17 Bit Software 1: Collection A
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The Blob V1.0
(C) by Guido Wegener 2.Feb.1990
Eisenacher Str. 2
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
This program is Freeware and may be copied as long as this .doc-file is
included and no profit is made by distribution.
You may use parts of this program if you mention the author.
This program is just a joke (the normal boing, scat!, wavebench,
drunkenmouse .... stuff), so if you like real usefull progs, then
don't load it, it will make you sick.
The Blob will open a small window with depth and close gadgets.
Klicking the close gadget will close the window and stop Blob.
While the window is open, slimy red drops will start running down your
You can run more than one Blob at any time by calling it again.
Due to the small number of hardware-sprites on the Amiga, you will
not be able to run more then seven Blobs (each Blob uses one sprite (255
lines) + mousepointer = 8). You should not even run more than two Blobs,
because it will slooww ddooowwnn your Amiga quite a bit (it will simulate
Atari ST - speed).
Sorry for the rectangle-shaped patterns, appearing when many drops unite,
but a sprite is only 16 pixels wide and I am not able to change THAT.
Maybe I will make the drops a bit smaller, enabling at least three of them
to overlap (it depends on what other CLUSTER members think about it).
This program should run with every other normal program and on any machine
(except ST, it is tooo slow for doing it), if it does not, please write a
letter to me (see bottom for the address).
The Blob can be started in one (or more) of the following ways :
- Typing 'Blob' in the CLI, will start Blob, but CLI will stop and wait
until you exit Blob, then it will reawaken.
- Typing 'run Blob' in CLI, will start Blob while keeping CLI running.
- Klicking the Blob icon on the WorkBench will start Blob in the same
way as using 'run Blob'.
P.S.: Today (20.3.1990) I received Fish Disk 295 and started Mandel-
Mountain. It is sooo boring ! To get some fun I started looking at my
self-made disk and ran Blob from WB. What did my sharp eyes see ?
The mouse-pointer was gone ! And when I moved the mouse, the pointer
came back, but my cute Blob disapeared. Both used the same sprite !
MandelMountain seems to kill the mouse-pointer in a very cruel way !
So if you want to run it with Blob, please start Blob first.
(Or don't run both of them like everybody else does, why should you want
to run the nice Mandel-proggy with a crazy Blob ?? Stupid dummy !)
P.P.S.: OK,Ok, the Atari ST is faster than the Amiga, but it isn't as
nice !
CLUSTER is a legal programming formation mainly working on Amiga, coding
Freeware (and perhaps some commercial programs later).
CLUSTER was founded on January 1989 with the following members:
André Wichmann, Guido Wegener, Martin Rosenkranz, Martin Baumann, Philipp
Witkop, Stefan Kaspari, Stefan Lietzow and Giang Nguyen.
Then we reduced our members to the best and got a new programmer.
Now, on 2.Feb.1990, we have the following members:
André Wichmann Coding
Guido Wegener Coding
Martin Mohr Coding
Martin Rosenkranz Graphics
Philipp Witkop Digitizing
If you want to contact any member of CLUSTER (legal !!!) then write to
our address:
André Wichmann
Posener Weg 4
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
André will give the letter to the addressed member.
Send errors, corrections, supporting ideas, criticism, enthusiastic fan-
letters and money to the author: Guido Wegener
Eisenacher Str. 2
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany