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ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 1
Documentation for ANIMATE
ANIMATE creates and displays animated movies on IBM-
compatible personal computers by reading one or more files
containing a sequence of Tektronix 4010 (Tek4010) monochrome
graphics. Movies are limited in length only by the capacity of
the user's hard disk. For the user who knows C, functions
supplied with ANIMATE can be embedded into the user's own PC
graphics programs to make movies of whatever graphics those
programs create. Those movies can then be viewed with ANIMATE.
Table of Contents
Overview, table of contents, and copyright . . . 1
Hardware requirements . . . . . . . 2
Software needed to complement ANIMATE . . . . 2
Files which comprise the ANIMATE package. . . . 3
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installing ANIMATE . . . . . . . . 6
Using ANIMATE to construct and view a movie . . . 6
Plotting Tektronix graphics onto a rasterized background 7
Editing ANIMATE.PAR and "script" files . . . . 8
If you have trouble with ANIMATE . . . . . 11
Optimizing ANIMATE's performance . . . . . 11
Comments on ANIMATE's Tektronix emulation . . . 12
Modifying ANIMATE . . . . . . . . 13
Compiling ANIMATE . . . . . . . . 14
Bugs in Turbo C . . . . . . . . 15
References. . . . . . . . . . 16
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . 16
Copyright 1990 by Jon Ahlquist, Department of Meteorology B-161,
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-3034, USA.
Telephone: (904) 644-1558.
Internet address:
ahlquist@metsat.met.fsu.edu (ahlquist@
This document and the files listed herein may be freely copied
without charge, provided copyright notices are left intact. All
software and documentation is provided "as is" without warranty
of any kind.
Development of this material was sponsored by NSF grant ATM-
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 2
Hardware requirements to run ANIMATE
ANIMATE requires an IBM-compatible PC with a hard disk and a
register level compatible EGA, VGA, or monochrome Hercules
graphics board. The only way to find out whether your graphics
board is suitable is to try ANIMATE. Unfortunately, many older
"clone" graphics boards do not meet all the requirements for true
register level compatibility. Video boards compatible with
Hercules monochrome graphics at the register level are available
in the U.S. by mail order for under $100. More expensive but
more powerful are boards like the Everex EVGA board, which
supports Hercules monochrome, EGA, VGA, and a number of other
modes. Such boards require a multi-sync monitor to display all
their modes.
Only the 640 by 350 pixel, 16 color mode of EGA/VGA graphics
and Hercules monochrome graphics are supported by ANIMATE because
these are the only two standard graphics modes used on IBM PCs
that offer video "double buffering" (see the glossary).
Since most Tektronix graphs will be generated on a mainframe
computer and then transferred to a microcomputer running ANIMATE,
an important factor is the time it takes to send the graphics
file(s) from the mainframe to the microcomputer. For movies that
contain more than a few frames of graphics, a 9600 baud
connection between the microcomputer and mainframe is almost
essential. A Local Area Network (LAN) like Ethernet is helpful
in this regard. A telephone line may be too noisy, unless error
correcting file transfer software is used; but such software
running with a 1200 baud modem would be very slow.
If you know C, you may decide to write some or all of your
graphics directly in Turbo C and thereby avoid the transmission
time between mainframe and micro. If so, you can use the program
in file "makemovy.c" as an example of how to proceed.
Software needed to complement ANIMATE
If you generate Tek4010 graphics using a mainframe or
minicomputer, you will need communications software so that your
microcomputer can "capture" the graphics generated by the other
computer. This software is not supplied with ANIMATE, but it is
widely available. Since Tek4010 graphics commands are composed
of standard ASCII characters, any communications software that
can capture an ASCII file will be suitable; the package need not
have any graphics capabilities at all. For example, Procomm, a
common, low cost, shareware communications program, can capture a
Tek4010 file because it can capture any ASCII file. A copy of
the latest version of Procomm with documentation on disk can be
purchased for $35 from Datastorm Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box
1471, Columbia, MO 65205.
Users of TCP/IP, i.e. Internet, can acquire public domain
NCSA Telnet software with documentation on disk for a $20
handling fee from: NCSA Telnet for the PC -- Orders, 152
Computing Applications Building, 605 E. Springfield Ave.,
Champaign, IL 61820. Telnet software does NOT work with a modem
and telephone line; it works only with a TCP/IP network.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 3
Files which comprise the ANIMATE package
ANIMATE.DOC This documentation.
ANIMATE1.C Source code for function main() of ANIMATE.
ANIMATE2.C Source code for auxiliary functions for ANIMATE,
including functions to save and display
rasterized images. These functions can be
inserted into your own Turbo C programs.
ANIMATE.PRJ Project file.
ANIMATE.EXE Executable version of ANIMATE.
ANIMATE.PAR Parameter file configured for EGA graphics and
Tek4010 graphics.
ANIMATE.HER Hercules monochrome version of ANIMATE.PAR.
If you have a Hercules monochrome graphics board,
MAP.TEK Tek4010 plot file containing a short
movie consisting of a few world maps from a
satellite's perspective.
MAP.SCR Script file for showing the example movie
with different colors than those specified
MAKEMOVY.C Example program showing how a file of
rasterized images can be created directly
using the graphics in Turbo C.
The program also shows the difference
between single and double buffering of images.
GRAFSUPP.C Supplemental graphics files used by MAKEMOVY.PRJ.
Some or all of the functions in this file may be
useful for your own Turbo C graphics programs.
GRAFSUPP.H Header file to accompany GRAFSUPP.C.
GRAFDEMO.C Demonstration program which calls the routines
in GRAFSUPP.C. Does not make a movie but runs
with any graphics mode supported by Turbo C.
TESTPIC.C Program to create a file in Tektronix 4010 format.
If you wish to modify ANIMATE, you must have version 2 or
newer of Borland's Turbo C. This is available inexpensively by
mail order or through your local dealer. Educational customers
can purchase Turbo C at especially attractive prices direct from
Borland; call Borland's sales office at (408) 439-1064 and ask
for Educational Sales.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 4
Knowledge of the following computer graphics terms is essential
to understanding the operation of ANIMATE. The definitions also
include extra information specific to ANIMATE.
PIXEL means "picture element." Computer text and graphics are
composed of hundreds of columns and hundreds of rows of tiny
rectangular "pixels." The precise number of pixels in a screen
depends on the video mode you are using. Hercules monochrome
graphics have 720 columns by 348 rows of pixels for a total of
250,560 pixels per screen, while high resolution EGA graphics
(medium resolution VGA graphics) have 640 rows by 350 columns for
a total of 224,000 pixels per screen. A Hercules pixel is either
off or on, i.e. dark or lit. An EGA pixel can be any of 16
different colors chosen from a palette of 64 colors.
VECTOR GRAPHICS are constructed by drawing a collection of line
segments. Vector graphics may be monochrome or color. Usually,
only a small fraction of the total number of pixels are involved
in vector graphics.
IMAGES are pictures which are more complicated than just a set of
lines. For example, a very young child draws stick figures to
represent objects; these are vector graphics. As the child
matures, the child's drawing will include shading. Shaded
regions cannot be represented accurately using line segments.
Such pictures are called images.
RASTERIZED IMAGES are like television pictures. An image is
created by defining every pixel on the screen. Any picture
displayed by an IBM-compatible PC is a rasterized image, because
every pixel is defined (although many are often set to be the
background color). ANIMATE stores rasterized images for its
movies rather than staying with the more compact files that hold
Tektronix vector graphics for two reasons: (1) an IBM-compatible
PC can load a rasterized image faster than it can draw a
complicated vector graphics plot, and (2) the rate at which a
movie of rasterized images is shown is independent of the
complexity of the images, because every pixel is always loaded.
DOUBLE BUFFERING of image input means that you are viewing one
picture stored in one part (one "page") of a graphics board's
memory while the next image is being loaded into a second page of
video memory. When this next picture is ready, then it is
displayed. That leaves the first page of video memory free for
loading the third picture, etc. With double buffering, you see
only complete images and flickerless animation. Without double
buffering, you see images being painted onto the screen or
flicker. ANIMATE does not use double buffering when emulating a
Tektronix terminal so that you will see the images being drawn,
but it does use double buffering for showing movies, i.e.
replaying rasterized images.
To demonstrate single versus double buffering, I have
included program "MAKEMOVY." Even modern Basic allows double
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 5
buffering with its SCREEN command. Microsoft's QuickBasic works
fine, but Borland's Turbo Basic SCREEN command has a bug that
prevents proper use of the second page of video memory for at
least EGA graphics. Remember, only Hercules monochrome and the
640 by 350 pixel mode of EGA/VGA graphics offer double buffering.
CGA and the other VGA modes cannot double buffer.
BIT PLANES refer to a memory system used to store the color of
each pixel. Let's say that each pixel has N bits available to
denote its color; with EGA/VGA 16 color graphics, N=4. If bit
planes are used, as they are with EGA/VGA graphics, there are N
"planes" of memory. The first bit plane holds the rightmost
(least significant) bit of each pixel. The next bit plane holds
the next most significant bit of each pixel, etc. until we reach
the N-th bit plane which holds the N-th bit of each pixel. When
ANIMATE operates in EGA/VGA mode, it must know how many of the
four bit planes the user wishes to use. All necessary
information for a monochrome image can be stored in one bit
plane. Two bit planes provide four colors; three bit planes, 8
colors; four bit planes, 16 colors.
PALETTE is the name given to the color table that relates the
4 bits reserved for each EGA pixel with the 6-bit integers that
represent the various possible EGA colors. 4 bits represent
numbers between 0 and 15, while 6 bits represent numbers between
0 and 63. Therefore, only 16 of the possible 64 EGA colors can
actually be used in any given palette. 64 colors are possible
because each pixel can contain three primary colors (red, green,
and blue) and three secondary colors (light red, green, and
blue). See Wilton (1987) for a few more details, but so far I
have not figured out to decode an arbitrary 6 bit integer into a
combination of "normal" and "light" reds, greens, and blues. The
problem for me lies with colors that involve the high 3 bits,
i.e. color numbers greater than 7. The table below shows the
standard EGA assignment of colors to base 10 pixel values.
Pixel Color number (base 10) Pixel Color number (base 10)
value and color value and color
0 0 black 8 56 dark gray
1 1 blue 9 57 light blue
2 2 green 10 58 light green
3 3 cyan 11 59 light cyan
4 4 read 12 60 light red
5 5 magenta 13 61 light magenta
6 7 light gray 14 62 yellow
7 20 brown 15 63 white
For example, if the value of a pixel is 7, standard EGA graphics
would display it as color number 20, which looks like brown.
The palette can be changed; that is, any one of the 63
possible EGA colors could be assigned to the 16 possible pixel
values. This is one of ANIMATE's options that will be explained
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 6
Installing ANIMATE
On your hard disc, create a directory called ANIMATE, and
copy all the ANIMATE software into that directory. The disk
should have several unused megabytes. You'll need that much
space once you start making movies because each frame of Hercules
graphics or each bit plane of EGA graphics occupies about 30
kilobytes. If you make a movie containing 100 frames of Tek4010
graphics, it will occupy about 3 MB of disk space. Don't forget
to back up your ANIMATE software onto "floppy" disks for safety's
As provided, the parameter file ANIMATE.PAR is configured
for EGA/VGA graphics using one bit plane, which is all Tek4010
graphics need. If you have Hercules monochrome graphics, you
need a version of ANIMATE.PAR for Hercules graphics. To do this,
you need to rename two files; enter the MS-DOS commands:
If you have EGA or VGA graphics, skip those two commands, because
ANIMATE.PAR is already set up for you. Just to be safe, enter
TYPE ANIMATE.PAR to list the contents of the parameter file. The
first line should say Hercules or EGA. (If you have VGA
graphics, ANIMATE.PAR should say EGA.)
Using ANIMATE to create and view a movie
Type ANIMATE to invoke ANIMATE.EXE. This will call up a
menu of choices followed by an alphabetical list of the files in
the current directory. No more than 100 file names will be
displayed. If the graphics files are not in the current
directory, you may want to hit the 'c' key to change the active
disk and/or directory; then type the disk and/or directory just
as you would for MS-DOS. For example, if your graphics files are
on the same disk as ANIMATE -- say, the "c:" disk -- but in a
different directory named \MOVIES, you can enter either C:\MOVIES
or \MOVIES. Note: Either upper or lower case is fine for
answering any of ANIMATE's questions.
As an example, we'll make a movie using the supplied file
MAP.TEK, which you probably have in the same directory with
ANIMATE. Select Tek4010 emulation by hitting 't.' Type MAP.TEK
as the name of the first file. Type DONE as the second file name
to indicate that all files have been entered. Answer no ('n') to
the next question about using a rasterized background; we'll
discuss that later. Answer yes ('y') to the question about sav-
ing the images in rasterized form. Enter MAP.EGA or MAP.HER,
depending on whether you are using EGA or Hercules graphics. (I
use the suffix TEK for files that hold Tektronix plot instruc-
tions, the suffix EGA for files that hold rasterized images in
EGA format, and the suffix HER for files that hold rasterized
Hercules images. ANIMATE does not force this convention on you,
though.) Lastly, you must enter which of the Tektronix plots are
to be saved in rasterized form. Enter 0 0 to save all frames.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 7
At this point, you should see a sequence of maps being drawn
on the screen, and you should hear your hard disk whir as it
reads Tektronix plotting instructions and saves the rasterized
images. After all the images have been drawn, control will auto-
matically return to ANIMATE's main menu.
To view the movie you have just made, hit 'r' to select
rasterized replay. Enter MAP.EGA or MAP.HER as the first file
name and DONE as the second. Answer no to the question about
saving images in rasterized format, unless you would like to save
a subsequence from this movie. When the movie starts, you should
see a smooth sequence of world maps appear on your screen. If
you do not see a smooth sequence of maps without flicker, then
your graphics board is not register level compatible with EGA or
Hercules graphics, and you are out of luck as far as ANIMATE is
concerned. In any case, ANIMATE will continuously repeat a movie
until the user hits the Escape key (Esc) to escape to the main
menu. While the movie is running, the user can hit any one of
the following keys (upper or lower case) in order to select the
option described.
Choice: Result:
s Slower movie replay. Hitting 's' more than once
makes the movie run even slower.
f Faster movie replay. When a movie first starts,
it is running as fast as possible, so hitting 'f' will
have no effect unless 's' has been hit first.
1 Toggle single step mode on or off. (Note: 1 is the
digit one, not a lower case ell.)
n When in single step mode, this will display the next
p Toggle brief (roughly 1 second) pause at the end of
movie before repeating it.
Esc key Go to the main menu. Control C has the same effect.
Default conditions:
1. The movie is displayed as fast as possible.
2. Single step mode is off; the movie automatically advances from
one picture to the next.
3. There is no pause at the end of the movie before beginning to
show the movie again.
Plotting Tektronix graphs onto a rasterized background
Now we are ready to explain the option under Tektronix
emulation that asks whether you want your graphs plotted on a
rasterized background image. Let's suppose that you want to make
a movie of weather maps. Each picture will show a map and on top
of that map you will plot lines and symbols that show what the
weather is. We'll assume that you have already debugged your
program by making a few test plots. At this point, you could do
a production run of plots for ANIMATE, and everything would work
fine, and you could forget about the "rasterized background"
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 8
option. Nonetheless, an extra step may be advantageous.
It is inefficient to send the same complicated map to your
microcomputer over and over again with every picture. The
following procedure saves execution time, transmision time, and
disc space at the expense of some of your time. After debugging,
run your graphics program twice. The first time, draw one single
picture that contains the constant background that you want to
appear in each frame of your movie; turn off the rest of the
plotting commands by converting them into comments. For the
second run, turn the "background" plotting commands into com-
ments, restore the other plotting commands, and produce your
whole movie without a background. Send the two plot files -- one
contains a single frame (the unchanging background), and the
other contains as many frames as will be in your movie -- to your
microcomputer, and capture them using your communications soft-
On the microcomputer, invoke ANIMATE. Select Tektronix
emulation, and create and store a rasterized version of the
background map. Next, select Tektronix emulation, and enter the
file name(s) holding the mapless graphics, ending with "done."
Answer yes ('y') to using a rasterized background image, and
enter the name of the file that holds the rasterized version of
the map. For every frame of your movie, ANIMATE will read the
background map and plot the other graphics on top of it.
There is also a fancier use for the rasterized background
option. You can combine two or more movies into one movie by
overlaying them on top of each other. To do this, generate the
Tek4010 graphics for each of the movies, transmit them to your
microcomputer, and capture them. Then invoke ANIMATE. For the
first movie, select Tektronix emulation with no rasterized
background, and store that movie. For the next movie, select
Tektronix emulation, and enter the file name(s). Answer yes to
using a rasterized background, and enter the name of the file
that contains the first rasterized movie. ANIMATE will display
the first frame of the first movie and plot on top of it the
first frame of the second movie, etc. If the first movie ends
before the second does, the first movie will be "rewound" and
started again. This is useful if the background for your movie
is a repetitive sequence.
Editing the parameter file ANIMATE.PAR and "script files".
ANIMATE.PAR contains all the adjustable information which
ANIMATE needs to define its graphics. ANIMATE.PAR is an ASCII
file which can be edited by any text editor such as the
NONDOCUMENT mode of WordStar. What I call a "script" file
contains the same kind of information that ANIMATE.PAR does plus
the names of files containing rasterized images that you want to
link together into a movie. Once you understand how to construct
ANIMATE.PAR, you can build a script file by starting with the
same types of information as are required for ANIMATE.PAR and
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 9
then following that by the file name(s) for the rasterized images
you want to see. With either ANIMATE.PAR or a script file, do
not use any commas; just leave one or more spaces between all
If you have Hercules monochrome graphics, ANIMATE.PAR should
contain only two lines. The first line should say "Hercules"
(without quotes), and the second line should have the x and y
pixel coordinates of the point at which you want the frame number
displayed when that option is selected during replay of
rasterized images. 0 0 refers to the upper left corner of the
screen. 719 347 is the lower right corner for Hercules graphics.
0 10 is often a good place to display frame numbers, which will
place the frame numbers near the upper left corner of the screen.
If you have EGA or VGA graphics, ANIMATE.PAR must contain
five lines. The first line should say "EGA" (without quotes).
The second line must give the number of bit planes to be handled
in normal operation. Usually, this is 1. The third line must
contain sixteen integers (base 10) listing the EGA colors that
are to be assigned to the palette. (See the explanation of the
palette in the glossary.) Do NOT separate the integers with
commas; that would cause an error. (The program may not bomb,
but colors will not be read correctly.) Just leave one or more
spaces between the numbers.
For EGA/VGA monochrome graphics, only the first bit plane is
needed. I like yellow lines plotted on a blue background, and I
have specified this in the supplied copy of ANIMATE.PAR, whose
third line reads:
1 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Thus, color 1 (blue) is shown when a pixel value is 0, and color
62 (yellow) is shown when a pixel value is 1. So blue is the
background color, and yellow is the foreground color. The
remaining color assignments for pixel values 2 through 15 are
arbitrary because those colors will never appear if only one bit
plane is loaded; I have chosen color 0 (black). Another example
of color assignment is given below where script files are
The fourth line of ANIMATE.PAR for EGA graphics specifies
the color to be used when writing frame numbers on the pictures.
The color is indicated by the PIXEL VALUE to be assigned (0
through 15), NOT by the actual color number (0 to 63). In the
supplied version of ANIMATE.PAR, the fourth line is 1. That
means that, when frame numbers are written onto images, it will
be done by assigning a value of 1 to the affected pixels. Given
the color assignments indicated in the preceding paragraph, that
means that the frame numbers will appear in color number 62
The fifth line of ANIMATE.PAR for EGA graphics must contain
the x and y pixel coordinates of the point at which you want the
frame number to be displayed. 0 0 is the upper left corner of
the screen. 639 349 is the the lower right corner. 0 10 is
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 10
often a good place to display frame numbers, which will place the
frame numbers near the upper left corner of the screen.
A script file holds a "script" for displaying rasterized
images. It offers two features. One, it allows graphics mode
assignments to be temporarily reset from the normal values
specified in ANIMATE.PAR. Second, if more than one file contains
the rasterized images for a movie, you only have to enter the
file names once into this file, rather than manually type all the
file names each time you want to view the movie, as you would
have to do if you selected ANIMATE's option to "replay rasterized
The first part of a script file is constructed in exactly
the same way as ANIMATE.PAR. That is, if your movie uses
Hercules graphics, the first line of the script file must say
"Hercules" (without quotes), and the second line must give the x
and y pixel coordinates where frame numbers are to be written.
If your movie uses EGA or VGA graphics, a script file must start
with five lines defining the EGA graphics parameters. These
lines can be different than what is in ANIMATE.PAR.
As an example where a script file would be nice, let's
suppose that your mainframe computer has 3-D graphics routines
that allow you to set the viewing angle of a plot in perspective
and that you have EGA or VGA graphics on your microcomputer. If
so, you have what you need to make 3-D movies using the method
where you draw one eye's view in red and the other eye's view in
green. You should generate Tek4010 monochrome graphics with two
views of every image. All of the even numbered frames should be
one eye's view and all the odd numbered frames should be the
other eye's view. Your script file for ANIMATE should be some-
thing like this:
0 2 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 10
etc. up to a maximum of
With this assignment, two bit planes will be loaded to form each
image. The background will be black (color 0). The first
rasterized image read will be placed into the first bit plane,
and the nonzero pixels will appear in color 2 (red). The second
image will be loaded into the second bit plane, and its nonzero
pixels will appear in color 4 (green). In cases where a pixel is
used in both bit planes, the pixel value will be 1+2=3, to which
I suggest assigning color 6 because that color (not one of the
standard EGA colors) is constructed by displaying both red (color
2) and green (color 4).
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 11
You must view such 3-D movies with special glasses. The
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society for February 1981
included a red/green viewer for 3-D pictures, or you can make a
crude but adequate viewer using cardboard, red and green
cellophane, tape, and scissors. I have not done much with 3-D
movies other than to run the sample movie (MAP.EGA) with the
script file shown above. The result is not satisfying. I
suspect that the user will have to experiment for a while before
good 3-D movies result. Please let me know of your successes.
If you have trouble with ANIMATE
The most common problem will be that Tektronix emulation
works okay, but the rasterized replay does not work. Most
likely, the problem lies with your graphics board. Animation
on an IBM-compatible PC pushes the capabilities of graphics
boards, and only some graphics boards meet all the standards of
Hercules monochrome or IBM EGA graphics.
Nonetheless, a few things should be checked before you
consider upgrading your graphics board.
1. Double check the contents of ANIMATE.PAR. The only two
supported graphics modes are EGA (or equivalently VGA) and Her-
cules. If you have CGA graphics or EGA graphics with only 64KB
of memory on the video board, you are out of luck. Secondly,
make sure that no commas appear in ANIMATE.PAR; entries should be
separated only by blanks.
2. Some video boards require that you run a program supplied by
the boards manufacturer in order to set the board into a certain
mode of operation. For example, normally I keep my Everex EVGA
board in EGA mode (actually, in MS-DOS, I execute "EVGAMODE 5").
If I want to look at a movie of rasterized Hercules images, I
must first execute EVGAMODE 23 in MS-DOS to switch the board into
Hercules mode; just specifying "Hercules" in ANIMATE.PAR or in a
script file is not enough. Curiously, if the EVGA board is in
Hercules mode, it will correctly switch itself temporarily into
EGA mode if ANIMATE.PAR or a script file calls for EGA graphics.
3. Hercules rasterized images and EGA rasterized images are
different, so a movie stored in rasterized Hercules form can only
be viewed with Hercules graphics; similarly, a movie stored in
rasterized EGA form can only be viewed with EGA graphics.
Optimizing ANIMATE's performance
When ANIMATE displays rasterized images, its most time
consuming task by far is loading the rasterized images into video
memory from the disk file(s) where the images are stored. You
can do three things to make the display as fast as possible.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 12
First, if you have two or more megabytes of memory, you can
set aside some of that memory as a virtual disk, also called a
RAM disk. Look up DEVICE = VDISK.SYS in your MS-DOS manual.
ANIMATE can read a rasterized movie very rapidly from RAM disk.
Remember that each Hercules image or each EGA bit plane occupies
about 30 kilobytes of memory, so you will need a lot of RAM disk
for a movie of any length.
Second, make sure that your disk is not storing rasterized
movies in "fragmented" form. If you do not know what a
fragmented file is, fragmented files are almost certainly a
problem on your disk. When a file is stored on a disk, it is
entirely possible that, unknown to you, the computer may crack
the file into two or more pieces and store the pieces on
separated parts of the disk. This is known as fragmentation.
The benefit of fragmentation is that it makes usable the various
"bare" spots scattered about the disk that result when old files
are deleted. The disadvantage of fragmentation is that it can
slow disk access because the disk head has to jump around the
disk to reach all the parts of a file. There are a number of
commercially available programs that rewrite files so as to
eliminate fragmentation. I am familiar with three
"unfragmenters": (1) Speed Disk in the Advanced Edition of Norton
Utilities; (2) COMPRESS in PC Tools from Central Point Software,
and (3) VOPT from Golden Bow Systems. Any of these is good. (Be
warned: the "quick" option on Norton Utilities' Speed Disk does
not remove fragmentation and can actually create additional
fragmentation; instead, use "file unfragment.") The first time
you run an unfragmenter on your disk, it may take 10 minutes or
more to straigthen up your files. Thereafter, it will only need
10-20 seconds to straighten up things if you run it regularly.
My AUTOEXEC.BAT file invokes an unfragmenter every time I boot my
Third, the data transfer rate between your disk and your
computer may not have been optimized by the computer
manufacturer, specifically, the "interleave factor" may not be
optimal. This is a "guts level" parameter that users normally do
not alter; however, a program called SpinRite from Steve Gibson
Research can optimize the interleave factor as well as do other
disk maintenance tasks. Byte magazine (Nov 1988, pp. 237-239)
has reviewed SpinRite. See also the hard disc maintenance
packages reviewed in Byte, Jan 1990.
Comments on ANIMATE's Tektronix 4010 emulation
I coded the Tek4010 emulation based on a description of
Tek4010 operation given in chapter 5 of the manual for the
FlexiTek communications program marketed by Various Ware, P.O.
Box 21070, El Cajon, CA 92021, telephone (619) 448-7126. Only
the graphics mode of Tek4010 operation has been simulated. All
other input is ignored.
An important item which is not part of the Tek4010 graphics
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 13
language is an "end of plot" signal. I decided to terminate a
plot when a "clear screen" command (ASCII characters CR FF
(hexadecimal 0d 0c)) is received or when an end of file (EOF)
mark is encountered in the input file. Multiple plots can and
should be in a single file, even though up to ten files can be
chained together by ANIMATE. The limit of 10 files could be
increased by changing the definition of MAX_FILES in ANIMATE1.C,
but there is little reason to do this since there is no limit to
the number of plots that can be stored in a file. In other
words, if you can, keep all your Tektronix plotting instructions
for a movie in one file and all your rasterized images for the
movie in one other file.
Modifying ANIMATE
Source code for ANIMATE is provided in files ANIMATE1.C and
ANIMATE2.C so that you can make whatever modifications you might
like. The user will no doubt think of a number of possible
improvements to ANIMATE, such as:
1. Emulation of a color Tektronix terminal.
The Reference Guide for version 3 of the commercially marketed
Macintosh VersaTerm-Pro communications package contains Chapter
X: Appendix (pp. 288-299) seems to provide enough information
regarding the operation of a Tektronix 4105 terminal to allow
someone to write at least a partial emulator using Turbo C.
VersaTerm-Pro is marketed by Synergy Software, 2457 Perkiomen
Ave, Reading, PA 19606, telephone (215) 779-0522.
2. Allowing movies to run backwards.
3. Expanded use of script files.
When I first tried writing an animation program I used Turbo
C's getimage() and putimage() functions, but they are too slow
for animation. Direct reads and writes from the graphics board
are necessary, and that is why register level compatibility is
required of your graphics board.
I would be pleased to hear of your ideas and improvements.
Before you do much work on improving ANIMATE, I would suggest
sending me a message. That way, I can let you know whether I or
somebody else might already be working on the improvement you
have in mind. If you are willing to share your improvements with
me, please take care to write clean, heavily documented code.
Anything less is hard to maintain and almost impossible for
another programmer to figure out.
I probably will not be very quick to add additional features
to ANIMATE. I will certainly keep your suggestions in mind and I
hope that ANIMATE will be improved, especially by other users,
but my job as a meteorology professor dictates that I spend the
majority of my time doing research and teaching, not programming
applications. I wrote ANIMATE to display the results of my
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 14
research, and it took a LOT of time, because I was also learning
C and PC graphics at the same time. I am basically satisfied
with ANIMATE in its present form, although I certainly would like
to add a Tek4105 color emulation mode, but I feel that I do not
have the time to do that at present. I need to use ANIMATE as a
research tool, not work on it as an end in itself.
If you have Internet, you might use FTP every so often to
sign onto the anonymous FTP account on unidata.ucar.edu (user =
anonymous, password = guest) and check directory
/ahlquist/animation to see whether any bugs have been discovered
and corrected or whether a new version may be available.
Compiling ANIMATE
If you wish to recompile ANIMATE, you will need version 2 or
newer of Borland's Turbo C.
"Far" pointers are needed by _read() and _write() when
rasterized images are placed into or read from the graphics
board. Therefore, I have compiled ANIMATE using Turbo C's
"compact" memory model. (Under Turbo C's Options menu, select
Compiler, then Model Size, and Compact.) Under Options,
Compiler, Code Generation, I turned off "OBJ debug information,"
which trims about 6 kilobytes from ANIMATE.EXE. Nonetheless,
leave OBJ debug information "on" if you start modifying ANIMATE,
because the integrated debugger can be a great help.
The project file ANIMATE.PRJ contains instructions for Turbo
C on how to create ANIMATE.EXE. The project file should contain:
The latter two files are created easily using Borland's BGIOBJ
utility; see Borland's Turbo C Reference Guide for details.
With compilation of the present version of ANIMATE2.C, you
will encounter two warnings that say that variable num_bit_planes
is not accessed in save_Herc_raster() and display_Herc_raster().
This is okay. Hercules monochrome graphics do not use bit
planes, but num_bit_planes is included so that the arguments to
the Hercules routines are the same as those to save_EGA_raster()
and display_EGA_raster(), which do need bit plane information.
This makes it possible to use function pointers save_raster() and
display_raster() to point to the appropriate routines. This
avoids several "if" statements that would have to check for the
graphics mode.
You will also encounter a warning saying Tek4010() should
return a value; it does, but all the return statements are
within the function and none appears at the end.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 15
Bugs in Turbo C
While writing ANIMATE, I encountered the following bugs in
Turbo C. A letter from Borland indicates that these bugs have
not been corrected as of 18 February 1990. ANIMATE works around
these bugs.
1. In Hercules graphics mode, cleardevice() should clear only the
active page of video memory, but the Hercules version of
cleardevice() clears both pages of video memory and resets the
visual page to 0 (the first page of video memory); at least the
active page is not reset. Occasionally, I have also had some
trouble clearing the screen in EGA mode after accessing bit
planes, but Borland graphics were not designed to be bomb-proof
to attacks by a user who putzes with the guts of the graphics.
(See point 2 below.)
2. Writing text to the screen in graphics mode using outtextxy()
after accessing a bit plane does not always work correctly with
EGA graphics, so I write to the screen twice, and the second time
is ok.
3. For speed reasons, replay of rasterized images is done with
unbuffered input/output (IO). ANSI standards implement
unbuffered IO by calling fopen(), then setbuf(fp, NULL) to set
the buffer size to zero, followed by use of fread() and fwrite().
I tried to do this, both for compatibility with ANSI standards
and to simplify the program. The problem is that Turbo C's IO
absolutely crawls if done according to ANSI standards; it is MUCH
slower that buffered input. Since the ANSI standard is not
feasible, I have used _read() and _write() for unbuffered IO,
because they are Turbo C's fastest IO routines.
ANIMATE.DOC Tuesday, March 6, 1990 4:10 pm Page 16
In addition to the two Borland Turbo C manuals (User's Guide
and Reference Guide), the references I used when writing ANIMATE
are listed below. For more exposure to double buffering of
images, I suggest that you look at the sample program MAKEMOVY.C.
Schildt, Herbert, 1985: C Made Easy. Osborne McGraw-Hill,
Berkeley, California, 292 pages. (No graphics are discussed,
just the basics of C. There is also a version of this book
specifically for Turbo C called Turbo C Made Easy.)
Schustack, Steve, 1985: Variations in C. Microsoft Press,
Bellevue, Washington, 344 pp. (Intermediate level guide to C; a
good second book after one is familiar with the basics of C. No
Wilton, Richard, 1987: Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video
Systems. Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington, 531 pages. (This
is the most comprehensive book available on programming IBM PC
graphics. To understand this book, you need to know assembly
language, which I do not, so almost all of it is too technical
for me. Fortunately, Borland's Turbo C has functions to perform
many graphics functions, and Tom Yoksas of Unidata showed me how
to do the crucial reads and writes directly from the video board
which make animation possible. You should be aware of this
book's existence, but you can probably get along fine without it
unless you want to know the register level operations of PC
ANIMATE was written to help display results of research funded by
NSF grant ATM-8714674. Not only did this grant pay my salary
during part of the development of ANIMATE, it also purchased some
of the computer equipment on which the development was done.
Tom Kitterman of the Florida State University Meteorology
Department patiently answered many of my questions involving
register level operations with graphics.
During the summer of 1989, Carla Engel, an undergraduate summer
mathematics student under NSF applied mathematics sponsorship,
helped document the bugs which I had found in Turbo C.
Tom Yoksas who works at the Unidata Project Office of the
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder,
Colorado showed me how read and write directly from the graphics
board, which makes animation possible.