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Text File  |  2009-11-06  |  29KB  |  702 lines

  1. # FILE: usermgr2.tmpl
  2. # DESCRIPTION: User Manager Screen
  3. # Copyright (c) 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved
  4. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. <!--BEGIN-->
  7. <html><head><title>User Manager: $general->{group}</title>
  9. <#if $general->{menu} == 0#>
  10.     <script language="javascript">
  11.     <!--
  12.     function marktos(num,dir) {
  13.         var mktrue = document.uf.markall.checked;
  14.         if (mktrue == true) {
  15.             alert('You cannot change the status of individual boxes while the "Mark All" box is checked.');
  16.             return false;
  17.         }
  18.         var count = $#users;
  19.         if (count == 1) {
  20.             var c = document.uf.MARK.checked;
  21.             document.uf.MARK.checked = 1-c;
  22.         } else {
  23.             var c = document.uf.MARK[num].checked;
  24.             if (dir==1) {
  25.                 for (var i=0; i<=num; i++) {
  26.                     document.uf.MARK[i].checked = 1-c;
  27.                 }
  28.             }
  29.             if (dir==0) {
  30.                 for (var i=num; i<count; i++) {
  31.                     document.uf.MARK[i].checked = 1-c;
  32.                 }
  33.             }
  34.         }
  35.         return false;
  36.     }
  38.     function mkall () {
  39.         var count = $#users;
  40.         var mktrue = document.uf.markall.checked;
  41.         if (typeof document.uf.markall.disabled != 'undefined') {
  42.             for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  43.                 document.uf.MARK[i].disabled = false;
  44.                 document.uf.MARK[i].checked = mktrue;
  45.                 document.uf.MARK[i].disabled = mktrue;
  46.             }
  47.         } else {
  48.             for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  49.                 document.uf.MARK[i].checked = mktrue;
  50.             }
  51.         }
  52.     }
  54.     function clearfields () {
  55.         document.uf.SELECTION_action.value = "";
  56.         document.uf.SELECTION_who.value = "";
  57.     }
  59.     function fsubmit (val) {
  60.         document.uf.s.value = val;
  61.         document.uf.submit();
  62.     }
  64.     function ua(action, number) {
  65.         if (action == 'd') {
  66.             if (number == '*') {
  67.                 var m = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all marked users?\n\nNote: Deleting users removes their account entirely from all groups.  If you want to remove this user from this group but leave them registered in other groups, select Cancel now and use the 'Rem' icon.");
  68.             } else {
  69.                 var m = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete '" + number + "'?\n\nNote: Deleting users removes their account entirely from all groups.  If you want to remove this user from this group but leave them registered in other groups, select Cancel now and use the 'Rem' icon.");
  70.             }
  71.             if (m == true) {
  72.                 document.uf.SELECTION_action.value = action;
  73.                 document.uf.SELECTION_who.value = number;
  74.                 document.uf.submit();
  75.             }
  76.         } else {
  77.             if (action == 'r') {
  78.                 if (number == '*') {
  79.                     var m = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove all marked users from this group?\n\nNote: Removing users from this group will leave any user accounts in other groups they may have.  However, accounts registered only in this group will be deleted entirely.");
  80.                 } else {
  81.                     var m = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove '" + number + "' from this group?\n\nNote: Removing users from this group will leave any user accounts in other groups they may have.  However, accounts registered only in this group will be deleted entirely.");
  82.                 }
  83.                 if (m == true) {
  84.                     document.uf.SELECTION_action.value = action;
  85.                     document.uf.SELECTION_who.value = number;
  86.                     document.uf.submit();
  87.                 }
  88.             } else {
  89.                 document.uf.SELECTION_action.value = action;
  90.                 document.uf.SELECTION_who.value = number;
  91.                 document.uf.submit();
  92.             }
  93.         }
  94.         return false;
  95.     }
  96.     //-->
  97.     </script>
  98. <#endif#>
  99. <style type="text/css">
  100. td.unselected {font: bold 9pt verdana,arial,helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0}
  101. td.selected {font: bold 9pt verdana,arial,helvetica; background-color: #f7f757}
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  103. td.bb {font: bold 9pt verdana,arial,helvetica}
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  111. </style>
  112. </head>
  113. <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF">
  114. $fs<font size=3><center><b>User Manager: Edit \u$general->{group}</b></center></font>
  115. <hr>
  116. <#if $general->{show_copy} == 0#>
  117.     <b><a href="$cgiurl?username=$general->{username}&action=user_mgr_1">User Manager</A>:
  118.     Edit \u$general->{group}</b>
  119. <#else#>
  120.     <b><a href="$cgiurl?username=$general->{username}&action=user_mgr_1">User Manager</A>:
  121.     <a href="$cgiurl?username=$general->{username}&action=user_mgr_2&group=$general->{group}&menu=0">Edit \u$general->{group}</a>:
  122.     Copy/move users</b>
  123. <#endif#>
  124. <hr>
  126. <#define array @menubar(number,name)#>
  127. 0    Users
  128. 1    Add User
  129. 2    Add User List
  130. 3    Copy Users
  131. 4    Self-Registration
  132. <#/define#>
  134. <#define array @usrcolors (_index, color)#>
  135. 1    #e3e3e3
  136. 2    #d0d0d0
  137. <#/define#>
  139. <#if $general->{skip_menu} == 0#>
  140.     <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=#d0d0d0>
  141.     <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr>
  142.     <#foreach $barid (@menubar)#>
  143.         <#if $general->{menu} == $barid->{number}#>
  144.             <td class="selected">
  145.         <#else#>
  146.             <td class="unselected">
  147.         <#endif#>
  148.         <a class="bar" href="$general->{url}&menu=$barid->{number}">$barid->{name}</a>
  149.         </td>
  150.     <#endloop#>
  151.     </tr></table>
  152.     </td></tr></table>
  153.     <HR>
  154. <#endif#>
  155. $fs
  156. <#if $general->{menu} == 0#>
  157.     <form action="$cgiurl" method="post" name="uf">
  158.     <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$general->{s}">
  159.     <input type="hidden" name="SELECTION_action" value="">
  160.     <input type="hidden" name="SELECTION_who" value="">
  161.     <div class="surround">
  162.         {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">Filter Users</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>Filter Users</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  163.         <ul>
  164.             <table>
  165.             <tr>
  166.                 <td class="bb">Username</td>
  167.                 <td><select name="f1">
  168.                     <option value="1"{#if $filter->{f1} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>contains</option>
  169.                     <option value="2"{#if $filter->{f1} == 2#} selected{#endif#}>does not contain</option>
  170.                     <option value="7"{#if $filter->{f1} == 7#} selected{#endif#}>equals</option>
  171.                 </select></td>
  172.                 <td><input type=text name="l1" value="<#form escape "$filter->{l1}"#>" size=15></td>
  173.             </tr>
  174.             <tr>
  175.                 <td class="bb">E-mail</td>
  176.                 <td><select name="f2">
  177.                     <option value="1"{#if $filter->{f2} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>contains</option>
  178.                     <option value="2"{#if $filter->{f2} == 2#} selected{#endif#}>does not contain</option>
  179.                     <option value="7"{#if $filter->{f2} == 7#} selected{#endif#}>equals</option>
  180.                 </select></td>
  181.                 <td><input type=text name="l2" value="<#form escape "$filter->{l2}"#>" size=25></td>
  182.             </tr>
  183.             <tr>
  184.                 <td class="bb">Full Name</td>
  185.                 <td><select name="f3">
  186.                     <option value="1"{#if $filter->{f3} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>contains</option>
  187.                     <option value="2"{#if $filter->{f3} == 2#} selected{#endif#}>does not contain</option>
  188.                     <option value="7"{#if $filter->{f3} == 7#} selected{#endif#}>equals</option>
  189.                 </select></td>
  190.                 <td><input type=text name="l3" value="<#form escape "$filter->{l3}"#>" size=25></td>
  191.             </tr>
  192.             <#if pro#>
  193.                 <tr>
  194.                     <td class="bb">Created</td>
  195.                     <td><select name="f4">
  196.                         <option value="4"{#if $filter->{f4} == 4#} selected{#endif#}>more than</option>
  197.                         <option value="3"{#if $filter->{f4} == 3#} selected{#endif#}>less than</option>
  198.                     </select></td>
  199.                     <td class="bb"><input type=text name="l4" value="<#form escape "$filter->{l4}"#>" size=3> days ago</td>
  200.                 </tr>
  201.                 <tr>
  202.                     <td class="bb">Last Accessed</td>
  203.                     <td><select name="f5">
  204.                         <option value="4"{#if $filter->{f5} == 4#} selected{#endif#}>more than</option>
  205.                         <option value="3"{#if $filter->{f5} == 3#} selected{#endif#}>less than</option>
  206.                         <option value="5"{#if $filter->{f5} == 5#} selected{#endif#}>* never *</option>
  207.                     </select></td>
  208.                     <td class="bb"><input type=text name="l5" value="<#form escape "$filter->{l5}"#>" size=3> days ago</td>
  209.                 </tr>
  210.                 <tr>
  211.                     <td class="bb">E-mail Notification</td>
  212.                     <td><select name="l7">
  213.                         <option value=""{#if $filter->{l7} eq ""#} selected{#endif#}>--Select One--</option>
  214.                         <option value="0"{#if $filter->{l7} eq "0"#} selected{#endif#}>Off</option>
  215.                         <option value="1"{#if $filter->{l7} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>On</option>
  216.                     </select></td>
  217.                     <td class="bb"><input type=hidden name="f7" value="6"></td>
  218.                 </tr>
  219.                 <tr>
  220.                     <td class="bb">Suspension Status</td>
  221.                     <td colspan=2><select name="l8">
  222.                         <option value=""{#if $filter->{l8} eq ""#} selected{#endif#}>--Select One--</option>
  223.                         <option value="0"{#if $filter->{l8} eq "0"#} selected{#endif#}>Not Suspended</option>
  224.                         <option value="1"{#if $filter->{l8} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>Any Suspended</option>
  225.                         <option value="2"{#if $filter->{l8} == 2#} selected{#endif#}>Awaiting Agreement</option>
  226.                         <option value="3"{#if $filter->{l8} == 3#} selected{#endif#}>Awaiting E-mail Verification</option>
  227.                         <option value="6"{#if $filter->{l8} == 6#} selected{#endif#}>Awaiting Password Change</option>
  228.                         <option value="4"{#if $filter->{l8} == 4#} selected{#endif#}>Canceled Account</option>
  229.                         <option value="5"{#if $filter->{l8} == 5#} selected{#endif#}>Banned Account</option>
  230.                     </select></td>
  231.                 </tr>
  232.                 <tr>
  233.                     <td class="bb">Queued Status</td>
  234.                     <td colspan=2><select name="l9">
  235.                         <option value="0"{#if $filter->{l9} == 0#} selected{#endif#}>Not Queued</option>
  236.                         <option value="1"{#if $filter->{l9} == 1#} selected{#endif#}>Queued</option>
  237.                     </select></td>
  238.                 </tr>
  239.                 <tr>
  240.                     <td colspan=3 class="unb">
  241.                         <input type=hidden name="f10" value="1">
  242.                         <input type=checkbox name="l10"{#if $filter->{l10} == 1#} checked{#endif#} value="1">
  243.                             Use wildcards:
  244.                                 <b>?</b> = any single character;
  245.                                 <b>*</b> = any number of characters
  246.                     </td>
  247.                 </tr>
  249.             <#endif#>
  250.             </table>
  251.             <p></p>
  252.             <input type=submit value="Filter" onClick="clearfields()">
  253.             <input type=submit value="Clear Query" onClick="clearfields(); document.uf.clear.value = 1;">
  254.         </ul>
  255.     </div>
  257.     <a name="um"><br><br></a>
  258.     <div class="surround">
  259.         {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">User Management</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>User Management</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  260.         <#if $#users == 0#>
  261.             <#if $general->{size_u} == 0#>
  262.                 <p>
  263.                 There are no users in this group.
  264.                 </p>
  265.                 </div>
  266.                 </body></html>
  267.                 <#exit#>
  268.             <#else#>
  269.                 <p>
  270.                 Your query did not match any users in this group.
  271.                 </p>
  272.             <#endif#>
  273.         <#else#>
  274.             <p>
  275.             Now displaying{||}\
  276.             <#if $general->{match} == $#users#>
  277.                 {#if $general->{match} == 1#}the 1 user{#else#}all $general->{match} users{#endif#}
  278.             <#else#>
  279.                 user $first_user->{ident} - $last_user->{ident}{||}\
  280.                 of $general->{match} user{#if $general->{match} != 1#}s{#endif#}{||}\
  281.             <#endif#>
  282.             <#if $general->{match} == $general->{size_u}#>
  283.                 in this group.
  284.             <#else#>
  285.                 matching your query.
  286.             <#endif#>            
  287.             </p>
  288.             <#if $general->{match} != $#users || $general->{s} eq "*"#>
  289.                 <p>
  290.                   \
  291.                 <a href="#" onClick="fsubmit(1); return false;">\
  292.                 <img src="$icon_url/mark_top.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0>\
  293.                 </a>  
  294.                 <a href="#" onClick="fsubmit($general->{screen_up}); return false;">\
  295.                 <img src="$icon_url/mark_up.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0>\
  296.                 </a>  
  297.                 <a href="#" onClick="fsubmit($general->{screen_down}); return false;">\
  298.                 <img src="$icon_url/mark_down.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0>\
  299.                 </a>  
  300.                 <a href="#" onClick="fsubmit($general->{screen_last}); return false;">\
  301.                 <img src="$icon_url/mark_bottom.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0>\
  302.                 </a>
  303.                   or select:
  304.                 <select name="s2" onChange="clearfields(); fsubmit(document.uf.s2.options[document.uf.s2.selectedIndex].value)">
  305.                 <#foreach $t (@t)#>
  306.                     <option value="$t->{ident}"\
  307.                     <#if $t->{ident} == $general->{s}#> selected<#endif#>\                
  308.                     >\u$t->{firstuser} - \u$t->{lastuser}</option>
  309.                 <#endloop#>
  310.                 <option value="*"\
  311.                 <#if "*" eq $general->{s}#> selected<#endif#>\                
  312.                 >Show All Users</option>
  313.                 </select>
  314.                 </p>
  315.             <#endif#>
  316.         <#endif#>
  317.     </div>
  318.     <br><br>
  320.     <table bgcolor=#000000 width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>
  321.     <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%>
  322.     <tr align=center bgcolor="#f7f7f7">
  323.     <td class="ub">Mark</td>
  324.     <td class="ub">Del</td>
  325.     <td class="ub">Rem</td>
  326.     <td class="ub">Cpy</td>
  327.     <td class="ub">Mov</td>
  328.     <#if pro#><td class="ub">Sus</td>
  329.     <#if pro#><td class="ub">Mail</td>
  330.     <#if pro && $general->{username} eq $superuser#><td class="ub">Pro</td>
  331.     <td class="ub">Edit</td>
  332.     <td class="ub" width=58% align=left>User</td>
  333.     <td class="ub" width=20%>Last Access</td>
  334.     </tr>
  336.     <#foreach $user (@users)#>
  337.         <#if $user->{suspend_ban}#>
  338.             <tr bgcolor="#ff5555">
  339.         <#else#>
  340.             <#if $user->{suspend_cancel}#>
  341.                 <tr bgcolor="#ffcccc">
  342.             <#else#>
  343.                 <#if $user->{suspend_queue}#>
  344.                     <tr bgcolor="#ccccff">
  345.                 <#else#>
  346.                     <#if $user->{suspend_acceptance}#>
  347.                         <tr bgcolor="#ccffcc">
  348.                     <#else#>
  349.                         <#if $user->{suspend_pwchange}#>
  350.                             <tr bgcolor="#ffffcc">
  351.                         <#else#>
  352.                             <#if $user->{suspend_email}#>
  353.                                 <tr bgcolor="#ccffff">
  354.                             <#else#>
  355.                                 <tr bgcolor="<#pick color $user->{_iteration} from @usrcolors (1,2)#>">
  356.                             <#endif#>
  357.                         <#endif#>
  358.                     <#endif#>
  359.                 <#endif#>
  360.             <#endif#>
  361.         <#endif#>
  362.         <td><a href="#" onClick="marktos($user->{_iteration_minus1}, 1);return false"><img src="$icon_url/mark_up.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0></a> \
  363.         <a href="#" onClick="marktos($user->{_iteration_minus1}, 0);return false"><img src="$icon_url/mark_down.gif" height=12 width=12 border=0></a> \
  364.         <input type=checkbox name=MARK value="<#form escape "$user->{user}"#>"></td>
  365.         <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('d', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/delete_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  366.         <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('r', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/remove_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  367.         <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('c', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/copy_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  368.         <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('m', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/move_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  369.         <#if pro#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('s', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/suspend_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  370.         <#if pro#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('l', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/email_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  371.         <#if pro && $general->{username} eq $superuser#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('u', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/group_icon_add.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  372.         <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('e', '<#javascript_prepare "$user->{user}"#>');"><img src="$icon_url/edit_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  373.         <td class="unb">\u$user->{user}
  374.             {#if $user->{fullname} ne "" && $user->{fullname} ne "fullname"#}($user->{fullname}){#endif#}<br>
  375.             {#if $user->{email} ne "" && $user->{email} ne "email"#}<a href="mailto:$user->{email}">$user->{email}</a>
  376.             <#if $user->{suspend_ban}#><font color=#ffffff><b>(Banned)</b></font>
  377.             <#if $user->{suspend_cancel}#><font color=#ff0000><b>(Suspended)</b></font>
  378.             <#if $user->{suspend_email}#><font color=#ff0000>(Awaiting Activation)</font>
  379.             <#if $user->{suspend_queue}#><font color=#ff0000>(Queued)</font>
  380.             <#if $user->{suspend_acceptance}#><font color=#ff0000>(Awaiting Acceptance)</font>
  381.             <#if $user->{suspend_pwchange}#><font color=#ff0000>(Awaiting Password Change)</font>
  382.         </td>
  383.         <#if $user->{atime} == 0#>
  384.             <td class="unb" valign=top>
  385.             <b>Never</b><br>Created: {#if $user->{ctime} == 0#}No Record{#else#}<#date $user->{ctime} format "%nmonth-%day-%year"#>{#endif#}
  386.         <#else#>
  387.             <td class="unb" align=center valign=center>
  388.             <#date $user->{atime} format "%nmonth-%day-%year"#>
  389.         <#endif#>
  390.         </td>
  391.         </tr>
  392.     <#endloop#>
  394.     <#if $#users > 1#>
  395.         <tr bgcolor="#f7f7f7">
  396.             <td class="bb">(Marked)</td>
  397.             <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('d', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/delete_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  398.             <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('r', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/remove_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  399.             <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('c', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/copy_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  400.             <td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('m', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/move_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  401.             <#if pro#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('s', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/suspend_user_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  402.             <#if pro#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('l', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/email_icon.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  403.             <#if pro && $general->{username} eq $superuser#><td><a href="#" onClick="return ua('u', '*');"><img src="$icon_url/group_icon_add.gif" height=25 width=25 border=0></a></td>
  404.             <td> </td>
  405.             <td class="unb" colspan=2>Check to mark ALL users
  406.                 <#if $general->{match} == $general->{size_u}#>
  407.                     in this group
  408.                 <#else#>
  409.                     that matched your query
  410.                 <#endif#>
  411.                 (whether shown or not):
  412.                 <input type=checkbox name="markall" value="1" onClick="mkall();"></td>
  413.         </tr>
  414.     <#endif#>
  416.     </table>
  417.     </td></tr></table>
  419.     <p></p>
  420.     <input type=hidden name="action" value="user_mgr_2">
  421.     <input type=hidden name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  422.     <input type=hidden name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  423.     <input type=hidden name="clear" value="0">
  424.     <input type=hidden name="MARKALL" value="$general->{mark_all_string}">
  426.     </form>
  428. <#endif#>
  430. <#if $general->{menu} == 1#>
  431.     <#if $stuff->{added} ne ""#>
  432.         <table width=100% bgcolor=#ccffcc border=0><tr><td>$fs
  433.         <b>Note:</b> Successfully added user account $stuff->{added}</font></td></tr></table>
  434.         <p></p>
  435.     <#endif#>
  436.     <form action="$cgiurl" method=post name=auf>
  437.     <input type="hidden" name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  438.     <input type="hidden" name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  439.     <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="$general->{menu}">
  440.     <div class="surround">
  441.         {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">Add a User</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>Add a User</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  442.         <input type=hidden name=action value="um-add_user">
  443.         <p>
  444.         Please type in the needed information to create a new user account.  If you want to
  445.         assign a random password to the new account, click the provided password button.
  446.         </p>
  447.         <ul>
  448.         <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
  449.         <tr><td class="bb">Username:</td><td><input type=text name=newuser size=15>
  450.         <input type=button value="Password: '$general->{randpass}'" onClick="document.auf.pass_1.value = '$general->{randpass}'; document.auf.pass_2.value = '$general->{randpass}'; document.auf.emailpw.checked = true; document.auf.email.focus();">
  451.         </td></tr>
  452.         <tr><td class="bb">Password:</td><td><input type=password name=pass_1 size=15></td></tr>
  453.         <tr><td class="bb">Retype Password:</td><td><input type=password name=pass_2 size=15></td></tr>
  454.         <tr><td class="bb">Email (<i>optional</i>):</td><td><input type=text name=email size=40></td></tr>
  455.         <tr><td class="bb">Full Name (<i>optional</i>):</td><td><input type=text name=fullname size=40></td></tr>
  456.         <#if pro#>
  457.             <tr><td valign=top class="bb">Creation Options:</td><td valign=top class="unb">
  458.                 <input type=checkbox name=emailpw value=1 checked> E-mail password to this user<br>
  459.                 <input type=checkbox name=forcechange value=1 checked> Force user to change password upon first login<br>
  460.             </td></tr>
  461.         <#endif#>
  462.         </table>
  463.         <p>
  464.         <input type=submit value="Add this user">
  465.         </p></ul>
  466.     </div>
  467.     </form>
  468.     </body></html>
  469.     <#exit#>
  470. <#endif#>
  472. <#if $general->{menu} == 2#>
  473.     <form action="$cgiurl" method=post>
  474.     <input type="hidden" name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  475.     <input type="hidden" name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  476.     <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="$general->{menu}">
  477.     <input type=hidden name=action value="user_list_preview">
  478.     <div class="surround">
  479.         {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">Add a User List</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>Add a User List</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  480.         <p>
  481.         You can paste a delimited user list into this column. The program will parse the
  482.         incoming list to create user accounts automatically.  Please paste in your user
  483.         list, but do not manually edit the text in the box once you have pasted in
  484.         the list.
  485.         </p>
  486.         <ul>
  487.         <textarea name=list rows=7 cols=45></textarea><p>
  488.         <input type=submit value="Preview/Add Users">
  489.         <input type=reset value="Clear box">
  490.         </ul>
  491.     </div></form>
  492.     </body></html>
  493.     <#exit#>
  494. <#endif#>
  496. <#if $general->{menu} == 3#>
  497.     <#if $stuff->{copied} ne ""#>
  498.         <table width=100% bgcolor=#ccffcc border=0><tr><td>$fs
  499.         <b>Note:</b> Successfully copied $stuff->{copied} user{#if $stuff->{copied} != 1#}s{#endif#}</font></td></tr></table>
  500.         <p></p>
  501.     <#endif#>
  502.     <#if $stuff->{failed_copy} ne ""#>
  503.         <table width=100% bgcolor=#ffcccc border=0><tr><td>$fs
  504.         <b>Note:</b> Failed to copy user(s): You did not select a destination group</font></td></tr></table>
  505.         <p></p>
  506.     <#endif#>
  507.     <form action="$cgiurl" method=post>
  508.     <input type="hidden" name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  509.     <input type="hidden" name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  510.     <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="$general->{menu}">
  511.     <input type=hidden name=action value="user_copy">
  512.     <#if $general->{users} ne ""#>
  513.         <input type=hidden name="users" value="$general->{users}">
  514.         <input type=hidden name="move" value="$general->{move}">
  515.         <#if $general->{move} == 0#>
  516.             <#define $word = "copy"#>
  517.         <#else#>
  518.             <#define $word = "move"#>
  519.         <#endif#>
  520.     <#else#>
  521.         <input type=hidden name=users value="*">
  522.         <#define $word = "copy"#>
  523.     <#endif#>
  524.     <div class="surround">
  525.         {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">\u$word Users</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>\u$word Users</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  526.         <p>
  527.         <#if $general->{skip_menu} == 0#>
  528.             You can $word all users from this group into another group for which
  529.             you are a moderator.
  530.         <#else#>
  531.             You can $word the selected user(s) into another group for which
  532.             you are a moderator.
  533.         <#endif#>
  534.         </p>
  535.         <ul>
  536.         <p>\u$word users to:  <select name=newgroup size=1>
  537.         <option value="">Select Destination Group</option>
  538.         <#foreach $authgroup (@authgroups)#>
  539.             <#if $authgroup->{group} ne $general->{group}#>
  540.                 <option value="$authgroup->{group}">\u$authgroup->{group}</option>
  541.             <#endif#>
  542.         <#endloop#>
  543.         </select></p>
  544.         <p>
  545.         <input type=submit value="\u$word Users">
  546.         <#if $general->{skip_menu} == 1#><input type=button value="Cancel" onClick="self.location = '$general->{url}';">
  547.         </p>
  548.         </ul>
  549.     </div>
  550.     </form>
  551.     </body></html>
  552.     <#exit#>
  553. <#endif#>
  555. <#if $general->{menu} == 4#>
  556.     <#if !pro#>
  557.         <p>
  558.         User self-registration is a Discus Pro feature and is not available
  559.         in the freeware version.
  560.         </p>
  561.         <p>
  562.         <a href="http://www.discusware.com/pro" target="_blank">Click here to buy Discus Pro</A>
  563.         </p>
  564.         </body></html>
  565.         <#exit#>
  566.     <#endif#>
  567.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{allow_selfreg} == 0#>
  568.         <p>
  569.         User self-registration is disabled on this board.  The board administrator must
  570.         enable it through Options Manager before self-registration can be used in
  571.         this group.
  572.         </p>
  573.         </body></html>
  574.         <#exit#>
  575.     <#endif#>
  576.     <#if $stuff->{selfreg} == 1#>
  577.         <table width=100% bgcolor=#ccffcc border=0><tr><td>$fs
  578.         <b>Note:</b> Successfully saved self-registration settings for this group
  579.         </font></td></tr></table>
  580.     <#endif#>
  581.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{selfreg_admin_config} == 1 && $general->{username} ne $superuser#>
  582.         <form action="$cgiurl" method=post>
  583.         <input type="hidden" name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  584.         <input type="hidden" name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  585.         <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="$general->{menu}">
  586.         <div class="surround">
  587.             {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">User Self-Registration</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>User Self-Registration</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  588.             <p>
  589.             Only the board administrator is permitted to configure user self-registration
  590.             within this group.  (The board administrator may use Options Manager to permit
  591.             ordinary moderators to configure user self-registration.)
  592.             </p>
  593.             <#if $general->{param} == 2#>
  594.                 <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{capable} == 1#>
  595.                     <p><b>Notification of New Accounts</b></p>
  596.                     <ul>
  597.                         <p>
  598.                         User applications in this group are added to a queue where they wait
  599.                         for approval or rejection by a moderator.  You can use the boxes
  600.                         below to choose whether to receive e-mail notification of new
  601.                         applications in this group.
  602.                         </p>
  603.                         <table>
  604.                             <tr>
  605.                                 <td><input type=checkbox name="notify_here" value="1"{#if $notify->{here} == 1#} checked{#endif#}></td>
  606.                                 <td class="unb">Notify me of new applications in this group</td>
  607.                             </tr>
  608.                             <tr>
  609.                                 <td><input type=checkbox name="notify_here_all" value="1"></td>
  610.                                 <td class="unb">Apply this setting to <i>all</i> groups that I administer</td>
  611.                             </tr>
  612.                         </table>
  613.                     </ul>
  614.                     <p><input type=submit value="Save Settings"></p>
  615.                 <#endif#>
  616.             <#endif#>
  617.             <input type=hidden name="action" value="user_selfreg">
  618.         </div>
  619.         </form>
  620.     <#else#>
  621.         <form action="$cgiurl" method=post>
  622.         <input type="hidden" name="username" value="$general->{username}">
  623.         <input type="hidden" name="group" value="$general->{group}">
  624.         <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="$general->{menu}">
  625.         <input type=hidden name="action" value="user_selfreg">
  626.         <div class="surround">
  627.             {#if $browser->{ieX}#}<p class="blbar">User Self-Registration</p>{#else#}<table width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>$fs<font color=#ffff00>User Self-Registration</font></font></td></tr></table>{#endif#}
  628.             <p>
  629.             You can configure the settings for allowing users to register themselves into
  630.             this group.
  631.             </p>
  632.             <ul>
  633.                 <p><b>Configuration</b></p>
  634.                 <ul>
  635.                     <input type=radio name=selfreg value=0{#if $general->{param} == 0#} CHECKED{#endif#}> Disabled in this group<BR>
  636.                     <input type=radio name=selfreg value=3{#if $general->{param} == 3#} CHECKED{#endif#}> Automatic with e-mail verification<BR>
  637.                     <input type=radio name=selfreg value=1{#if $general->{param} == 1#} CHECKED{#endif#}> Automatic without e-mail verification (instant)<BR>
  638.                     <input type=radio name=selfreg value=2{#if $general->{param} == 2#} CHECKED{#endif#}> Place applications in user queue<BR>
  639.                 </ul>
  640.                 <p><b>User Interface Display</b></p>
  641.                 <ul>
  642.                     <p>
  643.                     These parameters affect how this group is displayed on a list of groups
  644.                     in the user interface.
  645.                     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{allow_allusers}#>
  646.                         The group name and description also appear on the list of all users of
  647.                         this board when the viewer chooses to include the user's group.
  648.                     <#endif#>
  649.                     </p>
  650.                     <table>
  651.                         <tr>
  652.                             <td class="bb">Group Name:</td>
  653.                             <td><input type=text name="groupname" value="<#form escape "$general->{groupname}"#>" size=20></td>
  654.                         </tr>
  655.                         <tr>
  656.                             <td class="bb">Description:</td>
  657.                             <td><input type=text name="descr" value="<#form escape "$general->{descr}"#>" size=40></td>
  658.                         </tr>
  659.                         <tr>
  660.                             <td class="bb">Checked:</td>
  661.                             <td class="unb"><input type=checkbox name="defcheck" value="1"{#if $general->{defcheck} == 1#} checked{#endif#}> Checked by default</td>
  662.                         </tr>
  663.                     </table>
  664.                 </ul>
  665.                 <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{capable} == 1#>
  666.                     <p><b>Notification of New Accounts</b></p>
  667.                     <ul>
  668.                         <p>
  669.                         If you select 'Place applications in user queue' from the choices
  670.                         above, you can choose to be automatically notified by e-mail when
  671.                         a new user has applied for an account in this group.  Note that
  672.                         you will not receive e-mail for any situation other than a new
  673.                         user application with the 'Place applications in user queue'
  674.                         option.
  675.                         </p>
  676.                         <table>
  677.                             <tr>
  678.                                 <td><input type=checkbox name="notify_here" value="1"{#if $notify->{here} == 1#} checked{#endif#}></td>
  679.                                 <td class="unb">Notify me of new applications in this group</td>
  680.                             </tr>
  681.                             <tr>
  682.                                 <td><input type=checkbox name="notify_here_all" value="1"></td>
  683.                                 <td class="unb">Apply this setting to <i>all</i> groups that I administer</td>
  684.                             </tr>
  685.                         </table>
  686.                     </ul>
  687.                 <#endif#>
  688.                 <p><input type=submit value="Save Settings"></p>
  689.             </ul>
  690.         </div></form>
  691.     <#endif#>
  692.     </body></html>
  693.     <#exit#>
  694. <#endif#>
  696. <#if $general->{menu} == 5#>
  697.     <#include file="$html_dir/board-admin-instr-07.html" BODY,FATAL#>
  698.     <#exit#>
  699. <#endif#>
  701. <!--END-->