def s-f10=[command cursor][delete line][error]'Hit key to be redefined.'[key name][begin line][store cursor][insert mode]'? key '[recall cursor][forget cursor][execute]
def a-f1=[store cursor][error 1]'Hit key or command to be repeated'[clear flag 250][if next key in]'-'[set flag 250][end if][error]'Hit any key to stop.'[command cursor][delete line][key name][begin line][insert mode]'exec [do][update]'
def left-button+[unanchor][if mark][change mark to char][end if][re-mark char][pointer cursor][re-mark char][end if]
def right-button=[if just pressed][if left pressed][if double clicked][execute key a-u][end if][else][pointer cursor][if double clicked][execute key a-decimal][end if][end if][else][unanchor][if left pressed][if mark][change mark to line][end if]
def right-button+[re-mark line][pointer cursor][re-mark line][else][if mark][change mark to block][end if][re-mark block][pointer cursor][re-mark block][end if][end if]