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  1. <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="masterpage.master" ValidateRequest="false" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="tblFixtureMasterlist.aspx.vb" Inherits="tblFixtureMasterlist" CodeFileBaseClass="AspNetMaker7_tfpssnet" %>
  2. <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
  3. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  4. <script type="text/javascript">
  5. <!--
  6. // Create page object
  7. var tblFixtureMaster_list = new ew_Page("tblFixtureMaster_list");
  8. // page properties
  9. tblFixtureMaster_list.PageID = "list"; // page ID
  10. var EW_PAGE_ID = tblFixtureMaster_list.PageID; // for backward compatibility
  11. <% If EW_CLIENT_VALIDATE Then %>
  12. tblFixtureMaster_list.ValidateRequired = true; // uses JavaScript validation
  13. <% Else %>
  14. tblFixtureMaster_list.ValidateRequired = false; // no JavaScript validation
  15. <% End If %>
  16. //-->
  17. </script>
  18. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  19. <!--
  20. // Write your client script here, no need to add script tags.
  21. // To include another .js script, use:
  22. // ew_ClientScriptInclude("my_javascript.js"); 
  23. //-->
  24. </script>
  25. <% End If %>
  26. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  27. <% End If %>
  28. <%
  30. ' Load recordset
  31. Rs = tblFixtureMaster_list.LoadRecordset()
  32.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lStartRec = 1
  33.     If tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs <= 0 Then ' Display all records
  34.         tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs = tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs
  35.     End If
  36.     If Not (tblFixtureMaster.ExportAll AndAlso tblFixtureMaster.Export <> "") Then
  37.         tblFixtureMaster_list.SetUpStartRec() ' Set up start record position
  38.     End If
  39. %>
  40. <p><span class="aspnetmaker" style="white-space: nowrap;">TABLE: Fixture Master
  41. </span></p>
  42. <% If Security.CanSearch Then %>
  43. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" AndAlso tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction = "" Then %>
  44. <a href="javascript:ew_ToggleSearchPanel(tblFixtureMaster_list);" style="text-decoration: none;"><img id="tblFixtureMaster_list_SearchImage" src="images/collapse.gif" alt="" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a><span class="aspnetmaker"> Search</span><br>
  45. <div id="tblFixtureMaster_list_SearchPanel">
  46. <form name="ftblFixtureMasterlistsrch" id="ftblFixtureMasterlistsrch" class="ewForm">
  47. <input type="hidden" id="t" name="t" value="tblFixtureMaster" />
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  49.     <tr>
  50.         <td><span class="aspnetmaker">
  51.             <input type="text" name="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH %>" id="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH %>" size="20" value="<%= ew_HtmlEncode(tblFixtureMaster.BasicSearchKeyword) %>" />
  52.             <input type="Submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Search (*)" /> 
  53.             <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>cmd=reset">Show all</a> 
  54.             <a href="tblFixtureMastersrch.aspx">Advanced Search</a> 
  55.         </span></td>
  56.     </tr>
  57.     <tr>
  58.     <td><span class="aspnetmaker"><label><input type="radio" name="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" id="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" value=""<% If tblFixtureMaster.BasicSearchType = "" Then %> checked="checked"<% End If %> />Exact phrase</label>  <label><input type="radio" name="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" id="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" value="AND"<% If tblFixtureMaster.BasicSearchType = "AND" Then %> checked="checked"<% End If %> />All words</label>  <label><input type="radio" name="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" id="<%= EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE %>" value="OR"<% If tblFixtureMaster.BasicSearchType = "OR" Then %> checked="checked"<% End If %> />Any word</label></span></td>
  59.     </tr>
  60. </table>
  61. </form>
  62. </div>
  63. <% End If %>
  64. <% End If %>
  65. <% tblFixtureMaster_list.ShowMessage() %>
  66. <br />
  67. <table cellspacing="0" class="ewGrid"><tr><td class="ewGridContent">
  68. <div class="ewGridMiddlePanel">
  69. <form name="ftblFixtureMasterlist" id="ftblFixtureMasterlist" class="ewForm" method="post">
  70. <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs > 0 Then %>
  71. <table cellspacing="0" rowhighlightclass="ewTableHighlightRow" rowselectclass="ewTableSelectRow" roweditclass="ewTableEditRow" class="ewTable ewTableSeparate">
  72. <%
  73.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt = 0
  74. If Security.CanView Then
  75.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt + 1 ' View
  76. End If
  77. If Security.CanEdit Then
  78.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt + 1 ' Edit
  79. End If
  80. If Security.CanDelete Then
  81.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt + 1 ' Delete
  82. End If
  83.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lOptionCnt + tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items.Count ' Custom list options
  84. %>
  85. <%= tblFixtureMaster.TableCustomInnerHTML %>
  86. <thead><!-- Table header -->
  87.     <tr class="ewTableHeader">
  88. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  89. <% If Security.CanView Then %>
  90. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"> </td>
  91. <% End If %>
  92. <% If Security.CanEdit Then %>
  93. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"> </td>
  94. <% End If %>
  95. <% If Security.CanDelete Then %>
  96. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"> </td>
  97. <% End If %>
  98. <%
  100. ' Custom list options
  101. For i As Integer = 0 to tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items.Count -1
  102.     If tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items(i).Visible Then Response.Write(tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items(i).HeaderCellHtml)
  103. Next
  104. %>
  105. <% End If %>
  106. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.Visible Then ' lfxMFG %>
  107.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG) = "" Then %>
  108.         <td>Manufacturer</td>
  109.     <% Else %>
  110.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG) %>',2);">
  111.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Manufacturer (*)</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  112.         </td>
  113.     <% End If %>
  114. <% End If %>        
  115. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.Visible Then ' lfxModelType %>
  116.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType) = "" Then %>
  117.         <td>Model / Type</td>
  118.     <% Else %>
  119.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType) %>',2);">
  120.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Model / Type (*)</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  121.         </td>
  122.     <% End If %>
  123. <% End If %>        
  124. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.Visible Then ' lfxSerialNumber %>
  125.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber) = "" Then %>
  126.         <td>Serial Number</td>
  127.     <% Else %>
  128.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber) %>',2);">
  129.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Serial Number (*)</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  130.         </td>
  131.     <% End If %>
  132. <% End If %>        
  133. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.Visible Then ' lfxLamp %>
  134.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp) = "" Then %>
  135.         <td>Lamp</td>
  136.     <% Else %>
  137.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp) %>',2);">
  138.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Lamp (*)</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  139.         </td>
  140.     <% End If %>
  141. <% End If %>        
  142. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.Visible Then ' lfxLocationID %>
  143.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID) = "" Then %>
  144.         <td>Location</td>
  145.     <% Else %>
  146.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID) %>',2);">
  147.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Location</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  148.         </td>
  149.     <% End If %>
  150. <% End If %>        
  151. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.Visible Then ' lfxHangPos %>
  152.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos) = "" Then %>
  153.         <td>Hang Pos</td>
  154.     <% Else %>
  155.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos) %>',2);">
  156.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Hang Pos (*)</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  157.         </td>
  158.     <% End If %>
  159. <% End If %>        
  160. <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.Visible Then ' lfxChannel %>
  161.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel) = "" Then %>
  162.         <td>Channel</td>
  163.     <% Else %>
  164.         <td class="ewPointer" onmousedown="ew_Sort(event,'<%= tblFixtureMaster.SortUrl(tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel) %>',2);">
  165.             <table cellspacing="0" class="ewTableHeaderBtn"><tr><td>Channel</td><td style="width: 10px;"><% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.Sort = "ASC" Then %><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% ElseIf tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.Sort = "DESC" Then %><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><% End If %></td></tr></table>
  166.         </td>
  167.     <% End If %>
  168. <% End If %>        
  169.     </tr>
  170. </thead>
  171. <tbody><!-- Table body -->
  172. <%
  173. If (tblFixtureMaster.ExportAll AndAlso tblFixtureMaster.Export <> "") Then
  174.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lStopRec = tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs
  175. Else
  176.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lStopRec = tblFixtureMaster_list.lStartRec + tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs - 1 ' Set the last record to display
  177. End If
  178. If tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction = "gridadd" AndAlso tblFixtureMaster_list.lStopRec = -1 Then
  179.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lStopRec = EW_GRIDADD_ROWS
  180. End If 
  182. ' Move to first record
  183. For i As Integer = 1 to tblFixtureMaster_list.lStartRec - 1
  184.     If Rs.Read() Then    tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt + 1
  185. Next        
  186. tblFixtureMaster_list.lRowCnt = 0
  188. ' Output data rows
  189. Do While (tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction = "gridadd" OrElse Rs.Read()) AndAlso (tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt < tblFixtureMaster_list.lStopRec)
  190.     tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt + 1
  191.     If tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecCnt >= tblFixtureMaster_list.lStartRec Then
  192.         tblFixtureMaster_list.lRowCnt = tblFixtureMaster_list.lRowCnt + 1
  193.     tblFixtureMaster.CssClass = ""
  194.     tblFixtureMaster.CssStyle = ""
  195.     tblFixtureMaster.RowClientEvents = "onmouseover='ew_MouseOver(event, this);' onmouseout='ew_MouseOut(event, this);' onclick='ew_Click(event, this);'"
  196.     If tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction = "gridadd" Then
  197.         tblFixtureMaster_list.LoadDefaultValues() ' Load default values
  198.     Else
  199.         tblFixtureMaster_list.LoadRowValues(Rs) ' Load row values
  200.     End If
  201.     tblFixtureMaster.RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_VIEW ' Render view
  203.     ' Render row
  204.     tblFixtureMaster_list.RenderRow()
  205. %>
  206.     <tr<%= tblFixtureMaster.RowAttributes %>>
  207. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  208. <% If Security.CanView Then %>
  209. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"><span class="aspnetmaker">
  210. <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster.ViewUrl %>"><img src='images/view.gif' alt='View' title='View' width='16' height='16' border='0'></a>
  211. </span></td>
  212. <% End If %>
  213. <% If Security.CanEdit Then %>
  214. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"><span class="aspnetmaker">
  215. <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster.EditUrl %>"><img src='images/edit.gif' alt='Edit' title='Edit' width='16' height='16' border='0'></a>
  216. </span></td>
  217. <% End If %>
  218. <% If Security.CanDelete Then %>
  219. <td style="white-space: nowrap;"><span class="aspnetmaker">
  220. <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster.DeleteUrl %>"><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Delete' title='Delete' width='16' height='16' border='0'></a>
  221. </span></td>
  222. <% End If %>
  223. <%
  225. ' Custom list options
  226. For i As Integer = 0 to tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items.Count -1
  227.     If tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items(i).Visible Then Response.Write(tblFixtureMaster_list.ListOptions.Items(i).BodyCellHtml)
  228. Next
  229. %>
  230. <% End If %>
  231.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.Visible Then ' lfxMFG %>
  232.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.CellAttributes %>>
  233. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxMFG.ListViewValue %></div>
  234. </td>
  235.     <% End If %>
  236.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.Visible Then ' lfxModelType %>
  237.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.CellAttributes %>>
  238. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxModelType.ListViewValue %></div>
  239. </td>
  240.     <% End If %>
  241.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.Visible Then ' lfxSerialNumber %>
  242.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.CellAttributes %>>
  243. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxSerialNumber.ListViewValue %></div>
  244. </td>
  245.     <% End If %>
  246.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.Visible Then ' lfxLamp %>
  247.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.CellAttributes %>>
  248. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLamp.ListViewValue %></div>
  249. </td>
  250.     <% End If %>
  251.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.Visible Then ' lfxLocationID %>
  252.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.CellAttributes %>>
  253. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxLocationID.ListViewValue %></div>
  254. </td>
  255.     <% End If %>
  256.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.Visible Then ' lfxHangPos %>
  257.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.CellAttributes %>>
  258. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxHangPos.ListViewValue %></div>
  259. </td>
  260.     <% End If %>
  261.     <% If tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.Visible Then ' lfxChannel %>
  262.         <td<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.CellAttributes %>>
  263. <div<%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.ViewAttributes %>><%= tblFixtureMaster.lfxChannel.ListViewValue %></div>
  264. </td>
  265.     <% End If %>
  266.     </tr>
  267. <%
  268.     End If
  269. Loop
  270. %>
  271. </tbody>
  272. </table>
  273. <% End If %>
  274. </form>
  275. <%
  277. ' Close recordset
  278. Rs.Close()
  279. Rs.Dispose()
  280. %>
  281. </div>
  282. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  283. <div class="ewGridLowerPanel">
  284. <% If tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction <> "gridadd" AndAlso tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction <> "gridedit" Then %>
  285. <form name="ewpagerform" id="ewpagerform" class="ewForm">
  286. <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ewPager">
  287.     <tr>
  288.         <td>
  289. <span class="aspnetmaker">
  290. <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager Is Nothing Then tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager = New cNumericPager(tblFixtureMaster_list.lStartRec, tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs, tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs, tblFixtureMaster_list.lRecRange) %>
  291. <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.RecordCount > 0 Then %>
  292.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.FirstButton.Enabled Then %>
  293.     <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>start=<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.FirstButton.Start %>">First</a> 
  294.     <% End If %>
  295.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.PrevButton.Enabled Then %>
  296.     <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>start=<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.PrevButton.Start %>">Previous</a> 
  297.     <% End If %>
  298.     <% For Each PagerItem As cPagerItem In tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.Items %>
  299.         <% If PagerItem.Enabled Then %><a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>start=<%= PagerItem.Start %>"><% End If %><%= PagerItem.Text %><% If PagerItem.Enabled Then %></a><% End If %> 
  300.     <% Next %>
  301.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.NextButton.Enabled Then %>
  302.     <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>start=<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.NextButton.Start %>">Next</a> 
  303.     <% End If %>
  304.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.LastButton.Enabled Then %>
  305.     <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.PageUrl %>start=<%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.LastButton.Start %>">Last</a> 
  306.     <% End If %>
  307.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.ButtonCount > 0 Then %>    <%    End If %>
  308.     Records <%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.FromIndex %> to <%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.ToIndex %> of <%= tblFixtureMaster_list.Pager.RecordCount %>
  309. <% Else %>
  310.     <% If Security.CanList Then %>
  311.     <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.sSrchWhere = "0=101" Then %>
  312.     Please enter search criteria
  313.     <% Else %>
  314.     No records found
  315.     <% End If %>
  316.     <% Else %>
  317.     You do not have the right permission to view the page
  318.     <% End If %>
  319. <% End If %>
  320. </span>
  321.         </td>
  322. <% If tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs > 0 Then %>
  323.         <td>    </td>
  324.         <td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>Page Size </td><td>
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  326. <select name="<%= EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE %>" id="<%= EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE %>" onchange="this.form.submit();" class="aspnetmaker">
  327. <option value="10"<% If tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs = 10 Then %> selected="selected"<% End If %>>10</option>
  328. <option value="20"<% If tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs = 20 Then %> selected="selected"<% End If %>>20</option>
  329. <option value="50"<% If tblFixtureMaster_list.lDisplayRecs = 50 Then %> selected="selected"<% End If %>>50</option>
  330. <option value="ALL"<% If tblFixtureMaster.RecordsPerPage = -1 Then %> selected="selected"<% End If %>>All</option>
  331. </select></td></tr></table>
  332.         </td>
  333. <% End If %>
  334.     </tr>
  335. </table>
  336. </form>
  337. <% End If %>
  338. <% 'If tblFixtureMaster_list.lTotalRecs > 0 Then %>
  339. <div class="aspnetmaker">
  340. <% If Security.CanAdd Then %>
  341. <a href="<%= tblFixtureMaster.AddUrl %>">Add</a>  
  342. <% End If %>
  343. </div>
  344. <% 'End If %>
  345. </div>
  346. <% End If %>
  347. </td></tr></table>
  348. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" AndAlso tblFixtureMaster.CurrentAction = "" Then %>
  349. <script type="text/javascript">
  350. <!--
  351. //ew_ToggleSearchPanel(tblFixtureMaster_list); // uncomment to init search panel as collapsed
  352. //-->
  353. </script>
  354. <% End If %>
  355. <% If tblFixtureMaster.Export = "" Then %>
  356. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  357. <!--
  358. // Write your table-specific startup script here
  359. // document.write("page loaded");
  360. //-->
  361. </script>
  362. <% End If %>
  363. </asp:Content>