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/ Freelog 11 / Freelog011.iso / Extra / Antivir / NavScan / UNINSTAL.IN_ / UNINSTAL.IN
INI File  |  1996-02-29  |  13KB  |  493 lines

  1. [InstallVersion]
  2. 4.1
  3. [Process]
  4. Uninstall()                    
  5. Bitmaps(pix)                   
  6. DisableHelp()                  
  7. Backup(CustDLLCopy)            
  8. switch30 = TRUE                        
  9. switch31 = IsWinVerGTE(0351)            
  10. #if(switch31)                           
  11.     switch31 = CallProcEx(IsPlatformNT) 
  12. #endif
  13. #if(switch31)   
  14.     switch30 = FALSE
  15. #endif
  16. switch99 = CallProcEx(IsBadPlatform)
  17. #if(switch99)
  18.    MessageBox(BadPlatform)          
  19. #endif
  20. #if(switch30)   
  21.     EnableWin95Shell()
  22. #endif
  23. SetActiveCopy(NAVCopy, uninstal.inf)
  24. CallProc(InitMemory)
  25. CallProc(RestoreNavap)
  26. ResetTarget(SourceToTarget4)    
  27. CallProcEx(GetShort)            
  28. ResetTarget(Target4ToTarget)    
  29. ResetTarget(SystemToTarget2)    
  30. switch99 = CallProcEx(FindSharedComponents) 
  31. #ifnot(switch99)                
  32.    GetSymantecDir()             
  33.    ResetTarget(SharedToTarget3)
  34. #endif
  35. switch99 = CallProcEx(CheckForNortonApps)
  36. #if(switch99)
  37.     MessageBox(NortonAppRunning)
  38.     Exit()
  39. #endif
  40. WizardPanel(NeedAdministratorDialog, siwnavnt.dll)
  41. switch99 = CallProcEx(IsRunningAsAdministrator)
  42. #ifnot(switch99)
  43.    WizardProcessPanel()            
  44. #endif
  45. WizardPanel(UninstallDlg, siwnavnt.dll)
  46. WizardProcessPanel()
  47. SelectOption(BaseFiles)
  48. FullUninstall()
  49. #if(switch30)
  50.     CallProcEx(DeleteNav95UninstallString)
  51. #endif
  52. CallProcEx(DeleteNavwPathReg)
  53. CallProcEx(DeleteNavwHelpReg)
  54. CallProcEx(DeleteVirfileReg1)
  55. CallProcEx(DeleteVirfileReg2)
  56. #if(switch30)   
  57.     CallProcEx(SphinxUsageCounts_95)
  58. #endif
  59. #if(switch31)   
  60.     CallProcEx(SphinxUsageCounts_NT)
  61. #endif
  62. CallProcEx(UpdateNetscapePluginKeys)
  63. DeselectOption(shared)                  
  64. CallProcEx(DeleteSharedKeysAndFiles)
  65. #if (switch90)                          
  66.     CallProcEx(DeleteSymevntKey)
  67. #endif
  68. #if (switch91)                          
  69.     CallProcEx(DeleteInfoDeskKey)
  70.     Delete(ContentsDelete)
  71. #endif
  72. CallProcEx(DeletePipeNavKey1)
  73. CallProcEx(DeletePipeNavKey2)
  74. CallProcEx(DeletePipelineKey)           
  75. CallProcEx(DeleteNavReg)
  76. CallProcEx(DeleteLastScanKey)
  77. CallProcEx(DeleteVirusDefsKey)
  78. CallProcEx(DeleteNavFamilyKey)          
  79. CallProcEx(DeleteNavInstalledReg)
  80. CallProcEx(DeleteSymInstalledApps)
  81. ResetTarget(Target3ToTarget4)   
  82. CallProcEx(GetShort)            
  83. ResetTarget(Target4ToTarget3)
  84. DisableUtils()
  85. Uncopy()
  86. CallProcEx(DeleteNAVDataFiles)
  87. EnableUtils()
  88. ResetTarget(Target3ToTarget5)           
  89. CallProcEx(NavRemoveSharedDir)          
  90. CallProcEx(DeleteSymantecKey)           
  91. CallProcEx(DeleteSymantecUserKey)       
  92. ResetTarget(Target2ToTarget5)           
  93. CallProcEx(NavRemoveProgDir)
  94. ResetTarget(TargetToTarget5)            
  95. CallProcEx(NavRemoveProgDir)
  96. groups()
  97. SilentModifyTF(RemoveContents)
  98. CallProcEx(PurgeScheduledScans)
  99. WizardPanel(Finished, siwnavnt.dll)
  100. WizardProcessPanel()
  101. CallProc(ExitHookProc)   
  102. Delete(CustDLLDelete)
  103. Delete(Leftovers)
  104. switch99 = IsInstallShell()
  105. #if(switch99)
  106.    ExitRestart()
  107. #else
  108.    Exit()
  109. #endif
  110. end()
  111. [SetShell]
  112. WinIniName = win.ini
  113. SystemIniName = system.ini
  114. Message = MessageBox.SetShellMessage
  115. SysSectionName = boot
  116. WinSectionName = windows
  117. shell = %s\setup.exe
  118. load =
  119. run =
  120. Backup = Backup.SetShellSave
  121. Restore = Backup.SetShellRestore
  122. IfActiveList = LoadedList
  123. SubProcess = SubProc
  124. [SubProc]
  125. Backup(CustDLLCopy)            
  126. CallProc(BackupNavap)
  127. Return()
  128. [SetShellSave]
  129. win.ini, win.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  130. system.ini, system.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  131. [SetShellRestore]
  132. system.siw, system.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  133. win.siw, win.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  134. [LoadedList]
  135. symnav8.dll
  136. s32nav8.dll
  137. symevnt1.dll
  138. s32evnt1.dll
  139. s32stat.dll
  140. inst32.exe
  141. [SetShellMessage]
  142. caption  =  "Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
  143. "Welcome to the Norton AntiVirus Scanner Uninstall Program. "
  144. " "
  145. "Please select OK to allow Uninstall to restart Windows"
  146. "and continue. "
  147. " "
  148. "Press Cancel to exit Uninstall. "
  149. [InitMemory]
  150. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  151. function = InitMemory
  152. [IsPlatformNT]
  153. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  154. function = IsPlatformNT
  155. [IsBadPlatform]
  156. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  157. function = IsBadPlatform
  158. [FindSharedComponents]
  159. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  160. function = FindSharedComponents
  161. [CheckForNortonApps]
  162. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  163. function = CheckForNortonApps
  164. S32NAV8.DLL,    TARGET
  165. [GetShort]
  166. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  167. function = ConvertToShortName
  168. [NavRemoveProgDir]
  169. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  170. function = NavRemoveProgDir
  171. [ExitHookProc]
  172. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  173. function = ReleaseMemory
  174. [BackupNavap]
  175. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  176. function = BackupVxDKey
  177. vxd = NAVAP
  178. [RestoreNavap]
  179. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  180. function = RestoreVxDKey
  181. vxd = NAVAP
  182. [SphinxUsageCounts_95]
  183. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  184. function = Sphinx_UpdateUsageCounts
  185. update = decrement
  186. platform = Win95
  187. [95SharedDlls]
  188. symevnt.386
  189. symevnt1.dll
  190. s32evnt1.dll
  191. s32stat.dll
  192. infodesk.dll
  193. infodesk.cnt
  194. infodesk.hlp
  195. symgloss.hlp
  196. symantec.cnt
  197. [SphinxUsageCounts_NT]
  198. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  199. function = Sphinx_UpdateUsageCounts
  200. update = decrement
  201. platform = WinNT
  202. [NTSharedDlls]
  203. s32stat.dll
  204. infodesk.dll
  205. infodesk.cnt
  206. infodesk.hlp
  207. symgloss.hlp
  208. symantec.cnt
  209. [UpdateNetscapePluginKeys]
  210. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  211. function = Sphinx_UninstallNetscapePlugin
  212. [DeleteSymevntKey]
  213. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  214. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  216. subkey = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\SYMEVNT"
  217. [DeleteVirfileReg1]
  218. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  219. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  221. subkey = ".vir"
  222. [DeleteVirfileReg2]
  223. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  224. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  226. subkey = "virfile"
  227. [DeleteNav95UninstallString]
  228. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  229. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  231. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Norton Antivirus Scanner"
  232. [DeleteNavReg]
  233. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  234. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  236. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
  237. [DeleteLastScanKey]
  238. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  239. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  241. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus\LastScan"
  242. [DeleteVirusDefsKey]
  243. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  244. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  246. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus\Virus Defs"
  247. [DeleteNavFamilyKey]
  248. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  249. function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
  251. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus"
  252. [DeleteNavInstalledReg]
  253. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  254. function = NavDeleteRegValue
  256. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
  257. value = "NAVSCAN"
  258. [DeleteSymInstalledApps]
  259. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  260. function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
  262. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
  263. [DeleteNavwPathReg]
  264. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  265. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  267. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\N32SCANW.EXE"
  268. [DeleteNavwHelpReg]
  269. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  270. function = NavDeleteRegValue
  272. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help"
  273. value = "Navwscn.hlp"
  274. [DeleteSharedKeysAndFiles]
  275. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  276. function = NavDeleteSharedKeysAndFiles
  277. [DeleteInfoDeskKey]
  278. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  279. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  281. subkey = "Software\Symantec\Info Desk"
  282. [DeletePipeNavKey1]
  283. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  284. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  286. subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration\Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows NT"
  287. [DeletePipeNavKey2]
  288. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  289. function = NavDeleteRegKey
  291. subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration\Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
  292. [DeletePipelineKey]
  293. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  294. function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
  296. subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration"
  297. [DeleteSymantecKey]
  298. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  299. function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
  301. subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec"
  302. [DeleteSymantecUserKey]
  303. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  304. function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
  306. subkey = "Software\Symantec"
  307. [NavRemoveSharedDir]
  308. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  309. function = NavRemoveSharedDir
  310. [PurgeScheduledScans]
  311. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  312. function = RemoveScheduledScans
  313. [RemoveContents]
  314. FileSpec    = %s\symantec.cnt, TARGET3
  315. filetype    = text
  316. Create      = 0
  317. FindRems    = 0
  318. DelItems    = RemoveContentsItems
  319. [RemoveContentsItems]
  320. *NAVWSCN.CNT*
  321. [NAVCopy:CopyDialog]
  322. caption = "Removing Norton AntiVirus Files..."
  323. posx = -10
  324. posy = -10
  325. [NortonAppRunning]
  326. caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner Uninstall"
  327. "Norton AntiVirus Scanner is currently running."
  328. " "
  329. "Uninstall cannot remove Norton AntiVirus files if they"
  330. "are in use."
  331. " "
  332. "Please close the application and then restart Uninstall."
  333. [SymantecDir]
  334. caption = "Searching for Shared Directory"
  335. text1 = "Searching for Symantec shared"
  336. text2 = "program folder."
  337. appname = "symcfg.bin"
  338. apppath = C:\SYMANTEC
  339. [Errors]
  340. NoPrev  =  "Symantec Setup for Windows is already running!"
  341. [FileCopy]
  342. copycaption   =  "Removing Norton AntiVirus files"
  343. errorcaption  =  "Error Removing Files"
  344. insertcaption =  "Insert Diskette"
  345. Message       =   MessageText
  346. [Cancel]
  347. caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Exit Uninstall"
  348. text    = "Are you sure you want to exit?"
  349. [CancelShell]
  350. caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Exit Uninstall"
  351. "You have selected to cancel Uninstall."
  352. "In order to reset the Windows"
  353. "environment, Uninstall will also restart"
  354. "your computer.  Are you sure you want to exit?"
  355. [Bye]
  356. caption  =  "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Uninstall Complete"
  357. "This concludes the removal of Norton AntiVirus Scanner."
  358. "Your computer is no longer protected from viruses."
  359. " "
  360. [ByeRestart]
  361. caption  =  "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Uninstall Complete"
  362. "Norton AntiVirus Scanner has been removed.  Your computer
  363. "is no longer protected from viruses."
  364. " "
  365. "Setup must restart your computer to complete the"
  366. "uninstall process."
  367. [SourceToTarget4]
  368. reset = TARGET4
  369. location = %s, SOURCE
  370. [Target4ToTarget]
  371. reset = TARGET
  372. location = %s, TARGET4
  373. [TargetToTarget3]
  374. reset = TARGET3
  375. location = %s, TARGET
  376. [Target2ToTarget4]
  377. reset = TARGET4
  378. location = %s, TARGET2
  379. [Target2ToTarget5]
  380. reset = TARGET5
  381. location = %s, TARGET2
  382. [TargetToTarget5]
  383. reset = TARGET5
  384. location = %s, TARGET
  385. [SystemToTarget2]
  386. reset = TARGET2
  387. location = "SYSTEM"
  388. relative = 1
  389. relativeto = TARGET
  390. [SharedToTarget3]
  391. reset = TARGET3
  392. location = %s, TARGET5
  393. [Target3ToTarget4]
  394. reset = TARGET4
  395. location = %s, TARGET3
  396. [Target4ToTarget3]
  397. reset = TARGET3
  398. location = %s, TARGET4
  399. [Target3ToTarget5]
  400. reset = TARGET5
  401. location = %s, TARGET3
  402. [Target2ToTarget5]
  403. reset = TARGET5
  404. location = %s, TARGET2
  405. [TargetToTarget5]
  406. reset = TARGET5
  407. location = %s, TARGET
  408. [CustDLLCopy]
  409. siwnavnt.dll, siwnavnt.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  410. s32nav8.dll,  s32nav8.dll,  SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  411. s32stat.dll,  s32stat.dll,  SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  412. navntsch.dll, navntsch.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  413. [CustDLLDelete]
  414. siwnavnt.dll, TEMPDIR
  415. s32nav8.dll,  TEMPDIR
  416. s32stat.dll,  TEMPDIR
  417. [Leftovers]
  418. win.siw,        WINDOWS
  419. system.siw,     WINDOWS
  420. [DeleteNAVDataFiles]
  421. dll = siwnavnt.dll
  422. function = NavDeleteFiles
  423. activity.log,   TARGET
  424. excludel.dat,   TARGET
  425. navwnt.fts,     TARGET2
  426. navwnt.gid,     TARGET2
  427. navwnt.gid,     TARGET3
  428. navwscn.fts,    TARGET2
  429. navwscn.gid,    TARGET2
  430. navwscn.gid,    TARGET3
  431. infodesk.gid,   TARGET3
  432. infodesk.fts,   TARGET3
  433. infodesk.ftg,   TARGET3
  434. pipedlg.dat,    TARGET
  435. modem.id,       TARGET
  436. navntsch.dll,   TARGET
  437. $flecomp.tmp,   TARGET
  438. virscanm.dat,   TARGET
  439. virsp*.dat,     TARGET
  440. ??nav??.zip,    TARGET
  441. navex*.*,       TARGET
  442. update.txt,     TARGET
  443. ???9?.txt,      TARGET
  444. [ContentsDelete]
  445. symantec.cnt,   TARGET3
  446. [Pix]
  447. color = %s\luigi.bmp, 1, -1
  448. color = %s\symlogo.rle, -1, 1
  449. [groups]
  450. "Norton Antivirus Scanner", navnt.grp, DELETE
  451. [Norton Antivirus Scanner]
  452. "Norton AntiVirus Scanner", n32scanw.exe,     navwnt,    0, TARGET, n32scanw.exe,   TARGET, " "
  453. "Norton AntiVirus Uninstall",  setup.exe,    install,    0, TARGET, setup.exe,   TARGET, "/u"
  454. [NAVCopy]
  455. CopyMain.BaseFiles, "Norton AntiVirus Base Files",         0,  Y, N, Y
  456. CopySub.shared,     " "
  457. CopySub.virdefs,    " "
  458. CopySub.navwnt,     "Windows scanner application"
  459. CopySub.install,    "Install/uninstall NAV"
  460. CopyMain.Selective, "Selective uninstall",                 0,  N, N, N
  461. [UninstallDlg]
  462. Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
  463. Title="Uninstall Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
  464. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  465. ResourceId=132
  466. Bitmap16=202
  467. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  468. PanelFlags=First
  469. [RemoveSharedDlg]
  470. Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
  471. Title="Uninstall Norton AntiVirus"
  472. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  473. ResourceId=134
  474. Bitmap16=202
  475. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  476. PanelFlags=First
  477. [Finished]
  478. Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
  479. Title="Uninstall Complete"
  480. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  481. ResourceId=135
  482. Bitmap16=202
  483. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  484. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  485. [NeedAdministratorDialog]
  486. Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup" 
  487. Title="Need Administrator Priviliges"
  488. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  489. ResourceId=141
  490. Bitmap16=202
  491. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  492. PanelFlags=First