21040 You cannot set DisplayType while the control contains an object
21041 Cannot create embedded object. 'OleTypeAllowed' property of '|1' control is set to 'Linked'.
23001 Unexpected error; quitting
23002 Not enough memory to run; quitting
23003 Unexpected error
23004 Wrong version of run-time DLL
23005 Wrong version of operating system; requires Windows NT 3.51 (build |1 with Service Pack |2 or above), Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 95 (build |3 or above)
23006 System Error |1.
23010 Internal error: '|1'
23012 File not found: '|1'
23016 Device I/O error: '|1'
23017 File already exists: '|1'
23020 Disk full: '|1'
23021 Input past end of file: '|1'
23026 Too many files: '|1'
23027 Device unavailable: '|1'
23029 Permission denied: '|1'
23030 Disk not ready: '|1'
23034 Path/File access error: '|1'
23035 Path not found: '|1'
25001 Can't remove control or reference; in use
25002 Can't quit at this time
25003 An action cannot be completed because a component (|1) is not responding. Choose "Switch To" to activate the component and correct the problem.
25004 An action cannot be completed because a component (|1) is busy. Choose "Switch To" to activate the component and correct the problem.
25007 One or more instances of this object are running. Can't remove it at this time.