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From: kelly@poverty.bloomington.in.us (Kelly Martin)
To: usenet-nomic@poverty.bloomington.in.us
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 94 03:16:03 EST5
Message-Id: <9412020816.1if7@poverty.bloomington.in.us>
Subject: revised initial ruleset
Status: OR
based on something i read from Peter Suber, i've introduced the
concept of Privileged Rules (which are simply Rules with 2/3 majority
protection and preferential precedence). also, some stuff about
filling Offices has been fiddled with to ensure that we are never
without Officers.
Rules marked as "Priv" are Privileged (see Rule 1-5).
1-1. The Rules shall be gathered into a collection of numbered
Titles, each of which shall consist of zero or more numbered
Sections. No Title or Section may be numbered less than 1; no
two Titles or two Sections within the same Title may have the
same Number. Title and Section Numbers may be fractional, if
1-2. An individual Rule may be cited within another Rule by
specifying its Title and Section numbers (e.g. Rule 1-1).
1-3. These Rules shall govern all activities of those Entities
Priv described within these Rules. No Entity described within these
Rules may act in a manner prohibited by the Rules while that
Entity is under the jurisdiction of the Rules.
1-4. Any action which is not explicitly prohibited by the Rules is
Priv permitted without regulation.
1-5. Certain Rules may, in accordance with other Rules, be designated
Priv as Privileged. Privileged Rules always take precedence over
Unprivileged Rules, even if another Rule states otherwise.
1-6. If two or more Rules are found to be in conflict with one
another, the Rule least recently enacted or amended takes
precedence, unless one of the Rules involved explicitly claims
or yields precedence to the others, in which case that provision
shall govern precedence. If, however, two or more of the Rules
in conflict claim precedence over one another, or yield
precedence to one another, the chronological method shall again
govern precedence.
1-7. For the purpose of Rule 1-6, the Initial Rules shall be
considered to have been sequentially enacted in the order they
appear, by Title and by Section within each Title.
1-8. No Rule shall have retroactive effect or application. No Rule
Priv shall have any legal force prior to the moment it is enacted,
any Rule to the contrary notwithstanding.
1-9. There shall be an Officer, called the Rulekeeper, who shall
maintain a record of all the Rules.
a) Whenever a Rule is enacted, this record shall be annotated
with a notation indicating the date and time the Rule was
enacted and the means of its enactment.
b) Whenever a Rule is repealed, this record shall be annotated
with a notation indicating that that Rule has been repealed,
the date and time of the repeal, and the means of repeal.
The text of the repealed Rule need not be included in the
c) Whenever a Rule is amended, the record shall be annotated
with a notation that the Rule has been amended, the date and
time of amendment, and the means of amendment. The text of
the original form of the Rule need not be included in the
d) Whenever a Rule's Privileged Status is changed, the record
shall be annotated with a nitation that the Rule's Privilege
Status has been changed, its former Privilege Status, the
date and time of the change, and the means of the change.
2-1. A Rule Change shall be exactly one of the following:
Priv a) the enactment of a new Rule,
b) the repeal of an existing Rule,
c) the amendment of an existing Rule, or
d) the change of an existing Rule's Privilege (from
Unprivileged to Privileged, or Privileged to Unprivileged).
No other type of Rule Change is legal.
2-2. A Rule Change which enacts a new Rule shall state the Title and
Priv Section Numbers of the new Rule; if the Title does not already
exist, the Rule Change shall also state the name of the new
Title. No new Rule may be enacted with the same Title and
Section number of any previously enacted Rule, whether or not
the previous Rule still exists. A Rule Change which does not
comply with this Rule shall have no effect.
2-3. A Rule Change may affect any portion of the Rules, including
Priv those Rules pertaining to Rule Changes.
2-4. It shall never be completely impossible to change the Rules.
Priv Any Rule Change which would result in this state of affairs
shall have no effect.
2-5. No Rule may be changed except as the direct result of the
Priv application of another Rule, or the adoption of a Proposal.
2-6. A Privileged Rule may not be changed, or an Unprivileged Rule
Priv made Privileged, except as the direct result of the application
of another Privileged Rule, or the adoption of a Proposal which
required at least twice as many votes in favor as opposed to be
3-1. A Player is a person who has been registered to play Nomic. A
Player may not be registered or deregistered except as provided
by the Rules.
3-2. A person may, at any time, announce eir intent to play Nomic,
Priv and thus become registered as a Player. Such announcement must be
made such that all current Players may receive it.
3-3. A Player may, at any time, announce that e no longer intends to
Priv play Nomic, and thus cease to be registered as a Player.
3-4. While a person is registered as a Player, e is bound by the
Priv Rules of Nomic, and must abide by them at all times.
3-5. Play shall occur only when there are at least five registered
Players. If, at any time, there are less than five registered
Players, the Game is suspended, and the only actions which may
take place within the Game are the registration and
deregistration of Players, and all matters pertaining to
Petitions and Judgements.
3-6. There shall be an Officer, called the Registrar, who shall
maintain a list of all registered Players.
4-1. There shall exist an Officer, known as the Speaker, who shall be
Priv responsible for administering the process of making and voting
upon Proposals.
4-2. Any Player may make a formal Proposal to change the Rules. Such
a Proposal shall contain one or more Rule Changes, and shall be
submitted to the Speaker. Only Players may make Proposals.
4-3. The Speaker shall assign each Proposal e receives a Proposal
Number. E shall then distribute the Proposal to all Players,
after which the Players shall then Vote upon it.
4-4. The first Proposals shall be numbered 1, and each subsequent
Proposal shall receive the next higher integer.
4-5. Any Proposal which is adopted shall take effect in the exact
form it was Voted upon.
4-6. No Proposal may be adopted without a properly-conducted Vote in
which it has received the required number of Votes and in which
Quorum has been acheived.
4-7. Unless otherwise specified, a Proposal shall be adopted if and
only if it receives more FOR Votes than AGAINST Votes.
4-8. A Proposal containing a Rule Change which in any way changes a
Priv Privilged Rule, or which makes an Unprivileged Rule Privileged,
shall be adopted if and only if it receives more than twice as
many FOR Votes as AGAINST Votes.
4-9. When a Proposal is adopted, the Rule Changes it contains shall
be applied to the Rules in the order they appear in the
4-10. There shall be an Officer, called the Scribe, who shall maintain
a complete historical record of all Proposals made, by whom, and
their final outcome.
5-1. A Vote shall commence at the moment the Proposal to be Voted
upon is distributed to the Players, and shall last for a Voting
Period of seven days.
5-2. Quorum is defined as 20% of the registered Voters at the
beginning of the prescribed Voting Period. For a Vote to meet
Quorum, at least this many Voters must vote.
5-3. Each Voter registered at the beginning of the Voting Period
shall have one Vote.
5-4. All Players, other than the Speaker, are Voters. The Speaker is
not a Voter and may not Vote.
5-5. An individial Vote may be either FOR or AGAINST a Proposal, but
not both. Votes must be clear and unconditional.
5-6. Only those votes cast between the beginning and the end of the
Voting Period on a given Proposal are valid; all others are not.
6-1. There shall exist an Officer, known as the Clerk, who shall be
responsible for administering the operation of the Courts.
6-2. If a Player believes an Action to have been in violation of the
Rules, or disagrees with the interpretation or application of
the Rules, e may submit a Petition for Judgement to the Clerk.
6-3. The Clerk, upon receiving a Petition in accordance with 6-2,
shall assign it a number and select a Judge to rule on it. E
shall then distribute the Petition to all Players and announce
the identity of the Judge.
6-4. The first Petition shall be numbered 1, and each subsequent
Petition shall receive the next higher integer.
6-5. The Judge of a Petition shall be selected at random from all
Players not barred or recused on that Petition.
6-6. The submitter of a Petition is barred from being assigned to
Judge it.
6-7. If there are no Players not barred or recused from a given
Petition, all Players recused on that Petition shall again be
considered eligible for selection. If there are still no
eligible Players, all Players barred, excluding the Player
submitting the Petition, shall be considered eligible for
6-8. Once a Judge has been assigned, e has seven days from the date
of distribution of the Petition to render eir decision. If the
Judge fails to render a decision in that time, or upon eir
request, e shall be recused, and a new Judge shall be selected.
6-9. The Judge of a Petition shall deliver eir Judgement by
submitting it to the Player designated by the Rules to receive
Petitions, who shall then distribute it to all Players.
6-10. A Judgement is one of TRUE, FALSE, or UNDECIDED. The Judge may
choose to include reasons or arguments along with eir Judgement,
but such reasons and arguments are not part of the Judgement.
If the Judge chooses to include reasons and arguments along with
eir Judgement, these shall be distributed along with the
Judgement itself.
6-11. All Judgements shall be made in accordance to the Rules. If the
Rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear, the Judge shall
consider game custom and the spirit of the Game before applying
other standards.
6-12. The Clerk shall, in addition to eir other duties, maintain a
complete historical record of all Petitions for Judgement, the
Judgements rendered upon them and by whom.
7-1. Each Player shall, upon registering, have a score of zero Points.
7-2. A Player's Score may not be changed except as specified in the
7-3. A Player shall receive 1 Point for each Vote cast. This award
is received at the end of the Voting Period in which the Vote
was cast.
7-4. The Player who proposes a Proposal shall receive 10 Points if
the Proposal is adopted, and shall lose 10 Points if the
Proposal is rejected. This award or penalty is assessed at the
end of the Voting Period for that Proposal.
7-5. Any Player who votes against a Proposal which is then adopted
receives 5 Points at the end of the Voting Period for that
7-6. Any Player who requests to be recused from Judgement loses 2
7-7. Any Player who is recused from Judgement for reasons other than
eir request loses 5 Points.
7-8. Any Player who delivers a valid Judgement within the the time
limit in Rule 6-6 receives 5 Points.
7-9. There shall exist an Officer, called the Scorekeeper, who shall
maintain a record of the scores of every Player.
8-1. The first Player, other than the Speaker, to attain or exceed a
score of 100 Points in any given Round wins that Round. If more
than one Player reaches or exceeds this total simultaneously,
all Players to do so win that Round.
8-2. Whenever a Round ends, the following events shall immediately
take place:
a) If there is a single winner, e shall become the Speaker for
the next Round. If there is more than one winner, the
current Speaker shall select one of them at random to
become the Speaker for the next Round. If there are no
Winners, the current Speaker shall be the Speaker for the
next Round.
b) The Scores of all Players are reset to zero.
c) The next Round of the Game is then begun.
8-3. Except for those changes specified in the Rules, no changes are
made at the end of a Round.
9-1. For every Office required by the Rules, there must be exactly
one Player filling that Office at any given time.
9-2. In the event that an Office would not otherwise be filled by a
Player (by resignation, deregistration, or other reason), the
Speaker shall fill that Office.
9-3. If the Office of Speaker would otherwise not be filled, the
Player with the highest Score shall be Speaker. If there are
two or more Players with the same highest score, the Player
whose name lexicographically precedes that of the others shall
become Speaker.
9-4. The Speaker shall have the power to appoint another Player to
fill any Office the Speaker is currently is filling, provided
that that Player consents. However, the Speaker may never
appoint another Player to become Speaker. This Rule yields to
any Rule which designates another means to fill an Office.
9-5. An Officer may resign eir Office at any time by informing the
Speaker of eir resignation. However, the Player currently
holding the Office of Speaker may never resign any Office e
holds in this fashion.
9-6. If the Rules require an Officer to maintain any sort of records,
then those Records must be made available for the perusal of
every Player, unless the Rules specify otherwise.
9-7. Upon any change of the holder of an Office, the former
Officeholder shall transfer all records pertaining to that
Office to the new Officeholder.
9-8. If the Rules require that a random designation be made, but do
not specify a Player who is to make that determination, the
Speaker shall do so.
9-9. The Registrar shall, in addition to eir other duties, maintain a
record of which Players hold which Offices.
kelly martin <kelly@poverty.bloomington.in.us>
"The Great Depression has been funded by..."
(credits preceding PBS showing of the program, "The Great Depression")