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- Multi-Trek
- Introduction
- Multi-Trek is a real time, multi user game in which up to
- eight people can play against each other. Each player commands
- his own ship and may direct his ship and utilize his ships wea-
- pons to score points by damaging alien ships. The universe is a
- 100 by 100 array of positions and every object in the universe
- has an integer position. The universe has wrap-around, so a
- ship leaving the top of the universe will enter the bottom.
- The universe is a large and wounderful place. It is big
- enough that a starship can travel for many minutes without en-
- gaging in battle with, or even seeing, another ship. Hyperspace
- ports exist at fixed locations in the universe, and are a fast
- and cheap way to travel. When a ship docks at a hyperspace
- port, the letter "H", his ship emerges at one of the other five
- hyper ports, depending on his "hyper set" number.
- 1.0 Starship chararistics
- Each player in the game has his own terminal which is the
- control center of his starship. The screen becomes a real time
- display showing ship indicators and the sensor scan of local
- space. Commands to the ship are very concise and so are not
- echoed back to the player. Most commands have two valid forms.
- The first form of command is called a default command consisting
- of a command letter followed by a carriage return. The default
- "warp" command, a "W" charater followed by a carriage return, is
- used to stop starship the engines. A standard command constists
- of a command letter, numbers, and a carriage return. An example
- of a standard command would be the "P" character, followed by a
- number "9", followed by a carriage return, which would fire the
- ships phasers at a course of 9. Some commands, such as "F", are
- immediate mode and because they do not use a number argument
- they execute immediately. The "F" command is used to activate
- the cloaking device so the ship becomes cloaked as soon as the
- "F" key is pressed. A "control-U" will abort regular commands,
- and the delete key removes the last character from the command
- buffer. Typing "control-Z" will cause the program to exit, and
- will protect the ship from alien attack until the ship is reac-
- tivated.
- Each ship has a limited energy supply of 10000 units which
- may be distributed between the ship and the shields. It costs
- energy to use warp drive and fire phasers and energy is lost if
- a ship runs into a star, alien ship, or other such object. Ship
- shields have maximum strength when at least 1000 units are
- stored in them and both shield and ship energy are decreased by
- hits from alien phasers and torpedos.
- Multi-Trek PAGE 2
- The facts of life and death
- 2.0 The facts of life and death
- There are three unique ways a starship can be destroyed.
- Anytime a starship's ship energy reaches zero, that ship is des-
- troyed. If this condition was caused by a hit from an alien
- starship, the alien scores 1000 points in addition to points he
- scored for the weapon hit. A ship's energy may become zero as a
- result of the use of the ships warp engines, cloaking device, or
- phasers. The only way to get more energy is to dock at a star-
- base, the "B" character. Docking at a base charges the ships
- energy banks to 10000, sets shield strength to zero, and stocks
- the ships photon torpedo supply to the maximun of ten.
- Additionally, the ship is stocked with a maximun of one
- anti-matter device. If a ship docks at a star base after firing
- an anti-matter device, but before detonating it, the old pod
- self destructs without damage to surrounding aliens, and the
- docked ship gets a new pod.
- Another way to for a starship to be destroyed is for it to
- be within a two character radius of an anti-matter device when
- the pod is detonated.
- The last way one may be destroyed is to be captured by the
- moving black hole; it is the one natural antagonist of the un-
- iverse. The black hole shown as the "#" symbol and moves in a
- straight line torwards the nearest active starship, usually at
- warp three. There exists only one known way to destroy the
- black hole. Though the black hole will eat any anti-matter dev-
- ice he encounters, a detonation close enough to him will destroy
- him, and he will then reappear at some random point in the univ-
- erse. Destroying the black hole is worth 1000 points each time
- and takes 1000 points from your score if it gets you.
- 3.0 Weapons
- There are three kinds of weapons that may be employed aga-
- inst alien ships. These weapons are used to damage other ships
- energy supply and shield strengh, and score points. Destroying
- an alien ship in battle is worth 1000 points and getting des-
- troyed costs 1000 points.
- The first weapon, and least harmful, is the phaser. It
- takes 50 units of energy to fire phasers. Phasers fire in three
- parallel bands, and so one may hit three targets with a single
- shot. Damage to alien ships as a result of a phaser hit is pro-
- portional to the distance between the recipent and attacker, and
- the score an attacker receives for a hit is equal to the energy
- the alien ship lost. While a single phaser hit is minor, repe-
- ated phaser hits can incur a great deal of damage and points,
- and it should be noted that phasers can be used to hunt for clo-
- aked ships.
- Multi-Trek PAGE 3
- The facts of life and death
- The next and more deadly weapon is the photon torpedo. The
- symbol for the photon torpedo is the plus sign, and each ship
- holds at most ten torpedos which may be fired one at a time. A
- torpedo travels at warp ten, and a hit by a torpedo does consid-
- erable damage to an alien ship and also gains the attacker 500
- points. An unshielded ship will suffer a loss of about 4800
- units of energy while a fully shielded ship may only lose 1000
- units.
- The last and most interesting weapon is the dreaded
- anti-matter device. The symbol for an anti-matter pod is the
- "at sign" and pods should be treated with great respect. Each
- ship carries one anti-matter pod and can launch it like a torpe-
- do by using the "Z" command. A pod will travel at warp five
- until its owner detonates it by hitting the "X" key. The pod
- then explodes and destroys ships, stars, random space warps,
- torpedos, black holes, and other anti-matter pods within a two
- character radius including the ship that launched it, if within
- range.
- Multi-Trek PAGE 4
- Sample screen
- Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . .
- X: 26.4 Y: 79.5 . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Heading : 6.00 . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . .
- Warp : 0.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . Ship Score
- Energy : 7615.5 . . . . . . . . B . . . @ . . . . . . . . 1* 2306
- Shields : 1920.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
- Hyper set : Six . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
- Torpedoes : Nine . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
- . . + . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . 5* 1716
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
- . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7* 511
- . . . H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
- 12-Apr-81 12:15 am . . 5 . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Pod launched.
- * Hit on shields!
- This is an example of a ship display.
- 4.0 Sample screen
- Here is an example of a starship display during the game.
- The "*" character next to the ship number shows an active ship.
- One may locate and attack only active ships.
- 5.0 List of characters
- Here are the characters of the known universe:
- 1 thru 8 Starships
- + Photon torpedo
- @ Anti-matter device
- B Starbase
- * Star
- H Hyperspace port
- R Random space warp
- # Moving black hole
- Multi-Trek PAGE 5
- List of commands
- 6.0 List of commands
- This is a list of valid commands. Some have defaults, some
- are immediate mode. All other characters are inproper as com-
- mands.
- A - Appear: Enable the cloaking device. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- C - Course: Set course using a 12 hour clock. Default is
- null.
- F - Fade: Disable cloaking device. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- H - Hyperset: Change hyperspace setting. Default is null.
- L - Locate ship: Gives approximate course to the specified
- alien ship. Default is null.
- P - Phaser: Fire phasers. Default is to fire phasers on
- the same course as the ships setting.
- R - Reset: Clear and redraw display. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- S - Shields: Add or subtract energy from the shields.
- Default is null.
- T - Torpedo: Fire a photon torpedo. Default is to fire a
- torpedo on the same course as the ships setting.
- W - Warp: Set warp drive. Default is to stop engines.
- X - Explode: Detonate anti-matter device. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- Z - Launch: Launch anti-matter device. Default checks the
- status of the anti-matter pod, but does not fire it.
- DEL - Delete: Delete the last character typed. You may not
- delete immediate mode commands. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- ^U - Kill line: Flush input buffer. Immediate mode. _________ ____
- ^Z - Exit: Leave the game. Immediate mode. _________ ____