Important Notice: If you use Open Transport (Included with the new PCI Mac 7200, 7500, 8500, 9500), there's only one freeware choice right now: MacPPP 2.1.2SD, or (given some testing time to make sure the bugs are out) its successor FreePPP 1.0.2. None of
the other MacPPP derivatives work under Open Transport. Your Open Transport should be version 1.0.8 or later for your connection to work properly.
1. Open ConfigPPP (Apple Menu -> Control Panel -> ConfigPPP)
2. Select Modem Port from Port Name
3. Select 10 for Idle Timeout (This disconnects you before RAIN's 12 minute timeout which notifies you that you are disconnected. If RAIN disconnects you, there is no warning message).
4. Select None for Echo Interval
5. Mark Hangup on Close
6. Mark Quiet Mode (closes connection without warning or leave unchecked for warning)
7. Select your modem from PPP Server
8. Press the Config... button
9. Enter the name of your PPP Server i.e. RAIN
10. Select Port Speed (38400 for 14.4 or 57600 for 28.8 Modems)
11. Select CTS and RTS {DTR} for Flow Control
12. Select Tone Dial
13. Enter the RAIN access number
14. If your Modem Init field is blank enter AT&F1
15. Modem connect timeout is 90 seconds
16. Click the Authentication button
17. Enter ppp:<your RAIN login ID> in Auth. ID (e.g., ppp:foobar)
Click the Open button in ConfigPPP or simply open a MacTCP- based program that opens MacTCP, at which point MacTCP connects to RAIN automatically. ConfigPPP's auto-connect feature is fairly reliable, although not absolutely guaranteed.
You may now use any of your MacTCP-based applications.
When you're done on the Internet and want to close your connection , first quit all your MacTCP-based applications. Open ConfigPPP and click the Hard Close button, which hangs up the connection and "locks" MacTCP so the only way to establish a new connection is to click the Open button. The alternate method is to click the Soft Close button, this leaves open the auto-connect feature for the rest of the session, so launching a MacTCP application make MacTCP establish a new connection.