button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode .menubu"
pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
set body $w.body.center
label $body.label -wraplength 300 -font "Helvetica 14" -justify left -text "This is a demonstration of menubuttons. The \"Below\" menubutton pops its menu below the button; the \"Right\" button pops to the right, etc. There are two option menus directly below this text; one is just a standard menu and the other is a 16-color palette."
pack $body.label -side top -padx 25 -pady 25
frame $body.buttons
pack $body.buttons -padx 25 -pady 25
tk_optionMenu $body.buttons.options menubuttonoptions one two three
pack $body.buttons.options -side left -padx 25 -pady 25
set m [tk_optionMenu $body.buttons.colors paletteColor Black red4 DarkGreen NavyBlue gray75 Red Green Blue gray50 Yellow Cyan Magenta White Brown DarkSeaGreen DarkViolet]