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  1. <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="masterpage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="tblSchedulesrch.aspx.vb" Inherits="tblSchedulesrch" CodeFileBaseClass="AspNetMaker7_tfpssnet" %>
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  4. <!--
  5. // Create page object
  6. var tblSchedule_search = new ew_Page("tblSchedule_search");
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  9. var EW_PAGE_ID = tblSchedule_search.PageID; // for backward compatibility
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  11. tblSchedule_search.ValidateSearch = function(fobj) {
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  13.         return true; // ignore validation
  14.     var infix = "";
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  16.     if (elm && !ew_CheckUSDate(elm.value))
  17.         return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Date");
  18. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schCallTime"];
  19. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  20. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - Call Time");
  21. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schStartTime"];
  22. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  23. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - Start Time");
  24. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schEndTime"];
  25. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  26. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - End Time");
  27. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schOutTime"];
  28. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  29. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - Out Time");
  30.     elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schRate"];
  31.     if (elm && !ew_CheckNumber(elm.value))
  32.         return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect floating point number - Rate");
  33. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schActualStart"];
  34. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  35. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - Actual Start");
  36. //    elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_schActualEnd"];
  37. //    if (elm && !ew_CheckTime(elm.value))
  38. //        return ew_OnError(this, elm, "Incorrect time (hh:mm:ss) - Actual End");
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  44.     return true;
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  47.     ew_SelectAll(elem);
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  52. tblSchedule_search.ValidateRequired = false; // no JavaScript validation
  53. <% End If %>
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  55. tblSchedule_search.ShowHighlightText = "Show highlight"; 
  56. tblSchedule_search.HideHighlightText = "Hide highlight";
  57. //-->
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  61. <script type="text/javascript" src="calendar/lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
  62. <script type="text/javascript" src="calendar/calendar-setup.js"></script>
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  64. <!--
  65. // Write your client script here, no need to add script tags.
  66. // To include another .js script, use:
  67. // ew_ClientScriptInclude("my_javascript.js"); 
  68. //-->
  69. </script>
  70. <p><span class="aspnetmaker">Search TABLE: Schedule<br /><br />
  71. <a href="<%= tblSchedule.ReturnUrl %>">Back to List</a></span></p>
  72. <% tblSchedule_search.ShowMessage() %>
  73. <form name="ftblSchedulesearch" id="ftblSchedulesearch" method="post" onsubmit="this.action=location.pathname;return tblSchedule_search.ValidateSearch(this);">
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  85.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
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  100.  <img src="images/calendar.png" id="cal_y_schDate" name="cal_y_schDate" alt="Pick a date" style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;" />
  101. <script type="text/javascript">
  102. Calendar.setup({
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  109.             </tr></table>
  110.         </td>
  111.     </tr>
  112.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schEvtID.RowAttributes %>>
  113.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Event</td>
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  115.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schEvtID.CellAttributes %>>
  116.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  117.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  118. <select id="x_schEvtID" name="x_schEvtID"<%= tblSchedule.schEvtID.EditAttributes %>>
  119. <%
  120. emptywrk = True
  121. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schEvtID.EditValue) Then
  122.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schEvtID.EditValue
  123.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  124.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schEvtID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
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  126.             emptywrk = False
  127.         Else
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  130. %>
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  132. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  133. </option>
  134. <%
  135.     Next
  136. End If
  137. %>
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  139. </span></td>
  140.             </tr></table>
  141.         </td>
  142.     </tr>
  143.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schPartsID.RowAttributes %>>
  144.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Part</td>
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  147.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  148.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  149. <select id="x_schPartsID" name="x_schPartsID"<%= tblSchedule.schPartsID.EditAttributes %>>
  150. <%
  151. emptywrk = True
  152. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schPartsID.EditValue) Then
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  154.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
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  172.         </td>
  173.     </tr>
  174.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schCallTime.RowAttributes %>>
  175.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Call Time</td>
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  177.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schCallTime.CellAttributes %>>
  178.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  179.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  180. <input type="text" name="x_schCallTime" id="x_schCallTime" value="<%= tblSchedule.schCallTime.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schCallTime.EditAttributes %> />
  181. </span></td>
  182.             </tr></table>
  183.         </td>
  184.     </tr>
  185.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schStartTime.RowAttributes %>>
  186.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Start Time</td>
  187.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schStartTime.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schStartTime" id="z_schStartTime" value="=" /></span></td>
  188.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schStartTime.CellAttributes %>>
  189.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  190.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  191. <input type="text" name="x_schStartTime" id="x_schStartTime" value="<%= tblSchedule.schStartTime.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schStartTime.EditAttributes %> />
  192. </span></td>
  193.             </tr></table>
  194.         </td>
  195.     </tr>
  196.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schEndTime.RowAttributes %>>
  197.         <td class="ewTableHeader">End Time</td>
  198.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schEndTime.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schEndTime" id="z_schEndTime" value="=" /></span></td>
  199.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schEndTime.CellAttributes %>>
  200.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  201.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  202. <input type="text" name="x_schEndTime" id="x_schEndTime" value="<%= tblSchedule.schEndTime.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schEndTime.EditAttributes %> />
  203. </span></td>
  204.             </tr></table>
  205.         </td>
  206.     </tr>
  207.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schOutTime.RowAttributes %>>
  208.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Out Time</td>
  209.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schOutTime.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schOutTime" id="z_schOutTime" value="=" /></span></td>
  210.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schOutTime.CellAttributes %>>
  211.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  212.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  213. <input type="text" name="x_schOutTime" id="x_schOutTime" value="<%= tblSchedule.schOutTime.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schOutTime.EditAttributes %> />
  214. </span></td>
  215.             </tr></table>
  216.         </td>
  217.     </tr>
  218.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schLocID.RowAttributes %>>
  219.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Location</td>
  220.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schLocID.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schLocID" id="z_schLocID" value="=" /></span></td>
  221.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schLocID.CellAttributes %>>
  222.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  223.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  224. <select id="x_schLocID" name="x_schLocID"<%= tblSchedule.schLocID.EditAttributes %>>
  225. <%
  226. emptywrk = True
  227. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schLocID.EditValue) Then
  228.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schLocID.EditValue
  229.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  230.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schLocID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  231.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  232.             emptywrk = False
  233.         Else
  234.             selwrk = ""
  235.         End If
  236. %>
  237. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  238. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  239. </option>
  240. <%
  241.     Next
  242. End If
  243. %>
  244. </select>
  245. </span></td>
  246.             </tr></table>
  247.         </td>
  248.     </tr>
  249.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.RowAttributes %>>
  250.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Employee</td>
  251.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schEmpID" id="z_schEmpID" value="=" /></span></td>
  252.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.CellAttributes %>>
  253.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  254.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  255. <% If Not Security.IsAdmin And Security.IsLoggedIn() Then ' Non system admin %>
  256. <div<%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.EditValue %></div>
  257. <input type="hidden" name="x_schEmpID" id="x_schEmpID" value="<%= ew_HTMLEncode(tblSchedule.schEmpID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) %>" />
  258. <% Else %>
  259. <select id="x_schEmpID" name="x_schEmpID"<%= tblSchedule.schEmpID.EditAttributes %>>
  260. <%
  261. emptywrk = True
  262. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schEmpID.EditValue) Then
  263.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schEmpID.EditValue
  264.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  265.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schEmpID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  266.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  267.             emptywrk = False
  268.         Else
  269.             selwrk = ""
  270.         End If
  271. %>
  272. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  273. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  274. </option>
  275. <%
  276.     Next
  277. End If
  278. %>
  279. </select>
  280. <% End If %>
  281. </span></td>
  282.             </tr></table>
  283.         </td>
  284.     </tr>
  285.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schPosID.RowAttributes %>>
  286.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Position</td>
  287.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schPosID.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schPosID" id="z_schPosID" value="=" /></span></td>
  288.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schPosID.CellAttributes %>>
  289.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  290.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  291. <select id="x_schPosID" name="x_schPosID"<%= tblSchedule.schPosID.EditAttributes %>>
  292. <%
  293. emptywrk = True
  294. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schPosID.EditValue) Then
  295.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schPosID.EditValue
  296.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  297.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schPosID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  298.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  299.             emptywrk = False
  300.         Else
  301.             selwrk = ""
  302.         End If
  303. %>
  304. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  305. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  306. </option>
  307. <%
  308.     Next
  309. End If
  310. %>
  311. </select>
  312. </span></td>
  313.             </tr></table>
  314.         </td>
  315.     </tr>
  316.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schTypID.RowAttributes %>>
  317.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Type</td>
  318.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schTypID.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schTypID" id="z_schTypID" value="=" /></span></td>
  319.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schTypID.CellAttributes %>>
  320.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  321.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  322. <select id="x_schTypID" name="x_schTypID"<%= tblSchedule.schTypID.EditAttributes %>>
  323. <%
  324. emptywrk = True
  325. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schTypID.EditValue) Then
  326.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schTypID.EditValue
  327.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  328.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schTypID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  329.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  330.             emptywrk = False
  331.         Else
  332.             selwrk = ""
  333.         End If
  334. %>
  335. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  336. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  337. </option>
  338. <%
  339.     Next
  340. End If
  341. %>
  342. </select>
  343. </span></td>
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  345.         </td>
  346.     </tr>
  347.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schDepID.RowAttributes %>>
  348.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Department</td>
  349.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDepID.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schDepID" id="z_schDepID" value="=" /></span></td>
  350.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDepID.CellAttributes %>>
  351.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  352.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  353. <select id="x_schDepID" name="x_schDepID"<%= tblSchedule.schDepID.EditAttributes %>>
  354. <%
  355. emptywrk = True
  356. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schDepID.EditValue) Then
  357.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schDepID.EditValue
  358.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  359.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schDepID.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  360.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  361.             emptywrk = False
  362.         Else
  363.             selwrk = ""
  364.         End If
  365. %>
  366. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  367. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  368. </option>
  369. <%
  370.     Next
  371. End If
  372. %>
  373. </select>
  374. </span></td>
  375.             </tr></table>
  376.         </td>
  377.     </tr>
  378.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schNotes.RowAttributes %>>
  379.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Notes</td>
  380.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schNotes.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">contains<input type="hidden" name="z_schNotes" id="z_schNotes" value="LIKE" /></span></td>
  381.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schNotes.CellAttributes %>>
  382.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  383.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  384. <textarea name="x_schNotes" id="x_schNotes" cols="35" rows="4"<%= tblSchedule.schNotes.EditAttributes %>><%= tblSchedule.schNotes.EditValue %></textarea>
  385. </span></td>
  386.             </tr></table>
  387.         </td>
  388.     </tr>
  389. <% If (Session("tfpssnet_Status_UserName") = "kirkm" Or Session("tfpssnet_Status_UserName") = "admin") Then ' schRate %>
  390.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schRate.RowAttributes %>>
  391.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Rate</td>
  392.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schRate.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schRate" id="z_schRate" value="=" /></span></td>
  393.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schRate.CellAttributes %>>
  394.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  395.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  396. <input type="text" name="x_schRate" id="x_schRate" size="30" value="<%= tblSchedule.schRate.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schRate.EditAttributes %> />
  397. </span></td>
  398.             </tr></table>
  399.         </td>
  400.     </tr>
  401. <% End If%>
  402.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schActualStart.RowAttributes %>>
  403.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Actual Start</td>
  404.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schActualStart.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schActualStart" id="z_schActualStart" value="=" /></span></td>
  405.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schActualStart.CellAttributes %>>
  406.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  407.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  408. <input type="text" name="x_schActualStart" id="x_schActualStart" value="<%= tblSchedule.schActualStart.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schActualStart.EditAttributes %> />
  409. </span></td>
  410.             </tr></table>
  411.         </td>
  412.     </tr>
  413.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schActualEnd.RowAttributes %>>
  414.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Actual End</td>
  415.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schActualEnd.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schActualEnd" id="z_schActualEnd" value="=" /></span></td>
  416.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schActualEnd.CellAttributes %>>
  417.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  418.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  419. <input type="text" name="x_schActualEnd" id="x_schActualEnd" value="<%= tblSchedule.schActualEnd.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schActualEnd.EditAttributes %> />
  420. </span></td>
  421.             </tr></table>
  422.         </td>
  423.     </tr>
  424.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schDateCreated.RowAttributes %>>
  425.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Date Created</td>
  426.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDateCreated.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schDateCreated" id="z_schDateCreated" value="=" /></span></td>
  427.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDateCreated.CellAttributes %>>
  428.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  429.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  430. <input type="text" name="x_schDateCreated" id="x_schDateCreated" value="<%= tblSchedule.schDateCreated.EditValue %>"<%= tblSchedule.schDateCreated.EditAttributes %> />
  431. </span></td>
  432.             </tr></table>
  433.         </td>
  434.     </tr>
  436. <%--    <tr<%= tblSchedule.schDoubleBooked.RowAttributes %>>
  437.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Dbl Bkd</td>
  438.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDoubleBooked.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schDoubleBooked" id="z_schDoubleBooked" value="=" /></span></td>
  439.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schDoubleBooked.CellAttributes %>>
  440.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  441.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  442. <%
  443. If ew_SameStr(tblSchedule.schDoubleBooked.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue, "1") Then
  444.     selwrk = " checked=""checked"""
  445. Else
  446.     selwrk = ""
  447. End If
  448. %>
  449. <input type="checkbox" name="x_schDoubleBooked" id="x_schDoubleBooked" value="1"<%= selwrk %><%= tblSchedule.schDoubleBooked.EditAttributes %> />
  450. </span></td>
  451.             </tr></table>
  452.         </td>
  453.     </tr>
  454. --%>
  456.     <tr<%= tblSchedule.schStatus.RowAttributes %>>
  457.         <td class="ewTableHeader">Status</td>
  458.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schStatus.CellAttributes %>><span class="ewSearchOpr">=<input type="hidden" name="z_schStatus" id="z_schStatus" value="=" /></span></td>
  459.         <td<%= tblSchedule.schStatus.CellAttributes %>>
  460.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewItemTable"><tr>
  461.                 <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  462. <select id="x_schStatus" name="x_schStatus"<%= tblSchedule.schStatus.EditAttributes %>>
  463. <%
  464. emptywrk = True
  465. If ew_IsArrayList(tblSchedule.schStatus.EditValue) Then
  466.     arwrk = tblSchedule.schStatus.EditValue
  467.     For rowcntwrk As Integer = 0 To arwrk.Count - 1
  468.         If ew_SameStr(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0), tblSchedule.schStatus.AdvancedSearch.SearchValue) Then
  469.             selwrk = " selected=""selected"""
  470.             emptywrk = False
  471.         Else
  472.             selwrk = ""
  473.         End If
  474. %>
  475. <option value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(arwrk(rowcntwrk)(0)) %>"<%= selwrk %>>
  476. <%= arwrk(rowcntwrk)(1) %>
  477. </option>
  478. <%
  479.     Next
  480. End If
  481. %>
  482. </select>
  483. </span></td>
  484.             </tr></table>
  485.         </td>
  486.     </tr>
  487. </table>
  488. </div>
  489. </td></tr></table>
  490. <p />
  491. <input type="submit" name="Action" id="Action" value="  Search  " />
  492. <input type="button" name="Reset" id="Reset" value="   Reset   " onclick="ew_ClearForm(this.form);" />
  493. </form>
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