The Macintosh operating system is vast and internally complicated. We have addressed many of the problems or incompatabilities that are likely to arise. Some exceptions you should be aware of are:
• The AEHD+ Disk Drive works with many popular accelerators. The AEHD+ Control Panel software has several selections that you can make depending on the accelerator you have. If your accelerator is not listed in the Control Panel, try the other selections as some accelerators are manufactured by a single company and sold under other brand labels. There are some accelerators with which the AEHD+ does not work. These are: Radius Rocket for Macintosh II (NuBus), DayStar Digital PowerCache for Macintosh II, Radius' Macintosh SE and Macintosh Plus Accelerators. If the accelerator that you are using is not listed in the AEHD+ Control Panel and is not one of the units listed above, you may want to experiment with renaming the AEHD+ Control Panel so that it loads before or after the accelerator software (remember, Extensions/INITs and Control Panels load in alphabetical order). System 7 users: if the accelerator software is an extension, you can accomplish the same thing by making an alias of the AEHD+ Control Panel. Leave the AEHD+ alias in the Control Panels folder and move the original file into the extensions folder. You can then arrange the AEHD+ file by renaming it (or using a startup manager) and you will still be able to access the Control Panel as normal.
Apple DiskCopy
• Apple DiskCopy 4.2 communicates with the floppy drives by directly accessing the hardware registers. As a result, DiskCopy does not recognize the presence of the AEHD+ Disk Drive.