The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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681 lines
* MandelVroom 2.0
* (c) Copyright 1987,1989 Kevin L. Clague, San Jose, CA
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program's source
* executable, and documentation for non-comercial purposes, so long as the
* copyright notices are not removed from the sources, executable or
* documentation. This program may not be distributed for a profit without
* the express written consent of the author Kevin L. Clague.
* This program is not in the public domain.
* Fred Fish is expressly granted permission to distribute this program's
* source and executable as part of the "Fred Fish freely redistributable
* Amiga software library."
* Permission is expressly granted for this program and it's source to be
* distributed as part of the Amicus Amiga software disks, and the
* First Amiga User Group's Hot Mix disks.
* contents: this file contains the functions to calculate Mandelbrot and
* Julia pictures using a special and fast fixed point (scaled ints) format.
* It has generators for 68000 and 68020 in assembly.
#include "mandp.h"
#include "parms.h"
#define BITS2SHIFT 27
* 32 bit fixed point generator
MandelbrotInt32( Pict )
register struct Picture *Pict;
register LONG i, j, k;
register SHORT *CountPtr;
double gap;
UBYTE ConvFlag;
LONG gapx, gapy, startx;
struct IntPotParms Parms;
struct RastPort *Rp;
if (Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE)
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
CountPtr = Pict->Counts + Pict->CurLine*Pict->CountX;
/* figure out horizontal and verticle distances between points in plane.
* convert them to fixed point format */
gapy = (int) (Pict->ImagGap*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
gapx = (int) (Pict->RealGap*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
startx = (int)(Pict->RealLow*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
* for each point in the image, calculate Mandelbrot
Parms.C_Imag = (int)(Pict->ImagLow*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
Parms.C_Imag += Pict->CurLine*gapy;
Parms.ScreenReal = 0;
Parms.ScreenImag = 0;
Parms.MaxIteration = Pict->MaxIteration;
for (i = Pict->CurLine; i < Pict->CountY; i++) {
Parms.C_Real = startx;
ConvFlag = 0;
if ( Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE )
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
for (j = 0; j < Pict->CountX; j++) {
if (*CountPtr == 0) {
* if the last pixel was mandelbrot, then use trace table
if (ConvFlag) {
k = Int32_Trace_Height( &Parms );
} else {
k = Int32_Height( &Parms );
ConvFlag = k == Pict->MaxIteration;
*CountPtr = k;
Parms.C_Real += gapx;
ChildPause( Pict );
Parms.C_Imag += gapy;
CheckEOL( Pict );
} /* Mandelbrot32Int */
int stackerr;
LONG stacklow;
LONG stackhi;
LONG stackovfl;
LONG stackmax;
CheckStack() {
register struct Task *Task;
register LONG hi,reg,low;
register LONG size;
Task = FindTask(0L);
hi = Task->tc_SPUpper;
reg = Task->tc_SPReg;
low = Task->tc_SPLower;
size = hi - reg;
if (reg < low) {
if (size > stackmax) {
stackerr = 1;
stacklow = low;
stackhi = hi;
stackovfl = reg;
stackmax = size;
} else {
if (stackerr == 0 && size > stackmax) {
stacklow = low;
stackhi = hi;
stackovfl = reg;
stackmax = size;
if (stackerr != 0)
printf("********* STACK ERR ***********\n");
printf("Low %08x\nHigh %08x\nSP %08x\n",
stacklow, stackhi, stackovfl );
printf("MinStack %d\n",stackmax);
* 32 bit fixed point generator
JuliaInt32( Pict )
register struct Picture *Pict;
register LONG i, j, k;
register SHORT *CountPtr;
LONG gapx, gapy, startx;
UBYTE ConvFlag;
struct IntPotParms Parms;
if (Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE)
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
CountPtr = Pict->Counts + (Pict->CurLine*Pict->CountX);
/* figure out horizontal and verticle distances between points in plane.
* convert them to fixed point format */
gapx = (int) ( Pict->RealGap * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
gapy = (int) ( Pict->ImagGap * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
* for each point in the image, calculate Julia
Parms.ScreenImag = (int) ( Pict->ImagLow * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
Parms.ScreenImag += Pict->CurLine*gapy;
startx = (int) ( Pict->RealLow * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
Parms.C_Real = (int) ( Pict->Real * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
Parms.C_Imag = (int) ( Pict->Imag * (double) (1 << BITS2SHIFT) );
Parms.MaxIteration = Pict->MaxIteration;
for (i = Pict->CurLine; i < Pict->CountY; i++) {
Parms.ScreenReal = startx;
ConvFlag = 0;
if ( Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE )
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
for (j = 0; j < Pict->CountX; j++) {
if (*CountPtr == 0) {
* if the last pixel was mandelbrot, then use trace table
if ( ConvFlag ) {
k = Int32_Trace_Height( &Parms );
} else {
k = Int32_Height( &Parms );
ConvFlag = k == Pict->MaxIteration;
*CountPtr = k;
Parms.ScreenReal += gapx;
ChildPause( Pict );
Parms.ScreenImag += gapy;
CheckEOL( Pict );
} /* Julia32Int */
* 32 bit fixed point generator
MandelbrotInt32II( Pict )
register struct Picture *Pict;
register LONG i, j, k;
register struct RastPort *Rp;
double gap;
SHORT *CountPtr;
LONG gapx, gapy, startx;
struct IntPotParms Parms;
if (Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE)
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
CountPtr = Pict->Counts + Pict->CurLine*Pict->CountX;
/* figure out horizontal and verticle distances between points in plane.
* convert them to fixed point format */
gapy = (int) (Pict->ImagGap*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
gapx = (int) (Pict->RealGap*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
startx = (int)(Pict->RealLow*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
* for each point in the image, calculate Mandelbrot
Parms.C_Imag = (int)(Pict->ImagLow*((double)(1<<BITS2SHIFT)));
Parms.C_Imag += Pict->CurLine*gapy;
Parms.ScreenReal = 0;
Parms.ScreenImag = 0;
Parms.MaxIteration = Pict->MaxIteration;
for (i = Pict->CurLine; i < Pict->CountY; i++) {
Parms.C_Real = startx;
if ( Pict->Flags & NO_RAM_GENERATE )
CountPtr = Pict->Counts;
for (j = 0; j < Pict->CountX; j++) {
* if the last pixel was mandelbrot, then use trace table
k = Int32_Height_Fast( &Parms );
*CountPtr++ = k;
Parms.C_Real += gapx;
ChildPause( Pict );
Parms.C_Imag += gapy;
CheckEOL( Pict );
} /* MandelbrotInt32II */
* This code does mandelbrot without any trace lookup.
* It is the fastest 68000 generator in the house.
Int32_Height( Parms )
struct IntPotParms *Parms;
LONG Height;
register struct IntPotParms *P = Parms;
register LONG cura, curb, cura2, curb2;
height equ -4
Bits2Shift equ 5
; d2 - k
; d4 - a
; d5 - b
; d6 - a2
; d7 - b2
screenr equ 0
screeni equ 4
curx equ 8
cury equ 12
maxi equ 16
move.l #Bits2Shift,d1
move.l screenr(a2),d4
move.l screeni(a2),d5
move.w maxi(a2),d2
bra Fposa2
; cura = cura2 - curb2 + curx;
exg d6,d4 ; exchange cura and cura2
sub.l d7,d4 ; subtract curb
add.l curx(a2),d4 ; add curx
; curb = cura * curb >> 12;
move.l d6,d7 ; get copy of op1 sign bit
bpl Fpos1 ; get absolute value of op1
neg.l d6
eor.l d5,d7 ; calculate result sign
tst.l d5 ; get absolute value of op2
bpl Fpos2
neg.l d5
move.l d6,d0 ; get a copy of op1
swap d0 ; get high half of op1
move.w d0,d7 ; save a copy of high half
mulu d5,d0 ; multiply op2 low by op1 high
clr.w d0 ; clear least significant part
swap d0 ; put it in it's place
swap d5 ; get high half of op2
mulu d5,d6 ; multiply op2 high with op1 low
clr.w d6 ; clear least significant part
swap d6 ; put it in its place
mulu d7,d5 ; multiply op2 high by op1 high
add.l d0,d5 ; add partial results
add.l d6,d5 ; add partial results
tst.l d7 ; is the result negative?
bpl Fpos3
neg.l d5 ; yes, better negate it.
asl.l d1,d5 ; now, rescale it.
; curb += curb + cury;
add.l d5,d5 ; double it and add cury
add.l cury(a2),d5
; cura2 = cura * cura;
move.l d4,d0 ; get absolute value of a in d0
bpl Fposa
neg.l d0
move.l d0,d6 ; copy absolute value into d6
swap d6 ; get high part in d6
mulu d6,d0 ; multiply high and low destroying low
clr.w d0 ; clear the least significant part
swap d0 ; put most sig. part in low half
mulu d6,d6 ; multiply high and high destroing high
add.l d0,d6 ; add in lower half twice
add.l d0,d6
asl.l d1,d6 ; get radix point back in correct place
bvs Fbailout
; curb2 = curb * curb;
move.l d5,d0 ; get absolute value of a in d0
bpl Fposb
neg.l d0
move.l d0,d7 ; copy absolute value into d7
swap d7 ; get high part in d7
mulu d7,d0 ; multiply high and low destroying low
clr.w d0 ; clear the least significant part
swap d0 ; put most sig. part in low half
mulu d7,d7 ; multiply high and high destroing high
add.l d0,d7 ; add in lower half twice
add.l d0,d7
asl.l d1,d7 ; get radix point back in correct place
bvs Fbailout
move.l d6,d0 ; if (cura2 + curb2 >= 4) goto bailout;
add.l d7,d0
bvs Fbailout
dbra d2,FKLoop
; addq #1,d2
move.w maxi(a2),d0
sub.w d2,d0
sub.w #1,d0
ext.l d0
Int32_Trace_Height( Parms )
register struct IntPotParms *Parms;
LONG OldA[17];
register LONG cura, curb, cura2, curb2;
; d2 - k
; d4 - a
; d5 - b
; d6 - a2
; d7 - b2
; a0 - Trace Table pointer
Trace equ 16
OldA equ -132
k equ -2
TLen equ -4
move.l #Bits2Shift,d1
move.l screenr(a2),d4
move.l screeni(a2),d5
lea OldA(a5),a0 ; Set up Trace table pointer
move.w #Trace,d2 ; Set up Trace table len
move.w #-1,k(a5)
bra TPosa2 ; branch in to middle to get a2 = a * a
; cura = cura2 - curb2 + curx;
exg d6,d4 ; exchange cura and cura2
sub.l d7,d4 ; subtract curb
add.l curx(a2),d4 ; add curx
; curb = cura * curb >> 12;
move.l d6,d7 ; get copy of op1 sign bit
bpl TPos1 ; get absolute value of op1
neg.l d6
eor.l d5,d7 ; calculate result sign
tst.l d5 ; get absolute value of op2
bpl TPos2
neg.l d5
move.l d6,d0 ; get a copy of op1
swap d0 ; get high half of op1
move.w d0,d7 ; save a copy of high half
mulu d5,d0 ; multiply op2 low by op1 high
clr.w d0 ; clear least significant part
swap d0 ; put it in it's place
swap d5 ; get high half of op2
mulu d5,d6 ; multiply op2 high with op1 low
clr.w d6 ; clear least significant part
swap d6 ; put it in its place
mulu d7,d5 ; multiply op2 high by op1 high
add.l d0,d5 ; add partial results
add.l d6,d5 ; add partial results
tst.l d7 ; is the result negative?
bpl TPos3
neg.l d5 ; yes, better negate it.
asl.l d1,d5 ; now, rescale it.
; curb += curb + cury;
add.l d5,d5 ; double it and add cury
add.l cury(a2),d5
; cura2 = cura * cura;
move.l d4,d0 ; get absolute value of a in d0
bpl TPosa
neg.l d0
move.l d0,d6 ; copy absolute value into d6
swap d6 ; get high part in d6
mulu d6,d0 ; multiply high and low destroying low
clr.w d0 ; clear the least significant part
swap d0 ; put most sig. part in low half
mulu d6,d6 ; multiply high and high destroing high
add.l d0,d6 ; add in lower half twice
add.l d0,d6
asl.l d1,d6 ; get radix point back in correct place
bvs bailout
; curb2 = curb * curb;
move.l d5,d0 ; get absolute value of a in d0
bpl TPosb
neg.l d0
move.l d0,d7 ; copy absolute value into d7
swap d7 ; get high part in d7
mulu d7,d0 ; multiply high and low destroying low
clr.w d0 ; clear the least significant part
swap d0 ; put most sig. part in low half
mulu d7,d7 ; multiply high and high destroing high
add.l d0,d7 ; add in lower half twice
add.l d0,d7
asl.l d1,d7 ; get radix point back in correct place
bvs bailout
move.l d6,d0 ; if (cura2 + curb2 >= 4) goto bailout;
add.l d7,d0
bvs bailout
move d0,(a0)+ ; save magnitude in trace table
addq.w #1,k(a5) ; are we out of iterations?
move.w maxi(a2),d0
cmp.w k(a5),d0
ble GotIt
dbra d2,TLoop ; nope, so try again till trace table full
move.w -(a0),d0 ; get last entry in the trace
move.w #Trace-1,d2 ; set up length and address for comparison loop
lea OldA(a5),a0
cmp (a0)+,d0
beq GotIt ; did we find it?
dbra d2,TCLoop
lea OldA(a5),a0 ; no match, so prepare for the next round
move d0,(a0)+ ; move last entry of the table
move.w #Trace,d2
bra TLoop
move.w maxi(a2),k(a5)
move.w k(a5),d0
ext.l d0
* 32 bit fixed point generator
Int32_Height_Fast( Parms )
struct IntPotParms *Parms;
register struct IntPotParms *P = Parms;
register LONG cura,curb,cura2,curb2;
* This is the fastest generator in the house.
machine mc68020
fscreenr equ 0
fscreeni equ 4
fcurx equ 8
fcury equ 12
fmaxi equ 16
Zcurx equ 8
Zcury equ 12
; d2 - k
; d4 - a
; d5 - b
; d6 - a2
; d7 - b2
; cura = curb = curc = curd = 0;
move.w maxi(a2),d1
move.l #27,d2
move.l fscreenr(a2),d4
move.l fscreeni(a2),d5
move.l fcurx(a2),a0
move.l fcury(a2),a1
bra Zpos2
; cura = cura2 - curb2 + curx;
exg d6,d4
sub.l d7,d4
; move.l a0,d0
add.l a0,d4
; curb = cura * curb
muls.l d6,d0:d5
asl.l #5,d0
lsr.l d2,d5
or.l d0,d5
; curb += curb + cury;
add.l d5,d5
; move.l a1,d0
add.l a1,d5
; cura2 = cura * cura;
move.l d4,d6
muls.l d6,d0:d6
asl.l #5,d0
bvs Zbailout
lsr.l d2,d6
or.l d0,d6
; curb2 = curb * curb;
move.l d5,d7
muls.l d7,d0:d7
asl.l #5,d0
bvs Zbailout
lsr.l d2,d7
or.l d0,d7
move.l d6,d0
add.l d7,d0
bvs Zbailout
; cmp.l #536870912,d0
; bge Zbailout
dbra d1,ZLoop
; addq #1,d1
move.w fmaxi(a2),d0
sub.w d1,d0
sub.w #1,d0
ext.l d0