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  1. Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!malgudi.oar.net!news.concourse.com!bronze.coil.com!not-for-mail
  2. From: John Grohol Psy.D. <grohol@coil.com>
  3. Newsgroups: alt.support,alt.recovery,alt.transgendered,misc.health.diabetes,sci.cognitive,sci.med,sci.med.nutrition,sci.med.psychobiology,sci.psychology.misc,soc.support.transgendered,alt.answers,misc.answers,soc.answers,news.answers,sci.answers
  4. Subject: Psychology & Support Groups Newsgroup Pointer
  5. Followup-To: poster
  6. Date: 30 Sep 1996 20:19:22 -0400
  7. Organization: Mental Health Net
  8. Lines: 279
  9. Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
  10. Expires: Fri, 01 Nov 1996 00:00:00 GMT
  11. Message-ID: <52po2a$kp0@bronze.coil.com>
  12. NNTP-Posting-Host: bronze.coil.com
  13. Summary: Newsgroup subject pointer to psychology & support newsgroups
  14. Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.support:13224 alt.recovery:34190 alt.transgendered:35365 misc.health.diabetes:44809 sci.cognitive:13651 sci.med:190359 sci.med.nutrition:53322 sci.med.psychobiology:13852 sci.psychology.misc:9714 soc.support.transgendered:18695 alt.answers:20836 misc.answers:4671 soc.answers:6216 news.answers:83123 sci.answers:5144
  16. Archive-Name: finding-groups/psychology-and-support
  17. Posting-Frequency: every 4 weeks
  18. Last-Modified: 09/30/1996
  19. Version: 2.05
  21. ________________________________________________________________________
  22. Psychology &                                
  23. Support Groups Newsgroup Pointer
  25. Associate Editor: Ross Powell <powell@direct.ca>
  27. This Pointer will help you find the information you need and get your
  28. questions answered much quicker than if you were to simply crosspost to
  29. every psychology or support newsgroup in existence. It is provided as
  30. a public service. Post your article in the most appropriate newsgroup
  31. according to its topic. It is organized according to hierarchies, in
  32. alaphabetical order.
  34.   * Not all sites carry all the below listed alt.* newsgroups.
  35.   * If your site does not carry a particular alt newsgroup, please
  36.   * contact your own News administrator and request that they
  37.   * begin carrying that specific group.
  39.   * Because of software posting limitations, this article may
  40.   * appear more than once. My apologies for this inconvenience.
  42. ------------------------------------------------------------
  43.   Check out Dr. GROHOL's Mental Health Page, your
  44.   personalized index for mental health, psychology and
  45.   support resources on the Internet. (Including this one!)
  46.             http://www.coil.com/~grohol/
  47. ------------------------------------------------------------
  48. Comments & suggestions for additions are always welcome!
  50. Question on...                               Post to...
  51. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  52. ALT.ABUSE...
  53. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  54. Recovering from all types of abuse           alt.abuse.recovery
  55. Recovery for abuse offenders/perpetrators    alt.abuse.offender.recovery
  56. Alternate models of dealing with abuse       alt.abuse.transcendence
  57. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  59. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  60. General help with psychological problems     alt.psychology.help
  61. Works and theories of Alfred Adler           alt.psychology.adlerian
  62. Works and theories of Carl jung              alt.psychology.jung
  63. Research & discussion about mistakes         alt.psychology.mistake-theory
  64. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)           alt.psychology.nlp
  65. Personality taxonomies/assessment/models     alt.psychology.personality
  66. Synchronicity and chance                     alt.psychology.synchronicity
  67. Transpersonal psychology                     alt.psychology.transpersonal
  68. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  70. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  71. General topics in recovery                   alt.recovery
  72. Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous            alt.recovery.aa
  73. Recovery and Narcotics Anonymous             alt.recovery.na
  74. Recovering from sexual addictions            alt.recovery.addiction.sexual
  75. Adults from dysfunctional families           alt.recovery.adult-children
  76. Codependency                                 alt.recovery.codependency
  77. Compulsive eating & food addiction           alt.recovery.compulsive-eat
  78. Cognitive approaches to
  79.   anxiety & panic disorders
  80. alt.recovery.panic-anxiety.self-help
  81. Recovering from the effects of religion      alt.recovery.religion
  82. Recovery from Catholicism in specific        alt.recovery.catholicism
  83. Recovering from sexual abuse                 alt.sexual.abuse.recovery
  84.                                              alt.sexual.abuse.recovery.d
  85. Moderated version:alt.sexual.abuse.recovery  alt.abuse-recovery (m)
  86. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  87. ALT.SUPPORT...
  88. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  89. Those going through abortions                alt.support.abortion
  90. Partners of sexual abuse survivors           alt.support.abuse-partners
  91. For partners of people with AIDS             alt.support.aids.partners
  92. Anxiety and panic disorders                  alt.support.anxiety-panic
  93. Arthritis                                    alt.support.arthritis
  94. Asthma                                       alt.support.asthma
  95. Ataxia                                       alt.support.ataxia
  96. Attention-deficit disorders                  alt.support.attn-deficit
  97. Fat-acceptance with no dieting talk          alt.support.big-folks
  98. Self-acceptance for fat people/no diet talk  soc.support.fat-acceptance
  99. People with or considering breast implants   alt.support.breast-implant
  100. Breast feeding                               alt.support.breastfeeding
  101. Cancer                                       alt.support.cancer
  102. Prostate cancer                              alt.support.cancer.prostate
  103. Cerebral palsy                               alt.support.cerebral-palsy
  104. Individuals who choose to remain childless   alt.support.childfree
  105. Chronic pain                                 alt.support.chronic-pain
  106. Crohn's/ulcerative colitis/irritable bowel   alt.support.crohns-colitis
  107. Depression & mood disorders                  alt.support.depression
  108. Manic depression & bipolar disorders         alt.support.depression.manic
  109. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)            alt.support.depression.seasonal
  110. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  111. Personal crisis situations                   soc.support.depression.crisis
  112. Coping with depressed people                 soc.support.depression.family
  113. Bipolar/manic depression                     soc.support.depression.manic
  114. Depression and mood disorders                soc.support.depression.misc
  115. Seasonal affective disorder                  soc.support.depression.seasonal
  116. All treatments of depression                 soc.support.depression.treatment
  117. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  118. Developmental delay                          alt.support.dev-delays
  119. Parents & family of children with diabetes   alt.support.diabetes.kids
  120. Dieting/losing weight/nutrition              alt.support.diet
  121. Dieting through medication                   alt.support.diet.rx
  122. Dieting with Weight Watchers                 alt.support.diet.weight-watcher
  123. Disabled persons who are also artists        alt.support.disabled.artists
  124. Disabled persons discussing sexuality        alt.support.disabled.sexuality
  125. Persons w/ dissociative disorders (eg. MPD)  alt.support.dissociation
  126. Divorce/marital breakups                     alt.support.divorce
  127. Dwarfism                                     alt.support.dwarfism (m)
  128. Dystonia (abnormal muscle spasms)            alt.support.dystonia
  129. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.)   alt.support.eating-disord
  130. Endometriosis                                alt.support.endometriosis
  131. Epilepsy                                     alt.support.epilepsy
  132. Former cult members & family & friends       alt.support.ex-cult
  133. Individuals with food allergies              alt.support.food-allergies
  134. Foster parents                               alt.support.foster-parents
  135. Glaucoma                                     alt.support.glaucoma
  136. Issues of grief and loss                     alt.support.grief
  137. For those suffering the loss of their pet    alt.support.grief.pet-loss
  138. Disorders of migraine and headache ailments  alt.support.headaches.migraine
  139. Hearing loss and the hearing-impaired        alt.support.hearing-loss
  140. Hemophilia                                   alt.support.hemophilia
  141. Herpes                                       alt.support.herpes
  142. Irritable bowel syndrome                     alt.support.ibs
  143. Interstitial cystitis                        alt.support.inter-cystitis
  144. Kidney failure                               alt.support.kidney-failure
  145. Learning disabilities (eg. dyslexia, etc.)   alt.support.learning-disab
  146. Loneliness                                   alt.support.loneliness
  147. Loneliness, moderated                        soc.support.loneliness  (m)
  148. Marfan syndrome                              alt.support.marfan
  149. Problems and joys of marriage                alt.support.marriage
  150. Menopause                                    alt.support.menopause
  151. Multiple sclerosis                           alt.support.mult-sclerosis
  152. Muscular dystrophy                           alt.support.musc-dystrophy
  153. Effects of second-hand smoke                 alt.support.non-smokers
  154.         Like above, but moderated (m)        alt.support.non-smokers.moderated
  155. Obesity                                      alt.support.obesity (m)
  156. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)          alt.support.ocd
  157. Oppositional defiant disorder                alt.support.opp-defiant
  158. Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone)       alt.support.osteogensis.imperfecta
  159. For people with ostomies (surgical proc.)    alt.support.ostomy
  160. Polycystic ovarian syndrome                  alt.support.pco
  161. For people with personality disorders        alt.support.personality
  162. Post polio syndrome                          alt.support.post-polio
  163. Miscarriages & coping w/ loss in pregnancy   soc.support.pregnancy.loss
  164. Individuals with prostatitis                 alt.support.prostate.prostatitis
  165. Schizophrenia                                alt.support.schizophrenia
  166. People going through sex reassignment        alt.support.sexreassign
  167. Issues of interest to short people           alt.support.short
  168. Shyness                                      alt.support.shyness
  169. Single parenting solutions and support       alt.support.single-parents
  170. Inflammation of the sinuses                  alt.support.sinusitis
  171. Skin diseases in general                     alt.support.skin-diseases
  172. Psoriasis                                    alt.support.skin-diseases.psoriasis
  173. Vitiligo                                     alt.support.skin-disease.vitiligo
  174. Sleep disorders & problems sleeping          alt.support.sleep-disorder
  175. Spina-bifida                                 alt.support.spina-bifida
  176. Help being a step-parent                     alt.support.step-parents
  177. Stopping or quitting smoking                 alt.support.stop-smoking
  178. Stuttering & other speaking difficulties     alt.support.stuttering
  179. Survivors of Prozac & other SSRIs            alt.support.survivors.prozac
  180. Issues of interest to tall people            alt.support.tall
  181. Telecommuting                                alt.support.telecommute
  182. Thryoid problems                             alt.support.thyroid
  183. Tinnitus/ringing ears/other head noises      alt.support.tinnitus
  184. Tourette's syndrome                          alt.support.tourette
  185. Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder    alt.support.trauma-ptsd
  186. Transgendered & intersexed persons           soc.support.transgendered
  187.                                              alt.transgendered
  188. Turner Syndrome                              alt.support.turner-syndrom
  189. Gay youths helping each other (m)            soc.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi
  190. All other support topics & questions         alt.support
  191. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  193. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  194. For all interested or involved w/ adoption   alt.adoption
  195. Adoption info/parenting issues               alt.adoption.agency
  196. Angst                                        alt.angst
  197. Support and information for single fathers   alt.dads-rights (m)
  198. Hypnosis discussion                          alt.hypnosis
  199. Causes & treatment of infertility            alt.infertility
  200. Help in parenting                            alt.parenting.solutions
  201. Spanking                                     alt.parenting.spanking
  202. Raising twins and other multiples            alt.parenting.twins-triplets
  203. Self-improvement tips & techniques           alt.self-improve
  204. People far from average height               alt.sigma2.height
  205. Mental health issues & malpractice           alt.society.mental-health
  206. General discussion of suicide & techniques   alt.suicide.holiday
  207. Causes & treatment of allergies              alt.med.allergy
  208. Behavioral medicine                          alt.med.behavioral
  209. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)               alt.med.cfs (m)
  210. Fibromyalgia fibrosis                        alt.med.fibromyalgia
  211. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  212. RELATED MISC... and SOC... GROUPS
  213. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  214. General discussion of AIDS & HIV             misc.health.aids
  215. Arthritis                                    misc.health.arthritis
  216. Diabetes, hypoglycemia (hypoglycaemia)       misc.health.diabetes
  217. Repetitive strain injuries                   misc.health.injuries.rsi
  218. Repetitive strain injuries                   misc.health.injuries.rsi.misc
  219. Repetitive strain injuries (m)               misc.health.injuries.rsi.moderated
  220. General children's issues                    misc.kids
  221. Children's health issues                     misc.kids.health
  222. Pregnancy & childbirth issues                misc.kids.pregnancy
  223. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  224. SCI.MED...
  225. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  226. Medicine & related products & regulations    sci.med
  227. Medical discussion of AIDS & HIV             sci.med.aids (m)
  228. Dentistry                                    sci.med.dentistry
  229. ALS                                          sci.med.diseases.als
  230. Medical discussion of cancer                 sci.med.diseases.cancer
  231. Medical disucssion of hepatitis              sci.med.diseases.hepatitis
  232. Immunology                                   sci.med.immunology
  233. The practice of obstetrics by midwives       sci.med.midwifery
  234. Nursing                                      sci.med.nursing
  235. Nutrition & diet                             sci.med.nutrition
  236. Occupational medicine                        sci.med.occupational
  237. Pharmacy & pharmacological questions         sci.med.pharmacy
  238. Prostate                                     sci.med.prostate.bph
  239. Prostate cancer                              sci.med.prostate.cancer
  240. Prostate prostatitis                         sci.med.prostate.prostatitis
  241. Dialog & news in psychiatry & psychobiology  sci.med.psychobiology
  242. Human vision, visual correction & science    sci.med.vision
  243. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  245. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  246. Perception, memory, judgment & reasoning     sci.cognitive
  247. Announcement of psychology conferences, etc  sci.psychology.announce (m)
  248. On the nature of consciousness               sci.psychology.consciousness (m)
  249. E-journal on consciousness (Psyche)          sci.psychology.journals.psyche (m)
  250. E-journal on psychology (Psycoloquy)     sci.psychology.journals.psycoloquy (m)
  251. General discussion of psychology             sci.psychology.misc
  252. All personality systems & measurement        sci.psychology.personality
  253. Practice of psychotherapy                    sci.psychology.psychotherapy
  254. Research issues in psychology                sci.psychology.research (m)
  255. Theories of psychology & behavior            sci.psychology.theory
  256. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  257. Mailing Lists that are Gatewayed to Usenet:
  258. -------------------------------------------  --------------------------
  259. Autism                                       bit.listserv.autism
  260. Blindness                                    bit.listserv.blindnws (m)
  261. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Newsletter (m)      bit.listserv.cfs.newsletter
  262. Deafness                                     bit.listserv.deaf-l
  263. Down Syndrome                                bit.listserv.down-syn
  264. Computer Access for Persons w/ Disabilities  bit.listserv.easi
  265. Support and information for single fathers   bit.listserv.free-l
  266. Humanistic aspects of aging                  bit.listserv.humage-l  (m)
  267. Industrial psychology                        bit.listserv.ioob-l
  268. Handicap                                     bit.listserv.l-hcap  (m)
  269. Psychology graduate students                 bit.listserv.psycgrad
  270. Exercise & sports psychology                 bit.listserv.sportpsy
  271. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)                 bit.listserv.tbi-support (m)
  272. Transplant recipients                        bit.listserv.transplant
  273. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. (m) = Moderated newsgroup
  276.    This Pointer is freely distributable to  any  other mailing list,
  277.    newsgroup,  or  network  service provider  as  long as it remains
  278.    fully intact. Copyright 1992-1996 John M. Grohol.
  279.    All rights reserved.
  281.    Send comments/questions/suggestions regarding this Pointer to the
  282.    author (replying to this message should work).   Do *not* include
  283.    this entire Pointer in your reply, or it may not be read.
  285.    Special thanks to my associate editor, Ross Powell <powell@direct.ca>,
  286.    who helped to revitalize these Pointers.
  288. --
  289. Dr. Grohol's Mental Health Page:        Co-moderator sci.psychology.research
  290.  http://www.coil.com/~grohol/              Associate Editor, Behavior OnLine
  291. Mental Health Net:                   Editor, Self-Help & Psychology Magazine
  292.  http://www.cmhc.com/                          Editor-in-chief, Perspectives