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Text File  |  2007-01-13  |  16KB  |  241 lines

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. |                                                              |
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  4. |                Digital Equipment Corporation                 |
  5. |                                                              |
  6. |  M     M     A       CCCC   RRRRRR    OOOOO         1     1  |
  7. |  MM   MM    A A     C    C  R     R  O     O       11    11  |
  8. |  M M M M   A   A   C        R     R  O     O        1     1  |
  9. |  M  M  M  AAAAAAA  C        RRRRRR   O     O  XXX   1     1  |
  10. |  M     M  A     A  C        R R      O     O        1     1  |
  11. |  M     M  A     A   C    C  R   R    O     O        1     1  |
  12. |  M     M  A     A    CCCC   R     R   OOOOO        111   111 |
  13. |                                                              |
  14. |              General PDP-11 MACRO-11 Assembler               |
  15. |             Symbol, Directive and Error Summary              |
  16. |                                                              |
  17. |                                                              |
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  33. |XX     X XXX  XXX XX    XX XXX  XXX X    XXX XX    XX XXX  XXX|
  35. |X  XX  X XXX  XXX X  XX  X XXX  XXX XX  XXXX XX     X XXX  XXX|
  37. |XX     X XXX  XXX XX     X XXX  XXX XXX   XX XX     X XXX  XXX|
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  68. |Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
  69. |               Programming Research Group                     |
  70. |               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
  71. |               8-11 Keble Road                                |
  72. |               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
  73. |               England                                        |
  74. |                                                              |
  75. |               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
  76. |                                                              |
  77. |Created        September 1981                                 |
  78. |Updated        April 1985                                     |
  79. |Issue          1.5                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
  80. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  81. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  82. |Symbol/Directive     |Description                             |
  83. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  84. | CR,LF               |Line terminator                      [1]|
  85. | FF                  |Page terminator                      [1]|
  86. | SP                  |Item terminator or field terminator     |
  87. | HT                  |Item terminator or field terminator     |
  88. | VT                  |Source line terminator                  |
  89. | :                   |Label terminator                        |
  90. | ::                  |Global label terminator                 |
  91. | =                   |Direct assignment operator              |
  92. | ==                  |Global direct assignment operator       |
  93. | %                   |Register term indicator                 |
  94. | #                   |Immediate expression indicator          |
  95. | @                   |Deferred addressing indicator           |
  96. | (                   |Initial register indicator              |
  97. | )                   |Terminal register indicator             |
  98. | ,                   |Operand field separator                 |
  99. | ;                   |Comment field indicator                 |
  100. | +                   |Arithmetic addition or auto-increment   |
  101. | -                   |Arithmetic subtraction or auto-decrement|
  102. | *                   |Arithmetic multiplication               |
  103. | /                   |Arithmetic division                     |
  104. | &                   |Logical AND                             |
  105. | !                   |Logical inclusive OR                    |
  106. | "                   |Double ASCII character indicator        |
  107. | '                   |Single ASCII character or concatenation |
  108. | .                   |Assembly location counter               |
  109. | <                   |Initial argument indicator              |
  110. | >                   |Terminal argument indicator             |
  111. | ^                   |Unary operator or argument indicator    |
  112. | \                   |Macro call numeric argument indicator   |
  113. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  114. |.ASCII  /string/     |ASCII string                            |
  115. |.ASCIZ  /string/     |ASCII string with Zero byte terminator  |
  116. |.ASECT               |Absolute Section                        |
  117. |.BLKB   exp          |Block Bytes (8-bit)                     |
  118. |.BLKW   exp          |Block Words (16-bit)                    |
  119. |.BYTE   exp(s)       |Byte(s) (8-bit)                         |
  120. |.CSECT  (name)       |Relocatable program Section             |
  121. |.DSABL  arg          |Disable function                     [3]|
  122. |.ENABL  arg          |Enable function                      [3]|
  123. |.END    (exp)        |End of program (and start address)      |
  124. |.ENDC                |End Conditional assembly                |
  125. |.ENDM   (name)       |End Macro definition or repeat block    |
  126. |.ENDR                |End Repeat block                        |
  127. |.EOT                 |End Of Tape (ignored)                   |
  128. |.ERROR  exp ;text    |User-invoked Error                      |
  129. |.EVEN                |Set current location to Even address    |
  130. |.FLT2   arg(s)       |2-word Floating Point number(s)      [1]|
  131. |.FLT4   arg(s)       |4-word Floating Point number(s)      [1]|
  132. |.GLOBL  sym(s)       |Global symbol(s)                        |
  133. |.IDENT  /string/     |Identity string (up to 6 radix-50 chars)|
  134. |.IF     cond,arg     |If condition true then assemble code [4]|
  135. |.IFF                 |If last condition False assemble code   |
  136. |.IFT                 |If last condition True assemble code    |
  137. |.IFTF                |If last cond True or False assemble code|
  138. |.IIF    cond,arg,stat|Immediate conditional assembly       [4]|
  139. |.IRP    sym,<arg(s)> |Indefinite Repeat block                 |
  140. |.IRPC   sym,<string> |Indefinite Repeat block                 |
  141. |.LIMIT               |Reserve 2 words for program Limits      |
  142. |.LIST   (arg)        |Enable Listing (option)              [5]|
  143. |.MACRO  name(,arg(s))|Macro name (and parameter(s))           |
  144. |.MCALL  arg(s)       |Macro Call system macro(s)              |
  145. |.MEXIT               |Exit Macro or indefinite repeat block   |
  146. |.NARG   sym          |Equate Number of macro Arguments     [2]|
  147. |.NCHR   sym,<string> |Equate Number of Characters in a string |
  148. |.NLIST  (arg)        |Disable Listing (option)             [5]|
  149. |.NTYPE  sym,aexp     |Equate addressing mode Type (6-bit)  [2]|
  150. |.ODD                 |Set current location to Odd address     |
  151. |.PAGE                |Skip Page in assembly listing           |
  152. |.PRINT  exp ;text    |User-invoked message                    |
  153. |.PSECT  name(,arg(s))|Program Section (and attributes)     [6]|
  154. |.RADIX  n            |Set program Radix (n=2,8,10, default=8) |
  155. |.RAD50  /string/     |Radix 50 string (space,A-Z,$,.,?,0-9)   |
  156. |.REPT   exp          |Repeat lines                            |
  157. |.SBTTL  string       |Subtitle                                |
  158. |.TITLE  string       |Title                                   |
  159. |.WORD   exp(s)       |Word(s) (16-bit)                        |
  160. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  161. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  162. |Symbol/Error         |Description                             |
  163. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  164. | <...>               |Expression precedence or macro argument |
  165. | ^x...x              | ditto                                  |
  166. | x...x               |Character string (x not <, = or ;)      |
  167. | 'x                  |ASCII form of 1 character (8-bit)       |
  168. | "xx                 |ASCII form of 2 characters (16-bit)     |
  169. | ^Bn                 |Binary number                           |
  170. | ^Cexp               |Complement of expression                |
  171. | ^Dn                 |Decimal number                          |
  172. | n.                  | ditto                                  |
  173. | ^Fn                 |Floating-point number (16-bit)       [1]|
  174. | ^On                 |Octal number                            |
  175. | ^Rxxx               |Radix-50 form of 3 characters (16-bit)  |
  176. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  177. | CR                  |ASCII carriage return (Octal 15)        |
  178. | FF                  |ASCII form feed (Octal 14)              |
  179. | LF                  |ASCII line return (Octal 12)            |
  180. | SP                  |ASCII space character (Octal 40)        |
  181. | HT                  |ASCII tab character (Octal 11)          |
  182. | VT                  |ASCII vertical tab character (Octal 13) |
  183. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  184. | aexp                |Addressing mode expression              |
  185. | arg                 |Argument                                |
  186. | cond                |Condition                               |
  187. | exp                 |Constant expression                     |
  188. | n                   |Number                                  |
  189. | name                |Name                                    |
  190. | stat                |Statement                               |
  191. | string              |String of ASCII characters              |
  192. | sym                 |Symbol                                  |
  193. | text                |Any text string                         |
  194. | x                   |Single ASCII character                  |
  195. | (s)                 |Optional continuation of argument list  |
  196. | ...                 |Any string                              |
  197. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  198. | [1]                 |Not applicable on all assemblers        |
  199. | [2]                 |May only be used in macro definitions   |
  200. | [3]                 |arg  = (ABS/AMA/CDR/CRF/FPT/LC/LSB/PNC/ |
  201. |                     |        REG/GLB)                        |
  202. | [4]                 |cond = (EQ/NE/GT/LE/LT/GE/DF/NDF/B/NB/  |
  203. |                     |        IDN/DIF/Z/NZ/G/L)               |
  204. | [5]                 |arg  = (SEQ/LOC/BIN/BEX/SRC/COM/MD/MC/  |
  205. |                     |        ME/MEB/CND/LD/TOC/SYM/TTM)      |
  206. | [6]                 |args = (RO/RW, I/D, GBL/LCL, ABS/REL,   |
  207. |                     |        CON/OVR)                        |
  208. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  209. | A                   |Assembly error                          |
  210. | B                   |Bounding error                          |
  211. | D                   |Doubly-defined symbol referenced        |
  212. | E                   |End directive not found                 |
  213. | I                   |Illegal character detected              |
  214. | L                   |Line length greater than 132 characters |
  215. | M                   |Multiple definition of a label          |
  216. | N                   |Number with digit not in current radix  |
  217. | O                   |Opcode error                            |
  218. | P                   |Phase error                             |
  219. | Q                   |Questionable syntax                     |
  220. | R                   |Register-type error                     |
  221. | T                   |Truncation error                        |
  222. | U                   |Undefined symbol                        |
  223. | Z                   |Instruction error                       |
  224. |--------------------------------------------------------------|
  225. |                                                              |
  226. |                                                              |
  227. |                                                              |
  228. |                                                              |
  229. |                                                              |
  230. |                                                              |
  231. |                                                              |
  232. |                                                              |
  233. |                                                              |
  234. |                                                              |
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  239. |                                                              |
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