The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Assembly Source File
245 lines
\ Copyright 1989 NerveWare
\ No portion of this code may used for commercial purposes,
\ nor may any executable version of this code be disributed for
\ commercial purposes without the author's express written permission.
\ This code is shareware, all rights reserved.
\ Nick Didkovsky
\ 12/21/88
\ MandelShift2.ASM
\ MOD: Uses 16384 as max possible scaler! 12/20/88
\ MOD: 350 as mandelmax seems optimal at this scale 2/11/89
\ MOD: storing mandelmax iterations in register A1 2/11/89
\ MOD: storing registers d2,d5 in scratch registers a0,a2 2/11/89
\ 4 := 65536
\ 2 := 32768
\ This is the speedy assembler Mandelbrot routine.
\ A little roundoff error is introduced by integer math,
\ visible as a little roughness along the high-contrast boundaries of the
\ image generated. But it's insanely fast.
\ MandelMax iterations of the loop qualifies a given complex
\ number as belonging to the Mandelbrot Set.
\ The iterative function applied to a given complex number C is:
\ Z := Z^2+C
\ In terms of the variables below, C = aconst + (bconst)i , where i
\ is the square root of -1.
\ The function is initialized with Z=0+0i
\ The function's result is fed into Z again, recalculated, fed in,
\ recalculated, over and over.
\ Each intermediate result's magnitude is tested. If the magnitude >= 2,
\ break out of the loop, leaving the number of iterations it took to
\ "blow up" to this value on the stack.
\ If, after 254 iterations of this function, the magnitude is still < 2,
\ tested number C is considered a member of the Mandelbrot Set, and 254 is left
\ on the stack.
\ 1) The magnitude of a complex number equals the square root of the sum
\ of the squares of its real and imaginary parts (simple "distance formula"
\ from high school).
\ Shortcut: Don't bother taking the square root and checking it
\ against 2, rather test the sum of the squares against 4.
\ 2) As mentioned before, I use scaled integer math. This is MUCH faster
\ than floating point. Additionally, instead of scaling by a nice looking
\ number like 10000, I use 16384, which is a power of 2. So, instead of
\ scaling results with a DIVISION by 10000 (slow), I scale it by
\ SHIFTING register contents to the right 14 places (very very fast).
\ 3) The Z := Z^2+C function can be broken down into two calculations:
\ one calculates what happens to the real part of Z (call this value az),
\ the other calculates what happens to the imaginary part (call this bz).
\ NEWaz := az*az - bz*bz + aconst
\ NEWbz := 2*az*bz + bconst
\ Speedup: Notice that az*az and bz*bz are needed to calculate the new az,
\ as well as to check the magnitude of the result. So I only calculate these
\ squares ONCE in each iteration, storing the results in registers d5 and d6,
\ and use them for both purposes.
\ 4) The routine uses 68000 registers ONLY. No subroutine calls at all. This
\ makes for very fast arithmetic! Register's previous contents are stored
\ at the top of the routine, then restored at the bottom before it exits.
anew task_Mandelbrot-ASM
\ maximum iterations is hard coded in this version of the program = 350
350 CONSTANT MandelMax
\ These variables determine the region generated.
\ Their values represent scaled values, where the scaler = 16384.
\ That means unity is represented by 16384.
\ The smallest value in our scaled arithmetic is obviously "1",
\ which represents the fraction (1 / 16384) = 0.000061
\ So, smallest distance representable between two adjacent pixels is 0.000061
\ ok so it's not double precision ...
VARIABLE acorner \ region's top left real part ( x value)
VARIABLE bcorner \ region's top left imaginary part ( y value)
VARIABLE aconst \ real part of number being tested
VARIABLE bconst \ imaginary part of number being tested
VARIABLE xgap \ horizontal distance between adjacent pixels
VARIABLE ygap \ vertical distance between adjacent pixels
\ the following variables are used to store register contents during
\ the execution of the loop. Registers are restored when this code returns.
VARIABLE temp.d3
VARIABLE temp.d4
VARIABLE temp.d6
\ Speed notes:
\ 1000 worst-case calls to this routine takes 2.72 sec. with MandelMax = 35
\ (using 0+0i, which is a Mandelbrot member)
\ Old version, using 10000 scaler and DIVS took 4.58 sec!!!
\ This uses registers only for super speed.
\ d0 = az
\ d1 = bz
\ d2 = loop counter
\ d3 = aconst
\ d4 = bconst
\ d5 = azsqr
\ d6 = bzsqr
\ a1 = mandelmax
ASM quick.guts ( -- iterations)
\ save d3,d4,d6 in variables
callcfa temp.d3
move.l d3,$0(org,tos.l)
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa temp.d4
move.l d4,$0(org,tos.l)
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa temp.d6
move.l d6,$0(org,tos.l)
move.l (dsp)+,tos
\ ********************** initialize d3, d4 with aconst and bconst *********
callcfa aconst
move.l $0(org,tos.l),d3
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa bconst
move.l $0(org,tos.l),d4
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa MandelMax
move.l tos,a1
move.l (dsp)+,tos
\ save d2,d5 in scratch registers a0,a2
move.l d2,a0
move.l d5,a2
\ ************************ more init's ************************************
moveq #0,d2 \ initialize loop counter
moveq #0,d0 \ initialize az
moveq #0,d1 \ initialize bz
\ ****************** loop starts, calculate azsqr, bzsqr *****************
\ Check if operand greater than 32768. If so, don't bother squaring: exit loop
\ because magnitude will automatically be greater than 4 = 65536.
1$: move.l d0,d5 \ az copied to d5
tst.l d5 \ make sure positive
bpl.s 22$
neg.l d5
22$: cmpi.l #32768,d5 \ operand >= 32768 ?
bge 2$ \ if so, exit loop
muls.l d5,d5 \ else square it, d5 now contains azsqr
asr.l #$8,d5 \ FAST SCALE BY 16384 !!!
asr.l #$6,d5
move.l d1,d6 \ bz copied to d6
tst.l d6 \ make sure positive
bpl.s 32$
neg.l d6
32$: cmpi.l #32768,d6 \ operand >= 32768
bge 2$ \ if so, exit loop
muls.l d6,d6 \ else square it, d6 now contains bzsqr
asr.l #8,d6 \ FAST SCALE!!!
asr.l #6,d6
\ ************************** new BZ **************************
tst.l d0 \ test sign of d0
bpl.s 11$ \ d0 positive, goto 11$
neg.l d0 \ else negate d0
tst.l d1 \ and test d1
bpl.l 31$ \ d1 pos, d0 was neg, goto 31$
neg.l d1 \ both neg, negate d1
bra 21$ \ and goto 21$
11$: tst.l d1 \ d0 pos, test d1
bpl.s 21$ \ both positive, goto 21$
neg.l d1 \ else negate d1
bra 31$ \ and goto 31$
21$: muls.l d1,d0 \ * bz
asr.l #8,d0 \ FAST SCALE !!!
asr.l #6,d0
bra 41$ \ leave answer positive
31$: muls.l d1,d0 \ * bz
asr.l #8,d0 \ FAST SCALE !!!
asr.l #6,d0
neg.l d0 \ make final answer negative
41$: add.l d0,d0 \ 2*
add.l d4,d0 \ + bconst
move.l d0,d1 \ new bz now in d1
\ ************************** NEW AZ ***********************************
move.l d6,d0 \ copy bzsqr out to d0
neg.l d0 \ negate its copy
add.l d5,d0 \ azsqr-bzsqr
add.l d3,d0 \ + aconst, new az now in d0
\ ******************* TEST FOR PREMATURE EXIT FROM LOOP ******************
add.l d5,d6 \ azsqr+bzsqr, magnitude is in d6 now
cmpi.l #65536,d6 \ check if magnitude > 65536=4
bgt 2$ \ if > , exit loop, else...
addi.l #1,d2 \ ... increment loop counter
cmp.l a1,d2 \ MandelMax iterations stored in A1
blt 1$ \ back to loop start
2$: move.l tos,-(dsp)
move.l d2,tos \ leave iteration count on tos
\ now restore register contents
move.l a0,d2
move.l a2,d5
callcfa temp.d3
move.l $0(org,tos.l),d3 \ restore d3 !!!
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa temp.d4
move.l $0(org,tos.l),d4 \ restore d4 !!!
move.l (dsp)+,tos
callcfa temp.d6
move.l $0(org,tos.l),d6 \ restore d6 !!!
move.l (dsp)+,tos
\ ************************ end quick guts **********************************