The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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C/C++ Source or Header
291 lines
* ReadIn() reads in a programmable life generation.
#include "stdio.h"
extern int wmodulo, modulo, vsize ;
#define MAXSIZE 8000L
#define MAXSTACK 20
#define MINX 1
#define MAXX (modulo - 2)
#define MINY 1
#define MAXY (vsize - 2)
static char *arr[26] ;
static short dirs[] = { -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1 } ;
static int sp ;
static int xstack[MAXSTACK], ystack[MAXSTACK] ;
static char dirstack[MAXSTACK], onstack[MAXSTACK], ddirstack[MAXSTACK] ;
static int x, y, dir, on, ddir ;
static short *globala ;
short *a ;
int c ;
char *p ;
int i ;
char *prog ;
globala = a ;
for (i=0; i<26; i++)
arr[i] = NULL ;
prog = (char *)AllocMem(MAXSIZE, 0L) ;
if (prog == NULL) return ;
* First, we read the program into memory, stripping comments and
* other nonsense characters. We enclose the whole thing in an
* extra pair of parenthesis.
p = prog ;
*p++ = '(' ;
while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) {
if (c=='<') {
while ((c=getchar())!=EOF && c!='>') ;
if (c==EOF || (c=getchar())==EOF) break ;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
c += 'a' - 'A' ;
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='(' || c==')' ||
c=='[' || c==']' || c=='=' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c=='.' ||
c=='*' || c==',') {
*p++ = c ;
if (prog + MAXSIZE - 3 <= p) {
printf("Out of room in program space.\n") ;
goto out ;
*p++ = ')' ;
* Now we process the thing.
x = modulo / 2 ;
y = vsize / 2 ;
dir = 2 ;
ddir = 2 ;
on = 0 ;
sp = MAXSTACK - 1 ;
process(prog) ;
FreeMem(prog, MAXSIZE) ;
* This routine actually does the processing.
char *where ;
long param ;
if (*where != '(')
printf("Expected open paren!\n") ;
where++ ;
while (*where != ')' && *where != 0) {
if (*where >= '0' && *where <= '9') {
param = 0 ;
while (*where >= '0' && *where <= '9')
param = 10 * param + *where++ - '0' ;
} else
param = 1 ;
if (*where == '(') {
while (param > 0) {
process(where) ;
param-- ;
skip(&where) ;
} else if (*where=='=') {
where++ ;
if (*where < 'a' || *where > 'z') {
printf("Can't define that char!\n") ;
*where = 'a' ;
if (where[1] != '(')
printf("Expected definition to start with (!\n") ;
arr[*where-'a'] = where + 1 ;
where++ ;
skip(&where) ;
} else
doone(*where++, param) ;
* This routine handles a single character.
doone(c, param)
char c ;
long param ;
switch(c) {
case '[' :
if (sp < 0) {
printf("Stack overflow!\n") ;
sp = 0 ;
xstack[sp] = x ;
ystack[sp] = y ;
dirstack[sp] = dir ;
ddirstack[sp] = ddir ;
onstack[sp] = on ;
sp-- ;
goto setpoint ;
case ']' :
sp++ ;
if (sp >= MAXSTACK) {
printf("Stack underflow!\n") ;
sp = MAXSTACK-1 ;
x = xstack[sp] ;
y = ystack[sp] ;
dir = dirstack[sp] ;
ddir = ddirstack[sp] ;
on = onstack[sp] ;
goto setpoint ;
case 'x' :
x = param ;
if (x < MINX)
x = MINX ;
if (x > MAXX)
x = MAXX ;
goto setpoint ;
case 'y' :
y = param ;
if (y < MINY)
x = MINY ;
if (y > MAXY)
y = MAXY ;
goto setpoint ;
case '.' :
while (param > 0) {
x += dirs[dir] ;
y += dirs[dir+1] ;
if (x < MINX)
x = MAXX ;
if (x > MAXX)
x = MINX ;
if (y < MINY)
y = MAXY ;
if (y > MAXY)
y = MINY ;
param-- ;
break ;
case 'f' :
while (param > 0) {
x += dirs[dir] ;
y += dirs[dir+1] ;
if (x < MINX)
x = MAXX ;
if (x > MAXX)
x = MINX ;
if (y < MINY)
y = MAXY ;
if (y > MAXY)
y = MINY ;
if (on)
set(x, y) ;
param-- ;
break ;
case '*' :
while (param > 0) {
x += dirs[dir] ;
y += dirs[dir+1] ;
if (x < MINX)
x = MAXX ;
if (x > MAXX)
x = MINX ;
if (y < MINY)
y = MAXY ;
if (y > MAXY)
y = MINY ;
set(x, y) ;
param-- ;
break ;
case ',' :
while (param > 0) {
x += dirs[(dir + ddir) & 6] ;
y += dirs[((dir + ddir) & 6) + 1] ;
if (x < MINX)
x = MAXX ;
if (x > MAXX)
x = MINX ;
if (y < MINY)
y = MAXY ;
if (y > MAXY)
y = MINY ;
param-- ;
break ;
case 'l' :
dir = (dir - ddir) & 6 ;
break ;
case 'r' :
dir = (dir + ddir) & 6 ;
break ;
case 'b' :
dir = (dir + 4) & 6 ;
break ;
case 'u' :
on = 0 ;
break ;
case 'd' :
on = 1 ;
goto setpoint ;
case '+' :
ddir = 2 ;
break ;
case '-' :
ddir = - ddir ;
break ;
if (c < 'a' || c > 'z' ||
arr[c - 'a']==NULL) {
printf("Bogus! %d\n", c) ;
} else {
while (param > 0) {
process(arr[c-'a']) ;
param-- ;
break ;
if (on)
set(x, y) ;
break ;
* This routine skips to the end of a routine by counting
* parenthesis, if any.
char **where ;
char *p = *where ;
int parencount = 1 ;
if (*p++ == '(') {
while (parencount > 0) {
if (*p == '(')
parencount++ ;
else if (*p == ')')
parencount-- ;
else if (*p == 0) {
*where = p ;
break ;
p++ ;
*where = p ;
* This routine turns on a pixel.
static bits[16] = { 0x8000, 0x4000, 0x2000, 0x1000, 0x800, 0x400, 0x200,
0x100, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x8, 0x4, 0x2, 0x1 } ;
set(x, y)
int x, y ;
globala[y * wmodulo + (x >> 4)] |= bits[x & 15] ;