Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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Text File
238 lines
Variable PBSpace,5,65536 ;space needed for .exe modules
Variable DocSpace,6,153600 ;space needed for doc files
Variable TotSpace,6,219136 ;space needed for all
Variable CurrFore,1 ;orig screen colors
Variable CurrBack,1
Variable CurrAttr,1
Variable MonoBack,3,7 ;background color
Variable ClearMsg,76," "
Variable DOW,9 ;date variables
Variable Mo,2
Variable Da,2
Variable Yr,4
Variable ClrBack,3,112
Variable MonoTitle,3,112 ;title color
Variable ClrTitle,3,116
Variable MonoInfo,3,7 ;information box
Variable ClrInfo,3,30
Variable InChar,1
Variable InString,79
Variable PBDrive,1
Variable DocDrive,1
Variable SourceDir,79 ;install modules
Variable PBDir,79 ;powerbatch directory
Variable DocDir,79 ;documentation directory
Variable DiskTot,8 ;Disk size
Variable DiskAvail,8 ;free space
Variable Work,80 ;work area
?Color CurrFore,CurrBack,CurrAttr ;get current colors
?Date DOW,Mo,Da,Yr
ReadYN "Do you have a color monitor? [Y/N] ",InChar
Compare InChar,"Y",,,ColorOK
SetVar ClrBack,MonoBack ;set colors for mono
SetVar ClrTitle,MonoTitle
SetVar ClrInfo,MonoInfo
Label ColorOK
Color ClrBack ;reset default text attribute
Color ClrTitle
Box1 5,1,75,6,ClrTitle ;draw title box
Center "Installation Program",2
Center "by",4
Center "Computing Systems Design, Inc.",5
WriteAt 6,5,DOW ;day of week
GoToXY 64,5 ;date
Write Mo
Write "/"
Write Da
Write "/"
Write Yr
Color ClrInfo
Box1 1,8,80,25,ClrInfo ;draw action box
Center "┤ Press Ctrl-Break To Terminate The Install Process ├",25
WriteAt 3,9,"There are two groups of files on the PowerBatch installation disk. One"
WriteAt 3,10,"group contains the modules necessary to create PowerBatch programs and"
WriteAt 3,11,"one group contains documentation, examples, and informational files."
WriteAt 3,13,"The modules necessary to create PowerBatch programs MUST be on your DOS"
WriteAt 3,14,"search path. The other files you may locate in a directory not on your"
WriteAt 3,15,"search path."
Label GetSource
WriteAt 3,17,"Enter the drive letter where the PowerBatch install modules are located "
ReadUpKey InChar
Write ":"
WriteAt 3,18,"Enter the directory name where the PowerBatch install modules are located"
WriteAt 3,19,"Source dir: \"
ReadStr InString
Concat SourceDir,InChar,":"
Length Work,InString
Compare Work,0,,,InpOK
Concat SourceDir,"\"
Label InpOK
Concat SourceDir,InString
Concat Work,SourceDir,"\POWERMAK.EXE"
Upper Work
?FileExist Work,GetPBDir
Clear CurrAttr
Writeline Work
WriteLine "The above specified directory does not contain the PowerBatch programs."
WriteLine "Refer to the README.1ST file included with the PowerBatch software. To view"
WriteLine "this file enter the following line and press enter"
WriteLine " "
WriteLine " TYPE README.1ST"
Label GetPBDir
WriteAt 3,17,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,18,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,19,ClearMsg
GotoXY 3,17
Write "Enter the drive letter where you will place the PowerBatch software "
ReadUpKey PBDrive
Write ":"
WriteAt 3,18,"Enter a directory name on the DOS search path to place PowerBatch compiler"
WriteAt 3,19,"Dir > \"
ReadStr InString
Upper InString
Concat PBDir,PBDrive,":\"
Concat PBDir,InString
?InPath PBDir,,NotInPath ;is this on the path
?DiskSpace PBDir,DiskTot,DiskAvail
Compare DiskAvail,PBSpace,PBDirOK,NoPathSpace,PBDirOK
Label NotInPath
GoToXy 3,23
Write "Directory not on your DOS path...Re-enter"
Goto ClrMsg
Label NoPathSpace
GoToXY 3,23
Write "Insufficient disk space. 64k required"
Label ClrMsg
Beep 750,8 ;alert user to error
Wait 35 ;read the message
GoToXY 3,23
Write ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,17,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,19,ClearMsg
GoTo GetPBDir
Label PBDirOK
WriteAt 3,17,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,18,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,19,ClearMsg
WriteAt 3,17,"Enter the drive letter to receive the PowerBatch information files "
ReadUpKey DocDrive
Write ":"
WriteAt 3,18,"Enter a directory name to receive the PowerBatch information files"
WriteAt 3,19,"Dir > \"
ReadStr InString
Upper InString
Concat DocDir,DocDrive,":\"
Concat DocDir,InString
?DirExist DocDir,ChkDocSp
GoToXY 3,23
ReadYN "Directory does not exist...Shall I create it for you [Y/N] ",InChar
Beep 750,8
GoToXY 3,23
Write ClearMsg
Compare InChar,"Y",,,MakDocDir
WriteAt 3,19,ClearMsg
WriteAt 65,17," "
Label MakDocDir
MD DocDir
?DirExist DocDir,,NoDir
Label ChkDocSp
?DiskSpace DocDrive,DiskTot,DiskAvail
Compare DocDrive,PBDrive,,,SameDrive
Compare DiskAvail,DocSpace,BeginCopy,NoDocSpace,BeginCopy
Label SameDrive
Compare DiskAvail,TotSpace,BeginCopy,,BeginCopy
Label NoDocSpace
WriteAt 3,23,"Insufficient disk space. 150k required."
Goto Clear2
label NoDir
WriteAt 3,23,"Cannot add "
Write DocDir
Label Clear2
Beep 750,8
Wait 35
WriteAt 3,23,ClearMsg
Label BeginCopy
ClearBox 1,8,80,25,ClrInfo
WriteAt 3,9,"Transferring SMLMODEL.MDL to "
Write PBDir
Concat Work,SourceDir,"SMLMODEL.MDL"
COPY Work, PBDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
WriteAt 3,10,"Transferring POWERMAK.EXE & PBDELETE.EXE to "
Write PBDir
Concat Work,SourceDir,"*.EXE"
COPY Work, PBDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
WriteAt 3,11,"Transferring POWERBAT.DOC to "
Write DocDir
Concat Work,SourceDir,"POWERBAT.DOC"
COPY Work, DocDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
WriteAt 3,12,"Transferring Examples to "
Write DocDir
Concat Work,SourceDir,"*.PWR"
COPY Work, DocDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
Concat Work, SourceDir, "DOSEX1.BAT"
COPY Work, DocDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
WriteAt 3,13,"Transferring information files to "
Write DocDir
Concat Work,SourceDir,"*.FRM"
COPY Work, DocDir ">nul"
Compare DosError,0,CopyError,CopyError
Concat Work,SourceDir,"REGISTER.EXE"
?FileExist Work,,Finis
WriteAt 3,14,"You have purchased a registered copy of PowerBatch..."
WriteAt 3,15,"Registering this copy to you."
Wait 3
CD SourceDir
Register PBDir
Label Finis
WriteAt 3,14,"This PowerBatch installation (performed by a compiled PowerBatch program)"
WriteAt 3,15,"is now complete."
Wait 50
Color CurrAttr
WriteLine "If you give an evaluation copy of PowerBatch to a friend, it MUST contain all"
WriteLine "of the PowerBatch files without modification. The complete list of files in"
WriteLine "the evaluation system contains:"
WriteLine " 1) README.1ST Initial start-up instructions"
WriteLine " 2) PBINSTAL.EXE PowerBatch install program"
WriteLine " 3) POWERMAK.EXE PowerBatch compiler"
WriteLine " 4) SMLMODEL.MDL PowerBatch routines"
WriteLine " 5) POWERBAT.DOC PowerBatch documentation"
WriteLine " 6) DOSEX1.BAT Sample DOS batch file"
WriteLine " 7) DEMO1.PWR Example PowerBatch Source file"
WriteLine " 8) MENU1.PWR Example PowerBatch Source file"
WriteLine " 9) MOVE1.PWR Example PowerBatch Source file"
WriteLine " 10) MOVE2.PWR Example PowerBatch Source file"
WriteLine " 11) BOXDEMO1.PWR Example PowerBatch Source file"
WriteLine " 12) PBINSTAL.PWR Source for PowerBatch install"
WriteLine " 13) PBCLONE.PWR Source for cloning PowerBatch"
WriteLine " 14) MOVESUB.PWR Subroutine used by PBCLONE"
WriteLine " 15) DELETEPB.EXE Delete all PowerBatch files"
WriteLine " 16) REGISTER.FRM Registration form"
WriteLine " 17) INVOICE.FRM Pre-printed invoice for company use"
WriteLine " 18) VENDOR.DOC Information for software vendors"
WriteLine " 19) SYSOP.DOC Information for BBS SysOps"
WriteLine ""
Concat Work,SourceDir,"REGISTER.EXE"
?FileExist Work,,NoRegMsg
Label NoRegMsg
Halt 0
Label CopyError
Concat Work,"DOS error code ",DosError
Concat Work," occurred during copy. Cannot continue."
WriteLine 3,14,Work
Beep 800,8,3
WriteLine 3,15,"PowerBatch installation not successful!"