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Assembly Source File
320 lines
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Title INT.ASM Interrupt Processor
; Name: INT.ASM Interrupt Processor
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the Apple
; emulator interrupt handler.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public Int_Init ; Interrupt initialization routine
Public Int_Reset ; Interrupt reset routine
Public Int_Update ; Emulator interrupt update routine
Public Interrupt ; Interrupt processing routine
Public Dummy_Int ; Dummy interrupt processing routine
; External Declarations
Extrn Timer_Int:Near ; Timer interrupt routine (TIMER)
Extrn Timer_Init:Near ; Timer initialization routine (TIMER)
Extrn Timer_Reset:Near ; Timer reset routine (TIMER)
Extrn Key_Int:Near ; Keyboard interrupt routine (KEYBOARD)
Extrn Emulator:Near ; Emulator entry point (EMULATE)
Extrn Error:Near ; Apple emulator error routine (APPLE)
Extrn Exit:Near ; Apple emulator exit routine (APPLE)
Extrn Int_Table:Word ; Interrupt jump table (DATA)
Extrn Original_Int_8:Dword ; Original interrupt 8 vector (DATA)
Extrn Original_Int_9:Dword ; Original interrupt 9 vector (DATA)
Extrn System_Flag:Byte ; Apple emulator system flag byte(DATA)
Extrn Emulate_Flag:Byte ; Emulator interrupt flag byte (DATA)
; LOCAL Equates
MAX_INTERRUPT Equ 08h ; Maximum interrupt count value
INT_TIMER Equ 08h ; Timer hardware interrupt number
INT_KEY Equ 09h ; Keyboard hardware interrupt number
INT_MASK Equ 7Fh ; Dummy interrupt clear mask value
; Define any include files needed
Include Macros.inc ; Include the macro definitions
Include Equates.inc ; Include the equate definitions
Include Strucs.inc ; Include the structure definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl Int_Init Interrupt Initialization
Page +
; Int_Init()
; Save the required registers
; Save the original interrupt 8 (Timer) vector
; Save the original interrupt 9 (Keyboard) vector
; Set the new interrupt 8 vector
; Call the timer initialization routine
; Set the new interrupt 9 vector
; Set the interrupt patched flag
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Int_Init Proc Near ; Interrupt initialization procedure
Save ax,bx,dx,ds,es ; Save the required registers
mov ah,GET_VECTOR ; Get interrupt vector function code
mov al,INT_TIMER ; Get timer hardware interrupt (8)
int DOS ; Get the current timer interrupt
mov Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_8 + 0],bx
mov Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_8 + 2],es
mov ah,GET_VECTOR ; Get interrupt vector function code
mov al,INT_KEY ; Get keyboard hardware interrupt (9)
int DOS ; Get the current keyboard interrupt
mov Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_9 + 0],bx
mov Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_9 + 2],es
mov ax,cs ; Get the current CS register value
mov ds,ax ; Setup DS to current CS value
lea dx,cs:[Timer_Int] ; Get the new timer interrupt offset
mov ah,SET_VECTOR ; Get set interrupt vector function code
mov al,INT_TIMER ; Get timer hardware interrupt (8)
int DOS ; Set the new timer interrupt
call Timer_Init ; Call the timer initialization routine
lea dx,cs:[Key_Int] ; Get the new keyboard interrupt offset
mov ah,SET_VECTOR ; Get set interrupt vector function code
mov al,INT_KEY ; Get keyboard hardware interrupt (9)
int DOS ; Set the new keyboard interrupt
or cs:[System_Flag],PATCHED; Set interrupts patched flag
Restore ax,bx,dx,ds,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Int_Init Endp ; End of the Int_Init procedure
Subttl Int_Reset Interrupt Reset
Page +
; Int_Reset()
; Save the required registers
; If interrupts have been patched
; Call the timer reset routine
; Restore the original interrupt 8 (Timer) vector
; Restore the original interrupt 9 (Keyboard) vector
; Endif interrupts not patched
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Int_Reset Proc Near ; Interrupt reset procedure
Save ax,dx,ds ; Save the required registers
test cs:[System_Flag],PATCHED; Check for interrupts patched
jz Reset_Done ; Jump if interrupts not patched
call Timer_Reset ; Call the timer reset routine
mov ah,SET_VECTOR ; Get the set interrupt function code
mov al,INT_TIMER ; Get timer hardware interrupt (8)
mov dx,Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_8 + 0]
mov ds,Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_8 + 2]
int DOS ; Restore original timer interrupt
mov ah,SET_VECTOR ; Get the set interrupt function code
mov al,INT_KEY ; Get keyboard hardware interrupt (9)
mov dx,Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_9 + 0]
mov ds,Word Ptr cs:[Original_Int_9 + 2]
int DOS ; Restore original keyboard interrupt
Restore ax,dx,ds ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Int_Reset Endp ; End of the Int_Reset procedure
Subttl Int_Update Emulator Interrupt Update Routine
Page +
; Int_Update(RAM_Space, Registers, Address, Stack_Frame)
; Save the required registers
; If currently executing 65C02 emulator
; If there is a pending interrupt request
; Set the emulator interrupt flag bit
; Endif
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return control to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; DL - 65C02 Accumulator
; DH - 65C02 processor flags
; CL - 65C02 Y index register
; CH - 65C02 X index register
; BX - 65C02 Stack pointer
; SI - 65C02 Program counter
; DI - Current opcode address
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; SS:SP - Stack Frame
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Destroyed
; DH - Emulator interrupt set if interrupt pending
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Int_Update Proc Near ; Emulator interrupt update procedure
Save bp ; Save the required registers
mov bp,sp ; Setup access to the stack frame
mov ax,cs ; Get the Emulate code segment value
cmp ax,ss:[bp.Current_CS] ; Check for executing in Emulate segment
jne Update_Exit ; Jump if NOT in the Emulate segment
lea ax,cs:[Emulator] ; Get emulator entry point address
cmp ax,ss:[bp.Current_IP] ; Check for executing 65C02 emulator
jbe Update_Exit ; Jump if NOT in 65C02 emulator
test cs:[Emulate_Flag],INT_REQUEST
jz Update_Exit ; Jump if no pending interrupt
or dh,CPU_R ; Set emulator interrupt flag bit
Restore bp ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return control to the caller
Int_Update Endp ; End of the Interrupt procedure
Subttl Interrupt Interrupt Processor
Page +
; Interrupt(RAM_Space, Registers, Address)
; Clear the emulator interrupt flag bit
; Setup Interrupt_Counter (MAX_INTERRUPT - 1 = 7)
; While Interrupt_Counter >= 0
; If this interrupt bit is set
; Jump to the correct routine for interrupt
; Endif
; Decrement the Interrupt_Counter
; Endwhile
; Go process the next opcode (Never gets here)
; Registers on Entry:
; DL - 65C02 Accumulator
; DH - 65C02 processor flags
; CL - 65C02 Y index register
; CH - 65C02 X index register
; BX - 65C02 Stack pointer
; SI - 65C02 Program counter
; DI - Current opcode address
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Destroyed
; BP - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Interrupt Proc Near ; Interrupt processing procedure
and dh,Not CPU_R ; Clear emulator interrupt flag bit
mov ah,MAX_INTERRUPT - 1 ; Get the maximum interrupt count - 1
mov al,cs:[Emulate_Flag] ; Get the emulator flags (Interrupt)
shr al,1 ; Check for interrupt occurred
jnc Next_Interrupt ; Jump if this is not the interrupt
mov al,ah ; Get the interrupt number
xor ah,ah ; Convert interrupt number to full word
shl ax,1 ; Convert interrupt to table index
mov bp,ax ; Setup to go to the correct routine
jmp cs:[bp + Int_Table] ; Jump to the correct interrupt routine
dec ah ; Decrement the interrupt counter
jns Interrupt_Loop ; Jump if more interrupts to check
jmp di ; Go process next opcode (Never here)
Interrupt Endp ; End of the Interrupt procedure
Subttl Dummy_Int Dummy Interrupt Routine
Page +
; Dummy_Int(Interrupt_Number, RAM_Space, Registers, Address)
; Save the required registers
; Calculate interrupt mask value
; Clear the pending dummy interrupt
; Restore the required registers
; Go process the next opcode
; Registers on Entry:
; DL - 65C02 Accumulator
; DH - 65C02 processor flags
; CL - 65C02 Y index register
; CH - 65C02 X index register
; BX - 65C02 Stack pointer
; SI - 65C02 Program counter
; AX - Interrupt number (Doubled)
; DI - Current opcode address
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Dummy_Int Proc Near ; Interrupt processing procedure
Save cx ; Save the required registers
shr ax,1 ; Restore the interrupt number
mov ah,INT_MASK ; Get interrupt mask value
mov cl,al ; Get the interrupt number in CL
ror ah,cl ; Rotate interrupt mask into position
and cs:[Emulate_Flag],ah ; Clear the current dummy interrupt
Restore cx ; Restore the required registers
jmp di ; Go process the current opcode
Dummy_Int Endp ; End of the Dummy_Int procedure
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the Int module