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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  2007-06-27  |  10KB  |  216 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. NSIBObjectData
  3. NSObject
  4. NSCustomObject)
  5. NSString
  6. KeyclickPref
  7. NSView)
  8. NSResponder
  9.     NSTabView
  10. @@@@ffffffff
  11. NSMutableArray
  12. NSArray
  13. NSTextField
  14.     NSControl)
  15. NSTextFieldCell>
  16. NSActionCell
  17. NSCellA
  18. Licensed To:
  19. NSFont
  20. [36c]
  21. NSColor
  22. System
  23. controlColor
  24. controlTextColor
  25. License Name
  26. NSButton
  27. NSButtonCell?
  28. License...
  29.     ssii@@@@@
  30. NSMutableString
  31.     Update...
  32. @@@icc
  33. NSTabViewItem
  34. @@@@@@@
  35. Basic
  36. Mouse button click
  37. NSButtonImageSource
  38. NSSwitch
  39. NSPopUpButton
  40. NSPopUpButtonCell
  41. NSMenuItemCell
  42. NSMenuItem
  43. NSMenu
  44. OtherViews
  45. i@@IIi@@@@:i@
  46. Typewriter Sound
  47. NSCustomResource)
  48. NSImage
  49. NSMenuCheckmark
  50. NSMenuMixedState
  51. _popUpItemAction:
  52. Click Key Sound
  53. NSBox*
  54. NSScrollView
  55. NSClipView:
  56. NSTableView=
  57. @@@ff@@f::i
  58. NSTableHeaderView
  59. @@ccc
  60. controlBackgroundColor
  61. _NSCornerView
  62. NSTableColumn)
  63. @fff@@cc
  64. processName
  65. NSTableHeaderCell
  66. Process Name
  67. headerTextColor
  68.     gridColor
  69. NSScroller
  70. _doScroller:
  71. ffffi
  72. excludeList
  73. Exclude List
  74. Refresh
  75. To exclude an application: refresh the list of running programs on the left, select the program to be excluded, and then add it to the Exclude List on the right.  You can also edit exclude entries directly.
  76. ff@@ccc
  77. Keyclick Exclusions
  78. textBackgroundColor
  79. NSSlider
  80. NSSliderCell
  81. [28c]
  82. ddddiii
  83. 0Don't click for repeated Esc or Arrow keystrokes
  84. More Options
  85. NSMatrix>
  86. #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@
  87. NSRadioButton
  88. Radio
  89. Keyclick:
  90. Volume
  91. NSImageView
  92. NSMutableSet
  93. NSSet
  94. Apple PDF pasteboard type
  95. 1NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type
  96. NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type
  97. Apple PICT pasteboard type
  98. NSFilenamesPboardType
  99. Apple PNG pasteboard type
  100. NSImageCell)
  101. Pitch
  102. Type here to test settings
  103.     textColor
  104. Scroll wheel click:
  105. Radio
  106. Volume
  107. Pitch
  108. EUse scroll wheel to test settings,
  109. cmd-shift-scroll to adjust volume.
  110. louder
  111. softer
  112. NSWindowTemplate
  113. iiffffi@@@@@c
  114. << do not localize >>
  115. NSWindow
  116. NSTextField2111
  117. NSTextField2
  118. File's Owner
  119.     NSMatrix1
  120. NSTextField1
  121.     NSSlider2
  122. NSTextField211
  123. NSTableColumn
  124. NSView
  125.     NSButton1
  126. PrefPane
  127. NSButton
  128. NSTextField212
  129. NSTableColumn
  130. NSTableView
  131. NSScrollView1
  132. NSSlider311
  133.     NSButton1
  134.     NSButton4
  135. NSSlider32
  136.     PopUpList
  137. NSTextField23
  138. NSButton
  139. NSSlider31
  140. NSTextField231
  141. NSBox211
  142.     NSSlider3
  143. NSTableView
  144. NSMenuItem1
  145. NSTextField21
  146. NSMatrix11
  147. NSTextField221
  148. NSTextField22
  149. NSTextField
  150. NSView
  151. NSView1
  152. NSScrollView11
  153. NSPopUpButton
  154. NSButton41
  155. NSBox
  156. NSMenuItem
  157. NSNibOutletConnector
  158. NSNibConnector
  159. _window
  160. enableButton
  161. licenseToField
  162. licenseNameField
  163. _firstKeyView
  164. delegate
  165. NSNibControlConnector
  166. keyclickEnable:
  167. licenseButton:
  168. testArea
  169. initialFirstResponder
  170. scrollEnableButton
  171. scrollEnable:
  172. volumeSlider
  173. pitchSlider
  174. scrollVolumeSlider
  175. scrollPitchSlider
  176. keyclickVolume:
  177. keyclickPitch:
  178. scrollVolume:
  179. scrollPitch:
  180. updateButton
  181. updateButton:
  182. keyclickSound:
  183. mouseEnable:
  184. keyclickSoundPopUp
  185. mouseEnableButton
  186. NSIBHelpConnector
  187. NSToolTipHelpKey
  188. EEnable mouse button sound effect for use in recording screen actions.
  189.  Select alternate keyboard sounds
  190. processListView
  191. excludeListView
  192. NSToolTipHelpKey
  193. )Add selected process name to exclude list
  194. NSToolTipHelpKey
  195. &Remove selected item from exclude list
  196. NSToolTipHelpKey
  197. Refresh process list
  198. refreshProcessList:
  199. addExcludeList:
  200. removeExcludeList:
  201. dataSource
  202. delegate
  203. mouseVolumeSlider
  204. mouseVolume:
  205. keyclickVolumeUpShortcut:
  206. keyclickVolumeDownShortcut:
  207. NSToolTipHelpKey
  208. Buy or enter license key
  209. Check for update
  210. Set keyclick louder shortcut
  211. Set keyclick softer shortcut
  212. Mouse click volume
  213. dontRepeatButton
  214. dontRepeat:
  215. IBCocoaFramework