The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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459 lines
; *********************************************************************
; Three dimensional turtle graphics for LOGO.
; *********************************************************************
if buriedp "turtle-3d-stuff [ unbury :turtle-3d-stuff ] [ ]
; *********************************************************************
; turtle3 ( bit-planes )
; Open a screen, a window, and the 3-D turtle.
make "turtle3 [
procedure [ [ ] [ :d ] ]
if numberp :d [ ] [ make "d 1 ]
( intuition 6 @0 )
make "s1 ( openscreen 3 :d [ \ 3-D\ Turtle\ Graphics ] )
make "w1 openwindow :s1
( prep3turtle :w1 0.88 1 )
setrgb :s1 0 [ 0 0 0 ]
setrgb :s1 1 [ 14 14 14 ]
( intuition 2 @0 0 0 )
( intuition 8 @0 550 54 )
if < 300 peek -2 psum peek 0 :s1 14
[ ( intuition 1 @0 0 350 ) ]
[ ( intuition 1 @0 0 150 ) ]
( intuition 6 @0 ) ]
; *********************************************************************
; prep3turtle window-pointer ( aspect-ratio pen-number )
; Assign turtle to window.
make "prep3turtle [
procedure [ [ :w ] [ :ar :pn ] [ ] ]
if numberp :ar [ make "scr-t3ar :ar ] [ make "scr-t3ar 1 ]
if numberp :pn [ setpen :w :pn ] [ ]
make "scr-t3xscale / peek -2 + bf :w 8 200
make "scr-t3yscale * :scr-t3xscale :scr-t3ar
make "scr-t3xoff / peek -2 + bf :w 8 2
make "scr-t3yoff / peek -2 + bf :w 10 2
make "scr-t3wp :w
home3 ]
; *********************************************************************
; yaw angle
; Rotate turtle.
make "yaw [
procedure [ [ :a ] [ ] [ :t ] ]
make "t rotate :scr-t3h :scr-t3l :a
make "scr-t3l rotate :scr-t3l -v :scr-t3h :a
make "scr-t3h :t ]
; *********************************************************************
; pitch angle
; Rotate turtle.
make "pitch [
procedure [ [ :a ] [ ] [ :t ] ]
make "t rotate :scr-t3h :scr-t3u :a
make "scr-t3u rotate :scr-t3u -v :scr-t3h :a
make "scr-t3h :t ]
; *********************************************************************
; roll angle
; Rotate turtle.
make "roll [
procedure [ [ :a ] [ ] [ :t ] ]
make "t rotate :scr-t3l :scr-t3u :a
make "scr-t3u rotate :scr-t3u -v :scr-t3l :a
make "scr-t3l :t ]
; *********************************************************************
; fd3 number
; Move turtle forward.
make "fd3 [
procedure [ [ :d ] ]
make "scr-t3pos vadd :scr-t3pos vscale :scr-t3h :d
draw :scr-t3wp + :scr-t3xoff * item 1 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3xscale
- :scr-t3yoff * item 2 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3yscale ]
; *********************************************************************
; bk3 number
; Move turtle backward.
make "bk3 [
procedure [ [ :d ] ]
make "scr-t3pos vsub :scr-t3pos vscale :scr-t3h :d
draw :scr-t3wp + :scr-t3xoff * item 1 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3xscale
- :scr-t3yoff * item 2 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3yscale ]
; *********************************************************************
; setpos3 vector
; Set the position of turtle. ( vectur = [ X Y Z ] )
make "setpos3 [
procedure [ [ :p ] ]
make "scr-t3pos :p
draw :scr-t3wp + :scr-t3xoff * item 1 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3xscale
- :scr-t3yoff * item 2 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3yscale ]
; *********************************************************************
; movepos3 vector
; Set the position of turtle. ( vectur = [ X Y Z ] )
make "movepos3 [
procedure [ [ :p ] ]
make "scr-t3pos :p
move :scr-t3wp + :scr-t3xoff * item 1 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3xscale
- :scr-t3yoff * item 2 :scr-t3pos :scr-t3yscale ]
; *********************************************************************
; cw3
; Clear window and home turtle.
make "cw3 [
procedure [ ]
home3 ]
; *********************************************************************
; home3
; Zero position and heading.
make "home3 [
procedure [ ]
make "scr-t3pos [ 0 0 0 ]
make "scr-t3h [ 0 1 0 ]
make "scr-t3l [ -1 0 0 ]
make "scr-t3u [ 0 0 1 ]
move :scr-t3wp :scr-t3xoff :scr-t3yoff ]
; *********************************************************************
; clean3
; Clear window.
make "clean3 [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :c ] ]
make "c peek 1 + 25 peek 4 + 50 bf :scr-t3wp
setpen :scr-t3wp 0
rectfill :scr-t3wp 0 0 * :scr-t3xoff 2 * :scr-t3yoff 2
setpen :scr-t3wp :c ]
; *********************************************************************
; 3-D vector arithmatic.
make "-v [
procedure [ [ :a ] ]
output vscale :a -1 ]
make "rotate [
procedure [ [ :v :pv :a ] ]
output vadd vscale :v cos :a vscale :pv sin :a ]
make "vadd [
procedure [ [ :a :b ] ]
output ( list + item 1 :a item 1 :b
+ item 2 :a item 2 :b
+ item 3 :a item 3 :b ) ]
make "vsub [
procedure [ [ :a :b ] ]
output ( list - item 1 :a item 1 :b
- item 2 :a item 2 :b
- item 3 :a item 3 :b ) ]
make "vscale [
procedure [ [ :a :b ] ]
output ( list * item 1 :a :b
* item 2 :a :b
* item 3 :a :b ) ]
; *********************************************************************
; Names defined for 3-D turtles.
make "turtle-3d-stuff [ turtle3 prep3turtle yaw roll pitch fd3 bk3
setpos3 cw3 movepos3 home3 clean3 -v rotate vadd vsub vscale
turtle-3d-stuff ]
bury :turtle-3d-stuff
; *********************************************************************
; Some examples of weeds in 3D turtle graphics.
; *********************************************************************
; gyp size
; Gypsopphila, babies breath. Gyp uses pens 6 and 7 for stems, and pen
; 3 for flowers.
; gyp 35
make "gyp [
procedure [ [ :d ] [ ] [ :p :h :l :u :a :z ] ]
if < :d 4.3 [ gypbloom stop ] [ ]
make "p :scr-t3pos
make "h :scr-t3h
make "l :scr-t3l
make "u :scr-t3u
setpen :scr-t3wp + 6 random 2
fd3 :d
repeat 3 [
make "a random 90
make "z + 20 random 25
roll :a
pitch :z
gyp * :d + 0.54 * 0.25 rand
pitch +- :z
roll - 120 :a ]
movepos3 :p
make "scr-t3h :h
make "scr-t3l :l
make "scr-t3u :u ]
make "gypbloom [
procedure [ ]
setpen :w1 if = 1 random 4 [ 4 ] [ 3 ]
fd3 1.5
bk3 1.5 ]
; *********************************************************************
; fern3 size size-limit back-curl side-curl
; twist thickness node-spacing
; A fern leaf.
; fern3 90 3 2 1 1 0.3 0.18
make "fern3 [
procedure [ [ :size :limit :bcurl :scurl :twist :thick :nspace ] [ ]
[ :d1 :d2 :a1 :p :h :l :u ] ]
make "d1 * :size :nspace
make "d2 * - 1 :nspace :size
make "p :scr-t3pos
make "h :scr-t3h
make "l :scr-t3l
make "u :scr-t3u
fd3 :d1
roll :twist
yaw :scurl
if > :limit :size
[ make "a1 atan / :thick - 1 :nspace
fd3 :d2
yaw :a1
bk3 :d2
fd3 :d2
yaw ( - 0 :a1 :a1 )
bk3 :d2 ]
[ pitch :bcurl
fern3 :d2 :limit :bcurl :scurl :twist :thick :nspace
pitch +- :bcurl
yaw 60
pitch +- :bcurl
fern3 * :thick :size :limit :bcurl :scurl :twist :thick :nspace
pitch :bcurl
yaw -120
pitch +- :bcurl
fern3 * :thick :size :limit :bcurl :scurl :twist :thick :nspace ]
movepos3 :p
make "scr-t3h :h
make "scr-t3l :l
make "scr-t3u :u ]
; *********************************************************************
; daisy size petals height
; A Gerbera daisy. Daisy uses pen 6 for the stem, pens 8 and 9 for the
; center, pens 10 and 11 for under sides of petals, and pens 12 - 15
; for the tops of the petals.
; daisy 25 30 70
make "daisy [
procedure [ [ :size :petals :height ] [ ]
[ :a :d :p :h :l :u ] ]
make "p :scr-t3pos
make "h :scr-t3h
make "l :scr-t3l
make "u :scr-t3u
setpen :scr-t3wp 6
make "d / :height 12
make "a * 0.8 + 0.5 rand
roll random 360
repeat 12 [
fd3 :d
yaw :a ]
pitch * 8 rand
yaw * 8 rand
daisybloom :size :petals
movepos3 :p
make "scr-t3h :h
make "scr-t3l :l
make "scr-t3u :u ]
make "daisybloom [
procedure [ [ :size :petals ] [ ]
[ :turn :rp :ry :s :p :h :l :u ] ]
make "p :scr-t3pos
make "h :scr-t3h
make "l :scr-t3l
make "u :scr-t3u
if >0 last :scr-t3h
[ make "turn / 360 :petals ; Top of daisy.
repeat :petals
[ roll :turn
make "rp + 82.5 * 5 rand
make "ry - 2.5 * 5 rand
pitch :rp
yaw :ry
setpen :scr-t3wp + 12 random 4
daisypetal * 0.9 + * 0.2 rand :size
yaw +- :ry
pitch +- :rp ]
repeat * 2 + :size :petals
[ setpen :scr-t3wp if > 50 random 100 [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
roll random 360
make "rp + 80 * 4 rand
make "s ( * 0.07 + 2.5 rand :size + 0.3 sin :rp )
pitch :rp
fd3 :s
bk3 :s
pitch +- :rp ]
repeat * 2 + :size :petals
[ setpen :scr-t3wp if > 40 random 100 [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
roll random 360
make "rp * 84 rand
make "s ( * 0.07 + 2.5 rand :size + 0.3 sin :rp )
pitch :rp
fd3 :s
bk3 :s
pitch +- :rp ]
[ make "turn / 360 :petals ; Buttom of daisy.
repeat :petals
[ roll :turn
make "rp + 82.5 * 5 rand
make "ry - 2.5 * 5 rand
pitch :rp
yaw :ry
setpen :scr-t3wp + 10 random 2
daisypetal * 0.9 + * 0.2 rand :size
yaw +- :ry
pitch +- :rp ]
bk3 * 0.2 :size
repeat * 3 + :size :petals
[ setpen :scr-t3wp + 4 random 4
make "s ( * 0.09 + 2.5 rand :size )
roll random 360
make "rp + 45 * 2 rand
pitch :rp
fd3 :s
bk3 :s
pitch +- :rp ]
movepos3 :p
make "scr-t3h :h
make "scr-t3l :l
make "scr-t3u :u ]
make "daisypetal [
procedure [ [ :size ] [ ] [ :step-size ] ]
fd3 * 0.2 :size
yaw 5.5
make "step-size * 0.08 :size
arc :step-size 4
yaw -1.3
arc :step-size 6.5 ; + 2.5
yaw -1.2
arc :step-size 8 ; + 1.5
yaw -1
arc :step-size 9 ; + 1
yaw -0.9
arc :step-size 9.7 ; + 0.7
yaw -0.6
arc :step-size 9.9 ; + 0.2
yaw -0.5
arc :step-size 10 ; + 0.1
yaw -0.5
arc :step-size 9.9 ; + 0.2
yaw -0.6
arc :step-size 9.7
yaw -0.9
arc :step-size 9
yaw -1
arc :step-size 8
yaw -1.2
arc :step-size 6.5
yaw -1.3
arc :step-size 4
yaw 5.5
bk3 * 0.2 :size ]
make "arc [
procedure [ [ :size :steps ] ]
repeat :steps [ fd3 :size pitch 1 ]
fd3 * frac :steps :size
bk3 * frac :steps :size
repeat :steps [ pitch -1 bk3 :size ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; bouquet
; A handful of weeds. This takes hours to run.
make "bouquet [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :a :h :r ] ]
( turtle3 4 )
setrgb :s1 0 [ 0 0 0 ] ; Set screens colors.
setrgb :s1 1 [ 12 12 12 ]
setrgb :s1 2 [ 12 0 0 ]
setrgb :s1 3 [ 15 15 15 ]
setrgb :s1 4 [ 0 15 3 ]
setrgb :s1 5 [ 0 13 1 ]
setrgb :s1 6 [ 1 11 0 ]
setrgb :s1 7 [ 3 8 0 ]
setrgb :s1 8 [ 10 4 0 ]
setrgb :s1 9 [ 14 12 1 ]
setrgb :s1 10 [ 15 6 2 ]
setrgb :s1 11 [ 15 5 4 ]
setrgb :s1 12 [ 14 2 0 ]
setrgb :s1 13 [ 14 3 0 ]
setrgb :s1 14 [ 15 1 0 ]
setrgb :s1 15 [ 15 2 2 ]
setpen :scr-t3wp 0 ; Set position.
yaw 30
pitch 30
bk3 60
repeat + 5 random 3 ; Ferns.
[ roll random 360
make "a + 35 * 30 rand
make "r random 360
yaw :a
roll :r
setpen :scr-t3wp + 5 random 3
fern3 + 60 random 60
+ 1 * 2 rand
- rand rand
- rand rand
+ 0.28 * 0.04 rand
+ 0.16 * 0.04 rand
roll +- :r
yaw +- :a ]
repeat + 4 random 3 ; Babies breath.
[ roll random 360
make "a * 35 rand
yaw :a
gyp + 20 random 15
yaw +- :a ]
; Flowers.
repeat + 3 random 3 [ make "h fput + 75 random 45 :h ]
make "h sort "< :h
while [ not emptyp :h ]
[ roll random 360
make "a + 5 * 25 rand
yaw :a
daisy + 22 random 10 + 35 random 20 first :h
yaw +- :a
make "h bf :h ] ]