------------------------------------------------
*│ @(0) Macro for search/replace from command line with SR.BAT │
* To do a search/replace from command line, just type SR, and answer
* prompts for search and replacement text.
* TEST.QM is included to show how this macro works. Type/enter at the
* command line as follows:
* 1. "SR" return
* 2. "aaa" space "bbb" return (answer SEARCH text prompt)
* 3. "AAA" space "BBB" return (answer REPLACEMENT text prompt)
* This version of @0 differs from v1.0j in that the FGREP output of
* found file names and found text is is also loaded after replacement,
* and is in window #1. The files after replacement are in the other
* windows. This helps show what text was actually replaced.
* When finished running with the batch file or PCED, the following
* files are loaded for viewing or editing:
* Window 1 -list of files found & search text (output from FGREP)
* Window 2...n+1 -files containing search text, n = (# files found)
* Temporary file names are:
* c:$.ql List of files found & search text (output from FGREP)
* c:! Same as c:$.ql
* This version of @0 uses the "Once-Around the ring" technique of Kyle
* Watkins. This macro is faster than Version 1.6 and prior because
* files do not have to be re-loaded after replacement. They are not
* QUIT from the ring during replacement.
* Entering "IGN" when prompted will automatically make the replacement
* in all files. Swapping the two lines ** in this macro and
* reconverting with QMAC will make the search/replace totally automatic
* after entering the search and replace text when promted.
@0 MacroBegin
***************************************** LOAD FILES
altwordset * for all file names
endfile * get to end of file
unmarkblock * unmark last file name
find #42 "Fi" return "B" return* Find file name
jfalse END: * no find ? quit
wordright * move to space
wordright * move to file name
markcolumn * mark it
endline * get all name in block
copy * cut file name to scrap
EditFile * get ready to load
CurrentFilename " " * to force return *here*
Paste Return * paste file name & do it!
cursorup * go to next line
jfalse ENDLOAD: * No more file names? End
jump LOADAGAIN: * check again
quit * quit c:! from ring so no rplc
***************************************** GET SEARCH TEXT TO SCRATCH
DOS "SET>c:$" * get SET output to tempfile
return return *
editfile "c:$" return * load tempfile w/ set output
find "FGS" return return * find FGS
wordright * get to SEARCH text
markcolumn * begin mark
endline * mark SEARCH text
cursorleft * no trailing space in block
storescrbuff "FGS" return * store SEARCH text to scratch
***************************************** GET REPLACE TEXT TO SCRATCH
unmarkblock * get ready
begfile * get to top
find "FGR" return return * find FGR
wordright * get to REPLACE text
markcolumn * begin mark
endline * mark it all
cursorleft * no trailing space in block
storescrbuff "FGR" return * store REPLACE text to scratch
killfile * kill c:$ for next time
quit * remove c:$ from ring
***************************************** BEGIN SEARCH/REPLACE
Editfile 'NUL' Return * Insert -or- GoTo NUL File
getscrbuff "FGS" return cut * cut search text from scratch
Find paste Return return * initialize find prompt
getscrbuff "FGR" return cut * cut replace text from scratch
FindReplace return * begin replacement
paste RETURN ** paste REPLACEMENT text
** "IGN" Return ** Replace, no prompt
Pause Return * Allow user input of Options
Begline Cursorright * Put cursor in Col. 2 of NUL File
LOOP: * Main test loop
Nextfile * Move to next file in Ring
Cursorleft * Move cursor left (need for NUL test)
Jfalse DOIT: * If couldn't move to left, it's not
* the NUL File AND cursor position
* has not changed -- GO with the
* FindReplace
* Check to see if in the NUL File
'NUL ' Currentfilename Return * GoTo NUL File -- AND--
* Preload File to Edit
* Buffer so can Return
* to Current File
Cursorleft * Move cursor left for NUL Test
Jfalse ENDLOOP: * If couldn't move left -- We
* ARE in the NUL File and Need
Cursorright * Move back to Col. 2 in NUL File
Begline Delch Delch Delch Return * Bring up EditFile Prompt
* and delete NUL and
* Return to File we left
Cursorright * Restore Cursor to its previous
* position and GO with the FindReplace
DOIT: * FindReplace Loop
Repeatfind * Do the FindReplace
Jtrue SAVE: * If CHANGES are made -- SAVE the File
Quit * If NO CHANGES are made -- QUIT the
* File
Jump LOOP: * Return to the Main Loop
SAVE: * Routine to Save a File with Changes
Savefile * Save the file
Jump LOOP: * Return to Main Loop
Quit * Quit the NUL File
END: *
defaultwordset * set default
* 191 bytes Sun 09-16-1990 15:09:40
*│ @(1) - makes FileList of files containing search text │
@1 MacroBegin
Dos 'FGREP -f0 "' * make FileList
Pause *
'">c:! @SRCH-FG.lst' *
return return *
editfile "c:!" return quit * edit FileList
editfile return *
begfile *
MarkColumn * mark begfile c:!
endfile begline * mark endfile col 1
wordright wordright * get to file name
cursorleft * move off file name
DeleteBlock * delete file name
SaveFile * save FileList
begfile * get to begin
MarkColumn * mark begfile c:!
EndFile * get to end
gotocolumn "12" return * get all file names in block
Sort * sort FileList
KILLFILE * kill c:!
begfile * see FileList
unmarkblock * without block mark
* 99 bytes Thu 09-13-1990 16:30:45
*│ @(2) - loads FileList of files containing search text │
* Written by Kyle Watkins, SemWare.
@2 MacroBegin
***************************************** LOAD FileList (from QLSTxx)
EndFile BegLine * start at last line
UnmarkBlock MarkLine Copy * grab this name
EditFile * get ready to load
CurrentFilename " " * to force return *here*
Paste Return * paste file name & do it!
CursorUp * more lines above?
JTrue REPEAT: * if yes, repeat.
* 19 bytes Mon 09-03-1990 00:56:04
*│ @(5) - loads FileList of files containing search text, │
*│ then search/replace loaded files while editing │
@5 MacroBegin
***************************************** GET SEARCH TEXT
unmarkblock *
Editfile 'NUL' Return * Insert -or- GoTo NUL File
"Search Text=" markcolumn pause * search text?
storescrbuff "1" return copy * copy search text to scrap
***************************************** GET REPLACE TEXT
RETURN * move to next line
"Replace Text=" markcolumn pause * replacement text?
storescrbuff "2" return * store replacement to scratch
quit * quit NUL
***************************************** MAKE FileList
DOS 'FGREP -f0 "' * make FileList
paste * paste search text
'">c:! @SRCH-FG.lst' *
return return *
editfile "c:!" return quit * edit FileList
editfile return *
begfile MarkColumn * mark begfile c:!
endfile begline * mark endfile col 1
jfalse END: * End if no search text found
wordright wordright * get to file name
cursorleft * move off file name
DeleteBlock * delete file name
begfile * get to begin
MarkColumn * mark begfile c:!
EndFile * get to end
gotocolumn "12" return * get all file names in block
Sort * sort FileList
***************************************** LOAD FileList (from QLSTxx)
EndFile BegLine * start at last line
UnmarkBlock MarkLine Copy * grab this name
EditFile * get ready to load
CurrentFilename " " * to force return *here*
Paste Return * paste file name & do it!
CursorUp * more lines above?
JTrue REPEAT: * yes ? repeat
***************************************** FIND/REPLACE
killfile * kill c:!
quit * quit c:!
Editfile 'NUL' Return * Insert -or- GoTo NUL File
getscrbuff "1" return cut * cut search text from scratch
Find paste Return return * initialize find prompt
getscrbuff "2" return cut * cut replace text from scratch
FindReplace return * begin replacement
paste RETURN ** paste REPLACEMENT text
** "IGN" Return ** Replace, no prompt
Pause Return * Allow user input of Options
Begline Cursorright * Put cursor in Col. 2 of NUL File
LOOP: * Main test loop
Nextfile * Move to next file in Ring
Cursorleft * Move cursor left (need for NUL test)
Jfalse DOIT: * If couldn't move to left, it's not
* the NUL File AND cursor position
* has not changed -- GO with the
* FindReplace
* Check to see if in the NUL File
'NUL ' Currentfilename Return * GoTo NUL File -- AND--
* Preload File to Edit
* Buffer so can Return
* to Current File
Cursorleft * Move cursor left for NUL Test
Jfalse END: * If couldn't move left -- We
* ARE in the NUL File and Need
* to END the Macro
Cursorright * Move back to Col. 2 in NUL File
Begline Delch Delch Delch Return * Bring up EditFile Prompt
* and delete NUL and
* Return to File we left
Cursorright * Restore Cursor to its previous
* position and GO with the FindReplace
DOIT: * FindReplace Loop
Repeatfind * Do the FindReplace
Jtrue SAVE: * If CHANGES are made -- SAVE the File
Quit * If NO CHANGES are made -- QUIT the
* File
Jump LOOP: * Return to the Main Loop
SAVE: * Routine to Save a File with Changes
Savefile * Save the file
Jump LOOP: * Return to Main Loop
END: * Macro is DONE
Quit * Quit the NUL File
* 260 bytes Sun 09-16-1990 14:48:58
* ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* │ @(7) -Start up macro, loads only found files, no replacement │
* └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* This version of this macro is about half the size of @7 in v1.0i and
* runs about twice as fast.
* To run, type SRL at the command line and answer prompt for search
* text.
* SRL.BAT will accept SRL [search text] as long as [search text] is a
* SINGLE word. This bypasses the need to respond to the INPUT prompt
* for Search Text=. (added in v1.4)
* An alternative to using the batch file SRL.BAT is to use the
* following PCED synonym instead:
* SYN SRLFG 'echo off^break on^FGREP -f "&A" @SRCH-FG.LST >c:!
* ^Q. c:! /Esrl.mac /LSRCH18.mac^break off^echo on'
* Just add this synonym to the bottom of your synonym file on one line,
* or type CED SYN SRLFG 'echo ...............'.
* To run using PCED, type SRLFG [search text] at the command line.
* When finished running with the batch file or PCED, the following
* files are loaded for viewing or editing:
* Window 1 -list of files found & search text (output from FGREP)
* Window 2...n+1 -files containing search text, n = (# files found)
* Temporary file names are:
* c:$.ql List of files found & search text (output from FGREP)
* c:! Same as c:$.ql
@7 macrobegin
***************************************** LOAD FOUND FILES
altwordset * for all file names
endfile * get to end of file
unmarkblock * clear last file name
find #42 "Fi" return "B" return* Find file name
wordright * move to space
wordright * move to file name
markcolumn * mark it
endline * get all name in block
copy * copy file name to scrap
EditFile * get ready to load
CurrentFilename " " * to force return *here*
Paste Return * paste file name & do it!
cursorup * go to next line
jfalse END: * No more file names? End
jump CHECKAGAIN: * check again
END: *
defaultwordset * set default
* 37 bytes Thu 09-06-1990 13:53:04
* ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* The following macro was written by Kyle Watkins of SemWare in
* response to my request for a macro to search/replace all loaded
* files, but also:
* - save to disk only those files that had a replacement, and
* - keep loaded only those files that had a replacement made.
* It is an excellent and creative macro which I urge you to study
* because of the unique and powerful use of a NUL file as a
* place-marker.
* ==============================================================================
* Date: 09-14-90 (11:49) Number: 9940 SemWare Support BBS
* Subj: ONCE AROUND THE FILE-RING Conf: (0) Main Board
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* TH>I have been trying for several months to either modify the following
* TH>macro or come up with another way to search & replace all loaded
* TH>files but also to:
* TH>
* TH> - save to disk only those files that had a replacement, and
* TH> - keep loaded only those files that had a replacement made.
* Hi Tom,
* You may need to adjust this macro at the point where I quit the file
* if no replacements were made to it (The macro can be adjusted to save
* those files, if there were some pre-existing changes that were present
* before the macro was envolked). I wasn't sure what you wanted (my own
* preference is to retain other changes that I made before I envolked this
* macro -- BUT I wrote the macro to just Quit those files, since that is
* what I am guessing you want).
* Basically, the macro will use the NUL file as a placeholder in the
* Ring-of-Files. With cursor manipulation, I will determine when you
* arrive at the NUL file again. Once you get back to the NUL file, the
* macro will end. Your starting point for the FindReplace throughout the
* entire Ring will be at the file immediately after the NUL file -- So if
* you do not have a NUL file already loaded, the starting point will be at
* the next file from the one that you are currently in. Otherwise, the
* starting point will be at the next file from the present location of the
* NUL file.
* Note that I always return to the original cursor position, before
* the FindReplace is executed (allowing you to select any Option for the
* FindReplace routine).
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
@8 Macrobegin
Editfile 'NUL' Return * Insert -or- GoTo NUL File
Findreplace Pause Return * Allow user input of Find Item
Pause Return * Allow user input of Replace Item
Pause Return * Allow user input of Options
Begline Cursorright * Put cursor in Col. 2 of NUL File
LOOP: * Main test loop
Nextfile * Move to next file in Ring
Cursorleft * Move cursor left (need for NUL test)
Jfalse DOIT: * If couldn't move to left, it's not
* the NUL File AND cursor position
* has not changed -- GO with the
* FindReplace
* Check to see if in the NUL File
'NUL ' Currentfilename Return * GoTo NUL File -- AND--
* Preload File to Edit
* Buffer so can Return
* to Current File
Cursorleft * Move cursor left for NUL Test
Jfalse END: * If couldn't move left -- We
* ARE in the NUL File and Need
* to END the Macro
Cursorright * Move back to Col. 2 in NUL File
Begline Delch Delch Delch Return * Bring up EditFile Prompt
* and delete NUL and
* Return to File we left
Cursorright * Restore Cursor to its previous
* position and GO with the FindReplace
DOIT: * FindReplace Loop
Repeatfind * Do the FindReplace
Jtrue SAVE: * If CHANGES are made -- SAVE the File
Quit * If NO CHANGES are made -- QUIT the
* File
Jump LOOP: * Return to the Main Loop
SAVE: * Routine to Save a File with Changes
Savefile * Save the file
Jump LOOP: * Return to Main Loop
END: * Macro is DONE
Quit * Quit the NUL File
* 62 bytes Sat 09-15-1990 11:17:57 (added TH)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* I hope this is what you need Tom. Feel free to optimize and alter
* the macro. The main Body of this macro can be used to allow any kind of
* ONE-TIME File Ring Sweep. I have already used the main body of the macro
* (with the neccessary adjustments) to Load all files that DO NOT cause a
* PRESS ESCAPE message -- So I hope it proves useful to you.
* --... ...--
* .......Kyle Watkins (SemWare Technical Support)
* ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* │@(9) Keep loaded only files with "found" text. │
* └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* This macro uses the same technique developed by Kyle Watkins in @8,
* to keep loaded ONLY files with "found" text. No replacement or save
* is made (@8 makes replacement and saves files with replacements, but
* files without any replacement are QUIT from ring).
* Version 1.6 of this macro used RepeatFind in the DOIT loop. If that
* version was executed more than once and the cursor was on the last
* occurence of the search text in a file, RepeatFind would NOT find the
* search text again, and the file was QUIT from the ring. Apparently
* RepeatFind does NOT remember the "G" option with Find.
* This version replaces RepeatFind with Find "G". Now, if @9 is executed
* more than once, any file with any occurence of the search text is
* correctly kept loaded.
@9 Macrobegin
Editfile 'NUL' Return * Insert -or- GoTo NUL File
Find Pause Return "G" * Allow user input of Find Item
Pause Return * Allow user input of Options
Begline Cursorright * Put cursor in Col. 2 of NUL File
LOOP: * Main test loop
Nextfile * Move to next file in Ring
Cursorleft * Move cursor left (need for NUL test)
Jfalse DOIT: * If couldn't move to left, it's not
* the NUL File AND cursor position
* has not changed -- GO with the
* FindReplace
* Check to see if in the NUL File
'NUL ' Currentfilename Return * GoTo NUL File -- AND--
* Preload File to Edit
* Buffer so can Return
* to Current File
Cursorleft * Move cursor left for NUL Test
Jfalse END: * If couldn't move left -- We
* ARE in the NUL File and Need
* to END the Macro
Cursorright * Move back to Col. 2 in NUL File
Begline Delch Delch Delch Return * Bring up EditFile Prompt
* and delete NUL and
* Return to File we left
Cursorright * Restore Cursor to its previous
* position and GO with the FindReplace
DOIT: * Find Loop
Find Return "G" return * Do the Find
Jtrue LOOP: * If FOUND -- Return to Main Loop
Quit * If NO FIND -- QUIT the file
Jump LOOP: * Return to the Main Loop
END: * Macro is DONE
Quit * Quit the NUL File
* 62 bytes Sun 09-16-1990 23:44:00
*│@(h) Finds first word on cursor line marked in document below │
* @h macro has 2 steps:
* 1. Press @ and h at the same time. An ! shows at the
* end of the top line. Cursor down to desired line in Index.
* 2. Press Enter. The macro first erases the !, and
* then finds the first word on the cursor line in the document
* below marked with (...).
* See BOOK15.ZIP for more details.
@h macrobegin
unmarkblock * unmark any marked blocks
begfile endline * go to file begin endline
"!" * put ! at endline
find "!" return return begline * highlight !
pause * pause for Index selection
wordright markword * mark first word on line
copy * copy word to scrap buffer
begfile * begfile
find "!" return return delch * find & delete !
endpara * go to end of Index
makectrofscreen * cursor line center of window
find "(" paste ")"
return "I" return * find first marked word in doc
jfalse NOMARK:
begline * if mark found go to begline
jump END:
begfile * if no mark found go to begfile
* 47 bytes Fri 09-14-1990 14:06:26
* (F4)
f4 RepeatFind
* (F6)
f6 NextFile
* 1.0a - Corrected @5 to use @SRCH-FG.lst, not SRCH.lst.
* 1.0b - Modified to not use optional batch file.
* - Removed @5.
* 1.0c - Added Alt_0 for search/replace from command line.
* - Modified SRC.BAT, @1 & @4 for case sensitive search.
* - Modified @4 to re-load search files after replacement.
* - Corrected @1 byte size.
* 1.0d - Removed redundant lines from @0, shortened 31 bytes
* - added START-SR.BAT for quick start.
* - Changed c:srch.ql to c:$.qm in macros and batch files.
* so as to not overwrite qsrch.ql supplied in SRCHxx.ZIP.
* - Added killfile c:$.ql to @1 and @4.
* - Changed FC0 to fc0 in macros and batch files for better
* - visibility.
* 1.0e - Added @5 for prompted replacement from command line
* - Added @6 for prompted replacement while editing
* - Added F4/F6 repeatfind/nextfile
* - Modified @4 for single search/replacement text input.
* 1.0f - Modified SR.BAT and SRC.BAT
* 1.0g - Modified SR.BAT, SRC.BAT and START-SR.BAT.
* - Removed INPUT.COM and INPUT.DOC pending author
* permission to include.
* 1.0h - Removed SRC.BAT, Modified all macros and batch files for
* NON-case sensitive search
* - Added @7 and SRL.BAT to only load files with search text,
* no replacement
* - Modified SR.BAT to load SRCHxx.MAC on start up.
* 1.0i - Modified @3 to re-load files after replacement.
* - Modified all macros and batch files for NON-case
* sensitive search, some had not been changed in v1.0h.
* - Corrected some macro byte sizes
* 1.0j - Modified comments in SR.BAT, SRL.BAT
* - Modified @7 to about half the size and twice the speed.
* - Included a PCED synonym to search/load files with @7.
* 1.1 - Corrected @7 macro size
* - Removed savefile from old @0
* - Modified @0 to load FGREP found text, after replacement.
* - Added [copy c:$.ql c:!] to SR.BAT
* - Changed FGREP "-f0" to "-f" in SR.BAT, loads found text
* - Removed @5, same thing can be done with @1/2 and
* manual search/replace.
* - Modified srch.ql load filelist for quicker file loading.
* 1.2 - Changed "c:$.ql" to "c:!" in macros @1/4/6, shortened
* each macro 12 bytes.
* 1.3 - Modified @3 to be smaller and faster.
* 1.4 - Changed "*F" to #42 "Fi" in @0 and @7 to be able to load
* this file and SRL.QM with SR and SRL.
* - Modified SRL.BAT to accept SRL [search text] from command
* as long as [search text] is a SINGLE word.
* - Added altwordset to @0 and @7 to correctly load file names
* containing the following characters: !#$%&'(),-./@{}~
* - Changed .lst and .ql files.
* 1.5 - Removed E:\up from SR.BAT & SRL.BAT
* 1.6 - Added @8 and @9, modified SR.BAT and SRL.BAT.
* - @3 was deleting first character in loaded files,
* corrected.
* 1.7 - Added @h to help locate items or macros from Index.
* - Added @5.
* - Removed @3, same thing is done better by @8.
* - Removed @4 and @6, same thing is done better with @5.
* - Modified @0 to use the "Once-Around the ring"
* technique developed by Kyle Watkins of SemWare.
* - Modified SR.BAT and SRL.BAT.
* 1.8 - Replaced RepeatFind w/ Find "G" in @9.
* - Modified SR.BAT and SRL.BAT.
* Tom Hogshead Mon 09-17-1990