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- #define MAXCHAR 1000 /* Maximum number of chars in a line */
- #define MAXPTS 2000 /* Maximum no of points */
- #define MAXTYPE 100 /* Maximum no of line/marker types */
- #define N 4 /* The size of all matrices */
- #define MAXKEY 20 /* Maximum no of keywords */
- #define YES 1
- #define NO 0
- #define ON 1
- #define OFF 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define SMALL 1.0e-10
- #define esc '\033' /* ESC character (ascii) */
- #define PSFILE "dataplot.ps" /* Postscript file */
- #define SUN_LIN 4
- #define SUN_MKR 96
- #define HP_LIN 9
- #define HP_MKR 5
- #define PS_LIN 11
- #define PS_MKR 17
- #define PSMAX 500
- #define PSMIN 100
- /* input formats */
- #define CONV 0
- #define PIF 1
- typedef double matrix[N][N]; /* 2D Matrix array */
- /* Data structure for point/curve storage */
- typedef struct {
- double x;
- double y;
- double z;
- } xyzdata; /* xyz coordinates */
- typedef struct {
- double xl;
- double xr;
- double yb;
- double yt;
- } box; /* box dimensions */
- typedef struct node_strct {
- double x;
- double y;
- double z;
- struct node_strct *next;
- struct node_strct *prev;
- } node; /* structure containing xyz data points */
- typedef struct segm_strct {
- struct node_strct *head; /* pointer to first node */
- struct node_strct *tail; /* pointer to last node */
- struct segm_strct *next;
- struct segm_strct *prev;
- double zave; /* average z value of the points */
- } segm; /* a single line */
- typedef struct node_strct *nodeptr;
- typedef struct segm_strct *segmptr;
- /* This linked list stores the names of all the plotfiles */
- typedef struct pfile_strct {
- char plotfile[MAXCHAR];
- int format;
- struct pfile_strct *prev;
- struct pfile_strct *next;
- } pfile;
- typedef struct pfile_strct *pfileptr;
- #ifndef MAIN
- extern segmptr segmhead; /* pointer to first segment */
- extern segmptr segmtail; /* pointer to last segment */
- extern pfileptr pfilehead;
- extern pfileptr pfiletail;
- /* some plot options */
- extern char *term; /* terminal type */
- extern char xlabel[MAXCHAR]; /* x-label */
- extern char ylabel[MAXCHAR]; /* y-label */
- extern char zlabel[MAXCHAR]; /* z-label */
- extern char toplabel[MAXCHAR]; /* header label */
- extern char printer[MAXCHAR]; /* printer type */
- /* info for scaling and transformations */
- extern xyzdata eyepos; /* position of the eye/camera */
- extern xyzdata viewcenter; /* center of view */
- extern xyzdata viewup; /* up direction of view */
- extern box window; /* window dimensions relative to center */
- extern box viewport; /* viewport in normalized device coordinates*/
- extern matrix I; /* identity matrix */
- extern matrix view_transfo; /* matrix for view transformation */
- extern double ndc_width; /* width in ndc space */
- extern double ndc_height; /* height in ndc space */
- /* plotting options/parameters */
- extern int grid,equalscale,postscript,printplot,noplot;
- extern int xticks,yticks,zticks;
- extern int line,linechange,marker,markerchange;
- extern int linetype[MAXTYPE], markertype[MAXTYPE];
- extern int hiddenline, quick_sort, nosort;
- extern double scale;
- /* plot boundaries */
- extern double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
- extern double pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax;
- #endif