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Text File  |  2009-11-06  |  25KB  |  644 lines

  1. # FILE: admtree.tmpl
  2. # DESCRIPTION: Actual generator of the tree view
  3. # Copyright (c) 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved
  4. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. <!--BEGIN-->
  8. <#sub icon( $expanded, $param, $lastel, $force, $noexpanded )#>
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  16.                 <#else#>
  17.                     e\
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  19.             <#else#>
  20.                 <#if $param =~ match(Sublist)#>
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  22.                 <#else#>
  23.                     f\
  24.                 <#endif#>
  25.             <#endif#>
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  53.     <!--
  54.     <#if $browser->{ieX}#>
  55.         function loader () {
  56.             treea = new Image();
  57.             treea.src = "$icon_url/tree_a.gif";
  58.             treeb = new Image();
  59.             treeb.src = "$icon_url/tree_b.gif";
  60.             treec = new Image();
  61.             treec.src = "$icon_url/tree_c.gif";
  62.             treed = new Image();
  63.             treed.src = "$icon_url/tree_d.gif";
  64.         }
  65.         function ex(el, lst) {
  66.             wel = eval("ch" + el);
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  69.             iel.src = ( wel.style.display == "block" ) ? ( lst == 1 ? treed.src : treeb.src ) : ( lst == 1 ? treec.src : treea.src );
  70.             return false;
  71.         }
  72.     <#else#>
  73.         function loader() {
  75.         }
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  83.             var imgsrc3 = '<img name="i' + page + '" src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_';
  84.             for (var j = 0; j < icons.length; j = j + 1) {
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  92.                         if (islast) {
  93.                             out = out + islast + ');">';    
  94.                         } else {
  95.                             out = out + '0);">';
  96.                         }    
  97.                         out = out + imgsrc3 + lasticon + imgsrc2;
  98.                         out = out + '</a>';
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  124.                         }
  125.                     <#endif#>
  126.                     <#if $general->{screen} == 0#>
  127.                         out = out + '>' + name + '</a>';
  128.                     <#else#>
  129.                         out = out + '><b>' + name + '</b></a>';
  130.                     <#endif#>
  131.                 } else {
  132.                     out = out + name;
  133.                 }
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  135.                 if (islast != "*") {
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  138.                         out = out + "j";
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  140.                         out = out + "i";
  141.                     }
  142.                     out = out + imgsrc2;
  143.                 }
  144.                 out = out + imgsrc1;
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  146.                     out = out + "e";
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  148.                     out = out + "f";
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  156.                     out = out + '">' + linkedtext + '</a>';
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  161.             return true;
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  164.         function pr(text) {
  165.             document.writeln(text);
  166.             return true;
  167.         }
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  173. <#if $part eq "body"#>
  175. <#if $browser->{mozilla} >= 4 && $general->{force_nojs} != 1#>
  176.     <#if $browser->{ieX}#>
  177.         <!-- IE Tree -->
  178.         <#skipto "JS_tree_IE"#>
  179.     <#else#>
  180.         <!-- Non-IE Tree -->
  181.         <#skipto "JS_tree_NS"#>
  182.     <#endif#>
  183. <#endif#>
  185. <!-- Non-JavaScript Tree -->
  187. ###########################################################################################
  189. #
  190. # This takes longer to load and is generally less functional than the JavaScript version
  191. ###########################################################################################
  193. <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_g.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>$title<br>
  194. <#foreach $topic_tree (@topic_tree)#>
  195.     <#if $general->{screen} == 0#>
  196.         <#if $general->{expand_url} ne ""#>
  197.             <a href="$general->{expand_url}<#if $topic_tree->{expanded} == 1#>?x=c<#else#>?x=e<#endif#>&st=$topic_tree->{page}">\
  198.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "0")#>.gif" align=top alt="$L{TREE_VIEW_EXPAND_COLLAPSE}">\
  199.             </a>\
  200.         <#else#>
  201.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "1")#>.gif" align=top alt="">\
  202.         <#endif#>
  203.     <#else#>
  204.         <#if $general->{cache} ne ""#>
  205.             <a href="$general->{expand_url}<#if $topic_tree->{expanded} == 1#>?x=c<#else#>?x=e<#endif#>&st=$topic_tree->{page}&scache=$general->{cache}">\
  206.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "0")#>.gif" align=top alt="$L{TREE_VIEW_EXPAND_COLLAPSE}">\
  207.             </a>\
  208.         <#else#>
  209.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "1")#>.gif" align=top alt="">\
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  212.     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/\
  213.     <#if $topic_tree->{icon} ne ""#>$topic_tree->{icon}<#else#>tree_g<#endif#>.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>\
  214.     <#if $general->{link_to_page}#>
  215.         <a href="\
  216.         <#if $secure->{$topic_tree->{topic}}#>
  217.             $DCONF->{authorize_reader}?file=/$topic_tree->{topic}/$topic_tree->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}&lm=$topic_tree->{lastmod}{#endif#}\
  218.         <#else#>
  219.             $general->{message_url}/$topic_tree->{topic}/$topic_tree->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}?$topic_tree->{lastmod}{#endif#}\
  220.         <#endif#>
  221.         <#if $general->{new_window}#>
  222.             " target="_blank\
  223.         <#endif#>
  224.         ">\
  225.         <#if $general->{screen} == 1#>
  226.             <b><#maxchar 60/... "$topic_tree->{name}"#></b></a><br>
  227.         <#else#>
  228.             <#maxchar 60/... "$topic_tree->{name}"#></a><br>
  229.         <#endif#>
  230.     <#else#>
  231.         <#maxchar 60/... "$topic_tree->{name}"#><br>
  232.     <#endif#>
  233.     <#if $topic_tree->{expanded} == 1#>
  234.         <#if $topic_tree->{subtree} ne ""#>
  235.             <#reference array @subtopic_tree from $topic_tree->{subtree}#>
  236.         <#endif#>
  237.         <#foreach $subtopic (@subtopic_tree)#>
  238.             <#if $subtopic->{topic} == $topic_tree->{topic}#>
  239.                 <#define $flag = "0"#>
  240.                 <#if $subtopic->{datatype} eq "mp"#>
  241.                     <#if $topic_tree->{_is_last_element}#>
  242.                         <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_j.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  243.                     <#else#>
  244.                         <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_i.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  245.                     <#endif#>
  246.                     <#if $subtopic->{level} > 0#>
  247.                         <#define $i = 1#>
  248.                         <#while ($i < $subtopic->{level})#>
  249.                             <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  250.                                 <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_j.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  251.                             <#else#>
  252.                                 <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_i.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  253.                             <#endif#>
  254.                             <#math: $i += 1#>
  255.                         <#/while#>
  256.                         <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_{#if $subtopic->{last_of_parent}#}j{#else#}i{#endif#}.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>\
  257.                     <#endif#>
  258.                     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_{#if $subtopic->{is_last_post}#}f{#else#}e{#endif#}.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>\
  259.                     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_l.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>\
  260.                     <font size=1>\
  261.                     <#if $subtopic->{linked_text} ne ""#>
  262.                         <a href="\
  263.                         <#if $secure->{$subtopic->{topic}}#>
  264.                             $DCONF->{authorize_reader}?file=/$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}&lm=$subtopic->{lastmod}{#endif#}\
  265.                         <#else#>
  266.                             $general->{message_url}/$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}?$subtopic->{lastmod}{#endif#}#POST$subtopic->{postnum}\
  267.                         <#endif#>
  268.                         "{#if $general->{new_window}#} target="_blank"{#endif#}>\
  269.                         <#maxchar 20 "<#javascript_prepare "<#unescape "$subtopic->{linked_text}"#>"#>"#></a>\
  270.                     <#endif#>
  271.                      -\
  272.                     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{nm_show_dates}#>
  273.                         <#date $subtopic->{posttime} format "$L{REALSHORTDATE}"#>-\
  274.                     <#endif#>
  275.                      <#maxchar 50/... "<#javascript_prepare "<#unescape "$subtopic->{unlinked_text}"#>"#>"#></font><br>
  276.                 <#else#>
  277.                     <#if $subtopic->{page} == $subtopic->{topic}#>
  278.                         <#next#>
  279.                     <#endif#>
  280.                     <#if $topic_tree->{_is_last_element}#>
  281.                         <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_j.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  282.                     <#else#>
  283.                         <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_i.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  284.                     <#endif#>
  285.                     <#define $i = 1#>
  286.                     <#while ($i < $subtopic->{level})#>
  287.                         <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  288.                             <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_j.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  289.                         <#else#>
  290.                             <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_i.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  291.                         <#endif#>
  292.                         <#math: $i += 1#>
  293.                     <#/while#>
  294.                     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_{#if $subtopic->{last_of_parent}#}f{#else#}e{#endif#}.gif" height=16 width=20 align=top>\
  295.                     <#if $subtopic->{last_of_parent}#>
  296.                         <#define $disp_icon[$subtopic->{level}] = "0"#>
  297.                     <#else#>
  298.                         <#define $disp_icon[$subtopic->{level}] = "1"#>
  299.                     <#endif#>
  300.                     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/<#program sub "" &tree_icon_chooser($subtopic->{icon}, $subtopic->{param}, $subtopic->{islink}, 0)#>.gif" height=16 width=20 border=0 align=top>\
  301.                     <#if $general->{link_to_page}#>
  302.                         <#if $subtopic->{islink}#>
  303.                             <a href="$subtopic->{url}" target="$subtopic->{target}">\
  304.                         <#else#>
  305.                             <a href="\
  306.                             <#if $secure->{$subtopic->{topic}}#>
  307.                                 $DCONF->{authorize_reader}?file=/$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}&lm=$subtopic->{lastmod}{#endif#}\
  308.                             <#else#>
  309.                                 $general->{message_url}/$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}.$ext{#if $noqm == 0#}?$subtopic->{lastmod}{#endif#}\
  310.                             <#endif#>
  311.                             <#if $general->{new_window}#>
  312.                                 " target="_blank\
  313.                             <#endif#>
  314.                             ">\
  315.                         <#endif#>
  316.                         <#if $general->{screen} == 1#>
  317.                             <b><#maxchar 60/... "$subtopic->{name}"#></b></a><br>
  318.                         <#else#>
  319.                             <#maxchar 60/... "$subtopic->{name}"#></a><br>
  320.                         <#endif#>
  321.                     <#else#>
  322.                         <#maxchar 60/... "$subtopic->{name}"#><br>
  323.                     <#endif#>
  324.                 <#endif#>
  325.             <#endif#>
  326.         <#endloop#>
  327.     <#endif#>
  328. <#endloop#>
  330. <#skipto "End"#>
  332. <#endif#>
  334. <#label "JS_Tree_IE"#>
  336. <#if $part eq "body"#>
  338. <div id="main" class="o">
  339. <img src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_g.gif" {#if $browser->{nsX}#}height=16 width=20{#endif#} align=top>$title<br>
  340. <#define $level = "1"#>
  342. <#foreach $topic_tree (@topic_tree)#>
  343.     <#if $general->{screen} == 0#>
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  355.             </a>\
  356.         <#else#>
  357.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "1")#>.gif" align=top alt="">\
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  360.     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/\
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  362.     .gif" align=top>\
  363.     <#if $general->{link_to_page}#>
  364.         <a href="\
  365.         <#if $secure->{$topic_tree->{topic}}#>
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  370.         <#if $general->{new_window}#>
  371.             " target="_blank\
  372.         <#endif#>
  373.         ">\
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  386.         <script language="JavaScript">
  387.         <#foreach $subtopic (@subtopic_tree)#>
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  389.                 <#if $subtopic->{datatype} eq "mp"#>
  390.                     p(\
  391.                     <#if $topic_tree->{_is_last_element}#>
  392.                         'j\
  393.                     <#else#>
  394.                         'i\
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  397.                         <#define $i = 1#>
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  399.                             <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  400.                                 j\
  401.                             <#else#>
  402.                                 i\
  403.                             <#endif#>
  404.                             <#math: $i += 1#>
  405.                         <#/while#>
  406.                         ','','$subtopic->{last_of_parent}','','','',\
  407.                     <#else#>
  408.                         ','','*','','','',\
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  429.                         <#math: $divlevel -= $minus#>
  430.                         pr('<#repeated $minus "</div>"#>');
  431.                     <#endif#>
  432.                     p(\
  433.                     <#if $topic_tree->{_is_last_element}#>
  434.                         'j\
  435.                     <#else#>
  436.                         'i\
  437.                     <#endif#>
  438.                     <#define $i = 1#>
  439.                     <#while ($i < $subtopic->{level})#>
  440.                         <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  441.                             j\
  442.                         <#else#>
  443.                             i\
  444.                         <#endif#>
  445.                         <#math: $i += 1#>
  446.                     <#/while#>
  447.                     ',\
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  463.                         '$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}',\
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  488.                         <#define $divlevel = $subtopic->{level}#>
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  491.                 <#endif#>
  492.             <#endif#>
  493.         <#endloop#>
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  511. <#define $level = "1"#>
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  518.             </a>\
  519.         <#else#>
  520.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "1")#>.gif" align=top alt="">\
  521.         <#endif#>
  522.     <#else#>
  523.         <#if $general->{cache} ne ""#>
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  526.             </a>\
  527.         <#else#>
  528.             <img height=16 width=20 border=0 src="$general->{icon_url}/tree_<#&icon("$topic_tree->{expanded}", "$topic_tree->{param}", "$topic_tree->{_is_last_element}", "0", "1")#>.gif" align=top alt="">\
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  531.     <img src="$general->{icon_url}/\
  532.     <#if $topic_tree->{icon} ne ""#>$topic_tree->{icon}<#else#>tree_g<#endif#>\
  533.     .gif" {#if $browser->{nsX}#}height=16 width=20{#endif#} align=top>\
  534.     <#if $general->{link_to_page}#>
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  542.             " target="_blank\
  543.         <#endif#>
  544.         ">\
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  548.             <#maxchar 60/... "$topic_tree->{name}"#></a><br>
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  552.     <#endif#>
  553.     <#if $topic_tree->{expanded} == 1#>
  554.         <#if $topic_tree->{subtree} ne ""#>
  555.             <#reference array @subtopic_tree from $topic_tree->{subtree}#>
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  557.         <script language="JavaScript">
  558.         <#foreach $subtopic (@subtopic_tree)#>
  559.             <#if $subtopic->{topic} == $topic_tree->{topic}#>
  560.                 <#if $subtopic->{datatype} eq "mp"#>
  561.                     p('\
  562.                     <#if $topic_tree->{_is_last_element}#>j<#else#>i<#endif#>\
  563.                     <#if $subtopic->{level} > 0#>
  564.                         <#define $i = 1#>
  565.                         <#while ($i < $subtopic->{level})#>
  566.                             <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  567.                                 j\
  568.                             <#else#>
  569.                                 i\
  570.                             <#endif#>
  571.                             <#math: $i += 1#>
  572.                         <#/while#>
  573.                         ','','$subtopic->{last_of_parent}','','','',\
  574.                     <#else#>
  575.                         ','','*','','','',\
  576.                     <#endif#>
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  581.                     <#endif#>
  582.                     ,'','','$subtopic->{is_last_post}','$subtopic->{postnum}',\
  583.                     '<#maxchar 20 "<#javascript_prepare "<#unescape "$subtopic->{linked_text}"#>"#>"#>',\
  584.                     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{nm_show_dates}#>
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  594.                     <#define $i = 1#>
  595.                     <#while ($i < $subtopic->{level})#>
  596.                         <#if $disp_icon[$i] == 0#>
  597.                             j\
  598.                         <#else#>
  599.                             i\
  600.                         <#endif#>
  601.                         <#math: $i += 1#>
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  603.                     ',\
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  614.                         '$subtopic->{topic}/$subtopic->{page}',\
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  629.                         '<#maxchar 60/... "<#javascript_prepare "$subtopic->{name}"#>"#>');
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