The Fred Fish Collection 1.6
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Assembly Source File
143 lines
;tabs every 8
;SetLace implementation by Bryce Nesbitt, based on an example by Bob
;Pariseau of C-A. Public Domain.
;On most monitors a non-interlaced display will leave black bars between
;each scan line. This is evident in all the 200 line display modes of the
;Amiga 1000. For photographs or longer persistence displays this black is
;undesirable. SetLace instructs the system to set interlace; on each
;successive field the same display data will be painted in between that of
;the previous field. This may be a necessity for use of the Amiga with
;some NTSC video gear and broadcast television equipment. For most computer
;(non-broadcast) applications interlace will flicker unacceptably unless
;the contrast, brightness and room lighting are all turned way down.
;CLI Syntax: SetLace ;Flip (XOR) interlace
; SetLace 1 ;Turn lace on
; SetLace 0 ;Turn lace off
;Workbench: ;Flip (XOR)
;ALL screens will be forced to interlace
;Author correspondence, bug or stupidity reports may be directed to:
; Bryce Nesbitt
; 1712 Marin Ave.
; Berkeley, Ca 94707-2902
INCLUDE 'exec/types.i'
INCLUDE 'libraries/dosextens.i'
INCLUDE 'graphics/display.i'
INCLUDE 'graphics/gfxbase.i'
;INCLUDE 'lib/exec_lib.i' ;eliminates link with amiga.lib
;INCLUDE 'lib/dos_lib.i' ;non-standard, and very speedy!
;INCLUDE 'lib/intuition_lib.i' ;Can be fabricated from the fd.files
;INCLUDE 'lib/graphics_lib.i' ;directory. (see exec/exec_lib.i)
jsrlib macro
xref _LVO\1 ;^Nuke for use as above^
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
jmplib macro
xref _LVO\1
jmp _LVO\1(a6)
startup: move.l a0,a4 ;CLI line pointer
move.l d0,d4 ;CLI line length
move.l 4,a6
suba.l a1,a1 ;Get THIS task
jsrlib FindTask
move.l d0,a5
moveq #0,d0 ;Set zero for later
move.l pr_CLI(a5),d1 ;Pointer to CLI only structure
bne.s fromCLI ;If not zero, then save a zero...
; If called from Workbench a message will be sent. This waits for it,
; and saves it's pointer to be returned to Workbench later.
lea pr_MsgPort(a5),a0
jsrlib WaitPort
lea pr_MsgPort(a5),a0
jsrlib GetMsg ;Message pointer in D0
moveq #0,d4 ;clear CLI line pointer
fromCLI move.l d0,-(a7) ;Save message for later...
******************************** [A6=ExecBase][a5=this task][a4=CLI line]
* [d4=CLI length]
returncode equr d7
ibase equr d6
gbase equr d5
* (d4,a4,a5)
moveq #20,returncode ;default to 'severe failure' code
lea IntuiName(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
jsrlib OpenLibrary
move.l d0,ibase ;Error check. What a pain! Could we
beq.s e_Intui ;not agree that Intuition and a few
lea Graphname(pc),a1 ;other core libraries will always
moveq #0,d0 ;be openable??
jsrlib OpenLibrary
move.l d0,gbase
beq.s e_Graph
;Modifying the system-wide bplcon0. From here we can change all screens
;to INTERLACE and turn tricks like disabling colorburst. The Forbid/
;Permit pair is used for saftey while modifying this stuff.
jsrlib Forbid
move.l gbase,a6 ;gbase
subq.l #2,d4 ;0=wb 1=cli no args 2=1 arg
bmi.s flip ;wb, or cli flip
bne.s toomanychars
cmpi.b #'0',(a4)
beq.s clear
cmpi.b #'1',(a4)
bne.s badargs
setlace ori.w #INTERLACE,gb_system_bplcon0(a6) ;Set lace
bra.s break
clear andi.w #$ffff-INTERLACE,gb_system_bplcon0(a6) ;Clear lace
bra.s break
flip eori.w #INTERLACE,gb_system_bplcon0(a6) ;Flip lace
break move.l ibase,a6
jsrlib RemakeDisplay ;The big one! Rethink ALL displays
moveq #0,returncode ;Everything is OK!
bra.s goodexit
toomanychars move.l #120,pr_Result2(a5) ;'arg line invalid or too long'
moveq #10,d7 ;return code 10, less serious error
goodexit move.l 4,a6
jsrlib Permit
;RemakeDisplay() is spec'ed to do a Forbid() and then Permit() around it's
; lengthy operation. This is just a saftey valve in case it did not...
move.l gbase,a1
jsrlib CloseLibrary
e_Graph move.l ibase,a1
jsrlib CloseLibrary
******************************** (a7)+=message d7=return code
ExitToDOS move.l (a7)+,d6
beq.s NotWB ;If saved pointer is zero, exit to CLI...
; Return the startup message to the parent Workbench tool. The forbid
; is needed so workbench can't UnLoadSeg() the code too early.
move.l 4,a6
jsrlib Forbid
move.l d6,a1 ;message pointer
jsrlib ReplyMsg
NotWB move.l d7,d0 ;Set "failat" code
IntuiName dc.b 'intuition.library',0
Graphname dc.b 'graphics.library',0
MyName dc.b 'Bryce Nesbitt'
;-- this is the end --