Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
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Assembly Source File
1,050 lines
; Version 1.47
; Eleven subprograms used by INFOPLUS.PAS:
; CPUID - identifies host CPU and NDP (if
; any)
; DISKREAD - reads absolute sectors from disk
; LONGCALL - calls a routine using a CALL FAR
; ATIINFO - for accessing ATI VGAWonder cards
; ALTINTR - calls interrupts with a true INT call
; ALTMSDOS - calls DOS with a true INT call
; CIRRUSCK - Cirrus VGA check
; CTICK - Chips & Technologies VGA check
; TSENGCK - Tseng VGA check
; BUGTST - Test for 386 POPAD bug
; Originally by:
; Steve Grant
; Long Beach, CA
; January 13, 1989
; mods by Andrew Rossmann (8/2/91)
CODE segment byte
; Conditional jumps are all coded with the SHORT qualifier in
; order to minimize the size of the .OBJ file output of Turbo
; Assembler.
CPUID proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing, ss:nothing
; On entry:
; BP
; SP => near return address
; offset of a cpu_info_t record
; segment " " " "
; also, the test type byte should be a 'C' or 'N' to execute the
; CPU or NDP tests.
; On exit, the cpu_info_t record has been filled in as follows:
; byte = CPU type
; word = Machine Status Word
; 6 bytes = Global Descriptor Table
; 6 bytes = Interrupt Descriptor Table
; boolean = segment register change/interrupt flag
; byte = NDP type
; word = NDP control word
; byte = Weitek presence
; byte = test type (C, N, or W)
cpu_info equ [bp + 6]
mCPU equ byte ptr [bx]
mMSW equ word ptr [bx + 1]
mGDT equ [bx + 3]
mIDT equ [bx + 9]
mchkint equ byte ptr [bx + 15]
mNDP equ byte ptr [bx + 16]
mNDPCW equ word ptr [bx + 17]
mWeitek equ byte ptr [bx + 19]
mtest equ byte ptr [bx + 20]
f8088 equ 0
f8086 equ 1
fV20 equ 2
fV30 equ 3
f80188 equ 4
f80186 equ 5
f80286 equ 6
f80386 equ 7
f80486 equ 8
funk = 0FFH
false equ 0
true equ 1
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
lds bx,cpu_info
cmp mtest, 'C'
jnz skipcpu
call cpu
call chkint
cmp mtest, 'N'
jnz skipndp
call ndp
cmp mtest, 'W'
jnz skipweitek
call weitek
pop ds
pop bp
ret 4
CPUID endp
cpu proc near
; interrupt of multi-prefix string instruction
mov mCPU,funk ;set CPU type to unknown
mov cx,0FFFFH
rep lods byte ptr es:[si]
jcxz short cpu_02
call piq
cmp dx,4
jg short cpu_01
mov mCPU,f8088
jmp cpu_done
cmp dx,6
jne cpu_01a
mov mCPU,f8086
jmp cpu_done
; number of bits in displacement register used by shift
mov al,0FFH
mov cl,20H
shl al,cl
or al,al
jnz short cpu_04
call piq
cmp dx,4
jg short cpu_03
mov mCPU,fV20
jmp cpu_done
cmp dx,6
je cpu_03a
jmp cpu_done
mov mCPU,fV30
jmp cpu_done
; order of write/decrement by PUSH SP
push sp
pop ax
cmp ax,sp
je short cpu_06
call piq
cmp dx,4
jg short cpu_05
mov mCPU,f80188
jmp cpu_done
cmp dx,6
jne short cpu_done
mov mCPU,f80186
jmp cpu_done
; We most likely have a 286, 386 or 486 CPU by now
;First, grab some tables
smsw mMSW
sgdt mGDT
sidt mIDT
;!!! Original 286/386 detection code (modified 8/10/90)
;!!! Modified by code supplied by John Levine, apparantly from an Intel
;!!! '486 manual.
pushf ;put flags into CX
pop cx
and cx,0fffh ;mask off upper 4 bits
push cx
pop ax
and ax,0f000h ;look only at upper 4 bits
cmp ax,0f000h ;88/86 etc.. turn them on
jz badcpu ;not 286/386/486!!!
or cx,0f000h ;force upper 4 bits on
push cx
pop ax
and ax,0f000h
jz found286 ;bits are zeroed in real mode 286
;since we probably have have a 386 or 486 by now, we need to do some 32-bit
;work. Detect the 486 by seeing if the Alignment Check flag is settable. This
;flag only exists on the '486.
and esp,0FFFFh ;use only 64K stack
mov edx,esp ;save current stack position
and esp,0FFFCh ;dword align to avoid traps
pushfd ;push 32 bit flag
pop eax
mov ecx,eax ;save current flags
xor eax,40000h ;flip AC (alignment check) flag
push eax
pop eax
xor eax,ecx ;eliminate all but AC bit
push ecx ;restore flags
mov esp,edx ;restore stack position
test eax,40000h ;is bit set?
jz found386 ;if not, is a 386
mov mCPU,f80486 ;must be a 486!!
jmp short cpu_done
mov mCPU,f80286
jmp short cpu_done
mov mCPU,f80386
jmp short cpu_done
mov mCPU,funk ;how'd an 8088 get this far?????
cpu endp
piq proc near
; On exit:
; DX = length of prefetch instruction queue
; This subroutine uses self-modifying code, but can
; nevertheless be run repeatedly in the course of the calling
; program.
count = 7
opincdx equ 42H ; inc dx opcode
opnop equ 90H ; nop opcode
mov al,opincdx
mov cx,count
push cx
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset piq_01 - 1
push di
rep stosb
mov al,opnop
pop di
pop cx
xor dx,dx
rep stosb
rept count
inc dx
piq endp
chkint proc near
; save old INT 01H vector
push bx
mov ax,3501H
int 21H
mov old_int01_ofs,bx
mov old_int01_seg,es
pop bx
; redirect INT 01H vector
push ds
mov ax,2501H
mov dx,seg new_int01
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset new_int01
int 21H
pop ds
; set TF and change SS -- did we trap on following instruction?
pop ax
or ah,01H ; set TF
push ax
push ss ; CPU may wait one
; instruction before
; recognizing single step
; interrupt
pop ss
chkint_01: ; shouldn't ever trap here
; restore old INT 01H vector
push ds
mov ax,2501H
lds dx,old_int01
int 21H
pop ds
chkint endp
new_int01 proc near
; INT 01H handler (single step)
; On entry:
; SP => IP
; CS
; flags
pop ax ; IP
cmp ax,offset chkint_01
jb short new_int01_03
je short new_int01_01
mov mchkint,false
jmp short new_int01_02
mov mchkint,true
pop cx ; CS
pop dx ; flags
and dh,0FEH ; turn off TF
push dx ; flags
push cx ; CS
push ax ; IP
new_int01 endp
ndp proc near
fnone equ 0
f8087 equ 1
f80287 equ 2
f80387 equ 3
funk = 0FFH
; The next two 80x87 instructions cannot carry the WAIT prefix,
; because there may not be an 80x87 for which to wait. The WAIT is
; therefore emulated with a MOV CX,<value>! LOOP $ combination.
mov word ptr ndp_cw,0000H
cli ;no interrupts during this test
fninit ;initialize NDP
mov cx,2
loop $
fnstcw ndp_cw ;store control word in ndp_cw
mov cx,14h
loop $
mov ax,ndp_cw ;check for valid status word
cmp ah,3 ;is NDP present?
je short ndp_01 ;if 3, must be there
mov mNDP,fnone
jmp short ndp_done
cmp ax,03FFH ;check if 8087
jne short ndp_02
mov mNDP,f8087
jmp short ndp_04
cmp ax,037FH ;check if 286/387/486
jne short ndp_05 ;must be garbage
;detect 287 or 387
fld1 ;Load +1.0 onto NDP stack
fldz ;Load +0.0 onto NDP stack
fdiv ;do +1/0
fld1 ;Load +1.0 onto NDP stack
fchs ;Change to -1.0
fldz ;Load +0.0 onto NDP stack
fdiv ;do -1/0
fcom ;compare
fstsw ndp_sw
mov ax,ndp_sw
and ah,41H ; C3, C0
cmp ah,40H ; ST(0) = ST(1)
jne short ndp_03
mov mNDP,f80287
jmp short ndp_04
cmp ah,01H ; ST(0) < ST(1)
jne short ndp_05
mov mNDP,f80387
fstcw mNDPCW ;save status for INFOPLUS
mov mNDP,funk
ndp endp
; This checks to see if the BIOS reports a Weitek math coprocessor. This should
; only be called if a 386 or 486 is found.
; NOTE!! This may not work with all computers!!
fnoWeitek equ 0
fWeitek equ 1
fWeitek_real equ 81h
weitek proc near
xor eax,eax ;zero everything
int 11h ;do equipment check
test eax,01000000h ;check bit 24, set if Weitek present
je no_weitek
mov mWeitek,fWeitek
test eax,0800000h ;check bit 23, set if Weitek can be
je weitek_done ; addressed in real mode
mov mWeitek,fWeitek_real
jmp short weitek_done
mov mWeitek,fnoWeitek
weitek endp
DISKREAD proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing
; On entry:
; BP
; SP => near return address
; offset of disk buffer
; segment " " "
; number of sectors to read
; starting logical sector number
; drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc.)
; On exit:
; AX = function result
; 00 - function successful
; 01..FF - DOS INT 25H error result
drive equ [bp + 16]
starting_sector equ [bp + 12]
number_of_sectors equ [bp + 10]
buffer equ [bp + 6]
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,3000h ;get DOS version
int 21h
cmp al,4 ;DOS 4?
jge read4 ;We have 4 or newer, so use extended
cmp ax,1d04h ;use old for anything less than 3.30
jle read3
;Check bit 1 of the device attributes bit. If it's set, then the driver
;supports use of the extended access method
push es ;save regs
push ds
mov dl,drive ;get drive number (0=A,1=B,etc)
inc dl ;func uses 0=dflt, 1=A, etc..
mov ah,32h ;get driver parameter block
int 21h
push ds ;move ds to es
pop es
pop ds ;restore original ds
les bx,[es:bx + 12h] ;point ES:BX to device driver
test word ptr [es:bx + 4],2 ;test device attributes
pop es
jz read3 ;wasn't, so use old method
mov al,drive
mov bx,starting_sector ;copy info into parameter block
mov extd_starting_sector_lo,bx
mov bx,starting_sector + 2
mov extd_starting_sector_hi,bx
mov bx,number_of_sectors
mov extd_number_of_sectors,bx
les bx,buffer ;get seg:ofs of buffer in ES:BX
mov extd_bufofs,bx ;put into block
mov extd_bufseg,es
mov bx,offset dos4_block ;DS:BX points to block
mov cx,-1 ;-1 means extended read
push ds ;save DS (not really needed, but lets
;me share code with DOS 3 read.)
jmp short readit
read3: mov al,drive
mov dx,starting_sector
mov cx,number_of_sectors
push ds
lds bx,buffer ;get seg:ofs of buffer in DS:BX
readit: int 25H
inc sp ; fix broken stack
inc sp
pop ds
jc short diskread_01
xor ax,ax
pop bp
ret 10
;LONGCALL will call a routine using a CALL FAR.
;Pascal format: procedure longcall(addr: longint; var regs: registers); external;
longcall proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing
regaddr equ [bp + 6]
addr equ [bp + 10]
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,addr ;copy calling address for later use
mov word ptr cs:address,ax
mov ax,addr+2
mov word ptr cs:address+2,ax
lds si,regaddr ;get pointer to regs
mov cs:ds_save,ds ;save needed ones
mov cs:si_save,si
cld ;go forward
lodsw ;load AX and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load BX
mov bx,ax
lodsw ;load CX
mov cx,ax
lodsw ;load DX
mov dx,ax
lodsw ;load BP
mov bp,ax
lodsw ;load SI and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load DI
mov di,ax
lodsw ;load DS and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load ES
mov es,ax
lodsw ;load Flags
and ax,008D5h ;mask out non-standard bits
push bx ;I need a register!
mov bx,ax
pushf ;get current flags in AX
pop ax
and ax,0F72Ah ;mask out normal bits
or ax,bx ;set needed flags
push ax
pop bx
pop ds ;get rest of regs
pop si
pop ax
call dword ptr cs:address ;make far call
pushf ;save flags and modified regs
push es
push di
mov es,cs:save_ds ;get regs pointer into ES:DI
mov di,cs:save_si
cld ;go forward
stosw ;save AX
mov ax,bx
stosw ;save BX
mov ax,cx
stosw ;save CX
mov ax,dx
stosw ;save DX
mov ax,bp
stosw ;save BP
mov ax,si
stosw ;save SI
pop ax
stosw ;save DI
mov ax,ds
stosw ;save DS
pop ax
stosw ;save ES
pop ax
stosw ;save Flags
pop ds ;restore regs
pop bp
ret 8
address dd ?
ds_save dw ?
si_save dw ?
longcall endp
; ATIINFO is used in the Video identification routine to get special
; information from ATI VGA Wonder cards.
; Pascal format: function ATIinfo(data_in: byte; register: word): byte;
ATIinfo proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:NOTHING
data_in equ [bp+8]
register equ [bp+6]
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,register ;get register
mov ax,data_in ;get command word (actually byte)
cli ;no interrupts
out dx,al
inc dx ;next port
in al,dx ;get result
sti ;restore interrupts
mov sp,bp
pop bp
ret 4
ATIinfo endp
; AltIntr is an alternative to the Intr function. The standard Intr function
; does not do a true Interrupt!! Instead, it gets the address of the interrupt
; from the interrupt table, loads all the registers, and then does a RETF!!!
; The address of a return routine has been pushed on the stack so that it
; returns to TP and unloads the registers. This was probably done because
; Intel saw to it that all interrupt numbers must be immediate, and Borland
; didn't want to use self-modifying code.
; NOTE: The MsDos routine is ALSO affected by this problem. It just stuffs
; a 21h into the stack, and calls Intr!!! So you can use ALTMSDOS instead!
; Now, normally, the above procedure works perfectly fine, except under 1
; condition. When the CPU is under protected or Virtual 86 mode. When in those
; modes, a program with higher privileges can trap an interrupt and act on it.
; I found this out the hard way by going nuts wondering why I couldn't detect
; DPMI drivers or Windows!! My alternative Interrupt functions identically to
; Borlands, but uses self-modifying code to generate a true interrupt. To
; prevent possible problems with CPU pipelining, the entry point is near the
; end of the code, and then jumps back to continue.
; Pascal format: procedure AltIntr(intno: byte; regs: registers); external;
ALTINTRP proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:NOTHING
regaddr equ [bp + 6]
intno equ [bp + 10]
lds si,regaddr ;point DS:SI to regs
mov cs:save_ds,ds ;save pointer for return
mov cs:save_si,si
cld ;go forward
lodsw ;load AX and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load BX
mov bx,ax
lodsw ;load CX
mov cx,ax
lodsw ;load DX
mov dx,ax
lodsw ;load BP
mov bp,ax
lodsw ;load SI and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load DI
mov di,ax
lodsw ;load DS and hold it
push ax
lodsw ;load ES
mov es,ax
lodsw ;load Flags
and ax,008D5h ;mask out non-standard bits
push bx ;I need a register!
mov bx,ax
pushf ;get current flags in AX
pop ax
and ax,0F72Ah ;mask out normal bits
or ax,bx ;set needed flags
push ax
pop bx
pop ds ;get rest of regs
pop si
pop ax
db 0cdh ;Int opcode
intrpt db ? ;loaded with real interrupt
pushf ;save flags and modified regs
push es
push di
mov es,cs:save_ds ;get regs pointer into ES:DI
mov di,cs:save_si
cld ;go forward
stosw ;save AX
mov ax,bx
stosw ;save BX
mov ax,cx
stosw ;save CX
mov ax,dx
stosw ;save DX
mov ax,bp
stosw ;save BP
mov ax,si
stosw ;save SI
pop ax
stosw ;save DI
mov ax,ds
stosw ;save DS
pop ax
stosw ;save ES
pop ax
stosw ;save Flags
pop ds ;restore regs
pop bp
ret 6
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds ;save DS, because we screw it up
mov al,intno ;get interrupt number to use
mov cs:intrpt,al ;and modify our code
jmp altcont ;continue with rest of code
;local storage
save_ds dw ?
save_si dw ?
; Pascal format: procedure AltMsDos(var regs: registers); external;
ALTMSDOS proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:NOTHING
pop si ;back track a bit so we can stuff
pop dx ;interrupt number in
pop cx
pop bx
mov al,21h ;push interrupt number
push ax
push bx
push cx ;restore other info
push dx
push si
jmp ALTINTR ;do interrupt call
CIRRUSCK proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing;
;Cirrus VGA detection from 'Advanced Programmer's Guide to Super VGAs'
; Fetch address of CRT controller
mov ax,40h ;BIOS segment
mov es,ax
mov dx,es:[63h] ;get CRTC address
push dx ;save
; clear Start Address register in CRTC (index 0Ch)
mov al,0ch ;index of Start Address reg
out dx,al ;select
inc dx
in al,dx ;get current value
mov ah,al ;save
mov al,0ch
push ax
xor al,al
out dx,al ;clear start address reg
dec dx
; fetch unlock password
mov al,1fh
out dx,al ;select id reg
inc dx
in al,dx ;read unlock password
mov ah,al ;save
mov bh,al ;save again
; enable extended regs
mov dx,3c4h ;address of sequencer
mov al,6 ;get extension control value
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov bh,al ;save current setting
dec dx
mov al,6
out dx,al ;select extension control reg
inc dx
mov al,ah ;get unlock password
out dx,al ;enable extended regs
in al,dx ;read back extension reg
cmp al,1
jne not_cirrus ;wasn't a cirrus
;disable extended regs
mov al,ah ;get unlock password
ror al,1 ;compute lock password
ror al,1
ror al,1
ror al,1
out dx,al ;lock extended regs
in al,dx ;read extended control reg
cmp al,0 ;is it 0
jne not_cirrus ;wasn't cirrus
mov al,bh ;restore original setting
out dx,al
pop ax ;restore regs
pop dx
dec dx ;restore register C
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov al,bh
mov ah,0
jmp short end_cirrusck
mov al,bh ;restore register
out dx,al
pop ax ;restore regs
pop dx
dec dx
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;restore registerC
xor ax,ax
CTICK proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing;
;CTI VGA detection from 'Advanced Programmer's Guide to Super VGAs'
;place VGA in setup mode
mov dx,46e8h ;address of setup control reg
in al,dx
or al,10h ;turn on setup bit
out dx,al ;go to setup mode
;enable extended register bank
mov dx,103h ;extended reg address
in al,dx
or al,80h ;turn enable bit on
out dx,al
;read global ID
mov dx,104h ;global ID reg
in al,dx
mov ah,al ;save
; place vga in normal mode
mov dx,46e8h
in al,dx
and al,03fh
out dx,al
; read version extended register
mov dx,3d6h
mov al,0
out dx,al ;select version register
inc dx
in al,dx
cmp ah,5ah ;check for CTI ID
jne notcti
and al,0f0h ;adjust chip id
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
cmp al,2 ;only 0, 1 and 3 are good
je notcti
cmp al,4
jge notcti
cmp al,3
je end_ctick
inc al ;adjust to match chip number
jmp short end_ctick
xor ax,ax
CTICK endp
TSENGCK proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing;
;Tseng VGA detection from 'Advanced Programmer's Guide to Super VGAs'
mov dx,3cdh ;page select reg
in al,dx
mov ah,al ;save
and al,0c0h ;save some bits
or al,55h ;test value one
out dx,al ;write it
in al,dx
cmp al,55h ;same?
jne nottseng
mov al,0aah ;test value two
out dx,al
in al,dx
cmp al,0aah ;same
jne nottseng
mov al,ah ;restore original settings
out dx,al
mov al,1
jmp short end_tsengck
mov al,0
ZYMOSCK proc far
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA, es:nothing;
;ZyMOS VGA detection from 'Advanced Programmer's Guide to Super VGAs'
mov dx,3c4h ;extended reg bank
mov al,0bh ;version reg
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ;get version
and al,0fh
cmp al,2
je end_zymosck
mov al,0
BUGTST proc far
; BUGTST.ASM - By: John Lauro
; Based on bug found by Jeff Prothero
; Adapted for Infoplus by Andrew Rossmann, 7/20/91.
mov eax,12345678
mov edx, 0
mov edi, 0
; The instruction immediately following popad is the critical
; instruction. Simple fix, insert a NOP after popad.
mov ecx, [edx+edi]
cmp eax, 12345678
mov al,0
je end_bugtst
mov al,1
code ends
DATA segment byte
; storage for CPUID
; redirected INT 01H vector
old_int01 label dword
old_int01_ofs dw ?
old_int01_seg dw ?
; storage for NDPID
; 80x87 control word after initialization, status word after divide by zero
ndp_cw dw ?
ndp_sw dw ?
; storage for DISKREAD
; DOS 4.0 extended read parameter block
dos4_block label byte
extd_starting_sector_lo dw ?
extd_starting_sector_hi dw ?
extd_number_of_sectors dw ?
extd_bufofs dw ?
extd_bufseg dw ?
DATA ends