Frostbyte's 1980s DOS Shareware Collection
Text File
369 lines
[ This file is a list of some file extensions I've found in current ]
[ use in the IBM-PC and CP/M communities. I started accumulating ]
[ this list years ago when I got tired of using PRINT to send files ]
[ to the printer and seeing garbage because they were word processor]
[ files. It has since filled many other purposes. ]
[ ]
[ I'd like to expand (and correct) this list to include current ]
[ Macintosh, UNIX, and other uses. If you have any corrections, ]
[ suggestions, or additions, or have more detailed information on ]
[ any extension, please send them to: ]
[ Skip Reymann ]
[ P. O. Box 374 ]
[ San Dimas, CA 91773 ]
[ or via electronic mail at: ]
[ HotTips BBS, (818) 248-3088, 248-8971 ]
[ CompuServe 71510,3075 ]
[ for inclusion in an updated list of extensions. Please include ]
[ the name of any program (and its manufacturer) which uses the ]
[ extension, and the computer system on which the extension appears.]
[ ]
[ I am particularly interested in obtaining a reference to any specs]
[ which define any of these files, as the GIF spec which CompuServe ]
[ wrote defines .GIF files. ]
[ ]
[ I will distribute an updated list when I have more information. ]
[ ]
[ This file is placed in the public domain. ]
[ ]
.$$$ Any file whose extensions starts with a .$-- is probably a temporary
workfile which should have been either erased or renamed by the
program which created it.
.1ST A read-me-first text file usually used to accompany software
documentation, almost always directly printable.
.3TP A Turbo-Pascal version 3 .PAS file renamed by TP4's UPGRADE conversion
program, which generates a separate TP4 .PAS file.
.A86 An assembly-language file under the CP/M operating system, for 8086
.ALL A WordPerfect file holding printer definition information.
.AMC Files used to define memory mapping by my favorite emulator.
.ANI A graphics animation file used with DANIMATE.
.ARC A file compressed by one of the ARChiving programs.
.ASC A file in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
characters and therefore usually directly printable. May be text
or other printable information.
.ASM Assembly-language source code text file.
.ASP A ProComm (R) telecommunications script file.
.BAK A backup file created by programs when they modify an original file of
the same name but a different extension.
.BAS BASIC-language source code file. This file may be in a text form or
may have been saved in a binary, tokenized form which is not print-
able. To convert a tokenized program into a text form, load the
program into BASIC and type 'SAVE filename.BAS,A<CR>'. This saves
the file as an ASCII text file.
.BAT BATch file; a text file of MS-DOS operating system commands. Users
may write their own such files to automate tasks which must be
performed by a series of DOS commands.
.BGI Borland Graphics Interface file(?).
.BIN A program file which is usually a memory-image of the program, which
can therefore often be run by the computer if renamed a .COM file.
.C C-language source code text files.
.CFG A configuration file, used by some programs to hold data to configure
the program to certain hardware or to a certain use.
.CHR A character font file used in Turbo-Pascal(?).
.CMD dBASE II CoMmanD file in text form.
.COB A COBOL-language source code text file.
.COD A compiler output printable text file showing high-language CODe and
corresponding machine code produced by Microsoft's C compiler.
.COM A program COMmand file which is stored in a machine code form the
computer can run directly.
.CPI A file extension reserved on MS-DOS machines for Code Page Information
files (foreign character sets).
.CRF A CRoss-reFerence file, usually produced by a compiler or assembler.
.CRS A file containing font-command conversion information which Word-
Perfect uses to convert from version 4.2 files to version 5.0 files.
.CTL A file of ConTroL information in text form used by WordStar.
.CUT A graphics image which has been saved from a (usually) larger Dr.
Halo (R) image.
.DAT A DATa file, an extension used by many programs.
.DBF dBASE database file.
.DCT DiCTionary files used with WordStar.
.DEF Microsoft Windows or OS/2 module-definition file for linking.
.DIR A DIRectory file.
.DLL Microsoft Dynamic-Link Library.
.DOC A text DOCumentation file, often documenting a program, which seldom
contains word processor controls and is therefore usually directly
printable without using a word processing program.
.DRS A file extension used by WordPerfect to hold a character set.
.DTA A DaTA file.
.ERR A file holding ERRor messages, used by the Microsoft C compiler.
.EXE An EXEcutable program in relocatable machine code, which must be
processed during loading to make a runnable program.
.FIL A generic FILe extension used by many programs, such as WordPerfect's
.FMT A file, used by many programs to specify a ForMaT.
.FNT A FoNT file.
.FON A text file telephone log generated by ProComm PLUS.
.FOR Fortran language source code text files.
.FRS WordPerfect font file.
.GIF A graphics file in the Graphics Interchange Format promulgated by
Compuserve, to allow graphics files to be displayed on a variety
of computers and displays regardless of what system built the file.
.H C-language Header files, which contain declarations and definitions to
assist and standardize a program's source code.
.HEX A file of computer program or data which is in the form of printable
HEXadecimal numbers, such as 'C3 71 FF 0D'. There are several
standards for HEX files.
.HHP The ProComm Plus Host-mode HelP text file.
.HLP A HeLP file usually contains help screens to accompany a program.
It may be text, but somtimes includes other information not directly
.HST Procomm's Host mode audit trail file.
.HYC WordPerfect hyphenation program.
.HYL WordPerfect's hyphenation dictionary.
.IDX A text file which is an index of another WordStar text file.
.IFF A graphics file produced by Deluxe Paint II.
.IMG A graphics IMaGe in one of a number of scientific formats.
.INC An include file, designed to be INCluded in another program file. It
is usually text.
.INI A file of INItialization data, often but not always text.
.INT A BASIC program which has been compiled into an intermediate code.
.KEY KEYboard macro or definition files used with many programs, such as
the Procomm communication programs and PI program editor.
.KWD A KeyWorD file for 'Source Print' pretty-printing program.
.LBM A graphics file produced by Deluxe Paint II.
.LEX Dictionary files for WordPerfect.
.LZH A file compressed by the LHARC compression program.
.LIB A library of program modules, usually .OBJ types, from which a
linker can extract procedures a programmer wants to include in a
.LNT A file for PC-Lint.
.LST A list file, usually a printable text output from a compiler or assembler.
.LTR A text file which is a letter, usually including word processing controls.
.MAC A graphics file (from the Macintosh?), or a text file which contains
programming macros as used with MASM.
.MAP A text file generated by some program linkers showing how the various
program pieces fit into memory. Also used for a graphics file
which is a map.
.ME A file extension usually in the form READ.ME, a text file which may be
printed or displayed on-screen.
.MMO A text file which is a memo, usually with word processor controls
embedded and therefore not directly printable without using the word
processing program which was used to generate it.
.MNU A menu file for a program.
.MOD A file which modifies another, or a file which is a module of another.
.MRG A merge file?
.MRS A WordPerfect Macro Resource File.
.MSG A file of MeSsaGes, used to hold info a program might wish to use to
signal the computer operator.
.NDX dBASE index file.
.NTX Clipper (a dBASE-language compiler) index file.
.NOT A short text file which seldom has word processor controls, and should
therefore be directly printable.
.OBJ A form of relocatable file, often one module of many making up a
program, which is used by a linker to join together with others to
build a program.
.OPT A file storing OPTions used by a program, often in text form.
.OVL An OVerLay file, designed to be brought in and out of another program
as needed, such as used by the PI editor and Questar.
.OVR An OVeRlay file, designed to be brought in and out of another program
as needed, such as used by WordStar (R) for several of its utilities.
.PAK A file compressed by PAK.EXE, use PAK.EXE also to decompress.
.PAL A color PALette file.
.PAS Pascal-language source code text files.
.PAT A PATch file used by WordStar to make automatic patches.
.PCX A graphics file produced from Zsoft.
.PDF A Printer Definition File, used in WordStar to define controls and
capabilities of a printer.
.PF A title file made by ProFinder.
.PGL Used by the hard disk Optimizer program.
.PGM Used by the hard disk Optimizer program, appears to be program code.
.PIC A graphics file, an extension used by both the Dr. Halo (R) and the
PC-Paint (R) programs.
.PIF A Program Information File extension reserved on MS-DOS machines for
information used by Windows. Each application not specifically
designed for Windows needs a .PIF file, which contains settings
telling Windows how to run that application.
.PMF A keyword macro file used with the PI programming editor.
.PRG A dBASE PRoGram file in text form.
.PRM A parameter file holding initializing parameters, used for
example by Procomm Plus.
.PRN Printable file, already formatted for the printer.
.PRS A WordPerfect printer definition file.
.-Q- A middle letter of Q usually represents a compressed file generated
by SQueeze; a .DOC file would be renamed .DQC in SQueezing. Use
UnSQueeze to decompress.
.REL A relocatable program file, which must be processed during loading
to make a runnable program.
.SCx A graphics file produced by ColoRIX or EGA Paint.
.STY WordPerfect Style files.
.SUB A text file of operating system commands of the format which CP/M's
SUBMIT facility can execute.
.SYM A file of SYMbols used in a program's source code, generated by the
compiler or assembler which produces the program.
.SYS A DOS SYStem file which is a device driver program added to DOS at
computer startup (boot), at the user's discretion. Should be used
on MS-DOS computers only by DOS.
.TC An extension used by Borland for a program which converts C to Turbo-
.TGA A graphics file produced by Targa's programs.
.THS A WordPerfect thesaurus file.
.TIF A graphics file in TIFF format, as produced by many scanners.
.TMP A temporary file, which may be text, program, data, or anything.
.TST A TeST file, often printable.
.TUT Program TUTorial files.
.TXT A TeXT file, usually containing word processor controls and therefore
not directly printable without using the word processing program
which was used to generate it.
.UPD A text file of program update history, an extension used by several
.USP A font file.
.VDR A file used by VUIMG to configure the program for different video
display adaptors.
.WKB Files used with WordPerfect WorkBook.
.WKS A Lotus 1-2-3 (R) worksheet file.
.WPD A WordPerfect Driver program file for different displays.
.WPG A WordPerfect Graphics image file.
.WPK A WordPerfect keyboard macro file, storing sequences of keystrokes,
each of which is activated by a single keystroke.
.WPM WordPerfect Macro files used with Workbook.
.WS A printable text file generated by the word processing program WordStar,
with no imbedded WordStar formatting and control characters.
.WSF A WordStar font file.
.XCL A text-word file used by WordStar to specify words to be eXCLuded
from an index which WSINDEX will prepare.
.XL- A file used with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program.
.XLT Translation tables, an extension used by several programs. Hold
information to translate characters from one system to another,
such as ASCII to EBCDIC.
.XTP Xtree program overlay files.
.ZIP A file compressed by the PKZIP program from PKWare; use PKUNZIP to