Freelog 38
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DOS Batch File
280 lines
@echo off
echo Test>allscene\test
if not exist allscene\test md allscene
del allscene\test>nul
del userabor.mes>nul
goto Start
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Ichess2
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Idiffract
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Ifloat5
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Ilamppost
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Imist
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Imtmand
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iquilt1
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iskyvase
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Isombrero
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Isunsethf
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iswirlbox
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iwg6
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iwhiltile
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced +Iwoodbox
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\drums2 +Idrums
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\fish13 +Ifish13
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\ionic5 +Iionic5
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\newltpot +Iteapot2
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\newltpot +Iteapot3
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\newltpot +Iteapot4
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\ntreal +Intreal
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\piece2 +Ipiece2
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\piece3 +Ipiece3
povray allstill +Lscenes\advanced\teapot +Iteapot
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\arrays +Iarray1
povray allstill +Lscenes\arrays +Iarray2
povray allstill +Lscenes\arrays +Iarray3
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Ibasicvue
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1a
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1b
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1c
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1d
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1e
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera1f
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera3a
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera3b
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera3c
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Icamera3d
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Ifisheye
povray allstill +Lscenes\camera +Ifocalb1
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\csg +Icliptst2
povray allstill +Lscenes\csg +Igranite
povray allstill +Lscenes\csg +Ihfclip
povray allstill +Lscenes\csg +Iintee1
povray allstill +Lscenes\fileio +Ifileio
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Ichars
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Icolors
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Ifinish
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Ishapes
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Ishapes2
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Itexture1
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Itexture2
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo +Itexture3
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\glasses +Iglasses
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\metals +Ibrasses
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\metals +Ichromes
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\metals +Icoppers
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\metals +Igolds
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\metals +Isilvers
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Ibenediti
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Imarbteal
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Ipinkmarb
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Irdgranit
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Istones1
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\stones +Istones2
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iash
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Ibubinga
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Icedar
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iorngwood
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iteak
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwhiteash
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwoods1
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwoods2
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_1
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_10
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_11
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_12
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_13
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_14
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_15
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_16
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_17
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_18
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_19
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_2
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_3
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_4
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_5
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_6
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_7
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_8
povray allstill +Lscenes\incdemo\woods +Iwood_9
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iatten1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iatten2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iballbox1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Icaustic2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Icrystal
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Ifoglayr
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Ifoglyr2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Ifog_f
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Ifog_ft
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Ifog_std
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iiortest
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Imagglass
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Inufog2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Irainbow1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iskysph1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior +Iskysph2
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Igalaxy
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Ihollow1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Ihollow2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Ihollow3
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Imedia1
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Imedia2
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Imedia3
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Imedia4
povray allstill +Lscenes\interior\media +Imedia5
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Iarealit1
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Iarealit2
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Iarealit3
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Ifillite
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Ilaser
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Ishadows
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Isoft
povray allstill +Lscenes\lights +Ispotlite
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Ilocal
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Imacro1
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Imacro2
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Imacro3
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Imacro4
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Ipyramid
povray allstill +Lscenes\macros +Ipyramid2
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iblob
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iblob1a
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iblob1b
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iblob1c
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ibox
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ichesmsh
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ifractal1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ifractal2
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ifractal3
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ifractal4
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ilathe1a
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ilathe1b
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ilathe1c
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ilathe2
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ipawns
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ipolygon
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprimitiv
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprism1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprism2
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprism3a
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprism3b
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iprism3c
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Isor1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Isuperel1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Isuperel2
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Isuperel3
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Itorus1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Ittf1
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects +Iwtorus
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ibezier
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ibicube
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ifolium
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Igrafbic
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ihelix
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ihyptorus
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ilemnisc2
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ilemnisca
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Imonkey
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ipartorus
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Ipiriform
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Iquarcyl
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Iquarpara
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Isteiner
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Itcubic
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Iteardrop
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Itorus
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Itrough
povray allstill +Lscenes\objects\math +Iwitch
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\radios +Irad2 +qr
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iblkhole
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Icantelop
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ichecker2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Icrack1
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Idodec2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ieight
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ifiltfun
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iinterp
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iirid
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Imapper
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Imappr2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Imatmap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ipigmap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ipigment
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iplanet
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Ispiral1a
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Itxtravg
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Itxtrmap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iwarp1
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments +Iwarp2
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Istars
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Is_cloud1
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Is_cloud2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Is_cloud3
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Is_cloud4
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\pigments\skies +Is_cloud5
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iagate
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iarches
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ibozo
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ibrick
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ibumpmap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ibumps
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Icluster
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Icrackle
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Idensfile
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Idents
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Igradient
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Igranite
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ihexagon
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ileopard
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Imandel
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Imarble
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Inormal
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Inormavg
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Inormmap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ionion
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iquilt2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iquilted
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iradial
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iripples
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Islopemap
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ispiral1
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ispiral2
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Ispotted
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iwaves
povray allstill +Lscenes\textures\surfaces +Iwrinkles
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
rem crat_dat.pov renders height_field data for crater.pov
povray +w640 +i480 -d +v -p +ft +lscenes\objects +icrat_dat +oscenes\objects\
povray allstill +lscenes\objects +icrater
del scenes\objects\crat_dat.tga
if EXIST userabor.mes goto End
rem DESK.POV is a multi-frame rendering but the initial frames
rem render image_maps for subsequent frames. The end result is
rem a stlll image. Uses DESK.INI
povray +Lscenes\advanced DESK allstill
ren allscene\DESK4.TGA DESK.TGA
tga2gif -d allscene\DESK
del allscene\DES??.TGA
goto End