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Assembly Source File
3,045 lines
; Generic assembler routines having to do with video adapters
; ---- Video Routines
; setvideomode()
; getcolor()
; putcolor()
; out_line()
; drawbox()
; home()
; movecursor()
; clscr()
; scrollup()
; putblock()
; putstr()
; scroll()
; storedac() TARGA - NEW - 3 June 89 j mclain
; loaddac()
; spindac()
; asmdotwrite (called by CALCMAND.ASM using registers)
; asmvideocleanup ""
; ---- Help (Video) Support
; setfortext()
; setforgraphics()
; setclear()
; required for compatibility if Turbo ASM
IFDEF ??version
.MODEL medium,c
; these must NOT be in any segment!!
; this get's rid of TURBO-C fixup errors
extrn startvideo:far ; start your-own-video routine
extrn readvideo:far ; read your-own-video routine
extrn writevideo:far ; write your-own-video routine
extrn endvideo:far ; end your-own-video routine
extrn startdisk:far ; start disk-video routine
extrn readdisk:far ; read disk-video routine
extrn writedisk:far ; write disk-video routine
extrn enddisk:far ; end disk-video routine
; TARGA 28 May 80 - j mclain
extrn StartTGA :far ; start TARGA
extrn ReadTGA :far ; read TARGA
extrn WriteTGA :far ; write TARGA
extrn LineTGA :far ; line TARGA
extrn EndTGA :far ; end TARGA
; 8514/A routines
extrn open8514 :far ; start 8514a
extrn reopen8514:far ; restart 8514a
extrn close8514 :far ; stop 8514a
extrn fr85wdot :far ; 8514a write dot
extrn fr85wbox :far ; 8514a write box
extrn fr85rdot :far ; 8514a read dot
extrn w8514pal :far ; 8514a pallete update
; Hercules Routines
extrn inithgc :far ; Initialize Hercules card graphics mode
extrn termhgc :far ; Terminate Hercules card graphics mode
extrn writehgc :far ; Hercules write dot
extrn readhgc :far ; Hercules read dot
extrn linehgc :far ; Hercules line draw
extrn charhgc :far ; Draw an ASCII char in Hercules graphics
; ************************ External variables *****************************
extrn oktoprint: word ; flag: == 1 if printf() will work
extrn videoentry:byte ; video table entry flag
extrn dotmode: word ; video mode:
; 1 = use the BIOS (yuck)
; 2 = use EGA/VGA style
; 3 = use MCGA style
; 4 = use Tseng 256 color
; 5 = use Paradise 256 color
; 6 = use Video 7 256 color
; 7 = MVGA 256 color
; 9 = use TARGA
; 10= Hercules
; 11= "disk" video
; 12= 8514/A
; 13= CGA 4,2-color
; 14= Tandy-1000 (someday)
; 15= use Trident 256 color
; 16= use Chips & Tech 256 color
; 17= use ATI VGA Wonder 256 color
; 18= use Everex 256 color
; 19= use roll-your-own
; (see YOURVID.C)
; 20= use ATI 1024 16 color
; 21= use tseng 16 color
; 22= use trident 16 color
; 23= use video7 16 color
; 24= use paradise 16 color
; 25= use chipstech 16 color
; 26= use everex 16 color
extrn xdots:word, ydots:word ; number of dots across and down
extrn maxit:word, colors:word ; maximum iterations, colors
extrn ixmin:word, ixmax:word ; for zoom/pan: x and y limits
extrn iymin:word, iymax:word ; for the local zoom-box
extrn cyclelimit:word ; limiting factor for DAC-cycler
extrn debugflag:word ; for debugging purposes only
extrn boxcount:word ; (previous) box pt counter: 0 if none.
extrn boxx:word, boxy:word ; zoom-box save-value locations
extrn boxvalues:byte ; zoom-box save-pixel locations
extrn xorTARGA:word ; TARGA 3 June 89 j mclain
; flag says xor pixels for box
extrn cpu:word ; CPU type (86, 186, 286, or 386)
extrn extraseg:word ; location of the EXTRA segment
; ************************ Public variables *****************************
public andcolor ; used by 'calcmand'
public loadPalette ; flag for loading VGA/TARGA palette from disk
public dacbox ; GIF saves use this
public daclearn, daccount ; Rotate may want to use this
public rowcount ; row-counter for decoder and out_line
public reallyega ; "really an EGA" (faking a VGA) flag
; arrays declared here, used elsewhere
; arrays not used simultaneously are deliberately overlapped
; ************************ Internal variables *****************************
dotwrite dw 0 ; write-a-dot routine: mode-specific
dotread dw 0 ; read-a-dot routine: mode-specific
linewrite dw 0 ; write-a-line routine: mode-specific
andcolor dw 0 ; "and" value used for color selection
color db 0 ; the color to set a pixel
videoflag db 0 ; special "your-own-video" flag
diskflag db 0 ; special "disk-video" flag
tgaflag db 0 ; TARGA 28 May 89 - j mclain
loadPalette db 0 ; TARGA/VGA load palette from disk
f85flag db 0 ;flag for 8514a
HGCflag db 0 ;flag for Hercules Graphics Adapter
; ; Zoom-Box values (2K x 2K screens max)
step dw 0 ; Zoom-Box drawing step-size
boxcolor db 0 ; Zoom-Box color
reallyega dw 0 ; 1 if its an EGA posing as a VGA
palettega db 17 dup(0) ; EGA palette registers go here
daclearn db 0 ; 0 if "learning" DAC speed
dacnorm db 0 ; 0 if "normal" DAC update
daccount dw 0 ; DAC registers to update in 1 pass
dacbox db 773 dup(0) ; DAC goes here
rowcount dw 0 ; row-counter for decoder and out_line
orvideo db 0 ; "or" value for setvideo
videoax dw 0 ; graphics mode values: ax
videobx dw 0 ; graphics mode values: bx
videocx dw 0 ; graphics mode values: cx
videodx dw 0 ; graphics mode values: dx
; ******************* "Tweaked" VGA mode variables ************************
; 704 x 528 mode
x704y528 db 704/8 ; number of screen columns
db 528/16 ; number of screen rows
db 68h, 57h, 58h, 8Bh ; CRTC Registers
db 59h, 86h, 3EH,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 3Dh
db 19h, 8Bh, 0Fh, 2Ch
db 0h, 18h, 38h,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 720 x 540 mode
x720y540 db 720/8 ; number of screen columns
db 540/16 ; number of screen rows
db 6Ah, 59h, 5Ah, 8Dh ; CRTC Registers
db 5Eh, 8Bh, 4AH,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 49h
db 24h, 86h, 1Bh, 2Dh
db 0h, 24h, 44h,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 736 x 552 mode
x736y552 db 736/8 ; number of screen columns
db 552/16 ; number of screen rows
db 6Ch, 5Bh, 5Ch, 8Fh ; CRTC Registers
db 5Fh, 8Ch, 56H,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 55h
db 2Bh, 8Dh, 27h, 2Eh
db 0h, 30h, 50h,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 752 x 564 mode
x752y564 db 752/8 ; number of screen columns
db 564/16 ; number of screen rows
db 6Eh, 5Dh, 5Eh, 91h ; CRTC Registers
db 62h, 8Fh, 62H,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 61h
db 37h, 89h, 33h, 2Fh
db 0h, 3Ch, 5Ch,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 768 x 576 mode
x768y576 db 768/8 ; number of screen columns
db 576/16 ; number of screen rows
db 70h, 5Fh, 60h, 93h ; CRTC Registers
db 66h, 93h, 6EH,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 6Dh
db 43h, 85h, 3Fh, 30h
db 0h, 48h, 68h,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 784 x 588 mode
x784y588 db 784/8 ; number of screen columns
db 588/16 ; number of screen rows
db 72h, 61h, 62h, 95h ; CRTC Registers
db 69h, 96h, 7AH,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 79h
db 4Fh, 81h, 4Bh, 31h
db 0h, 54h, 74h,0E3h
db 0FFh
; 800 x 600 mode
x800y600 db 800/8 ; number of screen columns
db 600/16 ; number of screen rows
db 74h, 63h, 64h, 97h ; CRTC Registers
db 68h, 95h, 86H,0F0h
db 0h, 60h, 0h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 2h, 85h
db 5Bh, 8Dh, 57h, 32h
db 0h, 60h, 80h,0E3h
db 0FFh
x360y480 db 360/8 ; number of screen columns
db 480/16 ; number of screen rows
db 6bh, 59h, 5ah, 8eh ; CRTC Registers
db 5eh, 8ah, 0DH,03Eh
db 0h, 40h, 00h, 0h
db 0h, 0h, 0h, 31h
db 0EAh, 0ACh, 0DFh, 2Dh
db 0h,0E7h, 06h,0E3h
db 0FFh
x320y400 db 320/8 ; number of screen columns
db 400/16 ; number of screen rows
db 5fh, 4fh, 50h, 82h ; CRTC Registers
db 54h, 80h,0bfh, 1fh
db 00h, 40h, 00h, 00h
db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h
db 9ch, 8eh, 8fh, 28h
db 00h, 96h,0b9h,0E3h
db 0FFh
x640y400 db 640/8 ; number of screen columns
db 400/16 ; number of screen rows
db 5eh, 4fh, 50h, 01h ; CRTC Registers
db 54h, 9fh,0c0h, 1fh
db 00h, 40h, 00h, 00h
db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h
db 9ch,08eh, 8fh, 28h
db 00h, 95h,0bch,0c3h
db 0ffh
tweaks dw offset x704y528 ; tweak table
dw offset x704y528
dw offset x720y540
dw offset x736y552
dw offset x752y564
dw offset x768y576
dw offset x784y588
dw offset x800y600
dw offset x360y480
dw offset x320y400
dw offset x640y400 ; Tseng Super VGA
tweaktype dw 0 ; 8 or 9 (320x400 or 360x480)
; Video Table Entries
; The Video Table has been moved to a FARDATA segment to relieve
; some of the pressure on the poor little overloaded 64K DATA segment.
; This code has three entry points:
; sizeoftable = initvideotable(); returns the # of table entries
; fromvideotable(i); copies table entry #i into
; the videoentry structure
; tovideotable(i); moves the videoentry structure
; into the table at entry #i
videotable db 0 ; video table actually starts on the NEXT byte
; Feel free to add your favorite video adapter to the following table.
; Just remember that only the first 100 or so entries get displayed and
; assigned Function keys.
; Currently available Video Modes are (use the BIOS as a last resort)
; 1) use the BIOS (INT 10H, AH=12/13, AL=color) ((SLOW))
; 2) pretend it's a (perhaps super-res) EGA/VGA
; 3) pretend it's an MCGA
; 4) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Tseng Labs Chipset
; 5) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Paradise Chipset
; 6) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Video-7 Chipset
; 7) Non-Standard IBM VGA 360 x 480 x 256-Color mode
; 8) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Everex Chipset
; 9) TARGA video modes
; 10) HERCULES video mode
; 11) Non-Video [disk or RAM] "video"
; 12) 8514/A video modes
; 13) CGA 320x200x4-color and 640x200x2-color modes
; 14) Reserved for Tandy 1000 video modes
; 15) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Trident Chipset
; 16) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Chips & Tech Chipset
; 17) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the ATI VGA Wonder Chipset
; 18) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Everex Chipset
; 19) Roll-Your-Own video, as defined in YOURVID.C
; 20) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the ATI VGA Wonder Chipset
; 21) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Tseng Labs Chipset
; 22) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Trident Chipset
; 23) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Video 7 Chipset
; 24) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Paradise Chipset
; 25) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Chips & Tech Chipset
; |--Adapter/Mode-Name------|-------Comments-----------|
; |------INT 10H------|Dot-|--Resolution---|
; |--AX---BX---CX---DX|Mode|--X-|--Y-|Color|
db "IBM Low-Rez EGA Quick but chunky "
dw 0dh, 0, 0, 0, 2, 320, 200, 16
db "IBM 16-Color EGA Slower but lots nicer "
dw 10h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 350, 16
db "IBM 256-Color MCGA Quick and LOTS of colors "
dw 13h, 0, 0, 0, 3, 320, 200, 256
db "IBM 16-Color VGA Nice high resolution "
dw 12h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 480, 16
db "IBM 4-Color CGA (Ugh - Yuck - Bleah) "
dw 4h, 0, 0, 0, 13, 320, 200, 4
db "IBM Hi-Rez B&W CGA ('Hi-Rez' Ugh - Yuck) "
dw 6h, 0, 0, 0, 13, 640, 200, 2
db "IBM B&W EGA (Monochrome EGA) "
dw 0fh, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 350, 2
db "IBM B&W VGA (Monochrome VGA) "
dw 11h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 480, 2
db "IBM Med-Rez EGA (Silly but it's there!) "
dw 0eh, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 200, 16
db "IBM VGA (non-std/no text) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 9, 7, 320, 400, 256
db "IBM VGA (non-std/no text) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 8, 7, 360, 480, 256
db "8514/A Low Res Requires IBM's HDIDLOAD "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 1, 12, 640, 480, 256
db "8514/A High Res Requires IBM's HDIDLOAD "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 1, 12,1024, 768, 256
db "8514/A Low W/Border Requires IBM's HDIDLOAD "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 1, 12, 632, 474, 256
db "8514/A High W/Border Requires IBM's HDIDLOAD "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 1, 12,1016, 762, 256
db "VESA Standard interface UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 6ah, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "COMPAQ Portable 386 OK: Michael Kaufman "
dw 40h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 400, 2
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Ira Emus "
dw 6f05h, 60h, 0, 0, 2, 752, 410, 16
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Ira Emus "
dw 6f05h, 61h, 0, 0, 2, 720, 540, 16
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Ira Emus "
dw 6f05h, 62h, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Ira Emus "
dw 6f05h, 63h, 0, 0, 1,1024, 768, 2
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Ira Emus "
dw 6f05h, 64h, 0, 0, 1,1024, 768, 4
db "Video-7 Vram VGA w/512K OK: Sandy & Frank Lozier "
dw 6f05h, 65h, 0, 0, 23,1024, 768, 16
db "Video-7 Vram VGA OK: Michael Kaufman "
dw 6f05h, 66h, 0, 0, 6, 640, 400, 256
db "Video-7 w/512K OK: Greg Reznick "
dw 6f05h, 67h, 0, 0, 6, 640, 480, 256
db "Video-7 w/512K OK: Greg Reznick "
dw 6f05h, 68h, 0, 0, 6, 720, 540, 256
db "Video-7 w/512K OK: Greg Reznick "
dw 6f05h, 69h, 0, 0, 6, 800, 600, 256
db "Tseng SuperVGA tweaked (adds missing Tseng mode) "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 10, 4, 640, 400, 256
db "Orchid/STB/GENOA/SIGMA OK: Monte Davis "
dw 2eh, 0, 0, 0, 4, 640, 480, 256
db "Orchid/STB/GENOA/SIGMA OK: Monte Davis "
dw 29h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "Orchid/STB/GENOA/SIGMA OK: Monte Davis "
dw 30h, 0, 0, 0, 4, 800, 600, 256
db "Orchid/STB/GENOA/SIGMA OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 37h, 0, 0, 0, 21,1024, 768, 16
db "GENOA/STB OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 2dh, 0, 0, 0, 4, 640, 350, 256
db "GENOA OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 27h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 720, 512, 16
db "GENOA OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 2fh, 0, 0, 0, 4, 720, 512, 256
db "GENOA OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 7ch, 0, 0, 0, 2, 512, 512, 16
db "GENOA OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 7dh, 0, 0, 0, 4, 512, 512, 256
db "STB UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 36h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 960, 720, 16
db "Everex EVGA OK: Travis Harrison "
dw 70h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 640, 480, 16
db "Everex EVGA OK: Travis Harrison "
dw 70h, 1h, 0, 0, 2, 752, 410, 16
db "Everex EVGA OK: Travis Harrison "
dw 70h, 2h, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "Everex EVGA OK: Travis Harrison "
dw 70h, 11h, 0, 0, 1,1280, 350, 4
db "Everex EVGA OK: Travis Harrison "
dw 70h, 12h, 0, 0, 1,1280, 600, 4
db "Everex EVGA UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 70h, 13h, 0, 0, 18, 640, 350, 256
db "Everex EVGA UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 70h, 14h, 0, 0, 18, 640, 400, 256
db "Everex EVGA UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 70h, 15h, 0, 0, 18, 512, 480, 256
db "ATI EGA Wonder OK: Garrett Wollman "
dw 51h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 480, 16
db "ATI EGA Wonder OK: Garrett Wollman "
dw 52h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 800, 560, 16
db "ATI VGA Wonder OK: Henry So "
dw 54h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "ATI VGA Wonder OK: Mark Peterson "
dw 61h, 0, 0, 0, 17, 640, 400, 256
db "ATI VGA Wonder (512K) OK: Mark Peterson "
dw 62h, 0, 0, 0, 17, 640, 480, 256
db "ATI VGA Wonder (512K) OK: Mark Peterson "
dw 63h, 0, 0, 0, 17, 800, 600, 256
db "ATI VGA Wonder (512K) OK: Mark Peterson "
dw 65h, 0, 0, 0, 20,1024, 768, 16
db "Paradise EGA-480 UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 50h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 480, 16
db "Pdise/AST/COMPAQ VGA OK: Tom Devlin "
dw 5eh, 0, 0, 0, 5, 640, 400, 256
db "Pdise/AST/COMPAQ VGA OK: Phil Wilson "
dw 5fh, 0, 0, 0, 5, 640, 480, 256
db "Pdise/AST/COMPAQ VGA OK: by Chris Green "
dw 58h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "Pdise/AST/COMPAQ VGA OK: Phil Wilson "
dw 59h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 800, 600, 2
db "Tandy 1000 16 Clr LoRez OK: Tom Price "
dw 8h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 160, 200, 16
db "Tandy 1000 16 Color CGA OK: Tom Price "
dw 9h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 320, 200, 16
db "Tandy 1000 4 Color hi-rez OK: Tom Price "
dw 0ah, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 200, 4
db "AT&T 6300 UNTESTED: may not work "
dw 41h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 200, 16
db "AT&T 6300 OK: Michael Kaufman "
dw 40h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 400, 2
db "AT&T 6300 OK: Colby Norton "
dw 42h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 640, 400, 16
db "TARGA 256 Color video OK: Bruce Goren "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 0, 9, 512, 482, 256
db "TARGA 256 Color 35mm OK: Bruce Goren "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 0, 9, 512, 342, 256
db "TARGA 256 Color 4 x 5 OK: Bruce Goren "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 0, 9, 512, 384, 256
db "TRIDENT Chipset OK: Warren Gold "
dw 5bh, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "TRIDENT Chipset OK: Warren Gold "
dw 5ch, 0, 0, 0, 15, 640, 400, 256
db "TRIDENT Chipset OK: Warren Gold "
dw 5dh, 0, 0, 0, 15, 640, 480, 256
db "TRIDENT Chipset OK: Warren Gold "
dw 5eh, 0, 0, 0, 15, 800, 600, 256
db "TRIDENT Chipset UNTESTED: May not work "
dw 5fh, 0, 0, 0, 22,1024, 768, 16
db "Chips & Tech Chipset OK: Andy Fu "
dw 78h, 0, 0, 0, 16, 640, 400, 256
db "Chips & Tech Chipset OK: Andy Fu "
dw 79h, 0, 0, 0, 16, 640, 480, 256
db "Chips & Tech Chipset OK: Andy Fu "
dw 7bh, 0, 0, 0, 16, 800, 600, 256
db "Chips & Tech Chipset OK: Andy Fu "
dw 70h, 0, 0, 0, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "Chips & Tech Chipset UNTESTED: May not work "
dw 72h, 0, 0, 0, 25,1024, 768, 16
db "Hercules Graphics OK: Timothy Wegner "
dw 8h, 0, 0, 0, 10, 720, 348, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' Full-Page Epson @ 60DPI "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 768, 480, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' Full-Page Epson @ 120DPI "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 768, 960, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' Full-Page Epson @ 240DPI "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 768,1920, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' Full-Page L-Jet @ 75DPI "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 800, 600, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' Full-Page L-Jet @ 150DPI "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11,1600,1200, 2
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 320, 200, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 360, 480, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 640, 350, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 640, 400, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 640, 480, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11, 800, 600, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11,1024, 768, 256
db "Disk/RAM 'Video' For Background Fractals "
dw 3h, 0, 0, 0, 11,2048,2048, 256
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 1, 2, 704, 528, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 2, 2, 720, 540, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 3, 2, 736, 552, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 4, 2, 752, 564, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 5, 2, 768, 576, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 6, 2, 784, 588, 16
db "IBM VGA (+tweaked+) Register Compatibles ONLY "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 7, 2, 800, 600, 16
db "END Must be the END of list "
dw 0h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 680 dup(0) ; room for 10 more video modes
initvideotable proc uses ds es di
mov di, offset videotable+1 ; get the start of the video table
mov ax,0 ; initially, no entries found
cmp word ptr cs:66[di],0 ; does the next entry have any colors?
je initvideotablereturn ; nope. we done.
inc ax ; indicate we found an entry
add di,68 ; locate the next entry
jmp initvideotableloop ; and try again.
initvideotable endp
fromvideotable proc uses es si di, tablenumber:word
push cs ; get the video table segment into ES
pop es ; ...
mov cx,68 ; retrieve the table entry length
mov ax,tablenumber ; compute the video table offset
mul cl ; == that entry # x the entry length
add ax,offset videotable+1 ; + the start of the table
mov si,ax ; store it here
mov di,offset videoentry ; get the offset of the entry ptr
push ds ; swap DS and ES temporarily
push es ; ...
pop ds ; ...
pop es ; ...
rep movsb ; move it
push es ; restore DS again
pop ds ; ...
mov di,offset videoentry ; get the offset of the entry ptr
mov al,0 ; stuff a few zeroes in where appr.
mov 25[di],al ; ...
mov 51[di],al ; ...
fromvideotable endp
tovideotable proc uses es si di, tablenumber:word
push cs ; get the video table segment into ES
pop es ; ...
mov cx,68 ; retrieve the table entry length
mov ax,tablenumber ; compute the video table offset
mul cl ; == that entry # x the entry length
add ax,offset videotable+1 ; + the start of the table
mov di,ax ; store it here
mov si,offset videoentry ; get the offset of the entry ptr
rep movsb ; move it
tovideotable endp
; Routines called by this code
; **************** Routines called by 'calcmand.asm' *********************
; parameters passed directly in registers - just call near routine
asmdotwrite proc far ; called by 'calcmand.asm'
call dotwrite ; call the appropriate write-a-dot
ret ; we done
asmdotwrite endp
asmvideocleanup proc far ; called by 'calcmand.asm'
call videocleanup ; call the local routine
ret ; we done.
asmvideocleanup endp
; **************** internal Read/Write-a-dot routines ***********************
; These Routines all assume the following register values:
; AL = The Color (returned on reads, sent on writes)
; CX = The X-Location of the Pixel
; DX = The Y-Location of the Pixel
normalwrite proc near ; generic write-a-dot routine
mov ah,12 ; write the dot (al == color)
mov bx,0 ; this page
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
ret ; we done.
normalwrite endp
normalread proc near ; generic read-a-dot routine
mov ah,13 ; read the dot (al == color)
mov bx,0 ; this page
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
ret ; we done.
normalread endp
cgawrite proc near ; CGA 320x200 4-color, 640x200 2-color
mov bx,colors ; restrict ourselves to the color cnt
dec bx ; ...
and al,bl ; ...
push es ; save ES for a bit
push ax ; save AX for a bit
call near ptr cgasegoff ; compute the segment and offset
mov dl,es:[bx] ; retrieve the byte
and dl,al ; clear out the proper bits
pop ax ; restore AX (the color)
shl al,cl ; apply the shift mask
or dl,al ; add in the color
mov es:[bx],dl ; and write the color back out
pop es ; restore ES
ret ; we done
cgawrite endp
cgaread proc near ; CGA 320x200 4-color, 640x200 2-color
push es ; save ES for a bit
call near ptr cgasegoff ; compute the segment and offset
mov dl,es:[bx] ; retrieve the byte
not al ; reset AL for the AND
and al,dl ; clear out all but the proper bits
shr al,cl ; apply the shift mask
mov ah,0 ; clear out the high byte
pop es ; restore ES
ret ; we done
cgaread endp
cgasegoff proc near ; common CGA routine
mov ax,0b800h ; buffer is really here
shr dx,1 ; provide the interleaving logic
jnc cgasegeven ; skip if odd
add ax,200h ; use the other half of the buffer
mov es,ax ; set it up
mov bx,dx ; each row is 80 bytes - shift
shl bx,1 ; instead of multiply (8088s multiply
shl bx,1 ; REAL slowly)
shl bx,1 ; ...
shl bx,1 ; ...
mov ax,bx ; x*80 = (x<<4) + ((x<<4)<<2)
shl bx,1 ; ...
shl bx,1 ; ...
add ax,bx ; (Finally!)
cmp colors,2 ; 2-color mode?
je short cgaseg2color ; yup. branch off
mov bx,cx ; get the column offset
shr bx,1 ; four columns per byte
shr bx,1 ; ...
add bx,ax ; BX now contains the offset
and cx,3 ; calculate the bit mask
xor cx,3 ; ...
shl cx,1 ; shift left this many bits
push cx ; save the bit shift
mov al,0fch ; set up the bit mask
rol al,cl ; AL now contains the bit mask
pop cx ; restore the shift count
ret ; we done.
cgaseg2color: ; two-color option
mov bx,cx ; get the column offset
shr bx,1 ; eight columns per byte
shr bx,1 ; ...
shr bx,1 ; ...
add bx,ax ; BX now contains the offset
and cx,7 ; calculate the bit mask
xor cx,7 ; ...
push cx ; save the bit shift
mov al,0feh ; set up the bit mask
rol al,cl ; AL now contains the bit mask
pop cx ; restore the shift count
cgasegoff endp
mcgawrite proc near ; MCGA 320*200, 246 colors
push ax ; save this for a tad
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
mov bx,ax ; save this in BX
pop ax ; restore AX
mov es:[bx],al ; write the dot
ret ; we done.
mcgawrite endp
mcgaread proc near ; MCGA 320*200, 246 colors
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
mov bx,ax ; save this in BX
mov al,es:[bx] ; retrieve the previous value
ret ; we done.
mcgaread endp
; These routines are for bit-plane 16 color modes, including bank
; switched superVGA varieties such as the Tseng 1024x768x16 mode.
; Tim Wegner
vgawrite proc near ; bank-switched EGA/VGA write mode 0
mov bh,al ; save the color value for a bit
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX now holds the pixel count
mov cx,ax ; save this for the bit mask
and cx,7 ; bit-mask shift calculation
xor cl,7 ; ...
mov si,ax ; set up for the address shift
shr dx,1 ; (ugly) 32-bit shift-by-3 logic
rcr si,1 ; ((works on ANY 80x6 processor))
shr dx,1 ; ...
rcr si,1 ; ...
shr dx,1 ; ...
rcr si,1 ; ...
cmp dx,curbk ; see if bank changed
je vgasame_bank ; jump if old bank ok
mov ax,dx ; newbank expects bank in al
call far ptr newbank ; switch banks
mov dx,03ceh ; graphics controller address
mov ax,0108h ; set up controller bit mask register
shl ah,cl ; ...
out dx,ax ; ...
mov ah,bh ; set set/reset registers
mov al,0 ; ...
out dx,ax ; ...
mov ax,0f01h ; enable set/reset registers
out dx,ax ; ...
or es:[si],al ; update all bit planes
ret ; we done.
vgawrite endp
vgaread proc near ; bank-switched EGA/VGA read mode 0
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX now holds the pixel count
mov cx,ax ; save this for the bit mask
and cx,7 ; bit-mask shift calculation
xor cl,7 ; ...
mov si,ax ; set up for the address shift
shr dx,1 ; (ugly) 32-bit shift-by-3 logic
rcr si,1 ; ((works on ANY 80x6 processor))
shr dx,1 ; ...
rcr si,1 ; ...
shr dx,1 ; ...
rcr si,1 ; ...
cmp dx,curbk ; see if bank changed
je vgasame_bank ; jump if old bank ok
mov ax,dx ; newbank expects bank in al
call far ptr newbank ; switch banks
mov ch,01h ; bit mask to shift
shl ch,cl ; ...
mov bx,0 ; initialize bits-read value (none)
mov dx,03ceh ; graphics controller address
mov ax,0304h ; set up controller address register
out dx,ax ; do it
mov bh,es:[si] ; retrieve the old value
and bh,ch ; mask one bit
neg bh ; set bit 7 correctly
rol bx,1 ; rotate the bit into bl
dec ah ; go for another bit?
jge vgareadloop ; sure, why not.
mov al,bl ; returned pixel value
ret ; we done.
vgaread endp
; The 360x480 mode draws heavily on Michael Abrash's article in
; the January/February 1989 "Programmer's Journal" and files uploaded
; to Compuserv's PICS forum by Dr. Lawrence Gozum - integrated here
; by Timothy Wegner
; Michael Abrash equates. Not all used, but I'll leave for reference.
SC_INDEX EQU 3C4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
GC_INDEX EQU 3CEh ;Graphics Controller Index register
CRTC_INDEX EQU 3D4h ;CRT Controller Index register
MAP_MASK EQU 2 ;Map Mask register index in SC
MEMORY_MODE EQU 4 ;Memory Mode register in SC
MAX_SCAN_LINE EQU 9 ;Maximum Scan Line reg index in CRTC
;Use 9 for 2 pages of 320x400
;MAX_SCAN_LINE EQU 1 ;Use 1 for 4 pages of 320x200
START_ADD_HIGH EQU 0Ch ;Start Address High reg index in CRTC
UNDERLINE EQU 14h ;Underline Location reg index in CRTC
MODE_CONTROL EQU 17h ;Mode Control reg index in CRTC
READ_MAP EQU 4 ;Read Mask register index in SC
GRAPHICS_MODE EQU 5 ;Graphics Mode register index in SC
MISC EQU 6 ;Miscellaneous register index in SC
WORD_OUTS_OK EQU 1 ;set to 0 to assemble for computers
;that can't handle word outs to indexed
;VGA registers
;Macro to output a word value to a port
;Macro to ouput a constant value to an indexed VGA register
tweak256read proc near uses si ; Tweaked-VGA ...x256 color mode
mov ax,xdots
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ; now ax = xdots/4
mul dx ;Point to start of desired row
push cx ;Save X coordinate for later
shr cx,1 ;There are 4 pixels at each address
shr cx,1 ;so divide X by 4
add ax,cx ;Point to pixels address
mov si,ax
pop ax ;Retrieve X coordinate
and al,3 ;Get the plane number of the pixel
mov ah,al
mov al,READ_MAP
mov dx,GC_INDEX
OUT_WORD ;Set to write to the proper plane for the
xor ax,ax
lods byte ptr es:[si] ;Read the pixel
tweak256read endp
tweak256write proc near uses di ; Tweaked-VGA ...x256 color mode
mov bl,al ; color
mov ax,xdots
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1 ; now ax = xdots/4
mul dx ;Point to start of desired row
push cx ;Save X coordinate for later
shr cx,1 ;There are 4 pixels at each address
shr cx,1 ;so divide X by 4
add ax,cx ;Point to pixels address
mov di,AX
pop cx ;Retrieve X coordinate
and cl,3 ;Get the plane number of the pixel
mov ah,1
shl ah,CL ;Set the bit corresponding to the plane
;the pixel is in
mov al,MAP_MASK
mov dx,SC_INDEX
OUT_WORD ;Set to write to the proper plane for the
mov es:[di],bl ;Draw the pixel
tweak256write endp
; The following ATI 1024x768x16 mode is courtesy of Mark Peterson
ati1024read proc near ; ATI 1024x768x16 read
call ati1024addr ; calculate the address
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte the pixel is in
test cl,1 ; is X odd?
jz atireadhigh ; Nope. Use the high bits
and ax,0fh ; zero out the high-order bits
and ax,0f0h ; zero out the low-order bits
mov cl,4 ; shift the results
shr al,cl ; ...
ati1024read endp
ati1024write proc near ; ATI 1024x768x16 write
call ati1024addr ; calculate the address
mov dl,es:[bx] ; get the byte the pixel is in
and al,00fh ; zero out the high-order color bits
test cl,1 ; is X odd?
jz atiwritehigh ; Nope. Use the high bits
and dl,0f0h ; zero out the low-order video bits
or dl,al ; add the two together
mov es:[bx],dl ; and write the results
mov cl,4 ; shift the color bits
shl al,cl ; ...
and dl,0fh ; zero out the high-order video bits
or dl,al ; add the two together
mov es:[bx],dl ; and write the results
ati1024write endp
ati1024addr proc near ; modification of TIW's Super256addr
clc ; clear carry flag
push ax ; save this for a tad
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines - ans in dx:ax
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
adc dx,0 ; answer in dx:ax
shr dx,1 ; shift the answer right one bit
rcr ax,1 ; .. in the 32-bit DX:AX combo
mov bx,ax ; save this in BX
cmp dx,curbk ; see if bank changed
je atisame_bank ; jump if old bank ok
mov ax,dx ; newbank expects bank in al
call far ptr newbank
pop ax ; restore AX
ati1024addr endp
; The following 'Super256' code is courtesy of Timothy Wegner.
super256write proc near ; super-VGA ...x256 colors write-a-dot
call super256addr ; calculate address and switch banks
mov es:[bx],al ; write the dot
ret ; we done.
super256write endp
super256read proc near ; super-VGA ...x256 colors read-a-dot
call super256addr ; calculate address and switch banks
mov al,es:[bx] ; read the dot
ret ; we done.
super256read endp
super256addr proc near ; can be put in-line but shared by
; read and write routines
clc ; clear carry flag
push ax ; save this for a tad
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul dx ; times this many lines - ans in dx:ax
add ax,cx ; plus this many x-dots
adc dx,0 ; answer in dx:ax - dl=bank, ax=offset
mov bx,ax ; save this in BX
cmp dx,curbk ; see if bank changed
je same_bank ; jump if old bank ok
mov ax,dx ; newbank expects bank in al
call far ptr newbank
pop ax ; restore AX
super256addr endp
; BANKS.ASM was used verbatim except:
; 1) removed ".model small"
; 2) deleted "end"
; Integrated by Tim Wegner 8/15/89
; (switched to John's 9/7/89 version on 9/10/89 - Bert)
; Copyright 1988,89 John Bridges
; Free for use in commercial, shareware or freeware applications
public curbk
curbk dw 0ffffh ;current bank number
public tseng,trident,video7,paradise,chipstech,ativga,everex
tseng dw 0
trident dw 0
video7 dw 0
paradise dw 0
chipstech dw 0
ativga dw 0
everex dw 0
newbank proc ;bank number is in AX
mov [curbk],ax
cmp [tseng],0
jz nots
push ax ;Tseng
push dx
and al,7
mov ah,al
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
or al,ah
or al,01000000b
mov dx,3cdh
out dx,al
pop dx
pop ax
nots: cmp [trident],0
jz notri
push ax ;Trident
push dx
mov dx,3ceh ;set page size to 64k
mov al,6
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx
dec dl
or al,4
mov ah,al
mov al,6
out dx,ax
mov dl,0c4h ;switch to BPS mode
mov al,0bh
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx
dec dl
mov ah,byte ptr [curbk]
xor ah,2
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,0eh
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
notri: cmp [video7],0
jz nov7
push ax ;Video 7
push dx
push cx
; Video-7 1024x768x16 mode patch (thanks to Frank Lozier 11/8/89).
cmp colors,16
jne video7xx
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
and ax,15
mov ch,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov ax,0ea06h
out dx,ax
mov ah,ch
and ah,1
mov al,0f9h
out dx,ax
mov al,ch
and al,1100b
mov ah,al
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
or ah,al
mov al,0f6h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
dec dx
and al,not 1111b
or ah,al
mov al,0f6h
out dx,ax
mov ah,ch
mov cl,4
shl ah,cl
and ah,100000b
mov dl,0cch
in al,dx
mov dl,0c2h
and al,not 100000b
or al,ah
out dx,al
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
nov7: cmp [paradise],0
jz nopd
push ax ;Paradise
push dx
mov dx,3ceh
mov ax,50fh ;turn off write protect on VGA registers
out dx,ax
mov ah,byte ptr [curbk]
shl ah,1 ;change 64k bank number into 4k bank number
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
mov al,9
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
nopd: cmp [chipstech],0
jz noct
push ax ;Chips & Tech
push dx
; mov dx,46e8h ;place chip in setup mode
; mov ax,1eh
; out dx,ax
; mov dx,103h ;enable extended registers
; mov ax,0080
; out dx,ax
; mov dx,46e8h ;bring chip out of setup mode
; mov ax,0eh
; out dx,ax
mov ah,byte ptr [curbk]
shl ah,1 ;change 64k bank number into 16k bank number
shl ah,1
mov al,10h
mov dx,3d6h
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
noct: cmp [ativga],0
jz noati
push ax ;ATI VGA Wonder
push dx
mov ah,al
mov dx,1ceh
mov al,0b2h
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx
shl ah,1
and al,0e1h
or ah,al
mov al,0b2h
dec dl
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
noati: cmp [everex],0
jz noev
push ax ;Everex
push cx
push dx
mov cl,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dl
in al,dx
dec dl
shl al,1
shr cl,1
rcr al,1
mov ah,al
mov al,8
out dx,ax
mov dl,0cch
in al,dx
mov dl,0c2h
and al,0dfh
shr cl,1
jc nob2
or al,20h
nob2: out dx,al
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
noev: sti
newbank endp
videowrite proc near ; your-own-video write routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
mov ah,0 ; clear the high-order color byte
push ax ; colors parameter
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr writevideo ; let the external routine do it
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop ax ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
videowrite endp
videoread proc near ; your-own-video read routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr readvideo ; let the external routine do it
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
videoread endp
videostart proc near ; your-own-video start routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr startvideo ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
videostart endp
videoend proc near ; your-own-video end routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr endvideo ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
videoend endp
diskwrite proc near ; disk-video write routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
mov ah,0 ; clear the high-order color byte
push ax ; colors parameter
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr writedisk ; let the external routine do it
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop ax ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
diskwrite endp
diskread proc near ; disk-video read routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr readdisk ; let the external routine do it
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
diskread endp
diskstart proc near ; disk-video start routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr startdisk ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
diskstart endp
diskend proc near ; disk-video end routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr enddisk ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
diskend endp
; ***********************************************************************
; TARGA MODIFIED 1 JUNE 89 - j mclain
tgawrite proc near ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
push ax ; colors parameter
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr WriteTGA ; writeTGA( x, y, color )
pop cx ;
pop dx ;
pop ax ;
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop es ;
ret ;
tgawrite endp
tgaline proc near ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
mov ax,xdots ; pixels on line
push ax ;
mov ax,rowcount ; line to do it too
push ax ;
push ds ; far ptr
push si ; line data
call far ptr LineTGA ; lineTGA( ldata, line, cnt )
add sp,8 ; stack bias
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop es ;
tgaline endp
tgaread proc near ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr ReadTGA ; readTGA( x, y )
pop cx ;
pop dx ;
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop es ;
ret ;
tgaread endp
tgastart proc near ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
mov ax,ydots
push ax
mov ax,xdots
push ax
call far ptr StartTGA ; startTGA( xdim, ydim )
add sp,4 ; stack bias, pointer to dacbox
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop es ;
ret ;
tgastart endp
tgaend proc near ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
call far ptr EndTGA ; endTGA( void )
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop es ;
mov tgaflag,0 ;
ret ;
tgaend endp
f85start proc near
call far ptr open8514
f85start endp
f85end proc near
call far ptr close8514
f85end endp
f85write proc near
call far ptr fr85wdot
f85write endp
f85read proc near
call far ptr fr85rdot
f85read endp
hgcwrite proc near
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
mov ah,0 ; clear the high-order color byte
push ax ; colors parameter
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr writehgc ; let the Herc. Write dot routine do it
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop ax ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
hgcwrite endp
hgcread proc near
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
push dx ; 'y' parameter
push cx ; 'x' parameter
call far ptr readhgc ; call the Hercules Read dot routine
pop cx ; restore registers
pop dx ; restore registers
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
hgcread endp
hgcstart proc near ; hercules start routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr inithgc ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
hgcstart endp
hgcend proc near ; hercules end routine
push es ; save registers around the call
push si ; save registers around the call
push di ; save registers around the call
call far ptr termhgc ; let the external routine do it
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ; restore registers
pop es ; restore registers
ret ; we done.
hgcend endp
; **************** internal Write-a-line routines ***********************
; These Routines all assume the following register values:
; SI = Offset of array of colors for a row
normaline proc near ; Normal Line: no assumptions
xor cx,cx ; zero the counter
mov dx,rowcount ; set the y-pixel
mov bx,si ; locate the actual pixel color
add bx,cx ; ...
mov al,[bx] ; retrieve the color
push cx ; save the counter around the call
push si ; save the pointer around the call also
call dotwrite ; write the dot via the approved method
pop si ; restore the pointer
pop cx ; restore the counter
inc cx ; bump it up
cmp cx,xdots ; more to go?
jl normal_line1 ; yup. do it.
normaline endp
mcgaline proc near ; MCGA 320*200, 246 colors
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul rowcount ; times this many lines
mov di,ax ; di = offset of row in video memory
mov cx,xdots ; move this many bytes
shr cx,1 ; convert bytes to words
rep movsw ; zap line into memory
mcgaline endp
vgaline proc near ; Bank Switch EGA/VGA line write
mov ax,xdots ; compute # of dots / pass
shr ax,1 ; (given 8 passes)
shr ax,1 ; ...
shr ax,1 ; ...
mov cx,ax ; save the dots / pass here
xor dx,dx
mul rowcount ; now calc first video addr
cmp dx,curbk ; see if bank changed
jne bank_is_changing ; if bank change call normaline
mov di,ax ; save the starting addr here
mov dx,03ceh ; set up graphics cntrlr addr
mov ax,8008h ; set up for the bit mask
out dx,ax ; set the graphics bit mask
push ax ; save registers for a tad
push cx ; ...
push si ; ...
push di ; ...
mov ah,ds:[si] ; get the color
mov al,0 ; set set/reset registers
out dx,ax ; do it.
mov ax,0f01h ; enable set/reset registers
out dx,ax ; do it.
or es:[di],al ; update all bit planes
inc di ; set up the next video addr
add si,8 ; and the next source addr
loop vgaline2 ; loop if more dots this pass
pop di ; restore the saved registers
pop si ; ...
pop cx ; ...
pop ax ; ...
inc si ; offset the source 1 byte
ror ah,1 ; alter bit mask value
cmp ah,80h ; already done all 8 of them?
jne vgaline1 ; nope. do another one.
call videocleanup ; else cleanup time.
ret ; and we done.
call normaline ; just calling newbank didn't quite
ret ; work. This depends on no bank
vgaline endp ; change mid line (ok for 1024 wide)
super256line proc near ; super VGA 256 colors
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mov cx,rowcount ; cx = row
mul cx ; times this many lines
push ax ; save pixel address for later
cmp dx,curbk ; bank ok?
push dx ; save bank
je bank_is_ok ; jump if bank ok
mov al,dl ; newbank needs bank in al
call far ptr newbank
inc cx ; next row
mov ax,xdots ; this many dots / line
mul cx ; times this many lines
sub ax,1 ; back up some to the last pixel of the
sbb dx,0 ; previous line
pop cx ; bank at start of row
cmp dl,cl ; did bank change?
pop di ; di = offset of row in video memory
jne bank_did_chg
mov cx,xdots ; move this many bytes
shr cx,1 ; convert bytes to words
rep movsw ; zap line into memory
jmp short linedone
call normaline ; normaline can handle bank change
super256line endp
tweak256line proc near ; Normal Line: no assumptions
mov cx,xdots
shr cx, 1
shr cx, 1 ; now ax = xdots/4
mov ax,cx ; calculate the first video address
mul rowcount ; (pixel 0 on this line)
mov di,ax ; save the first address here
mov al,MAP_MASK ; set up for the bit plane adjustment
mov ah,1 ; (first plane first)
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; ...
OUT_WORD ; set up the bit plane
push ax ; save a few registers around the loop
push cx ; ...
push si ; ...
push di ; ...
movsb ; move the next pixel
add si,3 ; adjust the source addr (+4, not +1)
loop tweak256line2 ; loop if more dots this pass
pop di ; restore the saved registers
pop si ; ...
pop cx ; ...
pop ax ; ...
inc si ; offset the source 1 byte
shl ah,1 ; set up for the next video plane
cmp ah,16 ; there IS a next plane, isn't there?
jne tweak256line1 ; yup. perform another loop.
tweak256line endp
f85line proc near
mov ax, 0 ;a line is a box one line high
mov bx, rowcount
mov cx, xdots
mov dx, 1
call fr85wbox ;put out the box
f85line endp
; ******************** Function videocleanup() **************************
; Called at the end of any assembler video read/writes to make
; the world safe for 'printf()'s.
; Currently, only ega/vga needs cleanup work, but who knows?
videocleanup proc near
mov ax,dotwrite ; check: were we in EGA/VGA mode?
cmp ax,offset vgawrite ; ...
jne short videocleanupdone ; nope. no adjustments
mov dx,03ceh ; graphics controller address
mov ax,0ff08h ; restore the default bit mask
out dx,ax ; ...
mov ax,0003h ; restore the function select
out dx,ax ; ...
mov ax,0001h ; restore the enable set/reset
out dx,ax ; ...
videocleanup endp
; ******************** Function drawbox(newbox) **************************
; if newbox == 0, just erase old box. Else erase old and draw new.
drawbox proc uses di si es, newbox:word
mov step,1 ; default step: every pixel
mov ax,ixmax ; just how big is this zoom-box?
sub ax,ixmin ; this many dots,...
shl ax,1 ; an eighth of the screen or less?
shl ax,1 ; ...
shl ax,1 ; ...
cmp ax,xdots ; ...
jb short solidbox ; yup. keep the box solid.
mov step,2 ; nope. make the box every other pixel
shr ax,1 ; a quarter of the screen or less?
cmp ax,xdots ; ...
jb short solidbox2 ; yup. keep the box (semi) solid.
mov step,4 ; nope. make the box every 4th pixel
mov ax,colors ; define the zoom-box color
dec al ; ...
cmp al,15 ; do we have 16 colors?
jbe short whitebox ; nope. use what we can get.
mov al,15 ; force a white zoom box
; TARGA 3 June 89 j mclain
mov xorTARGA,1 ; faster to flag xorTARGA rather
; than check if TARGA is runnin
mov boxcolor,al ; save the box color
push es ; save the original ES value
mov ax,0a000h ; EGA, VGA, MCGA starts here
mov es,ax ; save it here during this routine
mov bx,boxcount ; load up a counter: # points to clear
dec bx ; switch to an offset value
js short calcnewbox ; oops. no old box to clear.
shl bx,1 ; switch to a word pointer
mov cx,boxx[bx] ; get the (previous) point location
mov dx,boxy[bx] ; ...
shr bx,1 ; switch back to character pointer
mov al,boxvalues[bx] ; get the (previous) color
push bx ; save the counter
call dotwrite ; adjust the dot.
pop bx ; restore the counter
dec bx ; are we done yet?
jns eraseoldbox ; nope. try again.
mov boxcount,0 ; set counter flag: no dots yet
cmp newbox,0 ; should we draw a new box?
jne short calcnewbox2 ; yup.
jmp endofdrawbox ; nope. bail out now.
mov bx,boxcount ; get set to draw lines
shl bx,1 ; switch to word pointers
mov cx,ixmin ; now, draw the top line.
mov dx,iymin ; ...
mov boxx[bx],cx ; save this point.
mov boxy[bx],dx ; ...
add bx,2 ; bump up the pointer offsets
inc boxcount ; and counters
add cx,step ; calculate the next dot address
cmp cx,ixmax ; gone past the end-of-line?
jbe short topline ; nope. try again.
mov cx,ixmin ; now, draw the bottom line.
mov dx,iymax ; ...
mov boxx[bx],cx ; save this point.
mov boxy[bx],dx ; ...
add bx,2 ; bump up the pointer offsets
inc boxcount ; and counters
add cx,step ; calculate the next dot address
cmp cx,ixmax ; gone past the end-of-line?
jbe short bottomline ; nope. try again.
mov cx,ixmin ; now, draw the left line.
mov dx,iymin ; ...
mov boxx[bx],cx ; save this point.
mov boxy[bx],dx ; ...
add bx,2 ; bump up the pointer offsets
inc boxcount ; and counters
add dx,step ; calculate the next dot address
cmp dx,iymax ; gone past the end-of-line?
jbe short leftline ; nope. try again.
mov cx,ixmax ; now, draw the right line.
mov dx,iymin ; ...
mov boxx[bx],cx ; save this point.
mov boxy[bx],dx ; ...
add bx,2 ; bump up the pointer offsets
inc boxcount ; and counters
add dx,step ; calculate the next dot address
cmp dx,iymax ; gone past the end-of-line?
jbe short rightline ; nope. try again.
mov bx,boxcount ; load up a counter: # points to draw
dec bx ; switch to an offset
shl bx,1 ; switch to word counter
mov cx,boxx[bx] ; get the (new) point location
mov dx,boxy[bx] ; ...
shr bx,1 ; switch back to character counter
push bx ; save the counter
call dotread ; read the (previous) dot value
pop bx ; restore the counter
mov boxvalues[bx],al ; get the (previous) color
dec bx ; are we done yet?
jns readnewbox ; nope. try again.
mov bx,boxcount ; load up a counter: # points to draw
dec bx ; switch to an offset
shl bx,1 ; switch to word counter
mov cx,boxx[bx] ; get the (new) point location
mov dx,boxy[bx] ; ...
shr bx,1 ; switch back to character counter
mov al,boxcolor ; set the (new) box color
cmp colors,2 ; uhh, is this a B&W screen?
jne drawnewnotbw ; nope. proceed
mov al,1 ; XOR the old color
sub al,boxvalues[bx] ; for visibility
push bx ; save the counter
call dotwrite ; adjust the dot.
pop bx ; restore the counter
dec bx ; are we done yet?
jns drawnewbox ; nope. try again.
; TARGA 3 June 89 j mclain
mov xorTARGA,0 ; in case of TARGA, no more xor
call videocleanup ; perform any video cleanup required
pop es ; restore ES register
ret ; we done.
drawbox endp
; **************** Function setvideomode(ax, bx, cx, dx) ****************
; This function sets the (alphanumeric or graphic) video mode
; of the monitor. Called with the proper values of AX thru DX.
; No returned values, as there is no particular standard to
; adhere to in this case.
; (SPECIAL "TWEAKED" VGA VALUES: if AX==BX==CX==0, assume we have a
; genuine VGA or register compatable adapter and program the registers
; directly using the coded value in DX)
setvideomode proc uses di si es,argax:word,argbx:word,argcx:word,argdx:word
cmp videoflag,1 ; say, was the last video your-own?
jne novideovideo ; nope.
call videoend ; yup. end the your-own-video mode
mov videoflag,0 ; set flag: no your-own-video
jmp short notarga
cmp diskflag,1 ; say, was the last video disk-video?
jne nodiskvideo ; nope.
call diskend ; yup. end the disk-video mode
mov diskflag,0 ; set flag: no disk-video
jmp short notarga
cmp tgaflag,1 ; TARGA MODIFIED 2 June 89 j mclain
jne notarga
call tgaend
mov tgaflag,0 ; set flag: targa cleaned up
cmp f85flag, 1 ; was the last video 8514?
jne no8514 ; nope.
call f85end
mov f85flag, 0
cmp HGCflag, 1 ; was last video Hercules
jne noHGC ; nope
call hgcend
mov HGCflag, 0
mov ax,argax ; load up for the interrupt call
mov bx,argbx ; ...
mov cx,argcx ; ...
mov dx,argdx ; ...
mov videoax,ax ; save the values for future use
mov videobx,bx ; ...
mov videocx,cx ; ...
mov videodx,dx ; ...
call setvideo ; call the internal routine first
; prepare special video-mode speedups
mov bx,0 ; clear out all of the 256-mode flags
mov tseng,bx ; ...
mov trident,bx ; ...
mov video7,bx ; ...
mov paradise,bx ; ...
mov chipstech,bx ; ...
mov ativga,bx ; ...
mov everex,bx ; ...
mov oktoprint,1 ; say it's OK to use printf()
mov bx,dotmode ; set up for a video table jump
cmp bx,30 ; are we within the range of dotmodes?
jbe videomodesetup ; yup. all is OK
mov bx,0 ; nope. use dullnormalmode
shl bx,1 ; switch to a word offset
mov bx,cs:videomodetable[bx] ; get the next step
jmp bx ; and go there
videomodetable dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 0
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 1
dw offset vgamode ; mode 2
dw offset mcgamode ; mode 3
dw offset tseng256mode ; mode 4
dw offset paradise256mode ; mode 5
dw offset video7256mode ; mode 6
dw offset tweak256mode ; mode 7
dw offset everex16mode ; mode 8
dw offset targaMode ; mode 9
dw offset hgcmode ; mode 10
dw offset diskmode ; mode 11
dw offset f8514mode ; mode 12
dw offset cgacolor ; mode 13
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 14
dw offset trident256mode ; mode 15
dw offset chipstech256mode ; mode 16
dw offset ati256mode ; mode 17
dw offset everex256mode ; mode 18
dw offset yourownmode ; mode 19
dw offset ati1024mode ; mode 20
dw offset tseng16mode ; mode 21
dw offset trident16mode ; mode 22
dw offset video716mode ; mode 23
dw offset paradise16mode ; mode 24
dw offset chipstech16mode ; mode 25
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 26
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 27
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 28
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 29
dw offset dullnormalmode ; mode 30
mov ax,offset normalwrite ; set up the BIOS write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset normalread ; set up the BIOS read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov ax,offset mcgawrite ; set up MCGA write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset mcgaread ; set up MCGA read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset mcgaline ; set up the MCGA linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov tseng,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode ; set ega/vga functions
mov trident,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode
mov video7,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode
mov paradise,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode
mov chipstech,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode
mov everex,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp vgamode
mov ax,offset vgawrite ; set up EGA/VGA write-a-dot routine.
mov bx,offset vgaread ; set up EGA/VGA read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset vgaline ; set up the EGA/VGA linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov tseng,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov paradise,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov video7, 1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov trident,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov chipstech,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov ativga,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov everex,1 ; set chipset flag
jmp super256mode ; set super VGA linear memory functions
mov ax,offset super256write ; set up superVGA write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset super256read ; set up superVGA read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset super256line ; set up the linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov oktoprint,0 ; NOT OK to printf() in this mode
mov ax,offset tweak256write ; set up tweaked-256 write-a-dot
mov bx,offset tweak256read ; set up tweaked-256 read-a-dot
mov cx,offset tweak256line ; set up the normal linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov ax,offset cgawrite ; set up CGA write-a-dot
mov bx,offset cgaread ; set up CGA read-a-dot
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov ativga,1 ; set ATI flag.
mov ax,offset ati1024write ; set up ATI1024 write-a-dot
mov bx,offset ati1024read ; set up ATI1024 read-a-dot
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
jmp videomode ; return to common code
call diskstart ; start up the disk routines
mov ax,offset diskwrite ; set up disk-vid write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset diskread ; set up disk-vid read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
mov diskflag,1 ; flag "disk-end" needed.
jmp videomode ; return to common code
call videostart ; start up your-own-video routines
mov ax,offset videowrite ; set up ur-own-vid write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset videoread ; set up ur-own-vid read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
mov videoflag,1 ; flag "your-own-end" needed.
jmp videomode ; return to common code
targaMode: ; TARGA MODIFIED 2 June 89 - j mclain
call tgastart ;
mov ax,offset tgawrite ;
mov bx,offset tgaread ;
; mov cx,offset tgaline ;
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up the normal linewrite routine
mov tgaflag,1 ;
jmp videomode ; return to common code
f8514mode: ; 8514 modes
cmp videodx, 1 ; requiring dx=1 for turn on allows
jne not8514on ; setvideomode(3,0,0,0) to display text
call open8514 ; start the 8514a
jnc f85ok
mov dotmode, 0 ; if problem starting use normal mode
jmp dullnormalmode
mov oktoprint,0 ; NOT OK to printf() in this mode
call hgcstart ; Initialize the HGC card
mov ax,offset hgcwrite ; set up HGC write-a-dot routine
mov bx,offset hgcread ; set up HGC read-a-dot routine
mov cx,offset normaline ; set up normal linewrite routine
mov HGCflag,1 ; flag "HGC-end" needed.
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov ax,offset f85write ;
mov bx,offset f85read ;
mov cx,offset f85line ;
mov f85flag,1 ;
mov oktoprint,0 ; NOT OK to printf() in this mode
jmp videomode ; return to common code
mov dotwrite,ax ; save the results
mov dotread,bx ; ...
mov linewrite,cx ; ...
mov ax,colors ; calculate the "and" value
dec ax ; to use for eventual color
mov andcolor,ax ; selection
mov boxcount,0 ; clear the zoom-box counter
mov daclearn,0 ; set the DAC rotates to learn mode
mov daccount,6 ; initialize the DAC counter
cmp cpu,88 ; say, are we on a 186/286/386?
jbe setvideoslow ; boo! hiss!
mov daclearn,1 ; yup. bypass learn mode
mov ax,cyclelimit ; and go as fast as he wants
mov daccount,ax ; ...
call far ptr loaddac ; load the video dac, if we can
setvideomode endp
setvideo proc near ; local set-video more
cmp ax,0 ; TWEAK?: look for AX==BX==CX==0
jne short setvideobios ; ...
cmp bx,0 ; ...
jne short setvideobios ; ...
cmp cx,0 ; ...
je short setvideoregs ; ...
call maybeor ; maybe or AL or (for Video-7s) BL
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it via the BIOS.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
jmp setvideoreturn ; and return.
setvideoregs: ; assume genuine VGA and program regs
mov si,dx ; get the video table offset
shl si,1 ; ...
mov si,word ptr tweaks[si] ; ...
mov tweaktype, dx ; save tweaktype
cmp dx,8 ; 360x480 tweak256mode?
je isatweaktype ; yup
cmp dx,9 ; 320x400 tweak256mode?
je isatweaktype ; yup
cmp dx,10 ; Tseng tweak?
je tsengtweak ; yup
jmp not256 ; nope none of the above
mov ax,46 ; start with S-VGA mode 2eh
call maybeor ; maybe don't clear the video memory
int 10h ; let the bios clear the video memory
mov dx,3c2h ; misc output
mov al,063h ; dot clock
out dx,al ; select it
mov dx,3c4h ; sequencer again
mov ax,0300h ; restart sequencer
out dx,ax ; running again
jmp is256;
mov ax,0013h ; invoke video mode 13h
call maybeor ; maybe or AL or (for Video-7s) BL
int 10h ; do it
mov dx,3c4h ; alter sequencer registers
mov ax,0604h ; disable chain 4
out dx,ax
cmp orvideo,0 ; are we supposed to clear RAM?
jne noclear256 ; (nope)
mov dx,03c4h ; alter sequencer registers
mov ax,0f02h ; enable writes to all planes
push es ; save ES for a tad
mov ax,VGA_SEGMENT ; clear out all 256K of
mov es,ax ; video memory
sub di,di ; (64K at a time, but with
mov ax,di ; all planes enabled)
mov cx,8000h ;# of words in 64K
rep stosw ;clear all of display memory
pop es ; restore ES
mov dx,3c4h ; alter sequencer registers
mov ax,0604h ; disable chain 4
out dx,ax
jmp short is256 ; forget the ROM characters
mov ax,0012h ; invoke video mode 12h
call maybeor ; maybe or AL or (for Video-7s) BL
int 10h ; do it.
mov ax,1124h ; load ROM 8*16 characters
mov bx,0
mov dh,0
mov dl,byte ptr [si+1] ; number of rows on the screen
int 10h
is256: push es ; save ES for a tad
mov ax,40h ; Video BIOS DATA area
mov es,ax ; ...
mov ah,0
mov al,byte ptr [si] ; number of columns on the screen
mov word ptr es:[4ah],ax
mul byte ptr [si+1] ; number of characters on the screen
shl ax,1 ; (attributes, also)
mov word ptr es:[4ch],ax
mov dx,word ptr es:[63h] ; say, where's the 6845?
add dx,6 ; locate the status register
vrdly1: in al,dx ; loop until vertical retrace is off
test al,8 ; ...
jnz vrdly1 ; ...
vrdly2: in al,dx ; now loop until it's on!
test al,8 ; ...
jz vrdly2 ; ...
cli ; turn off all interrupts
mov dx,tweaktype
cmp dx,9 ; 320x400 mode?
je not256mode ; yup - skip this stuff
cmp dx,10 ; Tseng tweak mode?
je not256mode ; yup - skip this stuff
mov dx,03c4h ; Sequencer Synchronous reset
mov ax,0100h ; set sequencer reset
out dx,ax
mov dx,03c2h ; Update Misc Output Reg
mov al,0E7h
out dx,al
mov dx,03c4h ; Sequencer Synchronous reset
mov ax,0300h ; clear sequencer reset
out dx,ax
mov dx,word ptr es:[63h] ; say, where's the 6845?
add si,2 ; point SI to the CRTC registers table
mov al,11h ; deprotect registers 0-7
mov ah,byte ptr [si+11h]
and ah,7fh
out dx,ax
mov cx,18h ; update this many registers
mov bx,00 ; starting with this one.
mov al,bl ; update this register
mov ah,byte ptr [bx+si] ; to this
out dx,ax
inc bx ; ready for the next register
loop crtcloop ; (if there is a next register)
sti ; restore interrupts
pop es ; restore ES
mov curbk,0ffffh ; stuff impossible value into cur-bank
mov orvideo,0 ; reset the video to clobber memory
setvideo endp
maybeor proc near ; or AL or BL for mon-destr switch
cmp ah,6fh ; video-7 special mode?
je maybeor1 ; yup. do this one different
or al,orvideo ; normal non-destructive switch
jmp short maybeor2 ; we done.
or bl,orvideo ; video-7 switch
ret ; we done.
maybeor endp
; ********* Functions setfortext() and setforgraphics() ************
; setfortext() resets the video for text mode and saves graphics data
; setforgraphics() restores the graphics mode and data
; setclear() clears the screen after setfortext() [which may be wierd]
setfortext proc uses es si di
cmp dotmode, 12 ;check for 8514
jne tnot8514
cmp f85flag, 0 ;check 8514 active flag
je dosettext
call close8514 ;close adapter if not
mov f85flag, 0
jmp short dosettext
cmp videoax,0 ; check for CGA modes
je setfortextnocga ; not this one
cmp ydots,348 ; (only Hercules modes have this res)
je setfortextcga ; ...
cmp videoax,7 ; ...
ja setfortextnocga ; not this one
mov ax,extraseg ; set ES == Extra Segment
add ax,1000h ; (plus 64K)
mov es,ax ; ...
mov di,4000h ; save the video data here
mov ax,0b800h ; video data starts here <XXX>
mov si,0 ; ...
mov cx,2000h ; save this many words
cmp ydots,348 ; (only Hercules modes have this res)
jne setfortextcganoherc ; ...
mov di,0 ; (save 32K)
mov ax,0b000h ; (from here)
mov cx,4000h ; (save this many words)
push ds ; save DS for a tad
mov ds,ax ; reset DS
cld ; clear the direction flag
rep movsw ; save them.
pop ds ; restore DS
cmp dotmode, 10 ;check for Hercules-specific dotmode
jne tnotHGC
cmp HGCflag, 0 ;check HGC active flag
je dosettext
call hgcend ;close adapter if not
mov HGCflag, 0
jmp short dosettext
mov ax,3 ; set up the text call
mov bx,0 ; ...
mov cx,0 ; ...
mov dx,0 ; ...
call setvideo ; set the video
jmp setfortextreturn
mov ax,0 ; disable the video (I think)
call disablevideo ; ...
mov orvideo,80h ; set the video to preserve memory
mov ax,6 ; set up the text call
mov bx,0 ; ...
mov cx,0 ; ...
mov dx,0 ; ...
call setvideo ; set the video
mov ax,0 ; disable the video (I think)
call disablevideo ; ...
cld ; clear the direction flag
mov ax,extraseg ; set ES == Extra Segment
add ax,1000h ; (plus 64K)
mov es,ax ; ...
mov di,4000h ; save the video data here
mov ax,0b800h ; video data starts here
push ds ; save DS for a tad
mov ds,ax ; reset DS
mov si,0 ; ...
mov cx,2000h ; save this many words
rep movsw ; save them.
pop ds ; restore DS
mov ax,0b800h ; clear the video buffer
mov es,ax ; ...
mov di,0 ; ...
mov ax,0 ; to blanks
mov cx,2000h ; this many blanks
rep stosw ; do it.
mov ax,20h ; enable the video (I think)
call disablevideo ; ...
call far ptr home ; home the cursor
setfortext endp
setforgraphics proc uses es si di
cmp dotmode, 12 ;check for 8514
jne gnot8514
cmp f85flag, 0
jne f85isgraphics
call reopen8514
mov f85flag, 1
jmp setforgraphicsreturn
cmp videoax,0 ; check for CGA modes
je setforgraphicsnocga ; not this one
cmp ydots,348 ; (only Hercules modes have this res)
je setforgraphicscga ; ...
cmp videoax,7 ; ...
ja setforgraphicsnocga ; not this one
cmp dotmode, 10 ;check for Hercules-specific dotmode
jne tnotHGC2 ; (nope. dull-normal stuff)
call hgcstart ; Initialize the HGC card
mov HGCflag,1 ; flag "HGC-end" needed.
jmp short twasHGC2 ; bypass the normal setvideo call
mov ax,videoax ; set up the video call
mov bx,videobx ; ...
mov cx,videocx ; ...
mov dx,videodx ; ...
call setvideo ; do it.
mov bx,extraseg ; restore is from Extraseg
add bx,1000h ; (plus 64K)
mov si,4000h ; video data is saved here
mov ax,0b800h ; restore the video area
mov di,0 ; ...
mov cx,2000h ; restore this many words
cmp ydots,348 ; (only Hercules modes have this res)
jne setforgraphicscganoherc ; ...
mov si,0 ; (restore 32K)
mov ax,0b000h ; (to here)
mov cx,4000h ; (restore this many words)
push ds ; save DX for a tad
mov es,ax ; load the dest seg into ES
mov ds,bx ; restore it from the source seg
cld ; clear the direction flag
rep movsw ; restore them.
pop ds ; restore DS
jmp setforgraphicsreturn
mov ax,0 ; disable the video (I think)
call disablevideo ; ...
cld ; clear the direction flag
mov ax,0b800h ; restore the video area
mov es,ax ; ES == video addr
mov di,0 ; ...
push ds ; reset DS to Extraseg temporarily
mov ax,extraseg ; ...
add ax,1000h ; (plus 64K)
mov ds,ax ; ...
mov si,4000h ; video data is saved here
mov cx,2000h ; restore this many words
rep movsw ; restore them.
pop ds ; restore DS
mov orvideo,80h ; set the video to preserve memory
mov ax,videoax ; set up the video call
mov bx,videobx ; ...
mov cx,videocx ; ...
mov dx,videodx ; ...
call setvideo ; do it.
mov ax,20h ; enable the video (I think)
call disablevideo ; ...
mov ax,1 ; set up call to spindac(0,1)
push ax ; ...
mov ax,0 ; ...
push ax ; ...
call far ptr spindac ; do it.
pop ax ; restore the registers
pop ax ; ...
setforgraphics endp
setclear proc uses es si di ; clear the screen after setfortext
cmp videoax,0 ; check for CGA modes
je setclearnocga ; not this one
cmp videoax,7 ; ...
ja setclearnocga ; not this one
call far ptr clscr ; cga mode; normal clear
jmp setclearreturn ; we done.
mov ax,0b800h ; clear the video buffer
mov es,ax ; ...
mov di,0 ; ...
mov ax,0 ; to blanks
mov cx,8192 ; this many blanks
rep stosw ; do it.
setclear endp
disablevideo proc near ; wierd video trick to disable/enable
push dx ; save some registers
push ax ; ...
mov dx,03bah ; set attribute comtroller flip-flop
in al,dx ; regardless of video mode
mov dx,03dah ; ...
in al,dx ; ...
mov dx,03c0h ; attribute controller address
pop ax ; 00h = disable, 20h = enable
out dx,al ; trust me.
pop dx ; restore DX and we done.
disablevideo endp
; **************** Function home() ********************************
; Home the cursor (called before printfs)
home proc
mov ax,0200h ; force the cursor
mov bx,0 ; in page 0
mov dx,0 ; to the home position
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
home endp
; **************** Function movecursor(row, col) **********************
; Move the cursor (called before printfs)
movecursor proc cursorrow:word, cursorcol:word
mov ax,0200h ; force the cursor
mov bx,0 ; in page 0
mov cx,cursorrow ; put this in a register temporarily
mov dx,cursorcol ; move to this column
mov dh,cl ; move to this row
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
movecursor endp
; **************** Function clscr() ********************************
; Clear the screen (in between text screens)
clscr proc
call home ; home the cursor
mov ax,0600h ; clear the entire screen
mov bx,0700h ; to black
mov cx,0 ; top left
mov dx,1979h ; bottom right
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
ret ; we done.
clscr endp
; ************* Function scrollup(toprow, botrow) ******************
; Scroll the screen up (from toprow to botrow)
scrollup proc uses es, toprow:word, botrow:word
mov ax,0601h ; scropp up one line
mov bx,0700h ; new line is black
mov cx,toprow ; this row,
mov ch,cl ; ...
mov cl,0 ; first column
mov dx,botrow ; to this row,
mov dh,dl ; ...
mov dl,79 ; last column
push bp ; some BIOS's don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore the saved register
ret ; we done.
scrollup endp
; **************** Function getcolor(xdot, ydot) *******************
; Return the color on the screen at the (xdot,ydot) point
getcolor proc uses di si es, xdot:word, ydot:word
mov ax,0a000h ; EGA, VGA, MCGA starts here
mov es,ax ; save it here during this routine
mov cx,xdot ; load up the registers
mov dx,ydot ; for the video routine
call dotread ; read the dot via the approved method
mov ah,0 ; clear the high-order bits
ret ; we done.
getcolor endp
; ************** Function putcolor(xdot, ydot, color) *******************
; write the color on the screen at the (xdot,ydot) point
putcolor proc uses di si es, xdot:word, ydot:word, xcolor:word
mov ax,0a000h ; EGA, VGA, MCGA starts here
mov es,ax ; save it here during this routine
mov cx,xdot ; load up the registers
mov dx,ydot ; for the video routine
mov ax,xcolor ; ...
and ax,andcolor ; (ensure that 'color' is in the range)
call dotwrite ; write the dot via the approved method
call videocleanup ; perform any video cleanup required
ret ; we done.
putcolor endp
; ************** Function putblock(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, color) *******************
; write a block of color on the screen
; on the rectangle bounded by (xmin,ymin) and (xmax,ymax)
putblock proc uses di si es, xmin:word, ymin:word, xmax:word, ymax:word, xcolor:word
mov ax,0a000h ; EGA, VGA, MCGA starts here
mov es,ax ; save it here during this routine
mov cx,xmin ; x-loop
dec cx ; get a running start
putblx: inc cx ; next x-dot
mov dx,ymin ; y-loop
dec dx ; get a running start
putbly: inc dx ; next y-dot
push cx ; save registers aroud the call
push dx ; ...
mov ax,xcolor ; ...
call dotwrite ; write the dot via the approved method
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx ; ...
cmp dx,ymax ; done with y-loop?
jne putbly ; nope.
cmp cx,xmax ; done with x-loop:
jne putblx ; nope.
call videocleanup ; perform any video cleanup required
ret ; we done.
putblock endp
; ***************Function out_line(color) *********************
; This routine is a 'line' analog of 'putcolor()', and sends an
; entire line of pixels to the screen (0 <= xdot < xdots) at a clip
; Called by the GIF decoder
out_line proc uses di si es, ycolor:word
mov ax,rowcount ; sanity check: don't proceed
cmp ax,ydots ; beyond the end of the screen
ja out_lineret ; ...
mov ax,0a000h ; EGA, VGA, MCGA starts here
mov es,ax ; save it here during this routine
mov si,offset ycolor ; get the color for dot 'x'
call linewrite ; mode-specific linewrite routine
inc rowcount ; next row
xor ax,ax ; return 0
out_line endp
; PUTSTR.asm puts a string directly to video display memory. Called from C by:
; putstring(row, col, attr, string, divider) where
; row, col = row and column to start printing.
; attr = color attribute.
; string = pointer to the null terminated string to print.
; divider = flag to add red column divider at end of string.
; Written for the A86 assembler (which has much less 'red tape' than MASM)
; by Bob Montgomery, Orlando, Fla. 7-11-88
; Adapted for MASM 5.1 by Tim Wegner 12-11-89
.model medium,c
extrn video_seg:word ;Segment for video memory defined in C code.
extrn crtcols:word ;Columns/row
extrn crtrows:word
putstring proc uses es di si, row:word, col:word, attr:word, string:word, divider:word
mov ax,row ;Get starting row
mov cx,crtcols ;Multiply by 2 x bytes/row (char & attr bytes)
shl cx,1
imul cx
add ax,col ;Add starting column
add ax,col ;twice since 2 bytes/char
mov di,ax ; di now points to start location in Video segment
mov ax,video_seg ;Get Video segment to es
mov es,ax
mov si,string ; ds:si points to string to print
mov ax,attr ;Get color attribute in ah
xchg ah,al
; Now print the string
B1: lodsb ;Get a char in al
cmp al,0 ;End of string?
je B2 ;Yes
stosw ;No, store char & attribute
jmp B1 ;Do next char
B2: cmp divider,0 ;Divider requested?
je B3 ;No
mov ax,04B3h ;Yes, red vertical line
B3: ret
putstring endp
scroll proc uses ds es di si, rows:word, startrow:word
; Get start offset and number of bytes to move.
mov ax,crtcols ;Get chars/row
mov bx,crtrows ;Get rows/screen
sub bx,rows ;Get rows not moved
push bx ;Save rows/screen & cols/row
push ax
push ax
mul startrow ;Get chars to start
shl ax,1 ;Since char & attr in each pos
mov si,ax ;in si
mov di,0 ;Move to start of screen
pop ax ;Get chars to move
mul rows
mov cx,ax ;to cx
; Move the rows.
mov ax,video_seg ;Get Video segment to es
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax ;and ds
rep movsw ;Move the data (scroll screen)
; Clear the rest of the screen.
pop ax ;Get chars/row & rows to clear
pop bx
mul bx ;Get chars to do
mov cx,ax
mov ax,0620h ;Clear them
rep stosw
; Return to C.
ret ;and return to C
scroll endp
; **************** EGA Palette <==> VGA DAC Conversion Routines **********
; paltodac converts a 16-palette EGA value to a 256-color VGA
; value (duplicated 16 times)
; dactopal converts the first 16 VGA values to a 16-palette
; EGA value
; local routines called with register values
; BH = VGA Red Color xxRRRRRR
; BL = VGA Green Color xxGGGGGG
; CH = VGA Blue Color xxBBBBBB
; CL = EGA Palette xxrgbRGB
; palettetodac converts CL to BH/BL/CH
; dactopalette converte BH/BL/CH to CL
; *************************************************************************
palettetodac proc near
mov bx,0 ; initialize RGB values to 0
mov ch,0 ; ...
test cl,20h ; low-red high?
jz palettetodac1 ; nope
or bh,10h ; set it
test cl,10h ; low-green high?
jz palettetodac2 ; nope
or bl,10h ; set it
test cl,08h ; low-blue high?
jz palettetodac3 ; nope
or ch,10h ; set it
test cl,04h ; high-red high?
jz palettetodac4 ; nope
or bh,20h ; set it
test cl,02h ; high-green high?
jz palettetodac5 ; nope
or bl,20h ; set it
test cl,01h ; high-blue high?
jz palettetodac6 ; nope
or ch,20h ; set it
palettetodac endp
dactopalette proc near
mov cl,0 ; initialize RGB values to 0
test bh,10h ; low-red high?
jz dactopalette1 ; nope
or cl,20h ; set it
test bl,10h ; low-green high?
jz dactopalette2 ; nope
or cl,10h ; set it
test ch,10h ; low-blue high?
jz dactopalette3 ; nope
or cl,08h ; set it
test bh,20h ; high-red high?
jz dactopalette4 ; nope
or cl,04h ; set it
test bl,20h ; high-green high?
jz dactopalette5 ; nope
or cl,02h ; set it
test ch,20h ; high-blue high?
jz dactopalette6 ; nope
or cl,01h ; set it
dactopalette endp
paltodac proc uses es si di
mov si,0 ; initialize the loop values
mov di,0
mov cl,palettega[si] ; load up a single palette register
call palettetodac ; convert it to VGA colors
mov dacbox+0[di],bh ; save the red value
mov dacbox+1[di],bl ; and the green value
mov dacbox+2[di],ch ; and the blue value
inc si ; bump up the registers
add di,3 ; ...
cmp si,16 ; more to go?
jne paltodacloop ; yup.
push ds ; set ES to DS temporarily
pop es ; ...
mov ax,15 ; do this 15 times to get to 256
mov di,offset dacbox+48 ; set up the first destination
mov cx,24 ; copy another block of 16 registers
mov si,offset dacbox ; set up for the copy
rep movsw ; do it
dec ax ; need to do another block?
jnz paltodacloop2 ; yup. do it.
ret ; we done.
paltodac endp
dactopal proc uses es si di
mov si,0 ; initialize the loop values
mov di,0
mov bh,dacbox+0[di] ; load up the VGA red value
mov bl,dacbox+1[di] ; and the green value
mov ch,dacbox+2[di] ; and the blue value
call dactopalette ; convert it to an EGA palette
mov palettega[si],cl ; save as a single palette register
inc si ; bump up the registers
add di,3 ; ...
cmp si,16 ; more to go?
jne dactopalloop ; yup.
mov cl,palettega ; copy palette 0
mov palettega+16,cl ; to the overscan register
ret ; we done.
dactopal endp
; *********************** Function storedac() ****************************
; Function to Store the dacbox[][] array into VGA,
; called from loaddac() durring initialization.
storedac proc
push es ; need ES == DS temporarily
push ds ; ...
pop es ; ...
mov ax,1012h ; get the old DAC values
mov bx,0 ; (assuming, of course, they exist)
mov cx,256 ; ...
mov dx,offset dacbox ; ...
int 10h ; do it.
pop es ; ...
storedac endp
; *********************** Function loaddac() ****************************
; Function to Load the dacbox[][] array, if it can
; (sets dacbox[0][0] to an invalid '255' if it can't)
loaddac proc
mov reallyega,0 ; set flag: not an EGA posing as a VGA
cmp dotmode,9 ; TARGA 3 June 89 j mclain
je loaddacdone
cmp f85flag, 0
jne loaddacdone
cmp loadPalette,1 ; TARGA/VGA 3 June 89 j mclain
jne normalLoadDac
call storedac
jmp short loaddacdone
mov dacbox,255 ; a flag value to detect invalid DAC
cmp debugflag,16 ; pretend we're not a VGA?
je loaddacdebug ; yup.
push es ; need ES == DS temporarily
push ds ; ...
pop es ; ...
mov ax,1017h ; get the old DAC values
mov bx,0 ; (assuming, of course, they exist)
mov cx,256 ; ...
mov dx,offset dacbox ; ...
push bp ; some older BIOSes don't save this
int 10h ; do it.
pop bp ; restore registers
pop es ; ...
cmp dacbox,255 ; did it work? do we have a VGA?
jne loaddacdone ; yup.
cmp colors,16 ; are we using 16 or more colors?
jb loaddacdone ; nope. forget it.
cmp ydots,350 ; 640x350 range?
jb loaddacdone ; nope. forget it.
mov bx,offset palettega ; make up a dummy palette
mov cx,3800h ; start with color 0 == black
loaddacega1: ; and color 8 == low-white
mov 0[bx],cl ; save one color
mov 8[bx],ch ; and another color
inc bx ; bump up the DAC
add cx,0101h ; and the colors
cmp cl,8 ; finished 8 colors?
jne loaddacega1 ; nope. get more.
mov reallyega,1 ; note that this is really an EGA
call far ptr paltodac ; "convert" it to a VGA DAC
mov daclearn,1 ; bypass learn mode
mov ax,cyclelimit ; and spin as fast as he wants
mov daccount,ax ; ...
loaddac endp
; *************** Function spindac(direction, rstep) ********************
; Rotate the MCGA/VGA DAC in the (plus or minus) "direction"
; in "rstep" increments - or, if "direction" is 0, just replace it.
spindac proc uses di si es, direction:word, rstep:word
cmp dotmode,9 ; TARGA 3 June 89 j mclain
je spinbailout
cmp dacbox,255 ; do we have DAC registers to spin?
je spinbailout ; nope. bail out.
cmp colors,16 ; at least 16 colors?
jge spindacdoit ; yup. spin away.
jmp spindacreturn ; nope. bail out.
push ds ; need ES == DS here
pop es ; ...
mov cx, rstep ; loop through the rotate "rstep" times
push cx ; save the loop counter for a tad
cmp direction,0 ; just replace it?
je newDAC ; yup.
cmp direction,1 ; rotate upwards?
jne short downDAC ; nope. downwards
cld ; set the direction
mov si,offset dacbox+3 ; set up the rotate
mov di,offset dacbox+768 ; ...
mov cx,3 ; ...
rep movsb ; rotate it.
mov si,offset dacbox+6 ; set up the rotate
mov di,offset dacbox+3 ; ...
mov cx,765 ; ...
rep movsb ; rotate it.
jmp short newDAC ; set the new DAC
std ; set the direction
mov si,offset dacbox+767 ; set up the rotate
mov di,offset dacbox+770 ; ...
mov cx,765 ; ...
rep movsb ; rotate it.
mov si,offset dacbox+770 ; set up the rotate
mov di,offset dacbox+5 ; ...
mov cx,3 ; ...
rep movsb ; rotate it.
cld ; set the direction
pop cx ; restore the loop counter
loop stepDAC ; and loop until done.
cmp f85flag, 0 ; if 8514a then update pallette
je spindoit
jmp spin8514
mov bx,0 ; set up to update the DAC
mov dacnorm,0 ; indicate no overflow
mov cx,daccount ; ...
mov ax,256 ; calculate 256 - BX
sub ax,bx ; ...
cmp ax,cx ; is that less than the update count?
jge retrace1 ; nope. no adjustment
mov cx,ax ; else adjust
mov dacnorm,1 ; and indicate overflow
mov dx,03dah ; wait for no retrace
in al,dx ; ...
and al,8 ; this bit is high during a retrace
jnz retrace1 ; so loop until it goes low
in al,dx ; wait for no retrace
and al,8 ; this bit is high during a retrace
jz retrace2 ; so loop until it goes high
cmp reallyega,1 ; is this really an EGA?
je spinega ; yup. spin it that way.
cmp cpu,88 ; are we on a (yuck, ugh) 8088/8086?
jle spinbios ; yup. go through the BIOS
mov dx,03c8h ; set up for a blitz-write
mov ax,bx ; from this register
cli ; critical section: no ints
out dx,al ; starting register
inc dx ; set up to update colors
mov si, offset dacbox ; get starting addr in SI
add si,bx ; ...
add si,bx ; ...
add si,bx ; ...
mov ax,cx ; triple the value in CX
add cx,ax ; ...
add cx,ax ; ...
rep outsb ; whap! Zango! They're updated!
sti ; end of critical section
mov cx,ax ; restore CX for code below
jmp spindone ; skip over the BIOS version.
mov dx,offset dacbox ; set up the DAC box offset
add dx,bx ; ...
add dx,bx ; ...
add dx,bx ; ...
mov ax,1012h ; update the DAC
int 10h ; do it.
jmp spindone ; jump to common code
cmp bx,0 ; skip this if not the first time thru
jne spindone ; ...
push bx ; save some registers
push cx ; aroud the call
call far ptr dactopal ; convert the VGA DAC to an EGA palette
pop cx ; restore the registers
pop bx ; from prior to the call
mov ax,1002h ; update the EGA palette
mov dx,offset palettega ; ...
int 10h ; do it.
cmp daclearn,0 ; are we still in learn mode?
jne nolearn ; nope.
mov dx,03dah ; check for the retrace
in al,dx ; ...
and al,1 ; this bit is high if display disabled
jz donelearn ; oops. retrace finished first.
cmp dacnorm,0 ; was this a "short" update?
jne short nolearn ; then don't increment it
inc daccount ; increment the daccount value
inc daccount ; increment the daccount value
inc daccount ; increment the daccount value
mov ax,cyclelimit ; collect the cycle-limit value
cmp daccount,ax ; sanity check: don't update too far
jle short nolearn ; proceed if reasonable.
sub daccount,6 ; done learning: reduce the daccount
mov daclearn,1 ; set flag: no more learning
add bx,cx ; set up for the next batch
cmp bx,256 ; more to go?
jge spindacreturn ; nope. we done.
jmp dacupdate ; yup. do it.
call w8514pal
spindac endp