{#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">Activation of Scripts</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>Activation of Scripts</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
{#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">Date Format Options</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>Date Format Options</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
Check to include a "leading zero" to each of the following:
<input type=checkbox name=dates_zero value=1{#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{dates_zero} == 1#} checked{#endif#}> Day of month<br>
{#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">International Character Set</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>International Character Set</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
If you need to specify a special international character set on all of the pages
generated by the Discus Program, you can enter that information here. If you leave
this blank, no character set information will be written onto the page. For example,
to use the "us-en" character set, you would type <b>us-en</b> into the
blank below.
<td class="normal">International Character Set:</td>
<td><input type=text name=charset value="{#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{charset} ne "0"#}$GLOBAL_OPTIONS{charset}{#endif#}" size=5></td>