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Text File
413 lines
; This file contains some usefull procedures and constants.
; *********************************************************************
; Set amount of memory reserved by LOGO.
( system 2 122880 )
; Scramble random number generater.
( seedrand * 100 seconds )
; Has this file allready been loaded?
if buriedp "startup-stuff [ unbury :startup-stuff ] [ ]
; *********************************************************************
; Numerical constants.
make "e 2.71828182845904523536
make "pi 3.14159265358979323846
; *********************************************************************
; all
; Output list of all names.
make "all [ procedure [ ] output se namelist burylist ]
; *********************************************************************
; allnames
; Output list of names bound to something other than procedures.
make "allnames [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :scr-n :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
make "scr-n se burylist namelist
[ make "scr-x first :scr-n
make "scr-n bf :scr-n
if ( or primitivep :scr-x
procedurep :scr-x
if > 4 count :scr-x
[ false ]
[ = "scr- items 1 4 :scr-x ] )
[ ]
[ make "scr-o fput :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
[ not emptyp :scr-n ]
output :scr-o ]
; *********************************************************************
; allprocs
; Output list of names bound to procedures.
make "allprocs [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :scr-n :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
make "scr-n se burylist namelist
[ make "scr-x first :scr-n
make "scr-n bf :scr-n
if procedurep :scr-x
[ make "scr-o fput :scr-x :scr-o ]
[ ] ]
[ not emptyp :scr-n ]
output :scr-o ]
; *********************************************************************
; edit name
; name-list
; Edit the contents of named variables. You may replace "qed" with the
; name of the text editor of your choice.
make "edit [
procedure [ [ :scr-n ] ]
prosave "ram:LOGO-workspace :scr-n
doscommand [ qed ram:LOGO-workspace ]
load "ram:LOGO-workspace ]
; *********************************************************************
; end
; Closes all files, windows, and screens, returns to toplevel.
make "end [
procedure [ ]
while [ not emptyp filelist ] [ close first filelist ]
while [ not emptyp screenlist ] [ closescreen first screenlist ]
while [ not emptyp windowlist ] [ closewindow first windowlist ]
while [ not emptyp system 6 ] [ ( system 5 first system 6 ) ]
toplevel ]
; *********************************************************************
; filter list list
; Output list of all items in the second list except the items that are
; in the first list.
make "filter [
procedure [ [ :r :f ] [ ] [ :o ] ]
while [ not emptyp :f ]
[ if memberp first :f :r
[ ]
[ make "o fput first :f :o ]
make "f bf :f ]
output reverse :o ]
; *********************************************************************
; ignore object (...)
; Does nothing. Ignores the output of an operation.
make "ignore [ procedure [ [ :i1 ] :i2 ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; initmenu
; Set up the command window menus and demons.
make "com-menu [ \ \ \ LOGO\ \ \ \ \
[ \ Load L ]
[ \ Save [ \ Names N ]
[ \ Procs P ]
[ \ All A ] ]
[ \ Interrupt I ]
[ \ Top\ Level T ]
[ \ End E ]
[ \ Restart R ]
[ \ Quit Q ] ]
make "initmenu [
procedure [ ]
whenmenu [ domenu getmenu ]
setmenu @0 :com-menu ]
make "domenu [
procedure [ [ :scr-menu ] [ ] [ :scr-sub ] ]
if = @0 first :scr-menu
[ if = 1 item 2 :scr-menu
[ do-com-menu :scr-menu ]
[ if and procedurep "more-menus
not = 0 item 2 :scr-menu
[ more-menus :scr-menu ]
[ ] ] ]
[ if procedurep "window-menus
[ window-menus :scr-menu ]
[ ] ] ]
make "do-com-menu [
procedure [ [ :scr-menu ] [ ] [ :scr-sub ] ]
make "scr-sub item 4 :scr-menu
make "scr-menu item 3 :scr-menu
[ [ = 1 :scr-menu ]
[ pr [ ]
make "scr-menu ( filerequest "Load\ File\ \ -\ )
if emptyp :scr-menu
[ pr "CANCELED ]
[ type :scr-menu
load :scr-menu
pr "LOADED ]
type "? ]
[ = 2 :scr-menu ]
[ pr [ ]
make "scr-menu ( filerequest "Save\ File\ \ -\ )
if emptyp :scr-menu
[ pr "CANCELED ]
[ type :scr-menu
[ [ = 1 :scr-sub ] [ prosave :scr-menu names ]
[ = 2 :scr-sub ] [ prosave :scr-menu procs ]
[ = 3 :scr-sub ] [ prosave :scr-menu all ] ]
pr "SAVED ]
type "? ]
[ = 3 :scr-menu ] [ interrupt ]
[ = 4 :scr-menu ] [ toplevel ]
[ = 5 :scr-menu ] [ end ]
[ = 6 :scr-menu ] [ restart ]
[ = 7 :scr-menu ] [ quit ] ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; interupt
; A LOGO command shell that may be run from within other procedures.
make "interrupt [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :scr-list ] ]
while [ not memberp "cont :scr-list ]
[ catch "error [
while [ type "--> make "scr-list rl not memberp "cont :scr-list ]
[ run :scr-list ]
stop ]
poerror ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; link name
; Output list of all procedures needed to run the named procedure.
make "link [
procedure [ [ :proc-name ] [ ] [ :link-list ] ]
if procedurep :proc-name
[ make "link-list se :proc-name [ ]
linksub bf bf thing :proc-name ]
[ ( pr :proc-name [ is not a procedure ] ) output [ ] ]
output :link-list ]
make "linksub [
procedure [ [ :proc-list ] [ ] [ :lfirst ] ]
if emptyp :proc-list [ stop ] [ ]
make "lfirst first :proc-list
[ [ listp :lfirst ] [ linksub :lfirst ]
[ procedurep :lfirst ]
[ if memberp :lfirst :link-list
[ ]
[ make "link-list fput :lfirst :link-list
linksub bf bf thing :lfirst ] ] ]
linksub bf :proc-list stop ]
; *********************************************************************
; names
; Output list of unburied names bound to something other than
; procedures.
make "names [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :scr-n :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
make "scr-n namelist
[ make "scr-x first :scr-n
make "scr-n bf :scr-n
if ( or primitivep :scr-x
procedurep :scr-x
if > 4 count :scr-x
[ false ]
[ = "scr- items 1 4 :scr-x ] )
[ ]
[ make "scr-o fput :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
[ not emptyp :scr-n ]
output :scr-o ]
; *********************************************************************
; procs
; Output list of unburied names bound to procedures.
make "procs [
procedure [ [ ] [ ] [ :scr-n :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
make "scr-n namelist
[ make "scr-x first :scr-n
make "scr-n bf :scr-n
if procedurep :scr-x
[ make "scr-o fput :scr-x :scr-o ]
[ ] ]
[ not emptyp :scr-n ]
output :scr-o ]
; *********************************************************************
; prosave file-name name
; file-name name-list
; Save names, their bindings, and their protection (bury) status to
; file.
make "prosave [
procedure [ [ :scr-fn :scr-n ] [ ] [ :scr-b :scr-fp ] ]
if listp :scr-n
[ make "scr-b justburied :scr-n ]
[ if buriedp :scr-n
[ make "scr-b se :scr-n [ ] ]
[ make "scr-b [ ] ] ]
if emptyp :scr-b
[ save :scr-fn :scr-n ]
[ make "scr-fp open :scr-fn
catch "error
[ fprint :scr-fp [ ]
fprint :scr-fp [ ]
( fshow :scr-fp "unbury :scr-b )
fprint :scr-fp [ ]
fprintout :scr-fp :scr-n
fprint :scr-fp [ ]
( fshow :scr-fp "bury :scr-b )
fprint :scr-fp [ ] ]
close :scr-fp ] ]
make "justburied [
procedure [ [ :scr-n ] [ ] [ :scr-x :scr-o ] ]
[ make "scr-x first :scr-n
make "scr-n bf :scr-n
if buriedp :scr-x
[ make "scr-o fput :scr-x :scr-o ]
[ ] ]
[ not emptyp :scr-n ]
output :scr-o ]
; *********************************************************************
; restart
; Closes windows, screens, and files, erases all but startup-stuff.
; Restores LOGO to startup condition.
make "restart [
procedure [ ]
setmenu @0 [ ]
whenclose [ ]
whenmenu [ ]
whenmouse [ ]
whenchar [ ]
if buriedp "startup-stuff
[ erase filter :startup-stuff all
end ]
[ erase namelist
erase burylist
toplevel ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; reverse object ( object )
; Reverse the order of the items in the object.
make "reverse [
procedure [ [ :from ] [ :into ] ]
if emptyp :into
[ if wordp :from
[ make "into " ] [ ] ] [ ]
if emptyp :from
[ output :into ]
[ output ( reverse bf :from fput first :from :into ) ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; sort test list
; Sort list according to test. Where "test" is the compare operation.
; sort "alphap all
; sort [ not alphap ] all
make "sort [
procedure [ [ :comparep :ra ] [ ] [ :n :l :j :ir :i :rra ] ]
make "comparep ( se [ procedure [ [ :a :b ] ] output ]
[ :a :b ] )
make "n count :ra
make "ra se :ra [ ]
make "l + 1 int / :n 2
make "ir :n
while [ true ]
[ if > :l 1
[ make "l - :l 1
make "rra item :l :ra ]
[ make "rra item :ir :ra
repitem :ir :ra item 1 :ra
make "ir - :ir 1
if = :ir 1
[ output fput :rra bf :ra ] [ ] ]
make "i :l
make "j * 2 :l
while [ >= :ir :j ]
[ if if < :j :ir
[ comparep item :j :ra item + 1 :j :ra ]
[ false ]
[ make "j + 1 :j ] [ ]
if comparep :rra item :j :ra
[ repitem :i :ra item :j :ra
make "i :j
make "j + :i :j ]
[ make "j + 1 :ir ] ]
repitem :i :ra :rra ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; turtle ( bit-planes )
; Prepare screen, window, and turtle for simple turtle graphics.
make "turtle [
procedure [ [ ] [ :d ] ]
if numberp :d [ ] [ make "d 1 ]
( intuition 6 @0 )
make "s1 ( openscreen 3 :d [ turtle ] )
make "w1 openwindow :s1
make "t1 openturtle :w1
setrgb :s1 0 [ 0 0 0 ]
setrgb :s1 1 [ 14 14 14 ]
( intuition 2 @0 0 0 )
( intuition 8 @0 550 54 )
if < 300 peek -2 psum peek 0 :s1 14
[ ( intuition 1 @0 0 350 ) ]
[ ( intuition 1 @0 0 150 ) ]
( intuition 6 @0 ) ]
; *********************************************************************
; vpr object
; Print out contents of lists verticaly.
make "vpr [
procedure [ [ :l ] [ :i ] ]
if emptyp :i [ make "i 0 ] [ ]
repeat :i [ type "\ ]
if listp :l
[ pr "[
while [ not emptyp :l ]
[ ( vpr first :l + 1 :i )
make "l bf :l ]
repeat :i [ type "\ ]
pr "] ]
[ pr :l ] ]
; *********************************************************************
; Names defined in this file.
make "startup-stuff [ e pi edit prosave allnames names
allprocs procs justburied all link linksub ignore
end reverse filter initmenu domenu do-com-menu interrupt restart
sort ppr com-menu turtle startup-stuff ]
bury :startup-stuff
; *********************************************************************
; Set up the command window menus and demons.